Marx Disowns LBird …

July 2024 Forums General discussion Marx Disowns LBird …

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  • #85592

    “My dialectic method is the opposite of Hegel’s.

    1. For Hegel:  thought ‘fashions’ the material;
      the material is merely the ideal in the form of an object.

    2. For Marx:  the material ‘fashions’ thought;
      the ideal is merely the material in the form of thought.”

    Capital Vol. 1. Afterword (1873)

    “My dialectic method is not only different from the Hegelian, but is its direct opposite.

    To Hegel, the life process of the human brain, i.e., the process of thinking, which, under the name of “the Idea”, he even transforms into an independent subject, is the demiurgos¹  of the real world, and the real world is only the external, phenomenal form of “the Idea”.

    With me, on the contrary, the ideal is nothing else than the material world reflected by the human mind, and translated into forms of thought.”

    ⁽¹⁾  Demiurgos.

    1. δημιουργός — a Platonic subordinate deity who fashions the sensible world in the light of eternal ideas.
    2. demiurge — one that is an autonomous creative force or decisive power.

    Marx avows Materialism

    For Marx:  thought is neither δημιουργός nor demiurge nor (in LBird’s favourite phrase) the demiurge “creator” that ‘fashions’ the real world for us.

    Marx could conceivably be wrong, but LBird is stone cold dead wrong to shackle Marx with LBird’s brand of idealism that champions thought as the demiurge creator that ‘fashions’ the real world for us.

    By a conscious act of self mutilation, anti-scientific LBird has deliberately rendered his scholasticist brain immune to distinguishing between scientific conceptualisation and philosophical idealism.

    Marx Disowns LBird


    I have in a round about route – not marxist I hasten to add – came to similar conclusionsAfter a thorough materialist analysis I have concluded my scientific research into the problem that is LBirdAs an “idealist” LBird believes in the primacy of ‘ideas’  This means the denial of a ‘material’ world outside of his “brain”  It also means that he cannot depend on what he “hears” or “sees” because then he  would have to admit that his “eyes” and “ears” have a “material” existence. This explains why he never “reads” what other “people”  “write”.As an “idealist” he can only be “sure “of one “thing” – his “thoughts”. He can’t even be sure where his "ideas" come from as that would be accepting the religious materialist dogma that the scull has a ‘material’ ‘existence’ This means that his “reality” is “constructed” entirely within his alleged “head”  This “reality”  must ignore his “ears” and “eyes” as both are ‘material’ and are used by his enemies the “religious materialists"TO BE CONTINUED…….  

    Vin wrote:
    I have in a round about route – not marxist I hasten to add – came to similar conclusionsAfter a thorough materialist analysis I have concluded my scientific research into the problem that is LBirdAs an “idealist” LBird believes in the primacy of ‘ideas’  This means the denial of a ‘material’ world outside of his “brain”  It also means that he cannot depend on what he “hears” or “sees” because then he  would have to admit that his “eyes” and “ears” have a “material” existence. This explains why he never “reads” what other “people”  “write”.As an “idealist” he can only be “sure “of one “thing” – his “thoughts”. He can’t even be sure where his "ideas" come from as that would be accepting the religious materialist dogma that the scull has a ‘material’ ‘existence’ This means that his “reality” is “constructed” entirely within his alleged “head”  This “reality”  must ignore his “ears” and “eyes” as both are ‘material’ and are used by his enemies the “religious materialists"TO BE CONTINUED…….  

     And the idea known as god created the universe. He is an idealist-idealist, nothing else


    This is such a comical thread, with the usual Three Stooges taking part, that I thought that I'd join in the fun, too!LBird is actually an idealist-idealist-idealist, because he insists that God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, as a single unity, created the SPGB!


    I'm really getting into my stride, now – it's the SPGB method of denigration, and I endorse it! Abuse and lie about your political opponents, yeah!The SPGB has announced that it's changing its name, to better reflect its political and ideological purpose, to the Defence of Matter Church, and, according to the latest DoMC epistle, twc has been appointed Chief Priest.

    Bijou Drains

    The Scene – The Reading Room of the British Library.The time 2.35pmDateline 21-07-1871Amidst the dust and books of the reading room sits a man with a white beard and a slightly darker moustache.He mumbles to himself in German as he works his way through the pile of books he is reading. Under his breath the words “Das dumbkopf Prudhon, ein scoundrel!!! Ya, Ya, ein scoundrel!A young man strolls casually past the man’s desk, pauses and then speaks with a slight Liverpudlian accent.Young Man               “Oh Hiya Karl, fancy seeing you in here!”Karl Marx                   muttering under his breath “Oh Jesus, not him again” and then out loud with a strained politeness “Oh Ya, Hello Herr Bird”L Bird (for ‘tis he)     “I’m really surprised to see you here, I was just wandering past, you’re the last person I expected to see”Karl Marx                   “Yah, really, viz, dis comment you surprise me, you were “just wandering past” yesterday, and the day before, in fact every day for ze last three bleeding veeks!”L Bird“Hey Karly, you’ve got such a sense of humour. That’s probably why we’re bezzies, yeah”Karl Marx“Nein, nein! Please stop wiz all of this bezzies, ya. I am acquainted wiz you und zat is it, yah! Und also stop viz der Karly”L. Bird“Ha, ha, Karly, you are such a card. It’s just you and I agree on so much, I mean at times you would think we’re practically one mind. I suppose I’m the only one in the world who really knows you.” (L Bird starts humming the melody of “I know him so well”)Karl Marx“L Bird! You are briefly acquainted viz my writings, you have made some schoolboy errors in your understandings of mein theories, dis does not make you mine intellectual interpreter or mine bezzie, now if you vould excuse me I haf some important work to complete.”L Bird(gazing longingly into Karl’s eyes), “ Karlykins has anyone told you how beautiful you are angry?”Karl Marx“L Bird, vill you just fu…… “(Marx’s sentence stops when he hears a cough behind him, he turns and then speaks again to the source of the cough) “Ahh Freddie, how good to see you, my friend. What news of our work?”Friedrich Engels“Karl glad I found you.” (Turning slightly towards L Bird he nods briefly and grunts a curt greeting to our Liverpudlian hero)Karl Marx“Ya, Ya tell me has the post brought any news of the development of the movement on the continent, is there news of any further publishing of our articles?”Friedrich Engels“Unfortunately there is no news in the post this morning, my dear comrade. I have been asked to deliver a message to you, I couldn’t see that it was important but I have made haste to find you.”Karl Marx “Ya, Ya, my dearest, oldest friend (a tear of sorrow is seen to appears in L Bird’s eye) tell me the news.”Friedrich Engels“Vell it vos a very strange message from your housemaid Helene Demuth. She said I needed to tell you that as it was such a beautiful day, Jenny had taken the children to Brighton for the day. She was obviously knew that you would want to know they would have a nice sunny day for their outing because she told me to let you know the coast is clear. She is such a thoughtful woman.”Karl Marx (excitedly)“Yaaaah, Yaaaah, ding dong, you are right ein very thoughtful woman und if I may say so, very inventive as well! Tell me Freddie, was Helene wearing the nice maid’s outfit I bought her?”Friedrich Engels “Ya, ya, funny you should mention that, she vas and that i should let you know that she vas. She also said that I should tell you that she was going to be using ze feather duster today and that she might need you to help. I think she wanted to clean up your old military uniform, she certainly said something about giving your helmet a right good old polishing”Karl Marx“Mein Gott, woof woof, down boy, I must get back home as quickly as I can Freddie can you put these books away for me?” (at this Marx rushes from his seat) L Bird“But Karl, Karl, we were having such a lovely time talking about how much of an inspiration I was to you, please don’t go, I want to talk to you about voting on gravity”L Bird(turning to Engels) “I know we don’t agree on a lot of things, but I’m sure you agree with me that it’s fantastic how Karl is so keen to break down the barriers of the sexual division of labour and help out with what some people think of as women’s work”Friedrich Engels“ya, ya, most of the time L Bird you talk a load of old cobblers, but on this occasion I must agree, Karl is an inspiration to all of us”


    Yeah, even I laughed at that, Tim!I can't help feeling, though, that if you put as much time and effort into understanding Marx, as you did with your post, you'd start to get to grips with his social productionism.Anyway, brightened up my day! Cheers!

    Bijou Drains
    LBird wrote:
    Yeah, even I laughed at that, Tim!I can't help feeling, though, that if you put as much time and effort into understanding Marx, as you did with your post, you'd start to get to grips with his social productionism.Anyway, brightened up my day! Cheers!

    Thanks for your very gracious reply

    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    LBird wrote:
    Yeah, even I laughed at that, Tim!I can't help feeling, though, that if you put as much time and effort into understanding Marx, as you did with your post, you'd start to get to grips with his social productionism.Anyway, brightened up my day! Cheers!

    Thanks for your very gracious reply

    Yeah, luckily, being an idealist-idealist-idealist-Stalino-Trotskyite-capitalist-roadster hasn't dented my sense of humour!

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