Marx 101, Monday 7th January 6pm @ 108 Cromer Street, Camden Town,

July 2024 Forums Events and announcements Marx 101, Monday 7th January 6pm @ 108 Cromer Street, Camden Town,

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    Marx 101, Monday 7th January 6pm @ Firebox, 108 Cromer Street, Camden Town,

    Marx 101 is a series of short introductory courses for new activists who want to use the Marxist tradition in the fight for change

    Karl Marx

    To change the world, we have to understand it. Our rulers want to keep things as they are, so the mass media offers disjointed bits of random information which don’t show how the system as a whole works.

    Marxists have been working to understand the capitalist system since the 1840s. They have created a set of ideas designed to explain the world and provide activists with a guide to action.

    Marx 101 is a series of short introductory courses for new activists who want to use the Marxist tradition in the fight for change.

    The new series will look at three sets of ideas embodied in three classic texts. State and Revolution is about why we need revolution. The Mass Strike is about the kind of movement we need to achieve it. And Left-wing Communism is a critique of activists who prefer slogans and stunts to building mass movements.

    Each session will include introductory lecture, workshop session, and plenary discussion. Join us, and start learning Marxism – the theory and practice of anti-capitalist revolution. All welcome.

    Organised by Counterfire at Firebox

    Marx 101: January 2012:

    Lenin’s State and Revolution

    Introduced by Neil Faulkner

    Monday 7 January


    Rosa Luxemburg’s The Mass Strike

    Introduced by Alastair Stephens

    Monday 14 January


    Lenin’s Left-wing Communism

    Introduced by Elaine Graham-Leigh

    Monday 21 January


    Time: start 6pm prompt and finish 8pm latest.

    Place: Downstairs, Firebox, 106-108 Cromer Street, WC1

    Food and drink available before start of meeting.


    We should do them for false advertising. It's an introduction to Leninism.


    haha yep

    Ed wrote:
    We should do them for false advertising. It's an introduction to Leninism.

    Except of course that Luxemburg wasn't a Leninist, but I don't suppose these breakaway SWPers will mention that. See her devastating criticism of Lenin's What Is To Be Done? here:


    "Food and drink available before start of meeting."Should make for a lively meeting though, hic

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