Off Topic Posting

January 2025 Forums Website / Technical Off Topic Posting

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  • #84241
    steve colborn

    Read the threads and posts on the Party Forum. Now state honestly, how many posts are "Off Topic! Furthermore, when reading the Threads with their concomittant posts, take note of how many times someone is "pulled" for "Off Topic" posting.

    If you,  "like me, are honest in your appraisal of the Site, its Threads and posts, you can have no other conclusion than "Off Topic" posts are "Rife", on this site.

    As they are so "Rife", one would expect more "Warnings", "words in ones 'Shell-like' " and suspensions but this is not bourne out!

    Are "Off Topic" posts, in and of themselves harmful to site functioning? In many instances, "Off Topic" posts have led onto other threads being established. Are they "in and of themselves" harmful? I would say not. As conscious members of our class, can users, (as adults) not merely "ignore" "Off Topic" posts and allow them to die a natural death? Or is it that, as a bunch of "Gobshites" we simply "have" to have the last word?

    Members should consider what is being said and furthermore, consider actions that are being used to "control" others and also, whether actions are being taken Objectively or subjectively!

    It is not as if this, our "Flagship" site, is being over run with posts in the first place, nor contributors to make them!!!

    steve colborn

    I have just read the final page on the "Are physical meetings the best form of democratic control in 2015?". Every single post, if one adheres strictly to the thread Heading, is "Off Topic"! Now tell me, and I've just finished reading the full page, how many have been "Flagged" as "Off Topic"? Not one!


    This is in the wrong section of this forum.


    You are in essence correct Steve. The last posts you refer to in the "Are physical meetings the best form of democratic control in 2015", are what I would describe as related off-topic. This is to be found in most discussions online and in real world face to face discussions. It's very heard to monitor and if strict adherence to rules is followed threads would likely run dry.The job of a Mod is a thankless task. 

    steve colborn

    So we have some wise ass, flagging "my" post (wonder what reason is given) and also Adam telling me this thread is in the wrong section of the Forum!Hi Adam, I wasn't sure where to place this thread, Website/Technical or General. So I opted for this section of the Forum.As for "Off Topic", well, either we have no leeway for "any" and I do mean "any" post/posts or, have it stated categorically that there is a purely ad hoc approach to site moderation. This would be the simplest way to address the issue and would have the added bonus of letting everyone know where they stood/stand.

    steve colborn wrote:
     Hi Adam, I wasn't sure where to place this thread, Website/Technical or General. So I opted for this section of the Forum.As for "Off Topic", well, either we have no leeway for "any" and I do mean "any" post/posts or, have it stated categorically that there is a purely ad hoc approach to site moderation. This would be the simplest way to address the issue and would have the added bonus of letting everyone know where they stood/stand.

    I moved this thread to this section where it belongs. May I remind you of #76 on the Moderation Suggestion thread. "After much deliberation on the issues raised in #73 above and on other threads within this foru, plus many PM's, I've decide to introduce some slight changes to the moderation protocol. Firstly, I intend using the Reminder Posts more frequently.  Rather than posting one reminder per rule, per thread, then weeks and perhaps months down the line – especially on long threads – issuing seemingly out of the blue a warning quickly followed by a suspension, I will post a further reminder rather than a warning so the flow of discussion is not interrupted.    Secondly, instead of a 3rd Warning followed by an automatic suspension I would issue  'A 3rd and Final warning' and also PM the user breaching the guidelines and rules making it plain to them that if there is a further breach of the guidelines and rules they will be suspended.  Thirdly, each notice of suspension will be worded, "Despite a 3rd Final warning and a PM this user continued to breach the guidelines and rules and is suspended for an indefinite period."In effect these changes will provide an opportunity for the user and myself to deliberate over a positive outcome so that the flow of discussion is not interrupted and continues to benefit all users of the forum.  I would like to thank all users who have contributed in this discussion and helped me in resolving this issue. I've also decided to take further measures when users successively breach the guidelines and rules. When such incidents occur instead of issuing a warning to the post in question I may remove the post to either the Off-Topic, or Rubbish section.  Nonetheless, depending on the number of times and how frequently I have to take such action I will consider implementing the protocol above if deemed necessary.These further changes will be posted on the Moderation Suggestion thread shortly.What this means in practice is I've stretched the guidelines and rules – plus my tolerance – as far has they can go.  Hopefully, these changes will encourage users to stay within the guidelines and rules and also ensure the flow of discussion is maximised. Please excuse the formatting.


    I'll probably get a bollocking from someone for this, Steve, but why don't you complain to OFFCOM or even to OFFTOP.

    ALB wrote:
    This is in the wrong section of this forum.

     Rule 14? I receive suspension for this breach 

    Vin wrote:
    ALB wrote:
    This is in the wrong section of this forum.

     Rule 14? I receive suspension for this breach 

     surely this should be removed to the rubbish bin? Or do the rules only apply to Vin

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