Kent and Sussex Branch

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Kent and Sussex Branch

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  • #87404
    norm_burns wrote:
    Thought the advert was particularly striking. Pity about the name.

    Have no fear; heads will roll.  


    Not a large audience at the meeting in Burgess Hill today (only three visitors) to hear Steve Clayton give an excellent talk on "Lessons of the First World War".  However, it was followed by a useful discussion period; all of which was recorded and will be available in due course. The occasion also gave an opportunity for the oldest member of the branch, Les Courtney, born in 1926, to meet many other members of the branch for the very first time, including our latest and youngest recruit, Lewis.  Latest, that is, until some of us had an informal branch meeting afterwards in the local Wetherspoons where we accepted yet another member into the Party by the name of Dan.Some pictures, with captions, can be viewed here:


    NEWS RELEASEBURGESS HILL WAR VETERAN'S MESSAGE TO THE YOUNGBurgess Hill war veteran and former Socialist Party of Great Britain candidate Les Courtney this week warned young people not to be taken in by the “fake patriotism and glorification of war that the Government is trying to stir up” during what he said was “its celebration of the so-called ‘Great War’.”Speaking after a lively public meeting held in the town on Remembrance Sunday, Mr Courtney pointed out that “Ordinary people do not want war and do not cause wars. Governments and the rich and powerful interests that support them start wars. But ordinary people of all countries could stop a new war if only they said: no we will not fight for you.”Having served in North Africa and the Middle East during the Second World War and losing his brother, a Spitfire pilot, his experiences led Mr Courtney to become a Socialist. When Britain again went to war in the 1950’s, he refused to be called up to take part in “more senseless and ridiculous killings”, and was accepted as a ‘conscientious objector’.Held to discuss ‘Lessons of the First World War’, the meeting heard speaker Steve Clayton remind his audience of the words of Harry Patch “the last fighting Tommy of WW1” who said: “War is a licence to go out and murder for the British government” and “isn't worth one life, it is the calculated and condoned slaughter of human beings.”The meeting was told the scale and duration of the slaughter the war brought should have been no surprise as Frederick Engels warned in 1887 that “the only war left will be a world war, a world war moreover of an extent the violence hitherto unimagined” which would “strip Europe barer than a swarm of locusts. The depredations of the Thirty Years’ War compressed into three to four years and extended over the entire continent; famine, disease, the universal lapse into barbarism.”Mr Clayton said The Socialist Party had opposed every war in its history and in August 1914 had warned the public that “there were no working class issues at stake in the war: rather, it was fought as a consequence of rivalry among capitalist powers for markets, trade routes, raw materials and politico-military influence.”Rather it declared in its paper the ‘Socialist Standard’ in September 1914 that: “Having no quarrel with the working class of any country, we extend to our fellow workers of all lands the expression of our goodwill and socialist fraternity, and pledge ourselves to work for the overthrow of capitalism and the triumph of Socialism.”Concluding his talk, Mr Clayton argued that “Socialism will mean the end of war. There will be no more trade routes, markets, property or profit to fight over. If everyone owns everything or, to put it another way, if nobody owns anything, then there is nothing to fight over. With production for use, to meet human needs, the era of real peace will have arrived.”Earlier this year the Socialist Party of Great Britain stood its first candidates for Sussex in the European elections, when Les Courtney joined Howard Pilott from Lewes on the Party’s list.For more information: contact or phone 0207 622 3811.END Lewis, Les and Howard of Kent & Sussex Branch


    Nice work.It's not much but I've just reposted this on the Socialist Standard Past and Present blog.


    Branch activity in Rochester & Strood this coming Saturday (15th) in the run up to the by-election there.,_2014


    Here's the audio recording of the Burgess Hill meeting.


    Minutes of the 36th Meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party fo Great Britain held on 12th October 2014The meeting started at 2.12 pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Jacqueline ShodekeApologies for absence: Mandy Bruce, Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Glenn MorrisVisitor: Dan Fabian1. Election of ChairMotion 1. M.Chesham & Shodeke “That Cox be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 35th Meeting dated 21st September 2014 were before the meetingAGREED3. Matters arising from the previous minutesi) Burgess Hill meeting – 9/11/14Rob reported that he had booked the Griffin Room at Martlets Hall, Civic Way, Burgess Hill RH15 9NN between 1.30 and 4.00pm. There were issues involving public liability insurance and risk assessment that needed to be resolved with the venue. The title of the talk will be “Lessons of the First World War” and be given by comrade Steve Clayton.Rob had also made extensive enquiries about newspaper advertising and gave the branch detailed options. He gave quotes for the Brighton Argos (daily) and their weekly free paper (The Leader) which has 3 editions. There were other newspapers such as the Mid Sussex Times and the Friday-Ad which might also be worth considering.It was generally AGREED to give a Rob a free hand, within reason, with the emphasis on a paid advertisement in the Brighton Argos on the Tuesday and one in The Leader on the Thursday before the meeting. Depending on the cost it was thought we may be able to seek some re-imbursement from central funds.ii) The Party's ImageFollowing the motion passed by the Branch at its last meeting, the EC, at its October meeting, agreed to defer consideration of this item until the November EC meeting pending the Election Committee looking into the conditions and practicality of including a logo on the ballot paper.It transpired that our designs for a general Party logo are too big for use as a ballot paper emblem which, although initially required to be 5cm square and in monochrome will, in some cases, have to be reduced to 2cm square for use on ballot papers. In view of this, additonal work would be needed on the images in order to retain legibility at the smaller size. Once this had been done the following motion would be sent to the EC.Motion 2. (to the EC) D.Chesham & Shodeke “Further to the Executive Committee's decision to defer the matter of adopting a logo design, Kent & Sussex Branch hereby re-submits the three designs as 5cm versions in colour, grey-scale and (for use on ballot papers in accordance with requirements laid down by the Electoral Commission) monochrome. A 2cm version (the size used on the SE Region ballot paper this year) and a mock-up of how the emblem might appear on a ballot paper is also attached”AGREED 4-0-0 (four members present)SEE FOOT OF THESE MINUTESiii) Autumn Delegate Meeting Agenda & ReportsIt was AGREED to give delegates a free hand on Items for Discussion and or any decisions which had to be taken.iv) 2015 Party OfficersIt was AGREED that the following members be nominated for the 2015 Executive Committee:Mandy Bruce, Rob Cox, Eddie Craggs, Jacqueline Shodekev) 2015 General ElectionFollowing correspondence from the General Secretary it was AGREED that the Branch request permission from the EC to contest the constituencies listed below together with the suggested candidates, subject to their taking and passing (where appropriate) the New Speakers Test:Brighton Kemp Town – Howard PilottBrighton Pavilion – Jacqueline ShodekeCanterbury – Robert CoxChatham & Aylesford – Daniel LambertFolkestone & Hythe – Kevin Parkinvi) Day or Weekend School in 2015It was AGREED to defer this item until the next meeting.vii) Notice of BusinessIt was AGREED to defer this item until the next meeting.viii) Money Free PartyIt was AGREED to defer this item until the next meeting.4. Quarterly Financial ReportThe Treasurer presented the Branch's quarterly report which showed a current surplus of £263.98 with an accumulated fund of £538.98.5. Forms 'A'NONE6. EC minutes – 10th meeting – 4/10/14NOTED7. Future propaganda activitiesa) Rochester and Strood By-ElectionIt was felt we could not undertake any worthwhile activity during this by-election campaign due to members' other commitments.8. Any other businessNONEMeeting adjourned at 6.00pmCollection taken: £12.00**************************************************************************Please note that the next Branch meeting will take the form of a public meeting in Burgess Hill. West Sussex on Sunday, 9th November at 2pm.  There will NOT be a meeting in Maidstone during November. to the above minutes:   Members and supporters have arranged to have a literature stall in either Strood or Rochester on the Saturday preceding the by-election due to take place in the constituency on 20th November.


    Minutes of an unofficial Meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 9th November 2014The meeting started at 4.30pm and was held at The Six Gold Martlets, Burgess Hill, West Sussex.Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (Secretary), Rob Cox (Treasurer), Jacqueline ShodekeVisitors: Steve Clayton, Dan Fabian1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Cox & Shodeke “That Chesham be Chair”AGREED2. Form 'A'A Form 'A' was before the meeting from our visitor, Dan Fabian, who has attended several of the branch's meetings and helped out with literature stalls and graphic design.Dan was questioned by the members present who were completely satisfied with his answers.Motion 2. Cox & Bruce “That the Form 'A' for Dan Fabian be accepted”AGREED 4-0-0 (four members present)3. Call for nominations for 2015 Party Officers and Executive CommitteeMotion 3. Shodeke & Fabian “That Rob Cox be nominated as one of the Party Auditors”AGREED 4-0-1 (five members present)Motion 4. Cox & Shodeke “That the following members be nominated to fill the vacancies on the 2015 Executive Committee – Chris Dufton; Mike Foster; Howard Pilott”AGREED nem conMotion 5. Cox & Chesham “That Tristan Miller be nominated for the position of Party Assistant Secretary”AGREED nem con4. Any other businessNONEMeeting adjourned at 6.07pm


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 14th December 2014 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor) of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingi) Report of Burgess Hill meeting – 9/11/14ii) The Party's Image/motion to ECiii) 2015 General Electioniv) Day or Weekend School in 2015v) Notice of Business"The Party's attitude and members' responsibilities regarding referenda"vi) Money Free PartyElection workshop evaluation formMotions and Amendments to Rule for 2015 ConferenceForms 'A' & 'F'Branch Membership TransfersEC minutesFuture propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment 


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 11th January 2015 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor) of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingi) The Party's Imagei) 2015 General Electioniii) Day or Weekend School in 2015iv) Money Free Partyv) JW's Trade Union ConferenceMotions and Amendments to Rule for 2015 ConferenceItems for Discussion for 2015 ConferenceBranch Form 'C'Forms 'A' & 'F'Branch Membership TransfersEC minutesFuture propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment 


    Minutes of the 38th Meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 11th January 2015The meeting started at 2.03 pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian, Jacqueline Shodeke, Andy Thomas (until 4.10pm)Visitor: Sam WicksApologies for absence: Mandy Bruce, Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Glenn Morris.1. Election of ChairMotion 1. M.Chesham & Shodeke “That D.Chesham be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 37th Meeting dated 14th December 2014 were before the meetingMotion 2. Cox & M.Chesham “That the minutes be adopted”AGREED3. Matters arising from the previous minutesi) The Party's ImageA further wide-ranging discussion took place on this topic but it was AGREED that no further action be taken at the moment.The Secretary reminded the branch that thought should be given to new designs for table banners for use with our literature stalls.ii) 2015 General ElectionThere was discussion on various matters including arranging public meetings. It was AGREED that more detailed consideration be deferred until the next meeting.iii) Day or Weekend School in 2015It was AGREED to defer this item until after the General Election.iv) Money Free PartyIt was AGREED to defer this item until the next meeting.v) JW's Trade Union ConferenceIt was AGREED to defer this item pending more information from JW.4. Motions and Amendments to Rule for 2015 ConferenceThree motions, which had been presented to the previous meeting, were again considered together with their respective supporting statements.i) "Conference re-affirms that in accordance with Principle 7 of the Declaration of Principles there is an obligation on members to be hostile to parties which support capitalism."ii) "Conference is of the opinion that the Party should not participate in demonstrations which are in support of reformist demands or of organisations to which we are hostile. Conference therefore upholds the terms of the 1938 Party Poll."iii) "Conference resolves that the Production for Use Committee be dissolved."It was AGREED that the motions, with a slight amendment to one of them, and the supporting statements, be approved and submitted to the Standing Orders Committee.5. Items for Discussion for 2015 ConferenceTwo items for discussion were before meeting but it was AGREED to defer consideration of them until the next meeting particularly as it was likely there would be more.6. Branch Form 'C'It was AGREED to defer this item until the next meeting and that Dave Chesham and Sam Wicks be appointed as the branch's auditors.7. Forms 'A' & 'F'NONE8. Branch membership transferOur visitor, Sam Wicks, applied to transfer to Kent & Sussex Branch from North London Branch. It was AGREED to accept his application and Sam was welcomed into membership of the branch.9. EC minutesNONE10. Nomination of Party Officers and sub-committeesA number of comrades were nominated for the following positions and sub-committees.General Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Advertising Committee, Ballot Committee, Campaigns Committee, Election Committee, Head Office Organiser, Internet Committee, Library Committee and Premises Committee.11. Future propaganda activitiesNONE12. Any other businessNONEMeeting adjourned at 4.45pmCollection taken: £10.00


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 8th February 2015 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor) of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingi) The Party's Imagea) New table banner(s)ii) 2015 General Electioniii) Money Free Partyiv) JW's Trade Union Conferencev) Motions to the January ECa) Emblemb) Form 'F'' for PHc) Head Office repairsConference Preliminary AgendaItems for Discussion for 2015 ConferenceBranch Form 'C'Forms 'A' & 'F'Branch Membership TransfersEC minutes – January meeting – 10-1-15Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment 


    Minutes of the 37th Meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 14th December 2014The meeting started at 2.11 pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian, Ed Mann, Jacqueline ShodekeApologies for absence: Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Glenn Morris.1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Shodeke & D.Chesham “That Mann be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 36th Meeting dated 12th October 2014 and an unofficial meeting at Burgess Hill on 9th November 2014 were before the meetingAGREEDPostscript to the October minutes: Contrary to the original intention not to participate in by-election activity in the Rochester & Strood constituency, seven members and supporters had a literature stall in Rochester High Street on the Saturday preceding the by-election. In addition approximately 1200 leaflets were either handed out or distributed in neighbouring Strood.3. Matters arising from the previous minutesi) Report of Burgess Hill meeting – 9/11/14Not a large audience at the meeting (only three visitors) to hear Steve Clayton give an excellent talk on "Lessons of the First World War". However, it was followed by a useful discussion period; all of which was recorded and is now available to listen to online. occasion also gave an opportunity for the oldest member of the branch, Les Courtney, born in 1926, to meet other members of the branch for the very first time, including the branch's latest and youngest recruit, Lewis. Latest, that is, until some of us had an informal branch meeting afterwards in the local Wetherspoons where we accepted yet another member into the Party by the name of Dan.ii) The Party's ImageFollowing the branch's submission of a logo to the EC for use in the first instance as a ballot paper emblem, it was realised that the original creative commons image used as the basis for the design required permission from the copyright owner. Contact with the owner revealed that its unlimited use by the party could be secured for a one-off payment of $25.However, in view of the time taken to secure the arrangement with the copyright owner and provision of the subsequent contract it was decided to look for an alternative public domain image. The search proved successful and the following motion to the EC was moved and seconded.Motion 2. (to the EC) Cox & D.Chesham "This branch is pleased to be able to re-submit to the EC the agreed emblem design (colour, greyscale and monochrome) using an alternative public domain image."AGREED 7-0-0 (seven members present)SEE FOOT OF THESE MINUTESiii) 2015 General ElectionFollowing deliberations of the Outreach Department meeting in November it was confirmed that the branch would not be contesting Chatham & Aylesford but would stand in the other four. This decision was subsequently ratified by the EC at its December 2014 meeting and the list of seats, with candidates, some of whom have to pass the Speakers' Test, is given below.Brighton Kemp Town – Howard PilottBrighton Pavilion – Jacqueline ShodekeCanterbury – Robert CoxFolkestone & Hythe – Andy ThomasRob Cox will be the Election Agent for Canterbury and Folkestone & Hythe and Dave Chesham the Election Agent for the two Brighton constituencies.iv) Day or Weekend School in 2015It was AGREED to defer this item until the next meeting.v) Notice of Business"The Party's attitude and members' responsibilities regarding referenda"It was AGREED to make this topic one of the branch's items for discussion to Conference Money Free PartyIt was AGREED to defer this item until the next meeting.4. Election workshop evaluation formNOTED5. Motions and Amendments to Rule for 2015 ConferenceA number of motions and items for discussion were proposed and the full list will be published after the January branch meeting.6. Forms 'A' & 'F'The Secretary presented a Form 'F' for Paul Hope who emigrated to Gibraltar in 2012. No forwarding address was ever given and no replies received to emails or phone calls. Head Office has no record of any contact with Paul. It was reluctantly AGREED to accept the Form 'F'.7. Branch membership transfersThe Secretary reported that Kevin Parkin had transferred from K&SRB to South London branch and Howard Pilott had transferred to K&SRB from Central branch.NOTED8. EC minutes – 11th meeting – 1/11/14                              12th meeting – 6/12/14NOTEDMotion 3. (to the EC) Cox & Shodeke “This branch is of the opinion that the response of the EC to the report of the Assistant Treasurer on Head Office repairs (meeting of 6/12/14) is woefully inadequate.”AGREED 6-1-0 (seven members present)It was recommended, that in future, attachments containing EC minutes be perused in advance by members and that any issues contained therein should be brought to branch meetings. This will greatly reduce the actual time spent on EC minutes at branch meetings.9. Future propaganda activitiesMotion 4. Cox & Shodeke “That Julian Wilson be contacted with regard to his suggestion of a public meeting in Brighton during his union conference, and possible dates/venues”AGREED 7-0-0 (seven members present)10. Any other businessNONEMeeting adjourned at 6.17pmCollection taken: £21.00   


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 8th March 2015 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor) of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingGeneral Election activities – Hustings; public meetings; local advertising; media impact and literature stalls.a) Brightonb) Canterburyc) Folkestone & HytheConsideration of Conference Final AgendaAppointment and Instruction of Conference DelegatesForms 'A' & 'F'Branch Membership TransfersEC minutes – February meeting – 7-2-15Summer School – 24/26 -7-15Kent Miners' Festival – Betteshanger Community Park – 31-8-15Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment


    Minutes of the 40th Meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 8th March 2015The meeting started at 2.12 pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian, Jacqueline Shodeke (until 5.45pm), Sam Wicks (until 5.15pm)Apologies for absence: Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Glenn Morris, Andy Thomas1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Cox & Shodeke “That Bruce be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 39th Meeting dated 8th February 2015 were before the meetingMotion 2. Wicks & Cox “That the minutes be adopted”AGREED3. Matters arising from previous minutesi) The Party's Imagea) New table banner(s)It was AGREED to defer this item until the next meeting.ii) 2015 General ElectionArising from an election campaign meeting held on 24 February in Folkestone the EC had been asked for permission for the branch to contest the Folkestone Harbour ward in the local council elections to be held on the same day as the General Election. It was proposed that Max Hess be the candidate. The EC had subsequently acceded to our request but Max would have to take the Speakers' test.There was further discussion on electoral activity including hustings invitations and the holding of literature stalls in Brighton, Canterbury and Folkestone.4. Consideration of the Final Conference AgendaDiscussion of the agenda took place and decisions reached on the various motions and items of discussion. The appointed delegates would be instructed accordingly.5. Appointment of branch delegates to ConferenceIt was AGREED that the following members be appointed as branch delegates: Dave Chesham, Marie Chesham, Rob Cox, Ed Mann, Jacqueline Shodeke, Sam Wicks6. Forms 'A' & 'F'NONE7. Branch Membership TransfersNONE8. EC minutes – February meeting – 7-2-15NOTED9. Summer School – 24/26-7-15 Several members expressed an interest in attending the Summer School this year.10. Kent Miners' Festival – Betteshanger Community Park – 31-8-15The Secretary will be booking a place for a stall at this year's festivaL11. Future propaganda activitiesNONE other those already mentioned.12. Any other businessNONEMeeting adjourned at 6.30pmCollection taken: £14.56

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