Margaret Thatcher 1925-2013

July 2024 Forums General discussion Margaret Thatcher 1925-2013

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  • #81992

    That's what he wrote six months ago. I think he was right as to why she is so hated:

    Thatcher is reviled by some not just because she crushed the left, the Labour movement and the post-war social democratic settlement. It is because she did it with such enthusiasm, and showed no regret for the terrible human cost. A war of sorts was fought in the 1980s, and the vanquished  – as is often the case – were left with unquenchable bitterness

    I know she was just doing what capitalist conditions at the time demanded, but she did enjoy doing it and that's not compulsory in a capitalist politician. That's what makes her so hateful and no doubt why millions up and down the country will be rejoicing at her demise.


    If there was any Thatcher obit for the Standard that was ready to go once she'd gone, I'd suggest it's put on the website as soon as possible. It shouldn't be held over until the May issue.


    "Ding-dong! The witch is dead, the wicked witch is dead."


    RIP Maltby Colliery, one of Britain's last 4 deep coaling mines coal mines have shut anyway and the mining union broken were Thatcher not in charge?

    jondwhite wrote:
    RIP Maltby Colliery, one of Britain's last 4 deep coaling mines coal mines have shut anyway and the mining union broken were Thatcher not in charge?

    The point is she and her goverment set Special Police and horseback police onto hungry miners. I fucking hated her.There is no doubt that the Tories – particularily  under Thatcher and the present bunch – have a nasty vindictive hatred of ordinary working people and their organisations. Things don't happen unless people act.

    ALB wrote:
     I know she was just doing what capitalist conditions at the time demanded, but she did enjoy doing it and that's not compulsory in a capitalist politician. That's what makes her so hateful and no doubt why millions up and down the country will be rejoicing at her demise.

    Thatcher was an arch ruling class war warrior, she hated the working class, I am reminded of French bourgeois politician  Thiers who crushed the Paris Commune of 1871 and had 30,000 of the working class executed. Thatcher had the police dip their swords in the blood of the organised working class by crushing trade union power in the miners, printers and others,  Marx said of Thiers – "the most consummate intellectual expression of their own class corruption", this applies to Thatcher.Thiers/Thatcher- "consistent only in his greed for wealth and his hatred of the working class that produce it"Kropotkin wrote; “the bourgeois hating his slave, ready to kill him like game, animated by the most savage instincts as soon as he is menaced in his possession” – this applies to capitalism always, to the 1980s and Thatcher and to  today.


    Darren just hastily posted one on the blog on some comments here and c and p from Standard.i discovered any obituary is going to be a challenge, for she certainly left her mark (not her arms dealer, coup conspirator son)


    I know we all hate her here but there's this party pooper article:, on re-reading it I think, Alan,  you should republish it on the blog.


    Brilliant, Alb. Had me in stiches!Here is an article written by Steve Coleman in 1989! starts with "So, Thatcher is dead…."


    Thatcher – the most unpopular Prime Minister since Spencer Perceval –


    Nice find Adam. That would make a good poster to plaster about and some t shirts. Ultimately pointless, but good fun.How about this thread be made into an anti tribute for her. We are gonna be bombarded by the media and she is gonna get a national send off etc.We should dig up, no pun intended, as much dirt about her as possible. Stuff like her relationship with the upstanding democratic loving, christian,General Pinochet. Factual stuff though. Nothing potentially libelous.What about it?On a slightly different note. When I was a wee, impressionable punk, one of the bands I liked called, The Exploited, (cool name) had a little number titled "Maggie". Some of the lyrics were a little on the explicit side, well most of them to be honest, and it was a favourite of mine back then."Maggie, Maggie, ya c###. Maggie Maggie Maggie, ya f###ing c####". Sweet. Who ever said punks couldn't write good music? (A bit of self censorship there, especially for Matt)They also had an album, "Lets start a war…..said Maggie one day"I think I'll get them out and have a listen.She will be missed by many a 80's punk.


    What really depresses me about the old bastard was that in effect she was born a member of the working class…having come from a background of small shopkeepers. That she re-invented herself as one of the worst enemies of her own class is all the more tragic and proof that given the opportunity most proles would trade places with the capitalists. They are thick as shit that's why…and now with the internet they are only getting thicker.

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