Members, ex-members and class traitors

December 2024 Forums General discussion Members, ex-members and class traitors

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  • #81839
    steve colborn

    We live in a particularly odious and repressive system. In case there are those who do not know, it's called capitalism. This system makes demands upon all of us who were unfortunate enough to be born into the working-class. Our time, our very lives are lived around, for the most part, the dictats of Capitalism.

    Even we Socialists, yes I do still consider myself a Socialist, Party member or not, must accede to these dictats. That a member, for whatever reason, leaves The Socialist Party, is surely "their" business. Capitalism may well "buy and sell" people, at the very least for the hours of ones employment but the last time I looked, The Socialist Party did not, nor does now!

    One may feel that one has given all they can to the Socialist cause, that there is nothing left in the tank. Unusual though it may be thought to be, a Party member may disagree with the Party, this "disagreement" enough to lead to a resignation. Or, as has happened, a member may not "get on", with another member, or members, the personality clash being such that leaving may appear to be the only option.

    In these, and other examples, the one thread that links them all, is that we are "human beings", individual human beings. We share a common political goal, but are not brainwashed clones, nor automatons.

    Is it the "decent" thing to do, to question an ex comrades reasons for leaving the "field", or even his credentials as a Socialist? especially given the fact that one does not need to be a member of the SPGB, to be a Socialist! I think not.

    As I myself have found, it is impossible to ignore the things one has learned either on the road to becomming a Socialist, or afterwards. Even now, I cannot just sit quietly when I hear someone calling something or someone a Socialist, when it is clearly untrue. In the same way I cannot let ignorant comments about the disabled, the unemployed and others of my class be spouted. If any are unaware of the facts re a given subject, be assured, they leave my presence with these facts, or the directions of where to find them.

    I would dare to presume that this is the case with the vast majority of ex-members. I would say, furthermore, that if we approached a point where a "critical mass", of support for the Socialist case was being reached, they wouldnot be backwards in coming forward with their support

    Although not a current member, I have observed the sites and share the sense of disquiet over certain comments made re ex-members. An old saying, paraphrased, is appropriate here,

    Let he who is lilywhite and does not dwell in a glass-house, cast the first slur on another.


    Steve, An ex-member but "still" a Socialist.

    steve colborn wrote:
     Although not a current member, I have observed the sites and share the sense of disquiet over certain comments made re ex-members. An old saying, paraphrased, is appropriate here,Let he who is lilywhite and does not dwell in a glass-house, cast the first slur on another. Steve, An ex-member but "still" a Socialist.

    I am concerned that such a committed socialist as yourself should have to enter the field of political action without the support of the party you have worked so hard to popularise. These 'comments made re ex-members' has resulted in the concentration of party resources away from the north east.  If you were an ex-swp member having to stand and put their case withou party support the SPGB would be up in arms.


     As a member of the SPGB wrote on this forum: "What actual assets in the shape of cash and property do the SWP possess? Does anyone know the facts?Seems there could be an argument to stay in the party and fight for control of those tangible benefits if they are substantial." What is good for the goose…….

    steve colborn

    Is suace for the Gander! what the hey. Steve.

    steve colborn

    The greatest asset The Socialist Party has, is the knowledge of it's members and their commitment. Steve.


    Very true, good friend.

    steve colborn

    All we can offer, no more no less. As an ex-member, I am still a Socialist! I can be nothing else. By the way OGW, right back at you. Good m8, comrade, Socialist and committed to "OUR" cause. Steve.


    I have been checking out the site that is referred to (SPopen), seems that burning bridges is becoming a SPGB habit of late. Only In this case the bridge is being burnt before a foot has been set upon it. Makes no sense!


    You do realize they're talking about Steve Coleman and not you? Have you "served as specialist adviser to the House of Commons Information Select Committee inquiry on ICT and public participation in Parliament, policy adviser to the Cabinet Office, a member of the Royal Society committee on public engagement in science and a member of the Puttnam Commission on parliamentary communication with the public." 


    EdI may not be a Marxist intellectual, but I am not stupid and I most certainly can read. What did you think the reference to burning the bridge before setting a foot on it, refers to?If some think it worthwhile approaching Steve Coleman for assistance, I think it very, very foolish to slag him off before hand. Wouldn't you agree?

    steve colborn

    SP, I think Ed was making this comment to me! Steve.


    EdI am sorry for being a bit snappy on my last post. I have a flu like illness right now, I feel like shit and suspect it will lead to a chest infection and medical intervention. The joys of Cystic Fibrosis.

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    EdI am sorry for being a bit snappy on my last post. I have a flu like illness right now, I feel like shit and suspect it will lead to a chest infection and medical intervention. The joys of Cystic Fibrosis.

    Don't worry about it bro, I'm a little under the weather myself, it's going around at the moment. Steve's right, it was to him. Thanks for pointing me to Spopen (a forum I don't usually read) otherwise I would have continued to be bemused.


    Steve and EdAll I can do is appologise all round for being a bit of a tit.Sorry.

    steve colborn

    SP we may all be tits but at least we are Socialist tits. Be well both. Steve.

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