Labour Party – Momentum Meeting (Liverpool)

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Labour Party – Momentum Meeting (Liverpool)

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    This coming Saturday, 24 September from 12 noon.

    The Black-E, 1 Great George Street, Liverpool L1 5EW  (by the Chinese Arch)

    Members of the SPGB will be selling and distributing literature at this meeting


    Report of yesterday's activity in Liverpool

    Paul B wrote:
    Four members were there, and we gave out several hundred leaflets. We also sold a few Standards, including one to a man who said he first came across the Party in an ad in Tribune in 1967 and went to a meeting held in a pub in Liverpool. One of the people I gave a leaflet to was Michael Crick of Channel 4. He said he lives in Clapham and often walks past our Head Office. I asked if he had even been inside, and he said No.

    I spoke to the ICL/Sparts and expressed surprise at their Defend Corbyn signs. The American lady asked if I supported Corbyn and I said he's not going to abolish the wages system. She asked what about workers interests and I replied they're workers because of the wages system then she got fed up and stopped discussing with me.I also spoke with a former Workers Power candidate in Vauxhall who was selling Red Flag 'a broad publication'. He asked if our position on a united Ireland was a pacifist one. I replied we aren't in favour of border controls or passports. He was much more prepared to chat cordially for much longer.One lady selling unofficial Momentum publications first issue called Clarion was unaware of the history of the Clarion despite their being an article on it inside.Other usual suspects were there with SPEW calling for "democratic reselection" of Labour MPs but presumably not their own leaders. Lets remember they forced Marxist World out of CWI not so long ago.Hard to tell if AWL and Labour Party Marxists are reaping the rewards but they were both prominent too.

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