Just got round to the reading the ex-Militant Tendency’s paper called “The Socialist” (though more appropriately “The State Capitalist”) that we exchanged for ours.
I see that they have reverted to their pre-Corbyn position of calling for a “new workers party”, ie, essentially a new Labour Party. It seems they want to repeat in the 21st century this failure of the 20th (in fact both failures of that century as they are also Bolsheviks).
Even though they are now against Labour, they still campaign like Labourites talking about “Tory austerity” and “Tory crises” blaming these on the Tory government rather than on the unavoidable workings of the capitalist system.
As we say in one of the leaflets we were handing out “The problem is not the Tories (or Labour). It’s capitalism”