Moderation Suggestions

July 2024 Forums Website / Technical Moderation Suggestions

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  • #108532

    After much deliberation on the issues raised in #73 above and on other threads within this foru, plus many PM's, I've decide to introduce some slight changes to the moderation protocol. Firstly, I intend using the Reminder Posts more frequently.  Rather than posting one reminder per rule, per thread, then weeks and perhaps months down the line – especially on long threads – issuing seemingly out of the blue a warning quickly followed by a suspension, I will post a further reminder rather than a warning so the flow of discussion is not interrupted.    Secondly, instead of a 3rd Warning followed by an automatic suspension I would issue  'A 3rd and final warning' and also PM the user breaching the guidelines and rules making it plain to them that if there is a further breach of the guidelines and rules they will be suspended.  Thirdly, each notice of suspension will be worded, "Despite a 3rd Final warning and a PM this user continued to breach the guidelines and rules and is suspended for an indefinite period." In effect these changes will provide an opportunity for the user and myself to deliberate over a positive outcome so that the flow of discussion is not interrupted and continues to benefit all users of the forum.  I would like to thank all users who have contributed in this discussion and helped me in resolving this issue. 


    Sounds OK Mod. Appreciate your efforts.


    I've decided to take further measures when users successively breach the guidelines and rules. When such incidents occur instead of issuing a warning to the post in question I may remove the post to either the Off-Topic, or Rubbish section.  Nonetheless, depending on the number of times and how frequently I have to take such action I will consider implementing the protocol above if deemed necessary.What these changes means in practice is I've stretched the guidelines and rules – plus my tolerance – as far has they can go so that a suspension will only be issued in extreme circumstances.  Hopefully, these changes will encourage users to stay within the guidelines and rules and also ensure the flow of discussion is maximised. 


    I'd be opposed to dropping the off-topic rule (though not against a more generous handling off it) since it is a useful tool against trolls and monomaniacs pursuing their hobbyhorse across multiple topics.  yes, a soupscon of drift should be allowed *where it flows naturally from the topic at hand* and a gentle reminder from time to time to run back to topic is perfectly in order.

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
     since it is a useful tool against trolls and monomaniacs pursuing their hobbyhorse across multiple topics.  

    so have you any examples of where this has accured and correctly applied? I can think of LBird, Stuart and myself. Referring to us as trolls with hobby horses is offensive cde


    Oh and Robbo 

    Vin wrote:
    so have you any examples of where this has accured and correctly applied? I can think of LBird, Stuart and myself. Referring to us as trolls with hobby horses is offensive cde

    I was talking in the abstract, and didn't have any examples in mind.  Trolls and the Hobby horse Cavalry are abundant on t'interweb.


    Fair enough, there are a lot on Facebook but havent noticed any here and besides they are fairly obvious and their removal uncontriversial.Same with spam, no one is suggesting allowing spam to clog up the forum. 

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    I'd be opposed to dropping the off-topic rule (though not against a more generous handling off it) since it is a useful tool against trolls and monomaniacs pursuing their hobbyhorse across multiple topics.  yes, a soupscon of drift should be allowed *where it flows naturally from the topic at hand* and a gentle reminder from time to time to run back to topic is perfectly in order.

     YMS, the monomaniacs and trolls would do that anyway by simply setting up a new thread and pursuing their hobbyhorse there. Far better I think to scrap the off topic rule completely which seems to account for most of the the friction between moderators and contributors. Retaining the rule but allowing a "soupscon of drift" is only asking for trouble because then it becomes a  matter of perception as to how far you stray off topic before the rule should kick in.  What is within the limit for one person may be well outside for another. I say let the contributors take over the role of gently reminding other contributors that they are straying well off course but without any compulsion being involved.  If the latter persist in doing that, then you have the option to do what the monomaniacs and trolls can do now – start another thread


    Hi Robbo,Sounds like anarchy you are proposing. Or socialism.

    robbo203 wrote:
    YMS, the monomaniacs and trolls would do that anyway by simply setting up a new thread and pursuing their hobbyhorse there. Far better I think to scrap the off topic rule completely which seems to account for most of the the friction between moderators and contributors. Retaining the rule but allowing a "soupscon of drift" is only asking for trouble because then it becomes a  matter of perception as to how far you stray off topic before the rule should kick in.  What is within the limit for one person may be well outside for another.

    Good, they can start another thread, and stay in the other thread, and be ignored.  The problem is when they invade other topics.  If someone kept drawing every discussion back to rugby league peopel can ignore them in thread, until someone new and unaware of the pest problem joins in the monomaniac discussion, and derails the useful information content in the thread.  Lbird nearly managed to do that on several occasions.  It's a simple enough rule,, and it's also basic politeness.


    At the moment moderation decisions are carried out in sectret. A few members email each other and the mod acts. I would suggest that decision making process should be transparent in line with our organisation and object. 

    Vin wrote:
    At the moment moderation decisions are carried out in sectret. A few members email each other and the mod acts. I would suggest that decision making process should be transparent in line with our organisation and object.

    At the moment all moderation decisions are carried out by myself, and will remain that way until another member joins me.  I've made no secret of that and I've also stated its not a comfortable position to be in.  Nevertheless, with the tools at my disposal, I have opened up my actions to scrutiny and transparency by agreeing to this thread and other threads so that my decisions are questioned and challenged.When it becomes obvious my actions are in need of refinement I've introduced new protocols to accommodate the users wishes. The decision making process of moderation is transparent and in line with our organisation and object.Any assertion to the contrary needs to be backed up with evidence and facts, besides proposing a suitable alternative.

    moderator1 wrote:
     Any assertion to the contrary needs to be backed up with evidence and facts, besides proposing a suitable alternative.

     You said that the Internet Committee was considering when to allow me to return to the forum. Do have minutes of those deliberations and conrtibutions from the various members? You also said that you move my posts to off topic after receiving emails. Do you have a public record any of this?  

    Vin wrote:
    moderator1 wrote:
     Any assertion to the contrary needs to be backed up with evidence and facts, besides proposing a suitable alternative.

     You said that the Internet Committee was considering when to allow me to return to the forum. Do have minutes of those deliberations and conrtibutions from the various members? You also said that you move my posts to off topic after receiving emails. Do you have a public record any of this?  

    There are no minutes of deliberations and contributions by the I.C. of when to allow you to return to the forum, because none took place.  It was my decision and mine alone.  I do keep copies of emails questioning my actions or urging me to take action.  Nevertheless, like flagging, I can only reveal the author(s) after gaining their permission.

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