Myanmar Coup

July 2024 Forums General discussion Myanmar Coup

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  • #221845

    I do not think you understood the main idea of the article published by the SPGB, and it looks that you do not have too much background in socialist principles, just leftwing argumentation, and instead of analyzing the message you are just attacking the messenger.

    In my commentary I added that in the future the Chinese rulers will also install their own governments, puppets and dictators as they did in Vietnam with the Vietcong and then they entered into interclass contradiction, they have not installed any dictator at the present time, but they have supported several dictators including the Soviet dictators, Augusto Pinochet, the dictator of North Korea, Fidel Castro and several others.

    The war of Vietnam was financed by the Chinese rulers, and they were the winners of that war and in Asia the balance of power inclined itself toward China, the Vietcong were puppets of the Chinese ruling class, and Ho Chi Min was a brutal Stalinists

    The peoples of North Korea did not install anything because the working class has not control of the means of production and the society, the so called war of national liberation have only liberated one ruling class from the domination of another ruling class, that is country controlled by a ruling class, and in Asia most of the nationalists movement have been influenced by China and they have provided troops for those movements including the war in North Korea, as well, in the past they have also influenced in other type of movements.

    We are not Trotskyist, it looks that you have not read any of our writing, we have opposed Leninism and its ramification since the very beginning, even before the Bolsheviks coup, it is the same accusation made by the Stalinists, that anybody which is not in accordance with their principles is a Trotskyist, a petty bourgeois, or a fascist. Where you are now, I was there more than 50 years ago, and I know all the argumentation


    “There are several articles on China state capitalism written by this ex-Maoist, ex Stalinists group”

    In other words, not socialists. Nuff said.

    Since when the Leninists have been socialists ? Since 1903 we have debunked Leninism, and none of its ramifications have not been socialists either. The point is that in China state capitalism is the main character of the economy, an adapted copy of Soviet state capitalism, the same one that they established in Cuba and the same ones that the Chinese established in North Korea and Vietnam, and the same one that the Soviet established in Eastern Europe

    Bijou Drains

    Perhaps our “Scotsman” has the surname McDonald?

    As in Ronald McDonald


    Here is what Fidel said when urging Mexican businesspeople to invest in Cuba, in 1988:

    “We are capitalists, but state capitalists. We are not private capitalists.”
    (Daum, Walter , 1990,. The Life and Death of Stalinism; A Resurrection of Marxist Theory, NY: Socialist Voice Publishing., p.232)

    State capitalism would be a step forward for us. (Lenin)

    When the Chinese People’s Republic was inaugurated in 1949, Mao Tse-tung was careful to point out that the new society would not be Socialist. His inaugural speech said: “To counter imperialist oppression and raise her backward economy to a higher level, China must utilize all the factors of urban and rural capitalism that are beneficial and not harmful to the national economy and people’s livelihood . . . Our present policy is to regulate capitalism, not to destroy it.”

    Socialism/communism, it means the same in the classical Marxian, pre-Leninist sense, will be an advanced , post-capitalist society, run by us all, locally, regionally, globally, in administration over resources and not a government over people.

    It will be a market -free, money -free, production for use (not for sale), free access (not rationed access) commonly owned,(not private, corporate or state owned) revolutionary permanent break with the present capitalist one.

    It has never existed anywhere.

    It is not a ‘reformist’ nor a ‘statist’ version of capitalism which retains wage slavery in any form.

    It will be the mature, politically conscious task of the immense majority to make it happen and not the minority vanguardist led actions of pseudo-revolutionaries.

    The organising tenet will be,

    ” From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs.”

    Only a commonly owned production for use society of true social equals to the means of production and distribution can ever do this.

    If there are wages and salaries, it is not socialism/communism.
    State ownership is not socialism/communism.
    Social programs are not socialism/communism.
    Socialism/communism means democracy at all levels of society, including the workplace.
    Socialism/communism means a wageless, moneyless society.
    Socialism/communism means voluntary labour.
    Socialism/communism means free access to the goods produced by society.


    ” The emancipation of the working classes must be conquered by the working classes themselves. We cannot, therefore, co-operate with people who openly state that the workers are too uneducated to emancipate themselves and must be freed from above by philanthropic big bourgeois and petty bourgeois.”(1879 Marx and Engels )

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by PartisanZ.

    Fidel Castro since the very beginning he said that “he was not a communist”, he adopted the new label after they made agreements with the Soviet Union to avoid being overthrown by the USA, and also he said that they were going to build a green democracy and a green revolution which is a bourgeois democracy and a bourgeois revolution. The guerrillas fighter were able to take power because some sectors of the ruling class and the Catholic Church started to support them and the goverment collapsed


    Mostly out of the news other than the occasional article on the Suu Kyi trial and the military flashpoints in the north and east but for most Burmese, the misery continues with widespread hunger and poverty reported.

    The U.N. humanitarian chief urged Myanmar’s military leaders on Monday to provide unimpeded access to the more than 3 million people in need of life-saving humanitarian assistance


    “but for most Burmese, the misery continues”

    The opposition is responsible for the misery. Their terrorists are bombing and burning down schools. As usual, Alan has no idea what he’s talking about.


    And as usual, you are an apologist for a despotic murderous military regime, who not only politically repress the population but through economic corruption oppress them also.

    One of Xi Jinping’s rare visits outside China was to offer Aung San Suu Kyi 4billion yuan of development money and diplomatic support for her anti-Rohingya policies in Jan 2020


    What do you expect from a Maoist ? They have supported the most reactionary government and dictators who have existed around the earth


    “you are an apologist for a despotic murderous military regime”

    That’s pretty rich coming from a “socialist” who calls the CIA a “friend”. As usual you mistake an analysis of reality for support for one or other government. Pointing out that the US is behind the violence in Myanmar is not a declaration of support for the government of Myanmar. You however clearly do support the terrorists who are targeting schools. Alan enemy of schooling. Marx would be so proud of you.


    “What do you expect from a Maoist”

    Who said I was a Maoist?


    TS – You however clearly do support the terrorists who are targeting schools

    Let me make it very clear that on this very forum topic I stated violence by the anti-coup factions is counter-productive but I know you avoid the truth.


    In message page/6/#post-221726, I make the very same criticism of the so-called opposition government in exile as does your video source.

    I could also refer you to an article I wrote where I explained
    “…The only way to counter the coup is non-violent civil disobedience of one kind or another to win over the state’s forces of coercion…”

    Material World

    Or you could go to our blog where it has it condemned the hypocrisy of various countries condemning the coup while supporting Aung San Suu Kyi. You will also find a post critical of the Rohingya armed resistance

    TS As usual you mistake an analysis of reality for support for one or other government.

    However, once again your own bias partisan views show you reply to a post that merely draws attention to the dire humanitarian crises the people of Myanmar faces and ignore that I have previously explained that the coup has been a success and should now be treated as a fait accompli and our concern should not be on talk of sanctions but to alleviate the poverty ordinary working people of all the ethnic groups are suffering.

    But an honest debate is not your style. Slander and smear are your preferred argument.


    “What do you expect from a Maoist”

    Who said I was a Maoist?

    If you support the government of China and its leadership you are a Maoist and a Stalinist, and also you are a supporter of state capitalism. It does remind when the Maoists said that the three world theory was not invented by Mao Tse Tung, and the Albanian replied: If he did not invent his thought was used it in order to formulate it

    The Chinese government has supported several dictators in Latin America including Augusto Pinochet, and the Soviet Union too. Trujillo was planning to switch from his support to the government of the USA to become part of the Soviet Union like did and the intermediary was Fidel Castro


    Nobody surprised by the guilty verdict

    Aung San Suu Kyi sentenced to four years

    Other charges to follow and other sentences to be added


    The BBC reports that the resistance to the Generals has resorted more and more to violence.

    From the outset of the coup, we have warned that an armed struggle against the military was futile.

    Only peaceful non-obedience can have an effect but no guarantee of success. Casualties, just as when the armed resistance is taken, is to be expected but has to be endured as a price to pay

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