Miners’ Festival photos

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Miners’ Festival photos

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  • #82253

    What a beautiful sunny day to be out in the Kent countryside.  Kent and Sussex Branch had two stalls at this event which proved highly successful.  About two hundred leaflets were distributed, including two of the branch’s own: “The Abolition of the Wages System” and “No Governments, No Leaders, No Led”, together with the sale of seven copies of the branch’s newly revamped party publication, “The Strike Weapon”.  A number of pamphlets were also sold and several back numbers of the Socialist Standard given away.

    Five comrades and a supporter were present.



    The text of the branch leaflets mentioned sounds interesting.


    If branches produce their own leaflets and they aren't on the web , the blog will happily publish them for wider dissemination. 

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    If branches produce their own leaflets and they aren't on the web , the blog will happily publish them for wider dissemination. 

    OK, thanks.  I've forwarded your message to the member who was responsible for their production to see if he can scan them.  Alternatively, I'll send you a PM later with the appropriate PDFs attached.In the meantime you might like to publish (and publicise) the branch's revamp of 'The Strike Weapon' which was understandably quite popular at this event.  Front cover and link to text here:http://www.worldsocialism.org/spgb/forum/world-socialist-movement/kent-and-sussex-regional-branch-maidstone?page=6#comment-7508However we've added some material pertinent to the branch and a few illustrations too.  I'll send you those PDFs as well.

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