Moderation Suggestions

July 2024 Forums Website / Technical Moderation Suggestions

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  • #108622

    It sounds like a Central Committed controlled by Cadres.  We are not supposed to have leaders or chieftain. I should be suspended because I have around 12 email accounts and I have subscribed most of them with the WSM forum, but I have used those account to propagate the socailist case, and I have been blocked by Leninists, and Stalinists, When I was nominated moderator of the WSM forum, I was instructed to open a new account for that particular forum, but the priormoderator was using his own personal email all the time.When I joint the WSM some peoples attacked me  in one of the party forum, those peoples left the party,  and I am planning to stay until i kick the bucketI know, and I do reecognize  that in certain occasions Vin has been a trouble maker, but he is still a socialist, and a member of the Socialist Party,  and he has not  given up yet, like some old members have done, and some have joint the left, or seating on a rocking chair,  and he is not frustrated, he must be under a lot of pressure because I have read  that he wants to become a member of the WSPUS.Some of those members who has left, they are throwing mud on top of the Socialist Party, there is one who is supporting capitalism and anarcho-capitalism, and in the WSM forum, he was criticizing the party in a very negative way. Are we  going to act like Stalin with Nikolai Bukharin ? This is a very sad,  illogical, and ambivalent  situation, but our famous research specialists is permitted to attack the party and write shit against  socialism, and he is not making any contribution at all, L Bird is constantly telling us that we are Leninists and anti-democratics,  at least Vin is a proletarian rebel who is not a capitalist lover,  Socialist should not be submissive, for socialism I am willing to stand in front of a shooting squad


    You are going to frustrate him, and force him to leave the working class movement. There is nothing worst than a renegade.Robbo203 left the Socialist Party, but he is always defending the party in all the forum that he is subscribed, and there many members of the WSM who are not  propagating anything about the socialist case.We need workers willing to stand against  capitalism,  we do not need sheep 

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    I posted them. I have  posted  comments for him, if that's what you mean. Like Robbo, the SPGB ADM and the SPGB Executive Committee I oppose indefinite suspensions and  I believe he should be allowed to speak on the forum and be treated as an equal.Despite the fact that you have been instructed by the EC to allow him to speak on the forum you issued warnings when I allowed him to speak. Your actions are  grossly undemocratic.. It also seems like you have been fiddling around with the forum again. I am unable use 'quote'  

    What I mean is you have posted 'Vin said' comments and ignored Rule 8. on the posting of such messages by not seeking permission to post them.  I'm unable to "fiddle around" with any of the function boxes.  Try again.

    moderator1 wrote:
    What I mean is you have posted 'Vin said' comments and ignored Rule 8. on the posting of such messages by not seeking permission to post them.  

    Ah yes rule 8. I think you refer to the amendment to rule 8 which was added after 'vin said' comments appeared  and directed specifically at 'vin said' comments.What will be the next amendment  to forum rules:'Anyone with a surname beginning with 'M' shall not join the forum without prior  permission of the Moderator'. That should cover all angles  

    mcolome1 wrote:
    … L Bird is constantly telling us that we are Leninists and anti-democratics…

    Let's be correct about this, mcolome1.I keep asking whether the SPGB thinks that Marx is correct, and that only the producers can democratically produce their product. And I keep getting the answer, including from you, that the SPGB does not agree with Marx.I keep explaining that you and the others unconsciously support Engels' 'materialism', which is an anti-democratic epistemology, and so you are forced to defend 'matter' rather than 'democratic communism'.This is the same position that Lenin took – that there is a 'special elite' who 'know matter', outside of any interference by the democratic workers, and so the workers do not need to be consulted about what constitutes 'matter'.In this sense, you and the SPGB are following Lenin's views about epistemology, and so your belief in 'science' is an 'anti-democratic' belief.Put simply, I am "constantly telling you that you are Leninists and anti-democratics" because that is exactly what you all claim yourselves.Why you do so, and why you don't look into why you do so, can only be put down to a religious faith in what you've been told in the past, and which you've never thought to critically challenge.

    LBird wrote:
    mcolome1 wrote:
    … L Bird is constantly telling us that we are Leninists and anti-democratics…

    Let's be correct about this, mcolome1.I keep asking whether the SPGB thinks that Marx is correct, and that only the producers can democratically produce their product. And I keep getting the answer, including from you, that the SPGB does not agree with Marx.I keep explaining that you and the others unconsciously support Engels' 'materialism', which is an anti-democratic epistemology, and so you are forced to defend 'matter' rather than 'democratic communism'.This is the same position that Lenin took – that there is a 'special elite' who 'know matter', outside of any interference by the democratic workers, and so the workers do not need to be consulted about what constitutes 'matter'.In this sense, you and the SPGB are following Lenin's views about epistemology, and so your belief in 'science' is an 'anti-democratic' belief.Put simply, I am "constantly telling you that you are Leninists and anti-democratics" because that is exactly what you all claim yourselves.Why you do so, and why you don't look into why you do so, can only be put down to a religious faith in what you've been told in the past, and which you've never thought to critically challenge.

     If you are a pure Communist why you do not post anything against the capitalist class or the ruling class, or the event that are taking place around the world ? You posting are only focused on attacking Engels or the Socialist Party, nothing against the bourgeoisieYou can not  even tie the shoelaces  of Engels because he dedicated his life and his money for the cause of the working class, and he even took arms in a revolution,  and you are seating on a  rocking chair


    Reminder: 1. The general topic of each forum is given by the posted forum description. Do not start a thread in a forum unless it matches the given topic, and do not derail existing threads with off-topic posts.

    mcolome1 wrote:
    LBird wrote:
    mcolome1 wrote:
    … L Bird is constantly telling us that we are Leninists and anti-democratics…

    Let's be correct about this, mcolome1.I keep asking whether the SPGB thinks that Marx is correct, and that only the producers can democratically produce their product. And I keep getting the answer, including from you, that the SPGB does not agree with Marx.I keep explaining that you and the others unconsciously support Engels' 'materialism', which is an anti-democratic epistemology, and so you are forced to defend 'matter' rather than 'democratic communism'.This is the same position that Lenin took – that there is a 'special elite' who 'know matter', outside of any interference by the democratic workers, and so the workers do not need to be consulted about what constitutes 'matter'.In this sense, you and the SPGB are following Lenin's views about epistemology, and so your belief in 'science' is an 'anti-democratic' belief.Put simply, I am "constantly telling you that you are Leninists and anti-democratics" because that is exactly what you all claim yourselves.Why you do so, and why you don't look into why you do so, can only be put down to a religious faith in what you've been told in the past, and which you've never thought to critically challenge.

    If you are a pure Communist why you do not post anything against the capitalist class or the ruling class, or the event that are taking place around the world ? You posting are only focused on attacking Engels or the Socialist Party, nothing against the bourgeoisie

    Perhaps it's escaped your notice, mcolome1, but this is a supposed socialist site, where socialists discuss socialist ideas.When I'm in 'real life', speaking to other workers, I do nothing but criticise 'the capitalist or the ruling class'.But here, I 'attack' the nonsense that Engels spouted about 'materialism' (which is opposed to Marx's ideas about democratic workers' control of their own production), a nonsense that the SPGB seems to follow, and which is politically disastrous for workers, and leads to Leninist political views, about 'elite experts' (or, a 'cadre party') telling workers what 'matter is' (and so, what 'politics are').

    mcolome1 wrote:
    You can not  even tie the shoelaces  of Engels because he dedicated his life and his money for the cause of the working class, and he even took arms in a revolution,  and you are seating on a  rocking chair

    Here we have the usual personal abuse of a politically critical poster, rather than an attempt to politically engage with a critic of the SPGB's 'materialism'.You always do this, mcolome1, because you don't understand the political criticism that is being levelled at you and the SPGB, and so you always revert to calling me names.You're being childish, mcolome1. Why not attempt to refute my allegation that you share Lenin's elitist political epistemology? I'll tell you why you don't – you can't, because you argue the same politics as Lenin.Personal abuse of another poster won't change that situation. Only critical thought and discussion can hope to change your Leninist politics of knowledge production, and replace them with a 'democratic communist' epistemology.

    mcolome1 wrote:
    It sounds like a Central Committed controlled by Cadres.  We are not supposed to have leaders or chieftain.

    We don't have.

    mcolome1 wrote:
    I should be suspended because I have around 12 email accounts and I have subscribed most of them with the WSM forum, but I have used those account to propagate the socailist case, and I have been blocked by Leninists, and Stalinists,

    Not the same thing comrade. You are not pretending to be anyone other than yourself. You are not seeking ot subvert procedures. That member persistently does so.

    mcolome1 wrote:
    When I was nominated moderator of the WSM forum, I was instructed to open a new account for that particular forum, but the prior moderator was using his own personal email all the time.

    That would have been a suggestion comrade for your own security as the yahoo mailing lists had been subject to some activity prior to this and comrades email addresses had become compromised.

    mcolome1 wrote:
    When I joint the WSM some peoples attacked me  in one of the party forum, those peoples left the party,  and I am planning to stay until i kick the bucketI know, and I do recognize  that in certain occasions Vin has been a trouble maker,

    Only the tip of a large iceberg.

    mcolome1 wrote:
    but he is still a socialist, and a member of the Socialist Party,

    It is time he behaved like one then.

    mcolome1 wrote:
    and he has not  given up yet, like some old members have done, and some have joint the left, or seating on a rocking chair,  and he is not frustrated, he must be under a lot of pressure because I have read  that he wants to become a member of the WSPUS.Some of those members who has left, they are throwing mud on top of the Socialist Party, there is one who is supporting capitalism and anarcho-capitalism, and in the WSM forum, he was criticizing the party in a very negative way. Are we  going to act like Stalin with Nikolai Bukharin ?

    No, we should counter attack those. For your information, this is a member who in a comrade's twitter feed in 2013 wrote,

    **@4SocialismNow #SPGB is now a fascist organisation … — Capitalism (@OutOfFeudalism)@4SocialismNow I am a member of your party and I have been banned from the WSM forum for no good reason — Capitalism (@OutOfFeudalism)@4SocialismNow Your party no longer believes in free speech,it run by bullies and homophobes — Capitalism (@OutOfFeudalism)

    mcolome1 wrote:
    This is a very sad,  illogical, and ambivalent  situation, but our famous research specialists is permitted to attack the party and write shit against  socialism, and he is not making any contribution at all,.L Bird is constantly telling us that we are Leninists and anti-democratics,

    They are not party members. We expect more of members, to discipline themselves and to use the appropriate channels for complaints and accept the decisions, while they may indeed disagree with them.Even more so when they have previously indulged in the above ** behaviour and were still allowed to rejoin us.

    mcolome1 wrote:
    at least Vin is a proletarian rebel who is not a capitalist lover,

    Well he should follow recognised procedures and exercise self discipline.

    mcolome1 wrote:
    Socialist should not be submissive, for socialism I am willing to stand in front of a shooting squad

    I do not doubt that for one moment.

    Matt wrote:
    mcolome1 wrote:
    It sounds like a Central Committed controlled by Cadres.  We are not supposed to have leaders or chieftain.

    We don't have.

    mcolome1 wrote:
    I should be suspended because I have around 12 email accounts and I have subscribed most of them with the WSM forum, but I have used those account to propagate the socialist case, and I have been blocked by Leninists, and Stalinists,

    Not the same thing comrade. You are not pretending to be anyone other than yourself. You are not seeking ot subvert procedures. That member persistently does so.

    mcolome1 wrote:
    When I was nominated moderator of the WSM forum, I was instructed to open a new account for that particular forum, but the prior moderator was using his own personal email all the time.

    That would have been a suggestion comrade for your own security as the yahoo mailing lists had been subject to some activity prior to this and comrades email addresses had become compromised.

    mcolome1 wrote:
    When I joint the WSM some peoples attacked me  in one of the party forum, those peoples left the party,  and I am planning to stay until i kick the bucketI know, and I do recognize  that in certain occasions Vin has been a trouble maker,

    Only the tip of a large iceberg.

    mcolome1 wrote:
    but he is still a socialist, and a member of the Socialist Party,

    It is time he behaved like one then.  

    mcolome1 wrote:
    and he has not  given up yet, like some old members have done, and some have joint the left, or seating on a rocking chair,  and he is not frustrated, he must be under a lot of pressure because I have read  that he wants to become a member of the WSPUS.Some of those members who has left, they are throwing mud on top of the Socialist Party, there is one who is supporting capitalism and anarcho-capitalism, and in the WSM forum, he was criticizing the party in a very negative way. Are we  going to act like Stalin with Nikolai Bukharin ?

    No, we should counter attack those. For your information, this is a member who in a comrade's twitter feed in 2013 wrote,

    **@4SocialismNow #SPGB is now a fascist organisation … — Capitalism (@OutOfFeudalism)@4SocialismNow I am a member of your party and I have been banned from the WSM forum for no good reason — Capitalism (@OutOfFeudalism)@4SocialismNow Your party no longer believes in free speech,it run by bullies and homophobes — Capitalism (@OutOfFeudalism)

    mcolome1 wrote:
    This is a very sad,  illogical, and ambivalent  situation, but our famous research specialists is permitted to attack the party and write shit against  socialism, and he is not making any contribution at all,.L Bird is constantly telling us that we are Leninists and anti-democratics,

    They are not party members. We expect more of members, to discipline themselves and to use the appropriate channels for complaints and accept the decisions, while they may indeed disagree with them.Even more so when they have previously indulged in the above ** behaviour and were still allowed to rejoin us.

    mcolome1 wrote:
    at least Vin is a proletarian rebel who is not a capitalist lover,

    Well he should follow recognised procedures and exercise self discipline.

    mcolome1 wrote:
    Socialist should not be submissive, for socialism I am willing to stand in front of a shooting squad

    I do not doubt that for one moment.

     Okay, clarification and suggestions have been accepted. Let's continue with the Socialist case which is more important.The other point, when I see someone constantly criticizing and attacking the Socialist Party, its history, and the dedication of its founders, it just boil my blood, and my neuronsI do know Leninism, and studied Leninism for many years, and there is not any  comparison between Leninism and the Socialist Party. This organization opposed Leninism since the very beginning and even Lenin never dared to open his mouth against us, and the old members had the courage to avoid wars, an action that many peoples did not dare to do, and followed like sheepThe Socialist Party is not a fascist organization either, whoever has said that is completely wrong, and does not know the real meaning and definition of Fascism, and whoever says that  lose my respect

    Matt wrote:
    For your information, this is a member who in a comrade's twitter feed in 2013 wrote,

     I can’t allow you to give malcolm such an unbalanced defamatory impression of Vin which is now becoming a habit of one or two sour vindictive members who have chosen not to move on.You forgot the bit about him joining  the Party in the 70s and – Organised meetings and debates with almost every organisation: printing and delivering thousands of leaflets and posters over a period of more than 10 years. Had 100s of letters posted in local newspaper and spoke 100s of times on local phone ins.All arguing the SPGB case.  He has argued and defended the SPGB ever since even when not a member, as well as criticising it when some of its members acted undemocratically as they clearly are now.Dragged a party platform to the major cities of the North East of England to shout the case of the PartyWas a founder member of Seaham Branch which later developed into North East. Acting as secretary, delegate, branch organiser, printer, distributer, tea maker and got the rounds inWas the sole representative of the SPGB in a debate with the Durham Miners Union at Sunderland University during the 1984 Miners strike and gave out leaflets on the picket line.   I could go on. He has always been a passionate advocate of the SPGB which is why he becomes even more angry and frustrated when he sees members misuse of it and flaunting its democracy..You also rais a number of issues1.          Members are free to criticise the party.You are in a minority if you think otherwise2.         This was in 2013.Vin has since rejoined and made an unnecessary apology for criticising the party.3.         The whole of the working class is anti- socialist.    Again you are in a minority if you believe they should not be accepted in the party because of 'previous' opposition.How would YOU describe the actions of a small committee that refuses to carry out the wishes of ADM and the EC because it claims that it knows better. I struggle for a word but malcom has said that he  has only experience it in Stalinist and Leninist groups.  "It sounds like a Central Committed controlled by Cadres.  We are not supposed to have leaders or chieftain" . Do you intend to remind him of his comments in 2019?I thank you Matt for revealing the elephant in the room: The  REAL reason Vin is banned from the forum

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    For your information, this is a member who in a comrade's twitter feed in 2013 wrote,**@4SocialismNow #SPGB is now a fascist organisation … — Capitalism (@OutOfFeudalism)@4SocialismNow I am a member of your party and I have been banned from the WSM forum for no good reason — Capitalism (@OutOfFeudalism)@4SocialismNow Your party no longer believes in free speech,it run by bullies and homophobes — Capitalism (@OutOfFeudalism)

     I can’t allow you to give malcolm such an unbalanced defamatory impression of Vin which is now becoming a habit of one or two sour vindictive members who have chosen not to move on.

    The comrades name is Marcos. Not at all. It was to correct the misapprehension as to what has been a consistent flaunting of party's recognised procedures, from one sour vindictive member taking up a disproportionate and undemocratic amount of time and resources to do so, even as procedures were being followed by those he was vilifying.

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    You forgot the bit about him joining  the Party in the 70s and – Organised meetings and debates with almost every organisation: printing and delivering thousands of leaflets and posters over a period of more than 10 years. Had 100s of letters posted in local newspaper and spoke 100s of times on local phone ins.All arguing the SPGB case.  He has argued and defended the SPGB ever since even when not a member, as well as criticising it when some of its members acted undemocratically as they clearly are now………………………… SPGB which is why he becomes even more angry and frustrated when he sees members misuse of it and flaunting its democracy.

    We can all get angry and frustrated so what? I had to moderate my behaviour when inexperience led me astray in the early internet years. All largely irrelevant, as his socialist credentials had never been questioned, it does not stop him from dissing  other comrades credentials though, yet he engaged in the above** action while his appeal about the WSM_Forum was going through the appropriate procedures and he was still a member at the time. A consistent pattern of trying to gazump procedures. He has just repeated this behaviour again by attempting to join this Forum using deceitful methods, instead of waiting on the Internet committees response to the EC and either accepting or rejecting this.

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    You also raise a number of issues1.          Members are free to criticise the party.You are in a minority if you think otherwise

    Of course they are, but there is a legitmate number of places for this and it is not on the world wide web as above, even as processes are being undergone and they have to take the form of comradely discourses, not attacking and vilifying party members trying to follow those recognised procedures…

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    2.         This was in 2013.Vin has since rejoined and made an unnecessary apology for criticising the party.

    Unnecessary? So not a sincere regret then for his misdeeds? The problem is he repeats some of that in the recent past, 'Little Hitler'. Any time he considers himself thwarted he resorts to this silly, offensive and childish, behaviour.

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    3.         The whole of the working class is anti- socialist.    Again you are in a minority if you believe they should not be accepted in the party because of 'previous' opposition.

    A bit of  straw clutching on your part here. we are not speaking of anti-socialists but of someone who is already one with a roll call of activities you cited. They should have corrected previous errors and engage in comradely and constructive discourse to prevent any re-occurrences of them. A willingness to review and change or modify. Yet by your own admissions you say his apology was unnecessary. Well, well.

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    How would YOU describe the actions of a small committee that refuses to carry out the wishes of ADM and the EC because it claims that it knows better.

    This is another unwarranted assumption if you are speaking of the Internet committee. As far as I am aware they have not responded yet, to the recent email from the Gen. Sec. I am sure they will do so in due course, to the EC, also taking into consideration behaviour from the comrade in question post-ADM.I am not posting here on the behalf of the I.C., another consistent error which is made is to attack individuals, often those who are trying to help the comrade, but who just happen to be a member of a committee with which he is at war, however loosely. Myself in particular.

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    I struggle for a word but malcom has said that he  has only experience it in Stalinist and Leninist groups."It sounds like a Central Committed controlled by Cadres.  We are not supposed to have leaders or chieftain" . Do you intend to remind him of his comments in 2019?

    You at least did not reach for the usual epithet(s) Cde. V. Marratty would have reached for. This exercise of personal control is lacking in the comrades behaviour.Certainly not. The comrade (Marcos) was not aware of the true nature of the vilification and  abuse (Stalinist, Fascist, little Hitler) that hard working party members or departments have consistently been subjected to and the persistent attempts by him to thwart democratically decided procedures and the his unwillingness to address or change those behaviours.

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    I thank you Matt for revealing the elephant in the room: The  REAL reason Vin is banned from the forum

    Yes, it is a persistent unwillingness to change his behaviour, despite the best efforts of comrades to accommodate him whenever he had general or potential difficulty. He only has himself to blame. He should know better, but doesn't seem to do so.


    Matt, . the number of inaccuracies- for the want of a better word – and ignorance of events in your last post is so large I will need to write a Phd on them but I will waste only some of my time to  deal with a coupleFirstly, Vin's criticism of the Party has NOTHING to do with his forum suspension. You are therefore way off topic and using the situation to express your vitriol. You are clearly provocating I know who the comrade is behind the pseudoym mcolome1   and I would not break his confidence by repeating his identity as you have. The point is, he himself clearly states that this forum represents something he has witnessed in Stalinist and Leninist groups and referred to the Internet Committee   "a Central Committed controlled by Cadres.  We are not supposed to have leaders or chieftain."  Not that much different from Vin's description. And we would all agree that he is a respected long standing member.Members may only criticise the party in certain places.  Members may not criticise  the Party on the world wide web. What nonsense is that? You will find that as a socialist party unlike fascist and Stalinist Parties we are free to criticise the Party whereever and whenever we wish. Indeed there is a conference resolution to this effect (not that one should be needed.This is a socialist party and challenging the democratic actions of members and committees  is acceptable. What is not acceptable is the defamatory and infamatory attacks agains members as you are doing. Vin Maratty is responsible for wasting party time. The time wasting has been caused by over moderation of which many members have now commented on and the undemocratic action of the Internet Committee forcing the issue onto the EC  Opening an account under a pseudonym is not deceitful but common practice. It was Vin's only accountClearly you are free to be abusive and distort the truth about Vin and as is your usual practice you are seeking to provoke a response.I suggest yo suppress your prejudices of members and deal with the issues. I would accept a warning for referring to a member as a 'little hitler' and even a suspension for accusing a member of deceit as you have done of Vin. But I would expect to be allowed to criticise the party freely as Vin  and mcolome1  are.  I believe there are rules protecting members from having their integrity challenged I suggest that the party  applies that principle fairly, otherwise it is meaningless 


    Sorry, my hatred of poor argumentation has kicked in.Vin owned the password to two accounts simultaneously without consulting the administrators.  That one of those accounts was under sanction dos not change the fact that his name was associated with it, and he was in control through poocessing the password. Please, please stop insulting our intelligence with your bilge and water weak sophistry.  

    Matt wrote:
    lindanesocialist wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    For your information, this is a member who in a comrade's twitter feed in 2013 wrote,**@4SocialismNow #SPGB is now a fascist organisation … — Capitalism (@OutOfFeudalism)@4SocialismNow I am a member of your party and I have been banned from the WSM forum for no good reason — Capitalism (@OutOfFeudalism)@4SocialismNow Your party no longer believes in free speech,it run by bullies and homophobes — Capitalism (@OutOfFeudalism)

     I can’t allow you to give malcolm such an unbalanced defamatory impression of Vin which is now becoming a habit of one or two sour vindictive members who have chosen not to move on.

    The comrades name is Marcos. Not at all. It was to correct the misapprehension as to what has been a consistent flaunting of party's recognised procedures, from one sour vindictive member taking up a disproportionate and undemocratic amount of time and resources to do so, even as procedures were being followed by those he was vilifying.

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    You forgot the bit about him joining  the Party in the 70s and – Organised meetings and debates with almost every organisation: printing and delivering thousands of leaflets and posters over a period of more than 10 years. Had 100s of letters posted in local newspaper and spoke 100s of times on local phone ins.All arguing the SPGB case.  He has argued and defended the SPGB ever since even when not a member, as well as criticising it when some of its members acted undemocratically as they clearly are now………………………… SPGB which is why he becomes even more angry and frustrated when he sees members misuse of it and flaunting its democracy.

    We can all get angry and frustrated so what? I had to moderate my behaviour when inexperience led me astray in the early internet years. All largely irrelevant, as his socialist credentials had never been questioned, it does not stop him from dissing  other comrades credentials though, yet he engaged in the above** action while his appeal about the WSM_Forum was going through the appropriate procedures and he was still a member at the time. A consistent pattern of trying to gazump procedures. He has just repeated this behaviour again by attempting to join this Forum using deceitful methods, instead of waiting on the Internet committees response to the EC and either accepting or rejecting this.

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    You also raise a number of issues1.          Members are free to criticise the party.You are in a minority if you think otherwise

    Of course they are, but there is a legitmate number of places for this and it is not on the world wide web as above, even as processes are being undergone and they have to take the form of comradely discourses, not attacking and vilifying party members trying to follow those recognised procedures…

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    2.         This was in 2013.Vin has since rejoined and made an unnecessary apology for criticising the party.

    Unnecessary? So not a sincere regret then for his misdeeds? The problem is he repeats some of that in the recent past, 'Little Hitler'. Any time he considers himself thwarted he resorts to this silly, offensive and childish, behaviour.

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    3.         The whole of the working class is anti- socialist.    Again you are in a minority if you believe they should not be accepted in the party because of 'previous' opposition.

    A bit of  straw clutching on your part here. we are not speaking of anti-socialists but of someone who is already one with a roll call of activities you cited. They should have corrected previous errors and engage in comradely and constructive discourse to prevent any re-occurrences of them. A willingness to review and change or modify. Yet by your own admissions you say his apology was unnecessary. Well, well.

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    How would YOU describe the actions of a small committee that refuses to carry out the wishes of ADM and the EC because it claims that it knows better.

    This is another unwarranted assumption if you are speaking of the Internet committee. As far as I am aware they have not responded yet, to the recent email from the Gen. Sec. I am sure they will do so in due course, to the EC, also taking into consideration behaviour from the comrade in question post-ADM.I am not posting here on the behalf of the I.C., another consistent error which is made is to attack individuals, often those who are trying to help the comrade, but who just happen to be a member of a committee with which he is at war, however loosely. Myself in particular.

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    I struggle for a word but malcom has said that he  has only experience it in Stalinist and Leninist groups."It sounds like a Central Committed controlled by Cadres.  We are not supposed to have leaders or chieftain" . Do you intend to remind him of his comments in 2019?

    You at least did not reach for the usual epithet(s) Cde. V. Marratty would have reached for. This exercise of personal control is lacking in the comrades behaviour.Certainly not. The comrade (Marcos) was not aware of the true nature of the vilification and  abuse (Stalinist, Fascist, little Hitler) that hard working party members or departments have consistently been subjected to and the persistent attempts by him to thwart democratically decided procedures and the his unwillingness to address or change those behaviours.

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    I thank you Matt for revealing the elephant in the room: The  REAL reason Vin is banned from the forum

    Yes, it is a persistent unwillingness to change his behaviour, despite the best efforts of comrades to accommodate him whenever he had general or potential difficulty. He only has himself to blame. He should know better, but doesn't seem to do so.

    I did not know that he had said that the members of the Socialsit Party are fascists. I do not agree with that expression. 

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