Moderators decision on Cde. Maratty’s indefinite forum ban

July 2024 Forums Website / Technical Moderators decision on Cde. Maratty’s indefinite forum ban

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  • #121395
    moderator2 wrote:
    The indefinite suspension stays in place until further notice from the EC for it to be rescinded. We advise he follows the appropriate procedure and makes a formal appeal to the EC for the ban to be rescinded. Cde V Maratty should take the initiative himself of seeking redress from the EC and present his case so to ensure it contains a sincere contrition for past conductAgreed by Moderator 1 (Cde. Johnson), Moderator 2 (Cde. Johnstone) and Moderator 3 (Cde. Davison)

     Vin has attempted to seek EC redress from the EC and has received this reply from the acting general secretary From Oliver Bond Hi Vin, I am a bit confused about the first paragraph.                                                                                                                                                                                    .                                                       I am not aware that the EC passed a resolution suspending you from the online Forum. According to the post #142 dated 10th March 2016 on the Forum thread – "twitter account", the Forum moderators issued the suspension.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Cde Stephen Davison, aka SocialistPunk, posted a link to this post from post #125 on the Forum thread – "Moderators decision on Cde. Maratty's indefinite forum ban".                                                                                                                                        If you have any evidence that the EC, not the Forum moderators, issued the ban, then could you please let me know.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Thanks. YFS, Oliver  I would appreciate a comment and advice  from the Mods on the General Secretary   

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    moderator2 wrote:
    The indefinite suspension stays in place until further notice from the EC for it to be rescinded. We advise he follows the appropriate procedure and makes a formal appeal to the EC for the ban to be rescinded. Cde V Maratty should take the initiative himself of seeking redress from the EC and present his case so to ensure it contains a sincere contrition for past conductAgreed by Moderator 1 (Cde. Johnson), Moderator 2 (Cde. Johnstone) and Moderator 3 (Cde. Davison)

    From Oliver Bond   Hi Vin, I am a bit confused about the first paragraph.                                                                                                                                                                                    .                                                       I am not aware that the EC passed a resolution suspending you from the online Forum. According to the post #142 dated 10th March 2016 on the Forum thread – "twitter account", the Forum moderators issued the suspension.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Cde Stephen Davison, aka SocialistPunk, posted a link to this post from post #125 on the Forum thread – "Moderators decision on Cde. Maratty's indefinite forum ban".                                                                                                                                        If you have any evidence that the EC, not the Forum moderators, issued the ban, then could you please let me know.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Thanks. YFS, Oliver  I would appreciate a comment from the Mods on the General Secretary

    The facts of the matter is:  The IC notified the EC in a committee report of April 2016 that due to Vin's past behaviour they were unwilling to deal with his current suspension applied in March.  And that a resolution to the issue was now with the EC.Nobody has made the suggestion that the EC imposed the 'ban'.  I have no idea where such a silly sugestion originated from.   

    moderator1 wrote:
     I have no idea where such a silly sugestion originated from.

      Nor does the Gen Sec or the EC. Do you have any idea?  

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    moderator1 wrote:
     I have no idea where such a silly sugestion originated from.

      Nor does the Gen Sec or the EC. Do you have any idea?  

    It seems to have originated from Vin's letter to the EC above:  To the EC I had not realised that the EC had suspended me from the SPGB Party forum and this led to some confusion with the IC and Moderators . 


    So has the EC suspended Vin or not? CDE Bond says it is down to the mods NOT the ECCan you please clarify?

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    So has the EC suspended Vin or not? CDE Bond says it is down to the mods NOT the ECCan you please clarify?

    I've already clarified this query.  I have no intention of going down old roads when you are fully aware of the answer.

    moderator1 wrote:
    lindanesocialist wrote:
    So has the EC suspended Vin or not? CDE Bond says it is down to the mods NOT the ECCan you please clarify?

    I've already clarified this query.  I have no intention of going down old roads when you are fully aware of the answer.

    so is cde Bond a liar? he says the EC has not banned VIN


     Socialist Party of GB via 23:52 (2 hours ago) to me     Hi Vin, I am a bit confused about the first paragraph. I am not aware that the EC passed a resolution suspending you from the online Forum.  According to the post #142 dated 10th March 2016 on the Forum thread – "twitter account", the Forum moderators issued the suspension. Cde Stephen Davison, aka SocialistPunk, posted a link to this post from post #125 on the Forum thread – "Moderators decision on Cde. Maratty's indefinite forum ban".   If you have any evidence that the EC, not the Forum moderators, issued the ban, then could you please let me know.  Thanks. YFS, Oliver


    With this evidence from the general secretary, Oliver Bond, would the Mods  reinstate COMRADE Vin Maratty's account. Unless the mods have an EC resolution, a conference decision or a party poll instructing  otherwise   


    When Cde. Maratty first requested that the two incoming moderators review his indefinite suspension, i informed my co-moderators of my view that if two out of three of us approved then the suspension would be lifted. This did not transpire.When quizzed upon my reasons for taking this decision by Cde. Maratty i answered that it was a judgment call based on my lack of confidence that past situations which resulted in his suspension and the disruption of the forum's objective they contributed to would not be repeated.It is my personal feeling that Cde. Maratty in terms of contravening forum rules may not be irredeemable but he is certainly a recidivist. That opinion of mine not only still remains but has only been re-confirmed by the manner in which he has endeavoured to have that decision reversed and his suspension revoked. There has been little change in the stream of posts and PMs over the past weeks to lead me to any different conclusion. For the present, the only thing which will revise my original position is to be out-voted by my co-moderators or to be instructed to by a higher Party authority – the EC, Conference or Party Poll.Has Moderator 2 now made his attitude crystal clear for all to understand, even if they don't agree with it.  


    Vin was suspended in March. He didn't appeal his suspension until very recently.In June the IC notified the EC they had no intention of dealing with any appeal on his suspension. The July EC requested that correspondence from Vin to the IC is forwarded to them. This bypassed the IC stage of the appeal process Vin was told about, by mod1 at the time of his suspension. So any appeal by Vin goes to the EC.The EC did not suspend Vin.The resolution can be found in the July EC minutes.(b) Matters arising or carried forward from previous meeting(s) vii. Internet Committee report to EC 26/03/16 – Item 3 of the ‘Executive summary’(June Item2bd – c/f April EC): “We ask that the EC take such steps as are necessary to relieve the Internet Committee of the burden of further dealing with this member.” The matter had been deferred pending confirmation (now provided) that a reported resignation by the member had been withdrawn. MOTION 1 [Cox/Craggs]: “To recommend that the Internet Committee forwards any further correspondence from this member to the EC.” AGREED.This is my last response on this matter.  I have no intention of replying to any further queries on the forum, by PM's or emails.

    moderator2 wrote:
    Has Moderator 2 now made his attitude crystal clear for all to understand, even if they don't agree with it.  

     Yes you have, for all posterity.

    moderator1 wrote:
    So any appeal by Vin goes to the EC.

     And so it has. I was just keeping you up to date on what was happening with it


    wrong thread


    Vin said:"I know I have said this before but that's it. Definitely finished with the SPGB. "So its goodby from me and its goodbye from him

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