Moderation and website technical issues

January 2025 Forums Website / Technical Moderation and website technical issues

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  • #90425
    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    I have attempted to post the link but I was placed on moderation and informed of rule 4. I think I may be the only member prohibited.

    No such post has been made to the forum and no such warning has been issued. Rule 4 "DO NOT cross-post to this forum" does not prohibit the posting of links.

    wikipedia wrote:
    Crossposting is the act of posting the same message to multiple information channels

    The article that OldGreyWhistle is quoting appears to be this one:


     There they go trying to make me out to be a liar. Here is my evidence:I received this from spintcom moderator joey    This message is unsafe.It contains adware cookies.Don't crosspost to the list.> A few paragraphs on moderation,>>>>> vin maratty 

    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    There they go trying to make me out to be a liar. Here is my evidence:I received this from spintcom moderator joey

    This forum is not spintcom. That message you have received looks like it may have been an automated response. You should contact the spintcom moderator.  

    admin wrote:
    SocialistPunk wrote:
    I was hoping Admin or the Int Dept would be able to answer a very relevant question regarding the use of The Moderation Queue on this forum.

    You are reminded that forum comments are not to be used as a way to communicate with the moderator or for private conversations between users.However, apologies for the delay in replying to your initial enquiry, I shall see that it is replied to forthwith.With regards to moderation, the practice is that this remains in place until a user has demonstrated an understanding of and willingness to abide by the forum rules.

    Hi AdminI was not aware that this thread is considered unsuitable to ask questions regarding forum moderation. Other members and myself have asked similar questions in the past without receiving such replies. I do believe the thread title is "Forum Moderation and Web' Tech' Issues".As for the demonstrated change in forum behaviour. I think the question has been asked, but as no specific reply regarding any idea as to what actually the demonstration of change looks like, in terms of amount of acceptable contributions etc, then you still have failed to answer the original question. As OGW has handed his party resignation in, it looks to me as though he may be kept on permanent moderation until he does so. In fact I am starting to think his (and another party member) leaving the party is now the desired result. How else can such aggressive moderation be explained.Moderation here, now looks to be all about control, the essence of censorship, rather than facilitating a positive online environment, where solutions to problems are sought through communication rather than imposed. Though I expect those doing the imposing will never be able to see the un-socialist nature of their actions. Such is the way with authority.I never ever thought in my wildest dreams I would find myself in a position where I would be criticising the SPGB for using censorship and authoritarian measures to silence dissent. How times have changed.


     I fail to  see any reason why individual moderation cannot be discussed under the appropriate thread. Here is what the rules say:  ModerationTo report a comment to a moderator use the 'Report' button below each post. Calling out for a moderator response in-thread is off-topic and will only serve to further derail the thread. Commenting on moderation decisions in-thread is also off-topic and will only serve to further derail the thread. In-thread comments on moderation will be removed and their continual posting will result in disciplinary action. Comments on moderation can be made within the 'Website/Technical' section of the forum.  


     I have just fould out that in fact this part of the forum rules was never adopted by the EC and was added by? I fail to see why individual moderation issues cannot be discussed on a designated part of the forum. "ModerationTo report a comment to a moderator use the 'Report' button below each post. Calling out for a moderator response in-thread is off-topic and will only serve to further derail the thread. Commenting on moderation decisions in-thread is also off-topic and will only serve to further derail the thread. In-thread comments on moderation will be removed and their continual posting will result in disciplinary action. Comments on moderation can be made within the 'Website/Technical' section of the forum."   


    The guidelines are set out to explain to posters how to stay within the rules and how to behave in a way that is conducive for a quality web forum. They have not been adopted by the EC but in any case are just guidelines and not enforceable rules.Commenting on moderation decisions on a thread not about moderation is by definition off-topic. As is calling out for the moderator in thread. So such action may lead to moderator action as it is in breach of the off-topic rule – not because the guidelines advise against it.If any comrade wants to put forward a rule change he can do so via a branch.

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    I was not aware that this thread is considered unsuitable to ask questions regarding forum moderation.

    You can ask questions but the point is if you are directing them towards a specific individual or department you are best communicating with them directly, there's no guarantee the thread will be read by the intended recipient.

    As OGW has handed his party resignation in, it looks to me as though he may be kept on permanent moderation until he does so. In fact I am starting to think his (and another party member) leaving the party is now the desired result. How else can such aggressive moderation be explained.

    I assure you you are drawing the wrong conclusion here.

    admin wrote:
    The guidelines are set out to explain to posters how to stay within the rules and how to behave in a way that is conducive for a quality web forum. They have not been adopted by the EC but in any case are just guidelines and not enforceable rules.Commenting on moderation decisions on a thread not about moderation is by definition off-topic. As is calling out for the moderator in thread. So such action may lead to moderator action as it is in breach of the off-topic rule – not because the guidelines advise against it.If any comrade wants to put forward a rule change he can do so via a branch.

    I agree but what I said was I fail to see why individual moderation issues cannot be discussed on a designated part of the forum.


    Hi Admin and thanks for getting back to me.I take your point about specific enquiries. However the question I asked regarding what criteria, in terms of length of acceptable behaviour, constitutes an acceptable reason to end the mod queue torture, needs to be asked and hopefully answered in public.There is also no guarantee an answer will be provided if the protocol you mention is followed.Sometimes in life open questions regarding areas that are perceived as being problematic or unacceptable, need to be asked in the public domain. I believe whole heartedly in full democracy. For such democracy to work we need to be fully informed in order to make an informed decision. In this case I believe the road down which this forum is traveling regarding the use of censorship to control us, is wrong.So I will continue to openly ask pertinent questions, in the hope we will receive answers that will keep us fully aware of the situation regarding moderation on this forum.If that offends anyone, then  that is unfortunate for them, and I suggest they leave politics well alone in future, as most should be aware that it can get a little real at times.With that in mind, I would appreciate an answer to the issue of how many "correct" posts does it take for a mod queue to be lifted?As for my mistaken perception that certain party members are being driven out. May I suggest a way to avoid such misunderstandings in future. Communicate rather than command. If you make the first move, you may get a surprise at how effective talking with people can be at coming to an acceptable resolution.


    AdminI have now asked openly on this forum as well as via private message. So I will ask here again.I would appreciate an answer to the issue of how many "correct" posts does it take for a mod queue to be lifted?Not a difficult question to answer.If a moderation queue is going to be used then there must be some way of determining when it is considered ok to remove a person from such a queue, surely?Do 5 "correct" posts fulfill the requirement, or 10? Maybe up to 20? Or perhaps the difficulty in providing an answer to a simple question is because another method is being used? Divination perhaps. The practice of using occult or hidden knowledge to foretell the future. Various methods can be used, tea leaves, animal entrails, hidden messages in the stars, tarot cards, dice and even excrement.If divination is being used to decide as to when TheOldGreyWhistles' mod queue punishment is lifted. May I suggest a possibly more reliable form, such as numerology or mathemancy to work out the number of "correct" contributions required before it is deemed acceptable to the powers that be. Why make things more complicated than they need be?

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    I would appreciate an answer to the issue of how many "correct" posts does it take for a mod queue to be lifted?

    If you're looking for an answer in the form of "after x posts" you're not going to get it. Moderation does not and should not work that way; it's not some sort of by-the-book operation where there are incredibly specific penalties and time limits prescribed for every conceivable circumstance.We've got a very general set of guidelines which we try to apply in as fair and sensible a manner as possible to specific situations.  Whist trying to be as consistent as possible, every situation we encounter is different, and we need to take these unique characteristics into account when making judgments.Moderation is not a binary process but rather a human process.

    admin wrote:
    SocialistPunk wrote:
    I would appreciate an answer to the issue of how many "correct" posts does it take for a mod queue to be lifted?

    If you're looking for an answer in the form of "after x posts" you're not going to get it. Moderation does not and should not work that way; it's not some sort of by-the-book operation where there are incredibly specific penalties and time limits prescribed for every conceivable circumstance.We've got a very general set of guidelines which we try to apply in as fair and sensible a manner as possible to specific situations.  Whist trying to be as consistent as possible, every situation we encounter is different, and we need to take these unique characteristics into account when making judgments.Moderation is not a binary process but rather a human process.

    Which in effect means 'different strokes for different folks' serves as a justification for moderation to continue for ever and a day.  In truth a moderation queue is following the application of 'continual reinforcement'  where both parties become stuck in circular arguments over what constitutes anti-social behaviour.Surely if a user is unable to get their act together after 3 or 4 posts they need a spot of time out?  Once this period of suspension is finished and they continue to exhibit anti-social behaviour instead of further moderation they are given a further period of time out.Moderators are not baby sitters, probation officers, prison wardens, or even behavioural scientists who are caught in a time warp of administering continual reinforcement.  Like Skinner highlights "continual reinforcement is counter productive" because it becomes accepted as the norm and therefore fails to stimulate the recipient into changing their pattern of behaviour.

    Brian wrote:
    Moderators are not baby sitters, probation officers, prison wardens, or even behavioural scientists who are caught in a time warp of administering continual reinforcement.  Like Skinner highlights "continual reinforcement is counter productive" because it becomes accepted as the norm and therefore fails to stimulate the recipient into changing their pattern of behaviour.

    Yes you're right about moderators not being baby sitters but you've fudged on your Skinner.  A suspension could also be seen as a kind of 'negative-reinforcement'.As it stands on-topic comments are reinforced as they are allowed through the queue. Off-topic comments receive no response, they are not reinforced, so in theory the behaviour should become extinct.But as both positive and negative reinforcement is also taking place outside of the forum it is of course more complicated than that.


    Only one out of three  of my posts past thro' censorship this morning. I challenge admin to show these to Brian, SP or anyone else, with an explanation of how this is not censorship of opinion TOGW

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