Our Blog

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  • #88860
    SussexSocialist wrote:
    I am, but I still can’t read stuff that I ain’t been sent…….!

    Unless the list is out of date it appears only comrades A Johnstone and R Stafford are on the blog department.If you wish to be on the department proper seek an nomination from your (or any other) branch.


    I have a Blog on the World Socialist Movement ( besides the forum in Spanish )  but it takes me time to publish any articles related to socialism because  I must translate them first, and I am very busy on others forum writing commentaries and reviews on others articles published by the WSM, or clarifying certain wrongs conceptions about socialism. The Bolsheviks and the left wingers have done a great damage to socialism.  Seventy years of Leninism have only created confusions and apathy, it is a very difficult task to deal with the left, it is like dealing with protestant. I know the SPGB blog ( SOYMB ) has a section at the right which shows the titles or the names of the articles, but it will be easier to look under the titles instead of be searching year per year

    admin wrote:
    SussexSocialist wrote:
    I am, but I still can’t read stuff that I ain’t been sent…….!

    Unless the list is out of date it appears only comrades A Johnstone and R Stafford are on the blog department.If you wish to be on the department proper seek an nomination from your (or any other) branch.

     I have been and accepted and ratified………..out of date it seems to be then…..


    If anyone contacts the blog try not to drag up their past and riducule their views as this may put them off. Try to avoid stereotyping them as ‘left wing’ as such generalisations appear ignorant to the intelligent worker. Try to address their arguments and avoid being dismissive and sarcastic. then we may get more members. This is just my experience of the SPGB so far. Hope this helps. LOL

    SussexSocialist wrote:
    I have been and accepted and ratified………..out of date it seems to be then…..

    I suggest you contact the general secretary to get your email address added to the list. Then you’ll be properly in the loop.

    DJP wrote:
    I suggest you contact the general secretary to get your email address added to the list.

    He was only appointed less than 2 weeks ago at the Skype EC meeting of 4 August! In view of the super-efficiency of the Assistant Secretary I imagine he’s already been added to the list.

    ALB wrote:
    In view of the super-efficiency of the Assistant Secretary I imagine he’s already been added to the list.

     Well, not quite sure about that.  If it’s anything to go by a number of comrades do not appear on the latest Spintcom Committee list.  And I know for a fact that not all members of the Audio/Visual and Campaigns Departments are included in the respective lists of email aliases and this probably applies to the Blog Department as well.Let’s hope the updates don’t take as long as the Socialist Standard digitization process……….


    I am still none the wiser however to the discussion taking place elsewhere – why can’t it be on the forum? One minute everyone is championing the open nature of the Party and arguing against private discussions, etc., the next it seems there are furtive e-mail lists you have to apply to be on………make your minds up comrades!

    SussexSocialist wrote:
    I am still none the wiser however to the discussion taking place elsewhere – why can’t it be on the forum? One minute everyone is championing the open nature of the Party and arguing against private discussions, etc., the next it seems there are furtive e-mail lists you have to apply to be on………make your minds up comrades!

     You may be under some misapprehension SS.  There are no “furtive e-mail lists” to the best of my knowledge.  The Committee list referred to is simply a list of Party Officers, Appointees, Departments, and Committee.  Pursuant to an Executive Committee resolution, each Party Officer, Appointee, Department, and Committee has been assigned a dedicated e-mail alias. Mail sent to these e-mail addresses will be automatically forwarded to the Officer/Appointee in question, or to all members on the Department/Committee who have an e-mail address.  So, for example, an e-mail sent to spgb.blog@worldsocialism.org will reach all the members on that department.


    Fair enough, it just seems like there is some email discussion going on in the background. I await my revelation with interest and it better be worth the wait…….! ;-)


    Apologies for the belated response. Computer problems are hopefully been temporarily at least resolved. My view is that it should transform into a daily e-zine. Logistics and finances determine that we can only produce a monthly journal but with the internet we have a capability of a wide ranging commentary incorporating just straight forward press clippings that often needs little comment, some deeper analyses on specific themes, and special commemorative events. It  does not lead to an overlap or duplication between the blog or the Standard but could be complementary. I have previously mentioned that writers would benefit from a search of SOYMB in preparing articles, just as i use the archives.If i said we could produce a daily newspaper even though with just a circulation of a few hundred each day but lose no money nor require paper sellers,  i am sure many would rightly say go for it.  All required is sufficient bloggers and volunteers, ideal for the armchair revolutionaries.Adam’s criticism that it should have only one daily post is something i cannot understand. Too much goes on in the world but i am sure for visitors that doesn’t mean they have too much is going on their lives that they are incapable of viewing a few posts on a daily basis, even if it means perhaps returning to a more lengthy wordy post at their leisure. There are also practical problems on determining priorities and delegation.Certainly a change in the lay-out and presentation is required. Something more easy on the eye. Word-press has been suggested and the blogs incorporation within the web-site may be beneficial although with my plagiarism i hesitate in linking the blog and the official web-site too closely.


    I am willing to help


    Hi Alan! I like the idea of an e-zine, but perhaps weekly or bi-weekly rather than daily. Although there is a lot going an e-zine would have to better written and laid out and as such means an even greater investment of time and research by comrades. Better to go for less frequent / higher quality I think. A downloadable e-zine would also allow for longer articles to be incorporated as people can read them on e-readers/smart phones at their leisure rather than being chained to a computer based blog (although I know these can be read on those devices too, but a regular publishing date of an e-zine would make downloading easier). I think we are all agreed that some change is necessary though!


    Er, don’t we already have a downloadable e-zine? It’s called the Socialist Standard!I think with web based publishing it’s best to get away from monthly or weekly publishing schedules. Wouldn’t the aim be to eventually be an alternative to something like say the BBC news website? Daily posting is best if it can be maintained.Logistics wise it is a lot easier if the venture where to be incorporated into the main website.

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