Material World: Europe – A Whiff of Fascism in the Air

December 2024 Forums Comments Material World: Europe – A Whiff of Fascism in the Air

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  • #131152

    The drift to the right in Austria and its influence discussed here


    Following is a discussion on the page titled: Material World: Europe – A Whiff of Fascism in the Air.
    Below is the discussion so far. Feel free to add your own comments!




    Another useful article highlighting the growing threat of xenophobic nationalism

    "By the end of 2014 the popularity of Fidesz had dropped dramatically and they tried everything. There was no stone left unturned to get this popularity back," says Mark Kekesi, a human rights activist. In spring 2015 the wave of refugees and migrants entering Central Europe via Hungary came as a kind of heavenly gift to Mr Orban and many other politicians in the region. They could exaggerate the potential immigration threats and then appear as saviours.

    We have not learned our lessons from the past. Millions of peoples apparentely died in WWII fighting against Fascism and Nazism, extreme nationalism, and ethnic cleansing,  and now in some so-called developed countries, the workers are placing Neo-Fascists and Neo-Nazis in power. Are they Masochists? Obviously, it looks like they are. When are we going to learn that all our problems are produced by this economic system instead of blaming them on our class brothers?  


    There does appear to be a total lack of class consciousness, Marcos, when workers actually vote for political parties set up and controlled by billionaires and which are no longer disguised by the use of proxy "labour" leaders.Nationalism has indeed managed to fool our fellow workers into misguidedly believing in some fictitious national interest shared by them and their bosses.But as you imply with the repetition of history…fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice…shame on me

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