Moderation and website technical issues

January 2025 Forums Website / Technical Moderation and website technical issues

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     Ed I know I often use your name to make a point about what has happened in the past. I also use other member’s names but it is not meant to be personal.  I hold no grudge against you and I prefer your straight forward attitude to the sarcastic and underhanded attitude of others. I think we are both victims of this situation. I never suggested you were a police infiltrator, I believe that was another member of the forum and I don't think he really meant it. I don’t believe you are responsible for any problems in the North East. My argument is the way the forums are moderated. vin maratty


    EdPlease leave this personal stuff alone mate. I chose to overlook your original comment to me that lit the fuse.We are socialists, frustrated with the lack of progress in bringing the capitalist system to an end. I am only interested in this issue now because I can see some improvements need introducing to make this forum reflect socialist values of openness and resolution instead of censorship and silence.If I did not care I would have left this forum long ago, in fact I would not have even bothered to join. But I do care and so I stick around in the hope something positive will come of this situation.


    At the risk of being done for flaming or whatever, but I'm banking on the sense of humour of comrades in the North East, here's a news item in today's Times that hopefully will provide some light relief:

    Town councillors are to be given a lesson in civility after complaints about their conduct. Members of Ferryhill town council, in Co Durham, have been the subject of seven complaints, four of which related to a meeting in October. Now Durham County Council is to organise a meeting to establish "why differences of opinion between members cannot be entertained and debated in a civilised manner".

     Well, there’s no problem there. North East comrades are not allowed to comment and if that's not the SPGB practicing censorship I will eat my shorts!


     Well, there’s no problem there. North East comrades are not allowed to comment.

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    EdPlease leave this personal stuff alone mate. I chose to overlook your original comment to me that lit the fuse.We are socialists, frustrated with the lack of progress in bringing the capitalist system to an end. I am only interested in this issue now because I can see some improvements need introducing to make this forum reflect socialist values of openness and resolution instead of censorship and silence.If I did not care I would have left this forum long ago, in fact I would not have even bothered to join. But I do care and so I stick around in the hope something positive will come of this situation.

    Perhaps you are completely unaware what an ordeal this has been for me. Having four people gang up on you, spread lies about you and then turn around and accuse you of doing it to them. It's a sick kind of bullying which has lead to much stress and depression. I've been on the verge of quitting the party since October and I've completely withdrawn from the party except for branch activities. I feel like I've been ostracized and made into a scapegoat and it's all down to Old Grey Whistle and Steve Colborn's actions. So next time you think about singing their praises, perhaps spare a thought for how their actions have impacted on others. Not just me but the other members of my branch, the EC and moderators and most active members of the party have been affected to some degree.I sincerely believe that had your friends not intervened we would have sorted this out on our own. Unlike them I believe that you are more than capable of defending yourself from criticism. Even if that criticism does include 'strong' language.


    I find it strange that moderation has allowed this post thro'? When you compare it with posts that I have had rejected. It is a direct attack on integrity, yet no moderation. 


    ADMIN WARNING. Any user making further posts in this topic which negatively comment on any other forum user will be placed on moderation.


    I was hoping Admin or the Int Dept would be able to answer a very relevant question regarding the use of The Moderation Queue on this forum.TheOldGreyWhistle has been in a moderation queue since he served a suspension from this forum on the 4th January. I think he served about a week on suspension, give or take a day or two. That means he has been in a Moderation Queue for approx 5 to 6 weeks.During this time he has had posts allowed and disallowed, depending on the content and whether or not it has been deemed appropriate or not for forum users to view.He has proven he is capable of saying the correct things, as we must presume his allowed posts are considered acceptable to be seen.We can only presume his disallowed posts must have been found to be unacceptable, though I do not expect he has been calling for the repatriation of immigrants. If he had done so, I expect he would have found many a party member jumping to his aid with regards his "right" to free speech. Joking to one side. I have seen several of his recent disallowed posts, that came to my email box via the reply function, and I have to say I saw little wrong with them. In fact I could have posted the exact words and would not have found myself under the spotlight of the moderators. It would seem that when in a Moderation Queue, the rules on what you can or can't say suddenly become different to that of regular forum members.Now my question is a simple one. Is TheOldGreyWhistle on permanent moderation, or perhaps semi-permanent moderation?


     Come across a website offering advice on moderation. I think the SPGB should have a look at it. Here is an example: Forum moderators are not police officersThe biggest mistake forum owners make when taking on forum moderators is expecting them to police the community. Many see the main role of moderators as enforcers of the site rules, as people who delete posts they don’t like and lock topics the moment they run off-course. If these are the priorities of your moderators, you are doing it all wrong.


    Spot on there OGW.I think there have been a lot of mistakes in recent months, from both sides. But only one side holds all the cards.Are you still in a Moderation Queue?


    I'm afraid I am still on moderation. Has been almost two months. Inexplicable

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    I was hoping Admin or the Int Dept would be able to answer a very relevant question regarding the use of The Moderation Queue on this forum.

    You are reminded that forum comments are not to be used as a way to communicate with the moderator or for private conversations between users.However, apologies for the delay in replying to your initial enquiry, I shall see that it is replied to forthwith.With regards to moderation, the practice is that this remains in place until a user has demonstrated an understanding of and willingness to abide by the forum rules.

    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
     Come across a website offering advice on moderation. I think the SPGB should have a look at it. Here is an example: Forum moderators are not police officersThe biggest mistake forum owners make when taking on forum moderators is expecting them to police the community. Many see the main role of moderators as enforcers of the site rules, as people who delete posts they don’t like and lock topics the moment they run off-course. If these are the priorities of your moderators, you are doing it all wrong.

    Exactly what the problem in the Swansea report tackles.  Vin the link to this website would be appreciated.  Could you post the above quote and the link to the Internet Dept. and the EC for their information?Make sure you put FYI in the subject box followed by the heading.  Pity I had not come across this site during my research.


    BrianI have attempted to post the link but I was placed on moderation and informed of rule 4. I think I may be the only member prohibited. I will email it to you. If you wish

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