Mentioned in despatches

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Mentioned in despatches

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    Not sure that calling the capitalist class "wealthy scume" is us, is it?Anyway, it wasn't Marx as this is what he wrote in the Preface to Das Kapital:

    To prevent possible misunderstanding, a word. I paint the capitalist and the landlord in no sense couleur de rose. But here individuals are dealt with only in so far as they are the personifications of economic categories, embodiments of particular class-relations and class-interests. My standpoint, from which the evolution of the economic formation of society is viewed as a process of natural history, can less than any other make the individual responsible for relations whose creature he socially remains, however much he may subjectively raise himself above them.

    That is why i thought it a pity there was no link for me to follow up on.As for the use of scum, much to do with the context that we are criticising sections of the ruling class. At certain times when they are engaged in particular actions, scum would be too tame a term.


    I just checked by Googling – we are guilty, our official SPGB twitter But as they say, no publicity is bad publicity Melania Trump ✔@FLOTUS#MerryChristmas 

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    As for the use of scum, much to do with the context that we are criticising sections of the ruling class. At certain times when they are engaged in particular actions, scum would be too tame a term.

    Murderous, nasty scum. Still too tame. It's one thing to say 'it's the system' but it's onother to remove blame.  I notice that some well meaning groups on the   'left' are referred to a lot worse than 'scum' on this forum and no one complains about that.


    You mean the other Official SPGB tweet that compared Corbyn to Thatcher (with a photo to fit) that got us a mention in the Sun? I didn't like that either.


    No, I wasn't thinking of that.


    One of my favorite guilty pleasures is the Socialist Party of Great Britain’s Twitter feed, which insists daily that the socialist ideal has never been tarnished by real-world socialists. A tweet permanently affixed to the top of their page reads: “Are you about to tell us ‘Socialism was tried in Russia’ or ‘Look at Venezuela’ etc? It has NEVER EXISTED! It comes AFTER global capitalism!”

    hallblithe wrote:
     A tweet permanently affixed to the top of their page reads: “Are you about to tell us ‘Socialism was tried in Russia’ or ‘Look at Venezuela’ etc? It has NEVER EXISTED! It comes AFTER global capitalism!”

    Yes and that tweet has 1,200 likes! And 2,000 comments.  I have said it ad nauseam but this account needs to be advertised and the party needs to recognise the way forward is to exploit digital media more than it has done. The evidence is there. 


    Another duplicate

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