Nasty Labour, New Labour, Old Labour

September 2024 Forums General discussion Nasty Labour, New Labour, Old Labour

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  • #111096

    That's why I said "planned" (by Archives and Campaigns), but I think it's going to be a low-key affair compared with what did for the outbreak of the First World Slaughter last year.


    So if we're not going to advertise it then for whose benefit will it be – the handful who visit HO regularly?


    Interesting and very informative leaflet ALB,.Did a bit of online digging regarding Labour and it's anti-working class credentials, and I found this. I know it comes from the SWP publication, International Socialism, but as far as I can tell (without reading the whole thing yet, my attention span only does small doses), it spills the beans on the myth of Labour being a political party looking after the interests of the working class.

    At the hands of what many workers believed to be ‘their’ government, striking dockers, gas workers, miners and lorry drivers were denounced, spied upon and prosecuted. Two States of Emergency were proclaimed against them and two more were narrowly averted. Above all, the government used blacklegs against these strikes, often with the connivance of the strikers’ own trade union leaders. On 18 different occasions between 1945 and 1951, the government sent troops, sometimes 20,000 of them, across picket lines to take over strikers’ jobs. By 1948, it has been argued, ‘strike-breaking had become almost second nature to the Cabinet.’ [3]That was in public. In secret, as recently-released Cabinet Papers show, the government revived the Supply and Transport Organisation which their Tory predecessors of 1926 had used to help crush the General Strike. And it did so with the active involvement of two of the most famous left-wing leaders Labour has produced – Aneurin Bevan and Sir Stafford Cripps. This little-known story is the subject of this article.

    That's a good find and a good article, SP. All the more strange that, even at the last election, the SWP were calling for the election of a Labour government, both explicitly and implicitly.Another good pamphlet on the post-war Labour government is this one from the old Syndicalist Workers Federation: well to have this information at our fingertips in readiness for the celebration in some quarters of the election of the election of the Attlee Labour government in July 1945.

    gnome wrote:
    ALB wrote:
    For the planned exhibition at Head Office in July on the 1945 General Election…..

    This July?  Haven't heard or seen anything about it.

    It's all fixed up now. Here's the details (being posted elsewhere too, with more details):

    OUR '45: THE SOCIALIST PARTY AND THE 1945 GENERAL ELECTION  A display about our election campaign and the election of the post-war Labour government at 52 Clapham High Street, London SW4 7UN.  Open Saturdays in July 11am to 4pm. Free entry.

    Labour Leadership tv debate is tonight on BBC Newsnight.Here's a guideNasty Labour: Yvette CooperNew Labour: Liz KendallOld Labour: Jeremy Corbyn

    Keymaster will not vote against the government’s welfare bill and should not oppose limiting child tax credits to two children, the party’s interim leader, Harriet Harman, has said, 


    Haha what a great find of that picture gnome.

    jondwhite wrote:
    Haha what a great find of that picture gnome.

    Actually is wasn't such 'a great find'; take a close look at the bottom right hand corner of the picture…  


    From a Barltrop article from 1977, a telling quote from Sidney Webb in 1930 which reveals that the Labour elite has pretty much always despised its own membership and supporters:"that the constituency parties were frequently unrepresentative groups of nonentities dominated by fanatics and cranks, and extremists, and that if the block votes of the trade unions were eliminated it would be impracticable to continue to vest the control of policy in Labour Party Conferences."From this article:

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