Left and Right Unite! – For the UBI Fight!

July 2024 Forums General discussion Left and Right Unite! – For the UBI Fight!

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  • #204809
    L.B. Neill

    Hi All,

    It has been some time since I had posted.

    ALB (#204729). Ever since Capitalism (and its classical and feudal parents) came into being, the question of the poor has been answered by the ruling elite- what to do with them?

    A universal basic income is a re-articulation of the welfare state: and we might be told that this is our lot (our crumbs) and consume it. Use it to pay for services (a self managed fund with limits) and if we run out of it- wait till the next funding year.

    There have been some right wing commentators (Patterson in Canada) who say that being poor is a naturalistic event: potters graves exist throughout history. I am reminded of the ideas: if money is used- poverty ensues.

    I hear the concern: UBI is a re-articulation of payments to keep people alive, and only just that! Welfare is a marketplace- the poor spend what is given: that spend is then returned to profit-centred services.

    Nothing changes.

    The left and the right have a tug of war- and nothing changes in the communities I work. Same poverty: different policy.

    ALB, thanks. I wish the stance moved from marginal to central political discourse- otherwise, more of the same



    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by L.B. Neill.
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by L.B. Neill.

    Another article on UBI proposals in the USA


    Progressives embrace its ability to help redress staggering inequality and bolster the social safety net, while some libertarians like UBI’s potential to shrink government bureaucracy.


    U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said a changing world needs new social protection policies with safety nets including universal health coverage and the possibility of a universal basic income.



    The UN again pushing for a form of UBI to fight the pandemic


    The UN has suggested that a temporary basic income for the world’s poorest people in developing countries could help stop the spread of coronavirus.
    A report by the UN Development Programme (UNDP) said that the fund would allow 2.7 billion people in 132 developing countries to stay at home.

    “Unprecedented times call for unprecedented social and economic measures. Introducing a temporary basic income for the world’s poorest people has emerged as one option. Bailouts and recovery plans cannot only focus on big markets and big business,” UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner said.

    The report gave three ways in which the pay-out could be done – by topping up existing average incomes, awarding lump sum transfers based on the differences in the median standard of living across a country or by transferring a lump sum despite a person’s location in a country.


    Dream on. That’ll never happen under capitalism. And won’t be needed in socialism as everyone will then have direct access to what they need without, as under capitalism, having to have money before they can satisfy  even their basic needs.

    Compared with socialism this proposal is a wild fantasy. And they accuse us of being unrealistic.


    Another trial starts


    The organizers are looking for a total of 1,500 participants and 120 for a period of three years some people get €1,200 a month for free. They only have to answer researchers’ questions about how they’re faring with this unconditional income.


    The pandemic spurs MPs to call for more UBI trials


    “We must trial innovative approaches which create an income floor for everyone, allowing our families and communities to thrive. The pandemic has shown that we urgently need to strengthen our social security system. The creation of a universal basic income (UBI) – a regular and unconditional cash payment to every individual in the UK – could be the solution,”


    “Imagine waking up and seeing $1,000 in your bank account. Imagine the good feeling when you can pay your rent, or put gas in the car or buy food and after your needs are met, you calmly think about how to move on with life. Imagine knowing your child will never have to go hungry, or your grandparent without medicine. Imagine another world is possible.”

    Sone people lack imagination.


    I think i have said it before that despite many various and pertinent articles in the Standard, we still have no actual joined-up definitive critique.

    Perhaps if someone with time to spare under lock-down could collate all our online analyses and re-edit and re-format them into something that can always be referenced when we come up against such articles sympathetic to the UBI.

    We really have to make a determined effort to present a convincing case against the UBI and keep pointing out its failures and weaknesses. Too many are being taking in by its deceptively simple superficial presentation…”free money for nothing”

    Some actually believe that UBI will end poverty and that there will be a cease-fire in the class war…from capitalist like Andrew Yang to leftists like Yanis Varoufakis.



    Yet another article praising UBI although it does have the merit of calling attention to the world problem of poverty beyond borders.

    Toward Global Sharing | Dissident Voice


    Without ever proving itself under normal situations, the exception being the pandemic lockdown pay-outs, which perhaps has boosted its popularity and perception of practicality , the UBI remains a media talking point.

    Universal basic income: An option for Europe? | Germany| News and in-depth reporting from Berlin and beyond | DW | 28.11.2020

    An over-view of the various positions and proposals across Europe.

    Surely, by now, we could collate our many articles into detailed public statement and start a push-back.


    I got my free winter fuel allowance last week.


    I got my free winter fuel allowance last week.

    ‘s alright for some mine was spent before I got it.

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