Marxist Animalism

July 2024 Forums General discussion Marxist Animalism

  • This topic has 973 replies, 32 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #106638
    Major McPharter
    Bijou Drains wrote:
    TheMightyYoghourt wrote:
     The point, surely, is that 'farming' under capitalism – for which read 'factory farming as an efficient means of maximising profits' is at once fucking up the planet and producing meat that is scarcely worth eating.  Most mass-produced supermarket meat is flavourless and almost entirely lacking in nutritional value.  The same is true, incidentally, of mass-produced fruit and vegetables.  Capitalism has produced an entire generation of people who simply don't have a clue what an apple or a tomato taste like, leave alone the explosive umami experience of a well-reared cow.  FFS!  Lots of people don't even know where their food comes from.  I think that it's mistaken to believe that there is any quantitative or qualitative difference between cow factory farming, sheep factory farming, chicken factory farming or fish factory farming.  It's all harmful, both to people and the environment and the only slightly-sentient creatures that it fucks about with. (If livestock were so clever it'd have a socialist party!)  From my point of view, socialism won't be socialism if it treats animals in the way that capitalism does.  So forget about your chicken nuggets and your beefburgers.  If they still exist after the revolution – except as a frozen exhibit in the museum of idiocy and total divorce from the concept of a food chain – it won't have been a revolution at all.  Human liberation equals animal liberation, it seems to me.  And I don't even like animals.  I like animals about as much as I like humans.  Which is to say, scarcely at all.  I'm not a vegetarian.  My attitude to food is simple.  If you speak to it and it can't answer then it's on the menu.  And that includes tabloid readers and the watchers of the X-Factor.  But you really shouldn't be eating that stuff unless you know where it came from. 

    Fuck me, someone who is as misanthropic as myself, Right on brother/sister. The only slight points of disagreement, beefburgers can be delicious, if made with properly produced beef, and you seem to rule out eating parrots. my socialist trained golden eagle only eats carrots and sprouts

    Major McPharter

    Will Oswald bring his blackshirts with him up to the north east ?



    former advertising executive who spent two decades working with “big food” corporations has revealed how they are still working to persuade us to eat more sugar and junk food in spite of the obesity epidemic.

    “The very inconvenient truth that nobody wants to talk about is that to resolve the obesity crisis, we need to eat less food. And we need to particularly eat less unhealthy food which generally comes in a packet and has a logo on it and is generally owned by a very large multinational corporation.”


     Beefburgers can be delicious, but not when they come out of machines.  And parrots are on the menu for sure!  Let's be clear, they're only ever saying what they've been taught to say.  Just like tabloid readers. I'm not so much a misanthrope, really.  I just hate what capitalism does to people.

    TheMightyYoghourt wrote:
     Beefburgers can be delicious, but not when they come out of machines.  And parrots are on the menu for sure!  Let's be clear, they're only ever saying what they've been taught to say.  Just like tabloid readers. I'm not so much a misanthrope, really.  I just hate what capitalism does to people.

     The last tabloid I read told me vegitarism and sandles were the way to go. What does that tell you? 


    Being a carnivore is one thing but promoting factory farming and the absolute manipulation and objectification of other animals is another thing…Even if our ancestors were carnivores, it doesn't mean that we have to be. I mean, just because we are animals it doesn't mean that we don't have autonomy or choice in the matter. Our technology assures that we have choices. So we should exercise them. This whole idea that we were carnivores once doesn't let us off the hook by any means.

    In the interview she makes an argument that i have heard made against reformism 

    if you spend 10 years working with the egg industry to get the couple more inches in a battery cage for chickens, you might consider that a victory, but the fact is that what you've also done is made it much more difficult to abolish using chickens. Because you've gotten something from that industry and you're going to have to wait a very long time before you get anything else.

    Nearly $70 billion on our cats, dogs, and other companion animals, and a 2015 Gallup poll found that one-third of all Americans believe animals should have the same basic rights as people.  Despite our love for animals, over 9 billion land animals per year are slaughtered for food in the U.S. alone

    Bijou Drains
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Nearly $70 billion on our cats, dogs, and other companion animals, and a 2015 Gallup poll found that one-third of all Americans believe animals should have the same basic rights as people.  Despite our love for animals, over 9 billion land animals per year are slaughtered for food in the U.S. alone

    So if we turn agricultural production over to purely agrarian farming, what do we do with the 9 billion animals that are ready for slaughter, turn them loose? I think a lot of people who don't have much of a connection with the countryside belive it's all a bit David Attenborough out there (the lizard always beats the snake). How do you imagine wild animals meet their deaths, Do you have visions of elderly Mr badger, surrounded by famiy and friends, slowly passing away in his bed as the Badger priest reads him the badger last rites. In reality most wild animlas meet deaths that are at least as unpleasant as the ones that die in slaughterhouses, often at an earlier age.Again the slaughterhouses of a Socialist Society would not be driven by cutting corners and making as much profit for the owners. I for one would be ok with working in a well run, humane slaughter house, knowing it is the best interests of my fellow workers.There is also a lot of bollocks talked about local food production and the environmental benefits of it. A recent programme on Radie 4 pointed out that it was far more environmentally friendly to undertake large scale production of tomatoes in a climate like Spain and then transport to the UK, that it was to use energy producing tomatoes in the UK. The amount of greenhouse gasses produced in transporting, especially by sea, is far less that heating greenhouses in the UK.

    Being a carnivore is one thing but promoting factory farming and the absolute manipulation and objectification of other animals is another thing

    Exactly, that's it ! Nobody here is defending or promoting the methods capitalism uses to produce meat to feed the urban masses. But it works the other way. Once these methods are abandoned in socialism, those who have become vegetarians because they don't like them will be able to become the natural carnivores (actually omnivores) that we are and begin eating meat again.

    Bijou Drains wrote:
     How do you imagine wild animals meet their deaths, Do you have visions of elderly Mr badger, surrounded by famiy and friends, slowly passing away in his bed as the Badger priest reads him the badger last rites. In reality most wild animlas meet deaths that are at least as unpleasant as the ones that die in slaughterhouses, often at an earlier age.

    Major McPharter wrote:
    Will Oswald bring his blackshirts with him up to the north east ?

    Divint wurry marra. Thail nivver stop wor pie and pee suppa neets. Gannaway wir a  a leek up the jacksey, Mare like  

    Bijou Drains
    Vin wrote:
    Major McPharter wrote:
    Will Oswald bring his blackshirts with him up to the north east ?

    Divint wurry marra. Thail nivver stop wor pie and pee suppa neets. Gannaway wir a  a leek up the jacksey, Mare like  

    the last time a fascist caalled Oswald torned up in th’ Toon, me fatha an is Marras waddn’t let’m Gan t’th hoppins. He awnly wanted to gan on a shuggy,…-a0382399245

    Vin wrote:
    Major McPharter wrote:
    Will Oswald bring his blackshirts with him up to the north east ?

    Divint wurry marra. Thail nivver stop wor pie and pee suppa neets. Gannaway wir a  a leek up the jacksey, Mare like  

     I tried "GeordieTranslator" on this but it dinna work. So c'mon guys, tell us .  What does "wor pie and pee suppa neets"  mean then?

    DJP wrote:
    Who wants to spend all day working in a slaughterhouse?

    Me. Only one day a week, though.  

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