Marx/Engels on Mexico

September 2024 Forums General discussion Marx/Engels on Mexico

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  • #205436

    There is various right-wing websites saying Marx called Mexicans lazy.

    This debunks the claim


    With further research it appears it was Engels who called Mexicans lazy in an article called “Democratic Pan-Slavism” that first appeared in the 15-16 February 1849 issue of the NRZ.

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    Nothing new about Marx and Engels, capitalists and anarchists have created, invented and propagated a lot of lies about Karl Marx and Frederich Engels for many decades. Personally, I do not pay attention to misinformation. I am still looking for the check that Rothschild gave to Marx in order to finance the publication and writing of Das Kapital. The Bolivarian also propagated a lot of misinformation about Marx when it was published the letter that he wrote against Simon Bolivar, and everything that he said in that letter is true, he was just the Latin American Napoleon


    Anyway didn’t Marx’s son-in-law Paul Lafargue write a pamphlet called The Right to be Lazy ?


    It is a pamphlet that many right-wingers and left-wingers do not understand, they take the name of the book in a literal way. Paul Lafargue was Cuban mixed with a black Cuban person, and a Black Haitian, ( known as Mulato in Cuba )  and he was one of Marx secretary and married to one of his daughters. During the time of Marx, many words had others meanings including the word Dictatorship taken from the Roman legal system which meant the government, proletarian was taken from the Roman, etc, etc. The dictatorship of the proletariat meant the government( temporary measure )  of the proletariat and Lenin distorted the whole things




    The Right to be Lazy

    The Right to be lazy, SPGB


    Literally the real lazy class is the capitalist class because they do not have to work in order to survive, and they can produce wealth seating in their mansion, in a yacht or beach, and many peoples do not see that ( including workers ) and they say that workers are lazy, the slaves worked 18 hours a day for free, and  the plantation owners said that they were lazy

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