Members, ex-members and class traitors

September 2024 Forums General discussion Members, ex-members and class traitors

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  • #92823

     I don't think any of you are tits. Three tits are fine but two are better. More natural.I have looked at the spgb internal forum and to be fair it is only one member attacking Steve Coleman with venom. Totally unprovoked and unsubstantiated.What concerns me more is the lack of moderation. I am an ex-member because this selfsame member attacked me without provocation and told me to leave.No moderation for him!My response resulted in moderation for THREE MONTHS effectively driving out of the party. He even moderated himself! He took the piss out of free speech and democracy and the party still believes he was in the right and that I deserved the moderation- stamped officially by the EC.“There's none so blind as those who will not see.”For the record, Steve Coleman did a lot of work for the party and the north east branch and I liked his style. We don’t know why he left. Perhaps he left for the same reason as me or Dave Chesham. It does not matter. He should be encouraged to rejoin.


    ADMIN REMINDER:"Rule 1. Keep discussion on topic.""Rule 5. Personal abuse, flaming and trolling will not be tolerated."Any further messages in breach of these rules will be removed.


    My original suspicions are constantly reinforced! It seems I am about to be censored again for expressing an opinion about a member of the socialist party. Nothing in my post is inaccurate.

    admin wrote:
    ADMIN REMINDER:"Rule 1. Keep discussion on topic.""Rule 5. Personal abuse, flaming and trolling will not be tolerated."Any further messages in breach of these rules will be removed.

     Censored you mean

    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    My original suspicions are constantly reinforced! It seems I am about to be censored again for expressing an opinion about a member of the socialist party.

    This forum is for the discussion of socialism and related matters. It is not to be used to make allegations or insinuations against other forum users.

    steve colborn

    I cannot believe that this is happening again.Where do people who read this thread think it came from, or what inspired it? This thread "is" about an issue related to socialism. Moreover, point to where allegations and insinuations were made? when in fact they were factually correct in all senses.It appears that my comments on another thread re revising my decision to resign was, in itself, overhasty. Oh well, guess I'm in for a protracted spell as an "ex-member".Sadly yours Steve.


    Can you please specify where I have broken forum rules? If I had referred to someone as a class traitor then fair enough, I would expect to be suspended, but what I have said is simply a matter of record on this forum and in EC minutes and is related directly to the topic of this thread. Please state specifically the 'accusation' I have made. If you cannot then I will accept  the removal of your obvious warning to me.Or you could simply remove me from the forum. I am not a member of the party and it is after all your forum and your censorship has the support of your party


    Steve and OGWUnfortunately it looks like I was right about the party being in a bridge burning mode of late. Seems the two of you are now officially SPGB "renegades".I haven't yet figured out why party members seem more adept at burning bridges than building them? I am leaning towards the hostility clause as the possible source of infection.Now, what did Marx say about history repeating itself? I'm sure I read it somewhere recently.For reference, this is very much on topic and is way less inflammatory than being called a mofo.


    To clarify:Commenting on and replying to moderation in thread is off-topic.Continually referring to personal and historic cases of moderation is off-topic.Referring to other forum members (including the moderator) in a negatively provocative fashion is flaming.These rules apply to all forum users.Please read our forum guidelines and rules.

    steve colborn

    Admin, you must have recieved my PM I sent to you at 4pm but, as was the case previously you chose not to reply to me, so what recourse do you leave me and others if, after following procedure, you continue to ignore me or others?As to the above, are you saying your first intervention on here, with regard to OGW was a moderation? As to the second refering to "historic cases of moderation", on this particular thread is "not" of topic. It was one of the reasons I started this thread. Are you saying you, or other moderators have the power to decide what can be discussed in any particular thread?What if I had "explicitly stated" in the title of this particular thread that one of the components of the discussion was moderation? Would you, or others have prevented the thread altogether? And take it from me, one of the reasons for starting this thread "was", to talk about moderation, historic or otherwise!Finally, I will ask again here, seeing as though you see fit not to reply to my PM. What "specifically" did OGW state, that was negatively provocative to another forum member. Surely you are logically minded enough to realise that OGW merely repeated facts that are already in the "public domain" and were put in that place, by the aforementioned comrade, (not OGW by the way) himself.Your reply, logical I hope would be appreciated.Steve.

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