Labour Party Splits

March 2025 Forums General discussion Labour Party Splits

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  • #184813
    J Surman
    A person who’s aware that the person they’re dating is fucking another person and does nothing/ can’t do anything about it
    urban dictionary

    Sounds like a good name after all.



    William Morris was a famous ‘Cuk’, so I’m not a fan of the term. Even as a joke.

    I prefer the observation that Change:UK is almost like ‘Chuk’, which practically spells out ‘Chuka’. I think it highlights his narcissism.


    Media Smoothed Way to Corbyn Target Practice

    Critical of the media’s  treatment of Corbyn

    “…Just imagine a Labour MP being allowed to accuse Theresa May of being a fascist whose only goal is to destroy the country… They will use anything – from the murder of an MP to confections of anti-semitism and smears about treason – to incite against a democratic politician who threatens their domination of the political system.”


    At least 200 people have applied to stand as candidates for the new Independent Group if the UK takes part in European elections next month – amid growing signs that the contest could turn into a “proxy referendum” on whether to leave or remain in the EU. The 11 independent MPs will begin selecting candidates this week.



    Trump’s “Collusion” and Corbyn as “Dangerous Hero”

    Scroll down for Peter Oborne’s defence of Corbyn against smears.

    “Dangerous Hero: Corbyn’s Ruthless Plot For Power, his new book on Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, contains numerous falsehoods. It systematically omits relevant facts in order to portray Corbyn as a ruthless Marxist and anti-semite hell-bent on destroying Western liberal values. The ugly truth is that Bower is not straight with his readers, let alone Corbyn. ‘Again and again he withholds relevant information, with the result that the Labour leader and his colleagues come over in the worst possible light…Bower has made an astonishing number of factual errors – more than I have ever come across in a book from a mainstream publisher…Time after time, Bower makes assertions that are not backed by any evidence…Bower’s book is not just intellectually dishonest, it is a farrago of falsehood and insinuation…British journalists need to ask themselves a question. Is there something rotten in British media discourse which allows someone like Bower to get away with this?…”


    ‘The Breakthrough’

    I once asked a Labour man,

    “Are you a Socialist? Answer me if you can”.

    “I’m a Labour man”, he answered.

    “So it’s obvious I am”.


    “There’s nowt obvious it”, says I,

    And he looked at me strangely before he said,

    “Are you quite alright, mate,

    Or are you goin’ funny in the head?”


    “No”, says I simply, saddened by his manner,

    Reflecting that all Labour men

    Say they wave the Socialist banner.

    But you ask ’em what Socialism is

    And they haven’t got a clue.


    They think it’s Nationalisation

    Or some other pathetic view.

    I say, “Do you think it’s a world system

    That has no need for money?”


    And he looks at me again in that same old way

    As though he thinks I really have gone funny.

    “Well that’s Socialism”, I say.

    “No buying, no selling, no spending, no pay.


    There’ll be no need, you see,

    Everything’s readily available,

    Everything’s free”.

    “What about work? he says.

    “Who’s goin’ do it for nowt?”


    “That’s no problem”, says I.

    “That’s not hard to figure out.

    You’ll work cos you want work

    Not cos of what they pay ya.

    If you had a choice of doin’ summat

    or nowt all day,

    I’m sure you’d choose summat, what say ya?”


    “Mm, reckon so,” he says. “You might have summat after all.”

    “There’s no reckon about it,” says I, “it’s a fact

    Or my name ain’t Paul”.

    “Well, when’s this free world going to come about, then?

    Tell me how long we’ve got?”

    “As soon as folk like you come and join us

    Instead of listening to that Labour rot”.


    He nodded reflectively,    As though he’d just seen the light,

    And I knew in my heart

    He was going to say what was right.


    “Are you a Labour man?” I asked again.

    “Or cab you now see clearly through the mist?”

    “Nay, lad,” he replied smilingly,

    I’m no Labour man.

    I’m a Socialist.”


    Paul Breeze

    From March 1977 issue Socialist Standard

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by PartisanZ.

    The short life of Change Party.  It will now be called the Independent Group for Change.

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