Left/Right Populism

September 2024 Forums General discussion Left/Right Populism

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    In Spain,  right-wing populism is gaining popularity within the Vox Political Party, as all of those typical movements, they are  blaming the crisis of capitalism on the immigrants, the politicians and the political party, but never in the logic of capitalism


    https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-46422036. Vox Party political slogan: Make Spain Great Again

    Are they planning to  come back to the old colonial days of Spain when it was a world empire?




    In Mexico we have a new populist president, AMLO, and journalists can’t decide if he is left or right wing as he presents himself as a friend to all


    I see from today’s papers that the incoming President of Mexico, Lopez Obrador, has pledged in his inauguration speech that under him the poor will come first:

    “We are going to govern for everyone but he are going to give preference to the most impoverished and vulnerable,” he said. “For the good of all, the poor come first.”

    I wonder how long it will take him to find out that under capitalism profits have to come first and be forced to implement this.


    I was wondering where the Alamo came in.


    In Spain, right-wing populism is gaining popularity within the Vox Political Party, as all of those typical movements, they are blaming the crisis of capitalism on the immigrants, the politicians and the political party, but never in the logic of capitalism


    The Sundays elections in Andalucía (where I live) has produced a shock result.  The Far Right Vox Party gained 12 out of 109 seats in the Andalusian Parliament.  Vox was only formed in 2013




    Two points


    Firstly , Vox seems to have done particularly well in Almeria province where, from nowhere, it is become the third strongest party.  In some towns like El Ejido it emerged as the strongest party.   People might not know the significance of this but El Ejido is right in the middle of Almeria’s greenhouse belt where an estimated 100,000 migrants live and work.  This place is stronghold of racism  and there have been violent racist outbreaks here dating from the 2000s


    Secondly, the rise of Vox has been attributed in part to the reaction to the Catalan Independence movement.  I  touched in this in an article I wrote for the SS a while back   (Feb 2018):

    As the philosopher Anna Hennessey put it in an article in Counterpunch (29 September): ‘Franco was victorious and did not lose his war, as Hitler and Mussolini lost theirs, but this must not mean that we should let the dictator’s toxic ideological infrastructure persist any further into the twenty-first century. Supporting Catalonia is a necessary step in putting an end to fascism in Europe’.
    Nothing could be further from the truth. If anything was calculated to encourage the growth of fascism it is Hennessey’s recklessly naive endorsement of Catalan nationalism


    It appears that this has indeed turned out to be the case.  Thanks to Catalan nationalism and those naïve leftists who thought supporting it was a “progressive” thing to do,  we now see  an upsurge of Far right populism in Spain


    Rightwing and leftwing nationalism have always marched together. it is so pathetic this movement that some of their members are asking for the complete return of the monarchy, the killing of all leftists and communists,  the domination of the Catholic church, and the return of the old days of Spain renaissance. it would be like returning to Feudalism and the inquisition


    Thousands of peoples were also protesting in the streets in  several cities in Spain against the rise of Fascism, and right-wing nationalism


    Certainly will make them more popular if business can survive the cost.


    The budget will still see the introduction of a basic payment of around €780 (£700) a month for those on low incomes.

    The retirement age will also be lowered from 67 to 62 for millions of people who have paid into the Italian pension system for at least 38 years.

    The government has also agreed to introduce a string of tax cuts for individuals, including relief for self-employed people earning less than €65,000 (£58,500) a year.

    Tax has however been increased for banks, insurers and gambling companies.

    Since coming to power seven months ago, M5S and the League have seen their popularity rise to around 60 percent.


    As our December SS article suggested would happen Brasil’s Bolsonaro has begun his crack down on those who hinder the expansion of capital


    “In the move favourable to his allies in agribusiness, which have criticised giving large swaths of lands to native groups, Bolsonaro transferred the responsibilities for delineating indigenous territories from the Justice Ministry to the Agriculture Ministry.”


    I wonder what would be the stand of the so-called “communist pope” of Rome when many bishops of the Catholics church  are supporting the new president of Brasil along with the Evangelicals, and it has provoked a great division among the  high hierarchies of the Brazilian church


    In Brazil the new government is working fast,  they are going to reduce the salaries of the workers, they are going to increase the age of retirements, and they are going to cut down the social benefits., and they are going to allow everybody to carry a gun When mankind is going to learn that capitalism is a system for the benefits of the capitalist class ?


    The new government of Brazil is going to create another jail similar to the one in Guantanamo with the excuse of incarcerating the drug dealers, in reality, it is in order to incarcerate the political opposition, the leftists, and protesters,  and they are going to allow the Pentagon to build a military base, it is going to be a place similar to Colombia and Chile. The so-called Anarcho-capitalists are glorifying the new government. The prediction is that most leftist governments in Latin America are going to be overthrown

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