Moderator’s suggestions

September 2024 Forums Off topic Moderator’s suggestions

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    alanjjohnstone wrote:

    I'm sure you being a "culprit" in the past will recognise when a poster oversteps the boundaries of the forum rules. LBird certainly recognises from his own many, many past transgressions what the limits now are and i wouldn't be surprised if he knew just exactly when to suspend himself. wink




    But my 'suspension limit' would not be where a poster cannot get a political response from the site (posters unofficially, party officially) and persists in trying to force one.

    The proper result of my persistence should be a political answer, not persistent banning.

    That said, I recognise the difficulties of the task of the moderator, and don't put their actions down to personal reasons (dislike or exasperation with me), but down to the same political failure which is embedded in the party.

    That is, a political failure to face up to awkward philosophical questions, about the mismatch between the party's supposed support for democratic socialism, and its refusal to countenance, for example, 'the election of truth', or the democratic control of physics and mathematics, which are all implied by the notion of workers' control of the means of production.

    So, I would regard a suspension justifiable if a poster refused to move the discussion forward after a philosophical and political response, and just continued to ask already answered questions.

    But, I don't. I ask questions, and don't receive answers, that a democratic socialist who argues for workers' power and proletarian control of the means of production, would understand as relevent answers.

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