North East Regional Branch

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement North East Regional Branch

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    Then omit the names or use initials etc. Available on request is not as available as 'freely available' as ex-wives or ex-husbands might testify to.

    DJP wrote:
    Vin Maratty wrote:
    How are branch minutes 'freely available' if they are not published online?

    So nothing was freely available before the advent of the internet? Good job I'm too young not to remember those times ;)

    'Freely available' is a relative term.  Now that we do have the Internet information can be made more readily accessible than ever before.  Just as it is now easier and quicker (at least in theory) to make contact with each other via email than by post, private messenger or mail coach.

    ALB wrote:
    Some members do not want their names published all over the internet for debt collectors, the tax authorities, their employer or ex-wife seeking alimony to see and follow up.

    Seemingly there are no objections to EC, ADM and Conference minutes being published online so why is there a distinction being made with Branch minutes?  Members who do not want their names published can easily request they be referred to instead by their initials. Kent & Sussex once had a member who was ostensibly squeamish about his name being published in Branch minutes whilst at the same time having no objection to his name appearing in full at the foot of Socialist Standard articles he had written.


    I'd be happy with a party-wide convention of referring to names by initials if it meant branch minutes were published online.

    ALB wrote:
     Some members do not want their names published all over the internet for debt collectors, the tax authorities, their employer or ex-wife seeking alimony to see and follow up. No point in making it easy for them.

     Hadn't given that much thought as the EC minutes have members names and I was following suit.   I will use initials from now on, tho' 

    ALB wrote:
    or ex-wife seeking alimony to see and follow up. No point in making it easy for them.

    Or ex-husband  


     As if we had so many women members !


    Could that be considered heteronormative especially since this year? :)

    jondwhite wrote:
    Could that be considered heteronormative especially since this year? :)

     You are correct, I fell into the same trap. Tho' I have to admit that I had to look up the word first. 


    Ah I'm just being annoyingly pedantic.


    Minutes of the  North East Regional Branch eMeeting held between 17th and 19th Oct 2014Present: V.Maratty, S.Colborn, Joe White, E.ColbornVisitors: Joe Davison1.Election of chair.  (a)  It was AGREED that  V. Maratty take the chair2.Amendment/adoption of previous minutes   (a)  Motion (S.Colborn, E.Colborn) “That the minutes of the previous meeting be adopted”  was CARRIED 4-03.Matters arising from previous minutes  (a) 2014 General ElectionSC:   I think we could indeed field a candidate. If we have a consensus, we would then need to choose a Candidate and Constituency to contest. Actually, there is little to do in contesting. Getting the forms from the council, getting 10 signatures on the Nomination Form. Returning them to the council, then after the election, taking evidence of expenses etc, plus signed forms back to the council.JD(Visitor) :Announcing that the N.E. regional branch wanted to field a candidate in the 2015 gen. election, to me, was a wake-up call directed at the silent membership. You were already in touch with members joe White and John Bissett. Joe is so busy, it's a wonder he has time to sleep. John needs some "time out," to recharge his batterys. The only other contact you have had (to my knowledge) is a form "F".     I think, asking Steve to be our candidate, at this time, would be harmful for both Steve and his family and the emerging N.E. group. The group needs more members and that is what members need to be concentrating on.VM: Yes Joe, that is what I was thinking and I agree with you.  Perhaps give steven time to reflect on that.  There is no pressure; he has already done more than expected from anyone. Chair, can I suggest we defer any decision re the election until tomorrow afternoon and move on to Item 4!  Steve.SundayJD: Yesterday I was against Steve standing, but we had a chat last night and the outcome is that I support his decision. Motion (V.Maratty, S.Colborn) ‘the branch field a candidate at the 2015 General Election in the Easington Constituency: the candidate to be S.Colborn’     CARRIED 4-0. 4.Forms A and F(a) Form F:  Jim. TinmouthVM: We have the very sad passing of Jimmy Tinmouth. He was a member for more than 50 years. I knew him in the 70s when he attended branch meetings and public meetings.I will prepare a Form F. I would like to suggest that an Obituary be placed in the Socialist Standard. I did not know a lot about him, but very sad. SC:  I will second that Vin. A very sad occasion, made more so, by the sad news of Kenny Fisher. Like you, myself and Eileen knew them in the late 70' and 80's. A time when the Branch met "weekly"! They were both "good" Socialists and along with Bobby Gleg, John Toomey and Kevin Lennon, made up the core of the Branch at that time.Steve. Motion (V.Maratty, S.Colborn)  "That the Form F be accepted and forwarded to the EC"  was AGREED (b)  Form A.    Joe Davison applied for membership.Motion (V.Maratty, S.Colborn) “that the Form A for Joe Davison be accepted”  CARRIED  4-05.TUC March in London.JW:: Hello! Sorry I'm late. Been one of those days  .Will have to drop in and out. On the TUC march tomorrow .Going as part of my union branch. The banner is in the back of my car . Hope I remember to take it out of the car when I get to Darlington station tomorrow. Train is at 7.05 am. I must admit I have mixed feelings about the effectiveness of the event tomorrow. It's as if trade unions do not exist as far as the so called 'Free Press' are concerned. Overhyped non entities like Russell Brand(somebody please deprive him of the oxygen of publicity)Boris Johnson (he's slithered into The Radio Times)and self appointed People's Tribune Farrage get acres of free publicity whilst the real 'Big Society' the organised Labour Movement is lucky to get a single line .Not that I'm over surprised .I remember back in the 1970s through to the 80s and beyond The University of Glasgow publishing their study of bias against the Labour Movement in Bad News and More Bad News. Nothing much as changed. The BBC(The Bourgeoise Broadcasting Company)continues to kis the posterior of the establishment. Lord Reith would approve! And the ghost of Ramsey McDonald continues to haunt, nay, dominate, the Labour Party. What was it Marx said(paraphrasing Hegel)?History repeats. First as tragedy, second as farce. We are now in a third phase :'Tragi-comedy' but it hurts to laugh. Sorry, I appear to be suffering severely from Gramsci's  pessimism of the intellect. The optimism of the will is wearing thin. No matter, the alternative to not fighting is a living death. Bertrand Russell quipped 'Some people would rather die than think, in fact they do!' We have no option but to fight .Resistance no matter how small is still resistance and an affirmation of will. Yes, contesting an election with no chance of winning might, if one applies so called 'Common sense'(the philosophy of the intellectually challenged), appear to be an exercise in futility but I disagree. It has symbolic significance and the law of unintended consequences should not be underestimated. I recall being cheered up at the age of 14 when Bernadette Devlin as she was in 1969 being voted in at the age of 23. The effect of a young and mini skirted young woman was a kick up the establishment's arse! I'm well aware it was then down hill. But to quote Wordsworth before he became reactionary: 'Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, But to be Young was very heaven! A world without Utopia on the map is not worth having. I'm getting it all in now as I might not be involved again until Sunday. Please excuse my verbosity. A mis-spent life in libraries! Wishing everyone well! Joe Report from Joe on SundayAttended the TUC march in London yesterday. All in all a good turn out notable for the abundance of good humour . It was disciplined : a living example of what ordinary people can do if acting in co-ordination. It appeared to have put the wind up the Bourgeois as was evident in the heavy police presence, particularly around areas of what Veblen in 'The Leisured class' terms 'conspicuous consumption' e.g. The Ritz and Fortnum and Masons' Maybe they feared a mass request for afternoon tea at reduced rates. No matter the over reaction of our rulers betokened real fear. A healthy sign. To quote V for Vendetta:' People should not feat their Government. Government should fear their people.'Managed to give fraternal greetings to three fellow SPGB comrades : one handing out leaflets and two manning a stall. I purchased a copy of How The Gods Were Made: a very accessible introduction to Historical Materialism. Moreover it was 'Reproduced' by The North East Branch in 2003. A positive day.Wishing everyone well.JoeThanks from all members of the Branch, Joe!8.Reports (a) Secretary: As Secretary I have done two mail shots to all members apart fro ourselves, informing them of the meetings and sending them links. I have received two replies: One is not internet savvy and the other is not well. I have however received a couple of sympathiser contacts from the central organiser and received one response. He intends to join this group when he has a bit more time,(b) Treasurer: Balance £69. See uploaded file(c)Press Officer:  I am indeed sending letters to the media but is much easier today with email, than in the 90's when I used to use a hammer to depress the keys on my typewriter.I had my first letter published as NE Regional Press Officer, The Socialist Party;  9.   Meeting Adjournment at 18.08 19th


    Some good news. The branch has a new member  – Joe – and I can confirm contact with two long standing members who wish to take part the new NERB. Edit: Any more members or sympathiser who frequent the forum and live in the NE please contact the branch. 


     Hi all December branch meeting falls on Fri Dec 19th to 21st. Do any members have a problem with those dates?  vin


    Agenda for North East Regional Branch eMeeting to be held between 19th and 21st Dec 2014Present:Visitors:1.Election of chair2.Amendment/adoption of previous minutes  3.Matters arising from previous minutes4.Forms A and F5.EC minutes6. Annual Conference7.Correspondence and business arising there from8.Reports (propaganda, literature, finance etc9.New notices of motion10.Any other business11. Meeting Adjournment


    Just a reminder that there will be a branch emeeting starting tomorrow at 4pm. All welcome, especially NE members!  Get there early to ensure a seat. Br Sec


    Was the meeting interrupted for the Newcastle Sunderland match?

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