Media manipulation

September 2024 Forums General discussion Media manipulation

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  • #84494

     A review of the press today revealed several articles concerning the trivial chit-chat communications between Clinton and Blair but when i went to RT website they were carrying a story about Blairs messages to Gaddafi that i never saw being given the same prominence in the papers.

    The cynic and skeptic in me says this was a purposeful distraction by the media to protect Blair. 

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    The cynic and skeptic in me says this was a purposeful distraction by the media to protect Blair. 

    More likely to protect/coverup  the  actions of the UK Government 

    Dave B

    use this as an excuse to post a link to an excellent article today.i can't plug ICH too much there is 'some' really interesting stuff put up on it. news is 'good' as well despite the fact that you can argue that it is just another media outlet for another set of capitalists.As with Karl when in volume one he praised the English proverb;When two liars come together the truth comes along on its own.


    ICH is a good source, once you sifted through some of the more outlandish articles. RT like AlJazeera is always suspect but it does highlight different aspect of the news


    I was going to place this on the Corbyn thread but thought it better for this one. People who read my messages here, know i am no friend of the BBC and would not mourn its disappearance even if a few party members might regret its passing for various reasons.

    The post, written by BBC producer Andrew Alexander, is alleged to have said: “Just before 9am we learned from Laura Kuenssberg, who comes on the program every Wednesday ahead of PMQs, that she was speaking to one junior shadow minister who was considering resigning.I wonder, mused our presenter Andrew Neil, if they would consider doing it live on the show?” The proposition was then put to Kuenssberg, who though it a “great idea.” “Within the hour we heard that Laura had sealed the deal,” Alexander wrote, adding, “we knew his resignation just before PMQs would be a dramatic moment with big political impact.”

    Although not limited to the BBC, I think this statistic reflects the overall BBC coverage. The Media Reform Coalition published figures suggesting Corbyn has been “systematically undermined” by the media. Analyzing almost 500 articles from across the media written in the first week of Corbyn’s leadership, the Coalition’s finding appears to indicate a widespread assault on the veteran socialist. Out of 494 pieces 296 were negative and only 65, or 13 percent, were positive.


    Here's another example of media manipulation of an item currently in the news: course this might be Iranian propaganda but presumably the images can be checked and we do know what the Saudi royal despotism is capable of.Antidote: watch RT and Press TV as well as the BBC and Sky. As Dave B has pointed out, the truth can emerge from arguments between two liars.

    Dave B

      The time just before the repeal of the Corn Laws threw new light on the condition of the agricultural labourers. On the one hand, it was to the interest of the middle-class agitators to prove how little the Corn Laws protected the actual producers of the corn. On the other hand, the industrial bourgeoisie foamed with sullen rage at the denunciations of the factory system by the landed aristocracy, at the pretended sympathy with the woes of the factory operatives, of those utterly corrupt, heartless, and genteel loafers, and at their “diplomatic zeal” for factory legislation. It is an old English proverb that “when thieves fall out, honest men come by their own,”and, in fact, the noisy, passionate quarrel between the two fractions of the ruling class about the question, which of the two exploited the labourers the more shamefully, was on each hand the midwife of the truth.Earl Shaftesbury, then Lord Ashley, was commander-in-chief in the aristocratic, philanthropic, anti-factory campaign. He was, therefore, in 1845, a favourite subject in the revelations of the Morning Chronicleon the condition of the agricultural labourers. This journal, then the most important Liberal organ, sent special commissioners into the agricultural districts, who did not content themselves with mere general descriptions and statistics, but published the names both of the labouring families examined and of their landlords. The following list gives the wages paid in three villages in the neighbourhood of Blanford, Wimbourne, and Poole. The villages are the property of Mr. G. Bankes and of the Earl of Shaftesbury. It will be noted that, just like Bankes, this “low church pope,” this head of English pietists, pockets a great part of the miserable wages of the labourers under the pretext of house-rent: —

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