This claim that "Marx was responsible for genocide" is quite often made on various forums I am on by sundry rabid right wing trolls prone to citing figures from the so called "Black Book of Communism", a completely discredited piece of fiction disowned I believe by even one or two of its original contributors. Even going along with the lie that the various brutal state capitalist regimes that carried out this genocide had something to do with communism, these figures are nowhere near accurate. Some examples of “victims of genocide” – deaths resulting from famine or neglect – could equally be attributed to American Capitalism or British capitalism as well as Soviet capitalism. Unfortunately, AVPS does not do a very effective demolition job on the stupidity of Hannan’s whole line of argument and rather blots his/her copy book by citing the Russian revolution as an example of a “socialist revolution” to refute Hannan’s claim that Marx was wrong in his prediction that a socialist revolution will happen