Moderation Suggestions

July 2024 Forums Website / Technical Moderation Suggestions

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  • #108577
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    What's the betting if there were any other volunteers, Brian would be rushing to the exit and happily standing down in an instant. I'm pretty sure he would love to be devoting his internet time to some other purpose. It is not because he is on a power-trip that he is moderator of this forum (or become the admin for Facebook of which i know nothing about) but the fact that he thinks someone within the Party has to take responsibility of filling unwelcomed positions. I have suggested non-members can help out on the forum but from the responses of fellow members, it isn't going to happen anytime soon, if ever. But I have also proposed Vin put himself forward as a moderator which he has declined in the past but i hope he can re-consider. 

    I'm pleased to say Alan you would lose your bet!  Indeed any company would be most welcome either from any member or any non-member.  And that means even the likes of Vin are welcome and why not?  When you think about it whoever is thinking of giving it a crack they like myself would still have to follow the guidelines for moderating and also be accountable to the I.C. and if the mod's are unable to agree on what specific action to take we push it up stairs to them. All the work I've undertaken within the party has been a challenge but what the heck they have all been part and parcel of a particular learning curve and I say bring it on and the welcome mat is already out and waiting!Nevertheless, even if someone else were to take on this enjoyable and interesting task and I was thinking of finding pastures greener, which I'm not may I add at present – but you never know – I would think I'd be obligated to mentor for a period and only leave on their sayso.Just imagine that:  Comrade Johnson I've/we have decided your services are no longer required.  Now f*** off!  Love it.Which in my book encompasses the whole essence of sharing common ownership of a particular role within a social structure. 


    It does help. Thanks Mod1.


    Sun, 31/07/2016 – 10:10am#4gnomeOfflineJoined: 14/10/2011Send PM alanjjohnstone wrote:Yeah….i think  a certain Vin would agree it is about time to ban Mod1 from posting Not only that but we need to address the entire issue of the moderator function.  Last night there was a concerted and multiple spam attack on the forum which amounted to well in excess of 100 separate posts over numerous threads.  When, after about half an hour, the matter hadn't been addressed I contacted the three moderators and the Internet Committee.  I received this response:Moderator1 wrote:I'm taking a well earned break at the mo.  Found the spam about 30 minutes ago and Mod2&3 have been PM'ed that if they need for some practice on removing spam please feel free to so.Moderator2 was also in bed at the time but Moderator3, despite suffering with a serious medical condition, came online and eventually most of the spam was finally deleted some four hours after the onset of the attack.  An example of the spam still remains in the rubbish bin.


    Sun, 31/07/2016 – 10:35am#5DJPOfflineJoined: 10/04/2010Send PM gnome wrote:Not only that but we need to address the entire issue of the moderator function.  Last night there was a concerted and multiple spam attack on the forum which amounted to well in excess of 100 separate posts over numerous threads.  When, after about half an hour, the matter hadn't been addressed I contacted the three moderators and the Internet Committee.  I received this response:Moderator1 wrote:I'm taking a well earned break at the mo.  Found the spam about 30 minutes ago and Mod2&3 have been PM'ed that if they need for some practice on removing spam please feel free to so.Moderator2 was also in bed at the time but Moderator3, despite suffering with a serious medical condition, came online and eventually most of the spam was finally deleted some four hours after the onset of the attack.  An example of the spam still remains in the rubbish bin.The question is, how reasonable is it to expect volunteers to be on call 24/7?I've added some extra steps to the security processes so hopefully no further spambots will get through.


    Sun, 31/07/2016 – 11:03am#6gnomeOfflineJoined: 14/10/2011Send PM DJP wrote:The question is, how reasonable is it to expect volunteers to be on call 24/7?Nobody's expecting them to be but is anyone seriously suggesting that three adults can't work out a shift pattern whereby at least one of them is guaranteed to be awake at any given time?


    Sun, 31/07/2016 – 11:26am#7moderator1OnlineJoined: 03/11/2013Send PM gnome wrote:alanjjohnstone wrote:Yeah….i think  a certain Vin would agree it is about time to ban Mod1 from posting Not only that but we need to address the entire issue of the moderator function.  Last night there was a concerted and multiple spam attack on the forum which amounted to well in excess of 100 separate posts over numerous threads.  When, after about half an hour, the matter hadn't been addressed I contacted the three moderators and the Internet Committee.  I received this response:Moderator1 wrote:I'm taking a well earned break at the mo.  Found the spam about 30 minutes ago and Mod2&3 have been PM'ed that if they need for some practice on removing spam please feel free to so.Moderator2 was also in bed at the time but Moderator3, despite suffering with a serious medical condition, came online and eventually most of the spam was finally deleted some four hours after the onset of the attack.  An example of the spam still remains in the rubbish bin.Excuse me but the truth of the matter is once I realised how serious the spambot attack was I immediately contacted mod3 and we both set to work clearing and controlling the attack.  As for the examples in the Rubbish bin they are there for a good reason for Admin finds it helpful for tracking purposes when there's a several examples near to hand.Once the tracking is completed they will be blocked and deleted.


    Sun, 31/07/2016 – 11:30am#8moderator1OnlineJoined: 03/11/2013Send PM gnome wrote:DJP wrote:The question is, how reasonable is it to expect volunteers to be on call 24/7?Nobody's expecting them to be but is anyone seriously suggesting that three adults can't work out a shift pattern whereby at least one of them is guaranteed to be awake at any given time?At least one of the moderators are awake at any given time and covering the forum as and when they can..


    Sun, 31/07/2016 – 11:30am#9alanjjohnstoneOfflineJoined: 22/06/2011Send PM The situation was eventually dealt with and although some may have been inconvenienced, it wasn't a crisis as if we had been infected by a virus or whatever.  A week or so ago a similar (albeit less numerous, perhaps a dozen or so posts) spam attack was dealt with but for many on this list  i doubt they were aware of it.Are you seriously suggesting that we impose a compulsory watch system upon the moderators where even when we are on-line engaged in other party activity we are obliged to continuously monitor the list?For all the occasions that we suffer a spam attack, i think we are well-capable of tackling them…but perhaps not as speedily as some would have it.  "I have no country to fight for; my country is the Earth, and I am a citizen of the World." – Eugene V. Debs


    Sun, 31/07/2016 – 6:55pm#10gnomeOfflineJoined: 14/10/2011Send PM DJP wrote:I've added some extra steps to the security processes so hopefully no further spambots will get through.Well clearly those measures haven't been effective since there's yet more spam in the General Discussion sub-forum.


    Sun, 31/07/2016 – 10:16pm#11DJPOfflineJoined: 10/04/2010Send PM gnome wrote:DJP wrote:The question is, how reasonable is it to expect volunteers to be on call 24/7?Nobody's expecting them to be but is anyone seriously suggesting that three adults can't work out a shift pattern whereby at least one of them is guaranteed to be awake at any given time?What a strange suggestion. There is no need for the forum to be continually monitored in real time. This is a web forum with very little traffic, not a trench on the Aragon front.


    Mon, 01/08/2016 – 1:01am#12MattOfflineJoined: 09/04/2010Send PM DJP wrote:What a strange suggestion. There is no need for the forum to be continually monitored in real time. This is a web forum with very little traffic, not a trench on the Aragon front.Anyone with spare time to sit at a computer, would be well placed to go onto other websites and lists, correcting misapprehensions about what socialism actually is, using our terrific resources, or the blogs' (SOYMB, Socialist Courier, Socialist Banner.) resources to keep their arguments succint and linking back onto our site, or the blog you use, under your signature, nom de plume or user name. Trying to avoid spamming etc.Well that is what I do on a night-shift, back shift, routine from my own trench.I only come onto here  couple of times in a day, apart from doing  a search as above.Over the top comrades.From each according to their ability to each according to their needs.


    Can I make the following suggestion.Behaviour that would not be tolerated in a physical meeting should not be tolerated on the forum.If a participant at a public meeting continually abused other members of the meeting they would be asked to leave the room and probably barred from attending future meetings. The same should apply to the forum. I think there is a certain forum member who should be made to leave and barred from reattending, as they are repeating a familiar pattern of disruptiveness.Failure to deal with such behaviour makes the party look bad.We should not be publishing forum comments which are just personal insults. Such comments should be deleted. 


    I concur that the moderators should be proxy chair-persons.It does not, however, mean that we take charge of a thread and try to direct its course. Each thread should be treated as a new different meeting so if someone repeats his or herideas, regardless of the popularity or otherwise, or the frequence they have made the same point, it should be permitted. It is up to fellow contributors to judge whether to follow up with a comment to reply to such posts. Unless it is off-topic and there, we the moderators must accept we are making a personal call that can and if necessary should be challenged.  Fortunately we have three moderators so a vote on the truth of the matter can be taken…(Now where did i get that thought from?  )


    Suggestion: Mod 1 would step aside. He is the only Mod continually sending posts from myself to offtopic. He is clearly bias and prejudice


    Could I suggest that when posts are removed the mod gives notification and explanation?  

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