Moderators decision on Cde. Maratty’s indefinite forum ban

July 2024 Forums Website / Technical Moderators decision on Cde. Maratty’s indefinite forum ban

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  • #121410

    Hooraaaaay! Do you think they mean it this time?


     i don't think anyone really should be rejoicing the possible exit of any member of the Party, particularly with our declining numbers.It is also especially disappointing that someone who has only been a user of the forum for only just a couple of days and, therefore, missed the many contributions from the comrade that weren't disruptive but supportive of the Party should adopt such a jubilant attitude. 

    Bijou Drains
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
     i don't think anyone really should be rejoicing the possible exit of any member of the Party, particularly with our declining numbers.It is also especially disappointing that someone who has only been a user of the forum for only just a couple of days and, therefore, missed the many contributions from the comrade that weren't disruptive but supportive of the Party should adopt such a jubilant attitude. 

     Are you really naive enough to think that it's jsomeone who joined in the last few days, Considering they are referring to past events, do you not think it's more likely to be someone who has been a regular contributor who has set up a second account to send this message, because they haven't got the courage or the integrity to express an opinion like that in an open and honest way? I sincerely hope that Vin and Linda have had time to rethink their contribution and that "drop the bomb" goes and crawls back under whichever rock they crawled out from under.

    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    Are you really naive enough to think that it's jsomeone who joined in the last few days, Considering they are referring to past events, do you not think it's more likely to be someone who has been a regular contributor who has set up a second account to send this message, because they haven't got the courage or the integrity to express an opinion like that in an open and honest way? I sincerely hope that Vin and Linda have had time to rethink their contribution and that "drop the bomb" goes and crawls back under whichever rock they crawled out from under.

    Yes Tim  This is very creepy. Even more creepy is the fact this anonymous individual, receives no warning from moderation and is allowed to continue on the forum. While a hard working comrade like Vin is forced to leave the party because of said creep.Make no mistake this a party member  in disguise  and a coward who does not have the courage to show their  face.And under such circumstances their comment is worthless. Unllike the character assassination email sent to CB secretary about Vin. =  There's one suspect.I think I know who it is and I can understand why you want to see the back of Vin This not a school yard. Have the courage to speak under your real name CREEP. You have done nothing for the Party but sit on your arse and criticise others trying to work. Moderators should remove this account which is obviously an SPGB member Trolling under another account 

    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
     I sincerely hope that Vin and Linda have had time to rethink their contribution and that "drop the bomb" goes and crawls back under whichever rock they crawled out from under.

    Thanks Tim, we will wait until ADM, if Vin is restored as an equal then we will stay, if ADM does not restore his basic rights vis a vis forum membership and the right to be nominated onto committees, then we will be off.Surely that is understandable to all.As for  members like dropthebomb? There's more than one but it helps confirm my beliefs about where the party is right now.


    Why can't  the report button be used on dropthebomb post?

    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
     i don't think anyone really should be rejoicing the possible exit of any member of the Party, particularly with our declining numbers.It is also especially disappointing that someone who has only been a user of the forum for only just a couple of days and, therefore, missed the many contributions from the comrade that weren't disruptive but supportive of the Party should adopt such a jubilant attitude. 

     Are you really naive enough to think that it's someone who joined in the last few days, Considering they are referring to past events, do you not think it's more likely to be someone who has been a regular contributor who has set up a second account to send this message, because they haven't got the courage or the integrity to express an opinion like that in an open and honest way? I sincerely hope that Vin and Linda have had time to rethink their contribution and that "drop the bomb" goes and crawls back under whichever rock they crawled out from under.

    It's also possible it's someone who has been visiting the forum without actually becoming a user, until now.  Or, as you say, a sock puppet.  Either way the moderators should have details of the email account being used, including Internet Protocol data, which could give a clue as to this individual's identity.


    Why has this troll not been removed? How can moderation justify this,  


    Just logged on and I can report that the flag/report function has been activated. Forum users can no longer see when it has been activated.I'm not really sure what action can be justified against the post in question? Do users wish to see accounts blocked every time a single, non threatening, inflammatory comment is made?

    Dropthebomb wrote:
    Hooraaaaay! Do you think they mean it this time?

    Hello ComradeYou obviously rejoice when members leave the party. Why?How many members have you seen off? Why do you prefer small sects to mass movements?By definition a mass movements will contain people you don't like. This leads me to believe that you prefer a cosy little sectarian group.Do you think you have contributed to the  lack of growth of the SPGB? 

    moderator3 wrote:
    Just logged on and I can report that the flag/report function has been activated. Forum users can no longer see when it has been activated.I'm not really sure what action can be justified against the post in question? Do users wish to see accounts blocked every time a single, non threatening, inflammatory comment is made?

    Didn't they teach you anything at moderation classes. He is a troll, his only contribution has been to illicit an emotional response.Furthermore, he is clearly a member of the party. Wow, wish you defended Vin so well

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    moderator3 wrote:
    Just logged on and I can report that the flag/report function has been activated. Forum users can no longer see when it has been activated.I'm not really sure what action can be justified against the post in question? Do users wish to see accounts blocked every time a single, non threatening, inflammatory comment is made?

    Didn't they teach you anything at moderation classes. He is a troll, his only contribution has been to illicit an emotional response.Furthermore, he is clearly a member of the party. Wow, wish you defended Vin so well

    I am aware it was a comment designed to illicit an emotional response. My point is, this forum is littered with posts that are aimed at doing just that. Do we block all users when they go a trolling?I have contacted Admin to see if he can shed any light on the issue.

    moderator3 wrote:
    I am aware it was a comment designed to illicit an emotional response. My point is, this forum is littered with posts that are aimed at doing just that. Do we block all users when they go a trolling?I have contacted Admin to see if he can sged any light on the issue.

    Thankyou mod3. Very much appreciated

    moderator3 wrote:
    I'm not really sure what action can be justified against the post in question? Do users wish to see accounts blocked every time a single, non threatening, inflammatory comment is made?

    No, I don't think anyone wants any more accounts blocked but if we are to have a moderated forum then surely the rules must be applied even-handedly.  How many times have users been reminded about a single transgression?  How much more important then do you think it is to remind a user who, ostensibly, has not posted previously and may not be fully aware of the rules of the forum?

    Forum Rule 7 wrote:
    You are free to express your views candidly and forcefully provided you remain civil. Do not use the forums to send abuse, threats, personal insults or attacks, or purposely inflammatory remarks (trolling). Do not respond to such messages.

    (emphasis added)

    northern light

    Lindanesocialist said;  quote [ Wow, wish you defended Vin so well] unquote.You seem to have forgoten who it was who fought in Vin's corner on the previous occasion that he was suspended from the Forum.

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