Labour Promise to abolish House Of Frauds

September 2024 Forums General discussion Labour Promise to abolish House Of Frauds

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  • #236523

    Not this old chestnut again.

    Keir Starmer: I will abolish House of Lords to ‘restore trust in politics’

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by james19.

    Except they won’t: they will reform the pointless second chamber, to ensure a good supply of jobs at the parties’ disposal: I’d expect some sort of election via list system.


    What next? Abolish public schools charity status*, meaning they’d have to pay tax!
    *giving them £700m tax free a year.


    Of the two, the House of Lords is the more truly democratic chamber. MP’s are smarter, more ambitious and gifted with a greater degree of low-cunning than the average man-in-the-street. Now hereditary peers, selected as they are by mere accident of birth, will be far more representative of the general population in that they will include a few clever-dicks but a far larger number of blithering idiots.

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