Moderation Suggestions

July 2024 Forums Website / Technical Moderation Suggestions

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  • #108667
    moderator1 wrote:
    Steve-SanFrancisco-UserExperienceResearchSpecialist wrote:
     1) here's a copy of my request to post a survey made to the mods. I have still not recieved a response.Steve-SanFranci…21/10/2016 – 10:20pmCan I get your permission to post a survey in your forum? I'm designing a postcard mailer for SPGB and I want to ask SPGB community contributors to volunteer their time to choose their top favorite 3 postcards and 3 most hated postcards.  And then I want them to write their vote down for me in a reply post.I'd like to start a new thread that will have the subject and first post read. . . 

    My apologies for not replying sooner to your request for permission to post a survey on the forum.  Unfortunately, shortly after your request Mod3 was taken ill and subsequently rarely using his emails.  This has delayed a decision on your request.

    The question is, what is the obsession of bringing this survey and postcard to this socialist forum ? We do already know that these survey and postcard have nothing to do with the socialist case.Are we going to allow that this forum be shifted  from its real issues to deal with these stupid survey and postcards ? We have better social and economical issues to deal with.The best survey should be to eliminate all these nonsense and all those postings that has nothing to do with socialism.There are others forums around the whole who can can deal with this type of situation.The moderators of this forum must wear iron boot and stand on their feet and make a decision

    mcolome1 wrote:
    Are we going to allow that this forum be shifted  from its real issues to deal with these stupid survey and postcards ? We have better social and economical issues to deal with.The best survey should be to eliminate all these nonsense and all those postings that has nothing to do with socialism.The moderators of this forum must wear iron boot and stand on their feet and make a decision

     and we know they have one 

    mcolome1 wrote:
    The question is, what is the obsession of bringing this survey and postcard to this socialist forum ? We do already know that these survey and postcard have nothing to do with the socialist case.Are we going to allow that this forum be shifted  from its real issues to deal with these stupid survey and postcards ? We have better social and economical issues to deal with.The best survey should be to eliminate all these nonsense and all those postings that has nothing to do with socialism.

    I believe surveys and the study of surveys are skill and practice in writing and answering surveys are required for socialism to succeed.  Perhaps I should start a topic thread on this subject so it's easier for you to ignore since you don't believe it's relevant to the socialist "cause".  I'm not really arguing that practicing surveys is relevant to the "socialist case" as much as it's relevant to the "socialist cause".  for arguing about the "socialist case", I still think surveys are essential, but it's a separate argument we can explore with opinions in the topic I start.  Would the "new topic" idea of mine get your approval? or is that offensive to you as well? Additionaly, I'm not convinced you speak for the group and believe others feel differently about the relevance of surveys to the "cause of socialism".  We could settle this particular argument to my satisfaction with a survey, but you're suggestion that we settle this disagreement by simply agreeing with you unconditioinaly is not persuasive.  You've made this argument before and I've answered this argument before, so I should add that repeating yourself is also not very persuasive to me. I guess I care a little bit if you repeat yourself as I can use that to understand how important of a matter this is to you, so I do value the count of how many times you make this argument and that has information value to me.  But the wisdom value of your argument was fully accounted for the first time you make the argument. (for the mods, I'm only repeating my answer to Mcolme1 from previous posts because Mcolme1 is repeating a question I've answered in previous posts. this answer was written originally and not copied and contains expansion and clarification of previous answers to Mcolme1's question.  Every time he asks a question over again, I expand on my answer or rephrase it a little bit to see if one of the variations translates better towards an understanding. The question Mcolme1 asks is cross posting, IMO, but my answers are not.). 

    mcolome1 wrote:
    There are others forums around the whole who can can deal with this type of situation.

    Please provide a direct link to 3 top recommended forums you think this should be discussed in. Also, just add a sentence or two explanation for why I would find it a better forum. I'll spend 15 minutes looking over each suggestion for a better forum and If I agree it's a better forum, I'll gladly go there to share my ideas.

    mcolome1 wrote:
    The moderators of this forum must wear iron boot and stand on their feet and make a decision

    The moderators have significantly restricted my survey use already.  If it weren't for them, you'd be much much more irritated as I would find value in adding a survey for evaluating my comments as part of EVERY comment I make. I requested their permission to do so months ago.  From my point of view the moderators have delayed and obfuscated and stonewalled to restrict my freedom of freely exchanging my ideas in violation of socialist principles.  Moderators have a hard job, especially here at SPGB, so I'm not putting them down and I appreciate their efforts in general and cumulatively they've contributed value to me and this forum in my opionion. But on this issue the moderators have not been working to my advantage in my opinon. In my opinion, the mods have cumulatively contributed 10 hours of value towards helping me and I subtract 2 hours of estimated value to me for their handling of the survey matter. (ps. mods, if your reading this, I invite you to tell me your estimates of value if they disagree with mine. I'd like to know more about you're values for better exchanges of time, efforts, and intention value in the future.)Finally, to consolidate my response to your other comment in another post. . . you wrote. . 

    "What about a forum survey  to eliminate all these non socialist related issues? "

    You get my full agreement in principle.  Can you tell me more about how to make it happen and who the survey would ask and what exact question we'll be asking in the survey?  these are important details we need to agree on. If you ask me and believe it will have value to our shared goals, then I could make suggestions and will make a first draft of the survey and suggestions for who should be asked to participate in the survey.  Or I would find value in you're time spent to write a draft of the survey and participants and I would promise to read and review it diligently with 30 minutes of my time or more. If we reach an agreement on the survey questions and recipients, how would we proceed from there? Any ideas on moving beyong talking about a survey and actually doing it  would be appreciated with mods approval. 


    Moderation suggestions?Remove the trolls and spammers. 


    I don't understand why there were invited back and one of them given pride of place on our General Discussion thread with his name in flashing lights.

    Vin wrote:
    Moderation suggestions?Remove the trolls and spammers. 

    That would be the best solution

    mcolome1 wrote:
    Vin wrote:
    Moderation suggestions?Remove the trolls and spammers. 

    That would be the best solution

     The problem is "who decides who's a troll and spammer".  There is a well tested solution to answer the question.  It's called a survey.  and you need to understand fuzzy logic and use it correctly to define who is a spammer and who is not.  

    ALB wrote:
    I don't understand why there were invited back and one of them given pride of place on our General Discussion thread with his name in flashing lights.

    I don't hand out "invites" I do however follow the guidelines and rules.  In respect of allowing LBird to return to the forum after an indefinite suspension.  If he continues to breach the rules I shall automatically issue a further indefinite suspension to him, but also invoke the appeal procedure.  Which I very much doubt he'll take advantage of.I do automatically, block all spammers and delete their posts.  Has for trolls, their presence is down to the users toleration and their use for turning a negative into a positive.  In this respect the 'trolling' by LBird does to a certain extent serve a useful purpose imo in getting the party case for democracy across to the working class.

    moderator1 wrote:
     In this respect the 'trolling' by LBird does to a certain extent serve a useful purpose imo in getting the party case for democracy across to the working class.

    I disagree, he talks about the same thing on every topic. The forum becomes bogged down. Besides he is a typical troll, a very good one that has many members fooled so you should apply the rules of the forum and remove trolls. He also repeatedly brakes other rules such 1 and 2.


    I just wonder what are the contributions of lbird to the SP case  He can see that the whole world working is burning in hell and he will not say anything, but as soon as we flash the name of Engels or the word philosophy he shows up with his super democratic argument and then he comeback to his rocking chair to contemplate the world. He just belongs to the gang of Trollers and Spammers that we have in this forum polluting this place with ideological garbages


    I'm happy enough with the moderator's tolerance and his leeway. I'd also go along with any of his decisions to lock any threads, re-direct them to off-topic or to the rubbish bin. We all have the power to unsubscribe to various threads and we all have the choice whether to contribute to them.I am not sure that their presence has been so detrimental and i don't think the case has been made that it has deterred others from visiting. Maybe it has. Maybe is hasn't. Who can actually say? Its guess-work and, of course, the big picture is that we simply don't have too much traffic anyways so i don't think we should be trying to place blame on the eccentrics who believe an obscure web-page like ours is of value for their pet theories and projects.Actually historically, isn't this just a continuance of a trend that always existed within the Party, long before the ease of the internet posts and they are merely carrying on a long-standing tradition of the Party to be a sounding board for bizarre ideas.Perhaps LBird will get around to authoring a book on Engelsian Materialism and feature the SPGB. If his word-count is anything to go by, he has posted sufficient for a few volumes, it just needs edited and formatted.


    Could mods deal with abusive trolls and spammers BEFORE other members are forced to respond??? 

    Vin wrote:
    Could mods deal with abusive trolls and spammers BEFORE other members are forced to respond??? 

    This is part and parcel of good practice which I do has a matter of course.  Perhaps you have failed to notice but several spammers had their posts deleted and their accounts blocked in the last couple of months. Abusive trolls are always issued warnings and when necessary issued with an indefinite suspension.

    Bijou Drains
    moderator1 wrote:
    Vin wrote:
    Could mods deal with abusive trolls and spammers BEFORE other members are forced to respond??? 

    This is part and parcel of good practice which I do has a matter of course.  Perhaps you have failed to notice but several spammers had their posts deleted and their accounts blocked in the last couple of months. Abusive trolls are always issued warnings and when necessary issued with an indefinite suspension.

    Hi Brian and VinI think the issue at the heart of this current debate is not the frequency of the abusive post, it's also the nature and the seriousness of the post.I would argue that whilst L Bird is a serial offender and at times his posts are quite abusive, he is at least attempting at times to engage in serious debate. In short he can make a bit of a twat of himself at times but his intentions are not always to make a twat of himself.This is in contrast Bob Andrews who, in my view, has never actually posted a serious post and unlike L Bird who sometimes makes a twat of himself, Bob Andrews  is just a twat.In addition to this there is the seriousness of the trolling, in the case of L Bird, he accuses people of being dim and of being his intellectual inferiors, presumably in an attempt to boost his obviously critically endangered sense of self worth.His insults are not particulalry troubling and if the worst that happens to us is that L Bird calls one of an idiot or an imbercile, well I can cope with that.On the other hand Bob Andrews appears to want to use this forum, not only to disrupt the forum and the SPGB, presumably as a last hurrah for the last remnants of the Ashbourne Court group before the grim reaper subjects them to the "final dialectic", Bob also wants to use this forum to project his pre historic, homophobic, bigotted and at times slanderous views. (is Bob the reincarnated spirit of Terry Lawlor?)I think that, considering the homophobic nature of various comments by our knuckle dragging friend, the "three strikes and your out approach" is not enough. His posts are far more than a breach of the rules, they are homophobic, unpleasant, and appear to be a deliberate attempt to provoke a responce from Vin, which will result in a reaction leading to the suspension of an active party member.My advice, as I have given elsewhere, would be for Vin to ignore these personalised attacks. However I can fully understand that Vin feels that the issue is not being taken seriously enough by the Moderator.


    TimSome time ago I expressed concern to moderation that 'bob andrews' was a 'sock puppet' account set up to provoke me and requested that admin use the same expertise on him that they used to discover my alleged 'sockpuppet' account. I was assured that this had been checked.  Mod2 resigned when I accused moderation of bullshitting. Lo and behold! But now mod1 informs me that he neither knows nor cares who 'bob andrews' is. Haddyway n shite man

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