Moderation Suggestions

December 2024 Forums Website / Technical Moderation Suggestions

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  • #108592

    Reminder: 14. Rule enforcement is the responsibility of the moderators, not of the contributors. If you believe a post or private message violates a rule, report it to the moderators. Do not take it upon yourself to chastise others for perceived violations of the rules.

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    Suggestion: Mod 1 would step aside. He is the only Mod continually sending posts from myself to offtopic. He is clearly bias and prejudice

     If another moderator was available they would have taken the same action.  All such actions are agreed by a majority of the moderators.This being the case would you care to retract the allegation of bias and prejudice?


    Mod1 this is a simple recommendation. You will find such recommendations all over the forum. If they are not allowed then tell us all This is a thread requesting moderation suggestions. I am making some suggestionsCan you explain why I cannot make moderation suggestions on a moderation suggestions thread?  

    moderator1 wrote:
    lindanesocialist wrote:
    Suggestion: Mod 1 would step aside. He is the only Mod continually sending posts from myself to offtopic. He is clearly bias and prejudice

     If another moderator was available they would have taken the same action.  All such actions are agreed by a majority of the moderators.This being the case would you care to retract the allegation of bias and prejudice?

    Is this thread for moderation suggestions? If so then I am making a moderation suggestion

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    Could I suggest that when posts are removed the mod gives notification and explanation?  

    Rule 12. Moderators may move, remove, or lock any threads or posts which they deem to be off-topic or in violation of the rules. Because posts and threads can be deleted without advance notice, it is your responsibility to make copies of threads and posts which are important to you.

    moderator1 wrote:
     This being the case would you care to retract the allegation of bias and prejudice?

     Of course your not bias . The evidence is all over this forum that you are fair and objective. I retract my ridiculous allegation. Full apologies

    moderator1 wrote:
     If another moderator was available they would have taken the same action.  All such actions are agreed by a majority of the moderators. 

     If another mod is not available then how did you come to a majority decision? 

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    moderator1 wrote:
    lindanesocialist wrote:
    Suggestion: Mod 1 would step aside. He is the only Mod continually sending posts from myself to offtopic. He is clearly bias and prejudice

     If another moderator was available they would have taken the same action.  All such actions are agreed by a majority of the moderators.This being the case would you care to retract the allegation of bias and prejudice?

    Is this thread for moderation suggestions? If so then I am making a moderation suggestion

    You are making a suggestion based on a false allegation which has no validity.  If you wish to make a complaint on the action I've taken please PM all the moderators.


    And just for confirmation this thread ' moderation suggestions' is not for 'moderation suggestions'?  

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    moderator1 wrote:
     If another moderator was available they would have taken the same action.  All such actions are agreed by a majority of the moderators. 

     If another mod is not available then how did you come to a majority decision? 

    Another mod was not available to carry out the action.  The majority decision was reached by email.


    That sound reasonable enough to me.Thanks mod1 Its just that one of the mods didn't know you had removed the post in a PM to me never mind I am sure this is a misunderstanding that will soon be cleared up 


    Mod 1 in no way do I question you integrity but it appears that you removed my posts at around 9.30pm but at around 10.30pm in a PM to me  MOD3 apparently had no knowledge of this removal, I have yet to here from Mod2. Do you have a copy of the emails in which the 3 mods agreed to remove the posts.?I am sure there is a simple explanation and in no way do I doubt your claim but just for clarity I would appreciate an explanation for this anomaly

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    Mod 1 in no way do I question you integrity but it appears that you removed my posts at around 9.30pm but at around 10.30pm in a PM to me  MOD3 apparently had no knowledge of this removal, I have yet to here from Mod2. Do you have a copy of the emails in which the 3 mods agreed to remove the posts.?I am sure there is a simple explanation and in no way do I doubt your claim but just for clarity I would appreciate an explanation for this anomaly

    The 3 mods do not need to agree to remove posts just a majority.  All mods are emailed for their views before any action is taken.  However, if for some reason their response is delayed any mod can take a relatively minor action on their own initative i.e. deletion of duplicate posts, posting reminders or removal posts to another section.  Not all mods are available at any one time neither can we cover the site 24/7. Therefore, in respect of minor issues actions are consensual. No such minor action is cast in stone due to its consensual nature and can at a later date be rectified if a complaint is made and the mods agree its valid.A full consultation, on the other hand, only takes place when one of us are of the opinion that a warning or suspension needs to be issued.  And if a majority agree such action is necessary a warning or suspension is issued.  If you think this particular issue warrants a complaint please use the PM function.

    moderator1 wrote:
    This being the case would you care to retract the allegation of bias and prejudice?

     To suggest you may be a little overzealous in you moderation with a member because of 'previous association' is no reflection on your inegrity of which I do not doubt, only to suggest that perhaps now that there are other mods available to remove unwanted posts perhaps you could take that well deserved break

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    moderator1 wrote:
    This being the case would you care to retract the allegation of bias and prejudice?

     To suggest you may be a little overzealous in you moderation with a member because of 'previous association' is no reflection on your inegrity of which I do not doubt, only to suggest that perhaps now that there are other mods available to remove unwanted posts perhaps you could take that well deserved break

    Thanks, but no thanks!Fortunately, as you well know there's no pause or break in the class struggle.  Indeed, those who know me are well aware that I find pursuit of the class struggle enjoyable and interesting.  Therefore, I see no reason to take a break from a challenge I actually thrive on.

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