Moderation Suggestions

July 2024 Forums Website / Technical Moderation Suggestions

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  • #108562
    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    Technical administration is not the same thing as moderation, and even then, for a third paty to be used we'd need a commercial contract. As a party resource, we need a chair familiar with the party case, and with a demonstrable commitment to the party.  This forum does not belong to its regular users, it belongs to the socialist party, and it's democratic institutions.

    I'm a little unsure as to whether or not you're saying that for a non party member to be a volunteer moderator, a commercial contract would need to be drawn up? Surely I'm just misreading it?Who ever suggested a non party member moderator would be someone who just turned up, posted a couple of posts and then said "That looks easy, I'll 'av a go". I do believe I said a party supporter/sympathiser and forum community member. I would also expect it to be agreed upon by the relevant party body etc. As for demonstrable commitment to the party. What do you call volunteering to be a moderator on this site? As far as I can tell it's a bloody mine field, with snipers ready to take a pop at you every now and then. Is there a flood of party member volunteers eager to help with moderation duties?So far no logical objection has been put forward as to why a non party sympathiser couldn't be a moderator.It just boils down to, "It's our party and no one else is invited."


    I think SP expressed my feelings on the matter filling in the gaps with his caveats on who would be acceptable to the Party. We do recognise that there exists non-members who are socialists and share our own committment to democracy, don't we? A few being on this forum.And hopefully Moderators would be mostly invisible and party affilation or non-affilation would not be an issue. I think YMS disagreement may have some substance, but with his usual flair – a bit of hyperbole…We certainly aren't handing over the keys to 52 Clapham High St.But just a small amendment …- "It's my party and i'll cry if i want to"

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    But just a small amendment …- "It's my party and i'll cry if i want to"

     "You would cry too, if it happened to you " 


    As a member of the party I wish to register my objection to Brian Johnson moderating this forum and  to him becoming administrator on the party's facebookHis persistence in deleting my opinion gives me no confidence in is objectivity.


    Three flaggings in less than twenty four hours Vin. Perhaps we're seeing a misuse of the flagging function?


    What's the betting if there were any other volunteers, Brian would be rushing to the exit and happily standing down in an instant. I'm pretty sure he would love to be devoting his internet time to some other purpose. It is not because he is on a power-trip that he is moderator of this forum (or become the admin for Facebook of which i know nothing about) but the fact that he thinks someone within the Party has to take responsibility of filling unwelcomed positions. I have suggested non-members can help out on the forum but from the responses of fellow members, it isn't going to happen anytime soon, if ever. But I have also proposed Vin put himself forward as a moderator which he has declined in the past but i hope he can re-consider. 

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    Three flaggings in less than twenty four hours Vin. Perhaps we're seeing a misuse of the flagging function?

    We certainly are. Wonder which idiot flagged your post? Surely a reason for flagging should be given.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    It is not because he is on a power-trip that he is moderator of this forum (or become the admin for Facebook of which i know nothing about) but the fact that he thinks someone within the Party has to take responsibility of filling unwelcomed positions.  

    Why is he stirring it on facebook by 'asking' me to alter or delete my posts??

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    But I have also proposed Vin put himself forward as a moderator which he has declined in the past but i hope he can re-consider. 

      I have put myself forward for a few things but either ignored or turned down.  How could I function as a mod, I would be suspended every 5 minutes


    I'm not on Facebook so i can't and don't want to speculate."How could I function as a mod, I would be suspended every 5 minutes"You set a fox to catch a fox. I'm sure you being a "culprit" in the past will recognise when a poster oversteps the boundaries of the forum rules. LBird certainly recognises from his own many, many past transgressions what the limits now are and i wouldn't be surprised if he knew just exactly when to suspend himself.   

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    LBird certainly recognises from his own many, many past transgressions what the limits now are and i wouldn't be surprised if he knew just exactly when to suspend himself.


    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    I'm sure you being a "culprit" in the past will recognise when a poster oversteps the boundaries of the forum rules. LBird certainly recognises from his own many, many past transgressions what the limits now are and i wouldn't be surprised if he knew just exactly when to suspend himself.

    But my 'suspension limit' would not be where a poster cannot get a political response from the site (posters unofficially, party officially) and persists in trying to force one.The proper result of my persistence should be a political answer, not persistent banning.That said, I recognise the difficulties of the task of the moderator, and don't put their actions down to personal reasons (dislike or exasperation with me), but down to the same political failure which is embedded in the party.That is, a political failure to face up to awkward philosophical questions, about the mismatch between the party's supposed support for democratic socialism, and its refusal to countenance, for example, 'the election of truth', or the democratic control of physics and mathematics, which are all implied by the notion of workers' control of the means of production.So, I would regard a suspension justifiable if a poster refused to move the discussion forward after a philosophical and political response, and just continued to ask already answered questions.But, I don't. I ask questions, and don't receive answers, that a democratic socialist who argues for workers' power and proletarian control of the means of production, would understand as relevent answers.

    Vin wrote:
    As a member of the party I wish to register my objection to Brian Johnson moderating this forum and  to him becoming administrator on the party's facebookHis persistence in deleting my opinion gives me no confidence in is objectivity.

    Until I have the evidence, like I've said repeatedly, such assertions, allegations or accusations being made by yourself will not be taken seriously.

    Vin wrote:
    SocialistPunk wrote:
    Three flaggings in less than twenty four hours Vin. Perhaps we're seeing a misuse of the flagging function?

    We certainly are. Wonder which idiot flagged your post? Surely a reason for flagging should be given.

    I noticed Vin. I also noticed Gnome has been flagged on the "Brighton Discussion Group" thread.I was hoping the moderator might be able to let us know whether or not he can see who is using the flag function?I thought the flag function was meant for problem posts. The impression I'm often left with is of a petulant child blabbing to teacher over something trivial or as a trolling aid.

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    Vin wrote:
    SocialistPunk wrote:
    Three flaggings in less than twenty four hours Vin. Perhaps we're seeing a misuse of the flagging function?

    We certainly are. Wonder which idiot flagged your post? Surely a reason for flagging should be given.

    I noticed Vin. I also noticed Gnome has been flagged on the "Brighton Discussion Group" thread.I was hoping the moderator might be able to let us know whether or not he can see who is using the flag function?I thought the flag function was meant for problem posts. The impression I'm often left with is of a petulant child blabbing to teacher over something trivial or as a trolling aid.

    All flags (so far) as you can see do not identify their author and I have no means of identification unless I ask Admin.  I have never bothered to go down that road simply because it means quite a bit of work his end and with the site restructuring ongoing he's got enough on his plate.As for using identity as a trolling aid there is no need for flagging in practice usually means its tit for tat.  When this misuse goes over the top I will post a reminder that its in breach of the rules.  Hopefully, once the new site is up and running there will be a box for 'Reasons given' which would be helpful in some ways but nevertheless unless its a serious and also an obvious breach its not going to affect what action I take.  My role is to keep the discussion going and to ignore the occasional off-topic post.By that I mean minor breaches are noted, whilst with persistent minor breaches action is taken on those posts flagged.  Nevertheless, because I'm unable to identify an anonymous user this means I'm also unable to take any action when the flagging function is misused.  This anamoly hopefully will be taken into consideration on the new site.Hope this helps.

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