Marx v Mises

September 2024 Forums General discussion Marx v Mises

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  • #191135

    That defence of Von Mises by the Adam Smith Institute does not deny that  he supported Fascism in Italy and Austria. It merely seeks to explain this as him seeing fascism as a temporary measure to save free-market capitalism (called “civilisation”) from not only Bolshevism but also even reformist Social Democracy. Quite a few capitalists and other of their apologists took up this position at the time, only to find that once they had surrendered control of political power to some dictator and his cronies they were unable to get it back and re-introduce free-market capitalism. That took a world war.

    Inactive  Cleaning Marxist trash best way Bolsonaro build better brazil. The best way to argue against them is by showing their support to reactionary individuals and governments.

    Bolsonaro was part of the past Brazilian dictatorship, similar to the dictatorship of Argentina.

    The question is what type of Marxist measures were established in Brazil during the government of Lula Da Silva? None, it is a clear indication that they do not have a clue of what Marxism really is because Marx never supported sate capitalism, on the contrary, he supported a stateless society

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