Online meetings

March 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement Online meetings

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  • #119725
    Bijou Drains

    By the way Matt have you ever had a conductive hearing test, I suffered from deafnees for years until a audiologist discovered I had otosclerosis, I had a stapedotemy in my right ear 3 years ago and the hearing in that ear has gone from 10% to 98%. Worth getting it tested


    If you follow a written agenda and minute the branch business meeting as is supposed to take place, then hearing-impaired members can participate too.


    Tristan,Your points are good, and valid, though nothing you raise is, to my mind, insurmountable.It occurs to me what I am basically modelling the approach on is the way we organise conference, one branch can move a motion without seconding, the reports are collated and distributed at the start of the meeting, and voting takes place afterwards.So, we'd have an agenda that went:Agreement of chairMinutes, reports and items of businessDiscussionVotingThe chair could collate a single 'ballot paper' and mark out where items/motions conflicted.  As for seconders, a different approach is one person can put forward a motion, and if no-one else even discusses it, it is deemed to be dropped.  However, the channel limitations of a face-to-face meeting are absent, muiltiple 'conversations' can be had at the same time (with suitable threading).  SO's could make clear that only one contribution is allowed per thread, to prevent flooding by one member.  Stages of a meetign could be recursive, if something needs to go to the vote early, or if a late item comes up.  I think I basically need to work this into something meaningful by ADM, I'll try to remember to run a draft past you.(Conference calling is utterly irrelevent to this discussion, normal standing orders work perferctly well with some non-controversial tweeks).

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