Local Election Campaign 2017

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Local Election Campaign 2017

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  • #126284
    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    First declarationNewcastle beat Sunderland Sorry Vin, Mackems can't even win that one!!! 

    Ah wis inbeed last neet, marra 

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    Vin wrote:
    This is a lot worse. I don't have to spell out where this leaves our candidate standing against Corbyn in Islington. Many 'left wing' groups (all?) have thrown in their lot with Corbyn – 'without illusions' as Robbo says elswhere.  I would call that bad judgement but it is honest bad judgement. These members have not only brought the party into disrepute but they  reveal us as dishonest and hypocritical. They have declared their preference for reformism. The Left will have a great time with that one  and we will never recover from it.

    This is more than a little bit hysterical: we have party democracy so we can disown the actions of a few individuals, the party's position remains unchanged.  Members ar entitled to express opinions (as Gnome pointed out, correctly, even saying you will vote Labour is not quite actionable, unless you actually do and are daft enough to openly admit it).  I've heard tell of members in the past who used to vote communist on the sly.

    News has filtered through of a Party member publicly declaring that they voted for the Labour Party.  All that remains now is to see how many others are also "daft enough to openly admit it".

    Major McPharter
    Vin wrote:
    It seems that the 'seaham community party' is knocking labour out  as is the NorthEast Party in other areas. 

    Its about time we knocked out the labour party, with a swift kick in the  nether regions, at least enough to make their eyes water.

    Major McPharter
    Vin wrote:
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Another of my concerns is if there were members locally who knew of ex-comrade Colborn's candidacy and failed to inform the NERB branch or the Party of it. I would consider that a breach of Rule 6 as well "… or otherwise assist any other political party."

     Yeah, let's have a witchhunt in the old Stalinist tradition.  I know he has a wife that could be shot under rule 6.  Linda and I are in the clear as we haven't spoken to Steve or Eileen since our last bust up in the branch (phew) but I wont be keeping my head down. Nor are we members of the long reviled NERB (Most of them live miles from Seaham anyway, so you can stop salivating)I have to be honest, Alan, your post disturbed me.  The last time I was so disturbed was when you posted  that you would never allow me to speak on this forum ever again. It is you that should hold your head in shame, too. I have known comrade Colborne for 40 years and during that time he has barely uttered a sentence that did not include SPGB or socialism.  He should have informed the party, yes, and  resigned but don't try to turn him into the anti-christ. He is not an SPGB representative but you can guarantee the SPGB case will be echoing around the corridors of power in Seaham. He is incapable of not talking about it. Don't ask me to stop calling him comrade. Steven stood up for my right to speak even when our differnces were at their peak.

    I am quite sure if the EC put comrade Colborn in front of a Firing squad his final words would be Abolish the wages system.


    Dragging up old messages when situations were still not clear is not very constructive. Why not post my apologies which were immediately sent when the position was clarified that only ex-Cde Colborn was involved in what i still consider to be contempt for Party rules and our membership. 


    Wake up, Mr Moderator – Spam Alert! ^^^^^


    Hope the new forum has inherited the same facility as the old one had to delete and ban nuisance spammers like this one.

Viewing 7 posts - 166 through 172 (of 172 total)
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