Kent and Sussex Branch

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Kent and Sussex Branch

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    Minutes of the 25th Meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 10th November 2013The meeting started at 2.08pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Ed Mann, Jacqueline ShodekeApologies for absence: Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Glenn Morris, Kevin ParkinThe Treasurer had received a letter from Les Courtney.It was AGREED that Rob reply to Les and ask him if he would like someone to visit him.1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Shodeke & D.Chesham “That Ed Mann be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 24th Meeting dated 13th October 2013 were before the meetingMotion 2. Cox & M.Chesham “That the minutes be adopted”AGREED3. Forms 'A'An application for Party membership had been received from Kevin Parkin who was a long-standing sympathiser of the Party. Discussion with Kevin had taken place both at this year's Summer School and ADM and those who had spoken with him are of the view that he shares a full understanding of the Party's case.Motion 3. Shodeke & Cox “That the Form 'A' be accepted”AGREED 5-0-1 (six members present)4. Matters arising from the previous minutesI) Contact with the Weadlen Progressive MovementIt was AGREED that Ed make further contact with them to arrange another meetingii) Kent contactsThe Secretary reported that no responses had been received from the two Left Unity email addresses which Rob had provided.NOTEDiii) Paypal accountIt was suggested that the branch may be able to use the HO paypal account. It was AGREED that Rob would make enquiries.iv) European elections 2014Further to the discussion which took place at the October meeting, two branch members are now prepared to stand as candidates in the South East England region. In addition, Rob had been in touch with Max Hess, who is not a member of the branch, but who may be prepared to be another candidate in the region.Motion 4. (to the EC) Cox & Shodeke “That the branch request permission from the EC to field two candidates, as part of a larger list, in the South East England Region on the occasion of the 2014 European Elections. The two candidates would be Dave Chesham and Rob Cox”AGREED 5-0-1 (six members present)v) Motions to the ECIn the absence of the November EC minutes, Rob, a serving member of the current EC, provided information about the EC's discussion on the branch's motions5. EC minutes — 10th meeting – 5/10/13NOTEDThe branch had received information that the November EC had agreed that the question of whether or not the EC can reject an applicant, who accepts the Object and Declaration of Principles, on other grounds, be discussed at its December EC meeting on 7th December and that branches be invited to give their opinions. Further information was provided by Rob, a serving EC member.Motion 5. (to the EC) Mann & D.Chesham “Yes, a person's past behaviour within the Party should be taken into account because this provides an indication of whether their behaviour contributes towards our goals; if that contribution has been negative due to their past behaviour then their application should be rejected.If, in the view of the EC, it is not in the interests of the Party for the applicant to rejoin then the EC is well within its rights, under Rule 1, to decline the application”AGREED 6-0-0 (six members present)6. Specially summoned meeting to consider Party PollIt was AGREED that this should take the form of an online meeting which would commence on Friday, 15th November at 5.00pm and terminate on Sunday, 24th November at 10.00pm using the branch's email address – spgb.ksrb@worldsocialism.org7. Nominations for vacant positions on 2014 Executive Committee and Party OfficersMotion 6. D.Chesham & Shodeke “That John Wheeler be nominated for the vacancy on the 2014 Executive Committee” (Comrade Wheeler lives in Yorkshire and is striving, with others, to establish a branch there)AGREED 5-0-1 (six members present)8. Nominations for 2014 EC sub-committeesIt was AGREED, either 'nemine contradicente' or by a majority, to nominate the following members:-Advertising            Mandy BruceAudio-Visual         Rob WhitfieldBlog                        Alan Fenn, Janet SurmanCampaigns            Marie Chesham, Steve Clayton, Jacqueline Shodeke, Darrell WhiteheadElection                  Jacqueline ShodekeLibrary                    Roy BeatMedia                     Alan Johnstone, Bob Thomas, John Wheeler, Darrell WhiteheadPremises                John Helps, Jacqueline Shodeke9. Notice of Business (Rob Cox) 'The Media Committee terms of reference'It was AGREED to defer the item to the December meeting and that Rob prepare a draft10. Future propaganda activitiesNONE11. Any other businessNotice of Business (Ed Mann) “The branch's meeting venue”Notice of Business (Rob Cox)  "Review of branch position on remitting dues to Head Office"Meeting adjourned at 6.51pmCollection taken: £6.77 


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, December 8th 2013 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor) of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from November minutesi) Les Courtneyii) Contact with the Wealden Progressive Movementiii) Motions to the ECa) European elections 2014b) Discussion item for December 2013 Executive Committee concerning rejection of membership applicantsiv) Nominations for 2014 EC sub-committeesv) Discussion item for December 2013 Executive Committee concerning funding of Summer Schoolvi) Notice of Business (Rob Cox) 'The Media Committee terms of reference'Branch Form 'C' and draft budgetEC minutes — 11th meeting – 2/11/13                           12th meeting – 7/12/13Notice of Business (Ed Mann) 'The branch's meeting venue'Notice of Business (Rob Cox) 'Review of branch position on remitting dues to Head Office'Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment 


    Always useful to have local connection in our propaganda so perhaps the details of Kent Councils suppression of a report on the effects of austerity cut in this link may be handy for any leaflet or meetings your branch may have in the near future.


    Minutes of the 26th Meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 8th December 2013The meeting started at 2.10pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Hannah Dutton (until 4.00pm), Rob Cox (Treasurer), Jacqueline Shodeke (until 7.30pm)Apologies for absence: Les Courtney, Ed Mann (holiday), Glenn Morris, Kevin Parkin1. Election of ChairMotion 1. D.Chesham & Cox “That Dave Chesham be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 25th Meeting dated 10th November 2013 were before the meetingMotion 2. M.Chesham & Cox “That the minutes be adopted”AGREED3. Matters arising from the previous minutesi) Les CourtneyRob had written to Les and he in turn had phoned Rob to say he would like to have a visitor from the branch.ii) Contact with the Weadlen Progressive MovementIt was AGREED to defer consideration until the January meeting.iii) Motions to the ECa) European elections 2014Approval had been received from the Election Committee for the branch to stand two candidates in the South East Region of the 2014 European elections. Rob reported that Max Hess, who lives in Kent, but is not a member of the branch, is also prepared to allow his name to go forward as another candidate for the Party in the same region.It was AGREED that the Executive Committee be so apprised.Discussion then followed on the value of conducting an Election Communications Survey in order to ascertain the effectiveness of various forms of electoral activity. This small survey of, say, 20 individuals, would be undertaken by three members/sympathisers. Typical questions might include some or all of the following:1. Do you read leaflets delivered by the Royal Mail? Mainly prompted by a member's experience of receiving them in bulk and whether that means that they (mainly) will get separated from actual mail then binned.2. Which leaflet from the Royal Mail can you remember reading? An attempt to find out what makes a leaflet stand out enough to get read.3. Billboard advertising. A question to get some idea of how effective these may be as an alternative to just leaflets.It was AGREED that further consideration of this item takes place at the January meeting.b) Discussion item for December 2013 Executive Committee concerning rejection of membership applicantsThe minutes of this EC meeting were not yet available but Rob, an EC member, provided an extensive account of the discussion which took place.The branch members considered the matter in great detail and it was AGREED to continue discussion at the January meeting.iv) Nominations for 2014 EC sub-committeesMotion 3. M.Chesham & Cox “That D.Chesham be nominated for the Campaigns Committee”AGREED 4-0-1 (five members present)Motion 4. Shodeke & M.Chesham “That D.Chesham be nominated for the Premises Committee”AGREED 4-0-1 (five members present)v) Discussion item for December 2013 Executive Committee concerning funding of Summer SchoolNOTEDvi) Notice of Business (Rob Cox) 'The Media Committee terms of reference'Rob presented the following document:“A Media and ICT StrategyThe Party must not waste opportunities to spread its message and achieve growth. To this end the EC shall be responsible for overseeing and reviewing annually a media and ICT strategy based on the following facts:1) That the media can offer opportunities for the widespread dissemination of information, to mass or discrete populations;2) Effective use of ICT has the potential to maximise the effectiveness of Party resources.Aim of this strategyTo ensure that the SPGB becomes the source of choice for the media, educators and researchers, seeking information on ‘Socialism’, ‘Socialist Views’ or a Marxian analysis of society.The first phase of implementing this strategy shall be to develop an “Open for Business” approach involving:(a) Media enquiries. A list of members willing and able to respond to media enquiries and discussions (e.g. interviews or ‘phone-ins’ etc) should be maintained and made available to the Media Committee. Eventually, the M.C. shall maintain a “duty roster” of media speakers. The Outreach Department shall make plans to recruit, train and support members on this list, liaising with SPGB branches (including Central), which could involve overseas WSM groups and Companion Parties. Progress shall be reported to the EC quarterly.(b) ICT Resources. The EC shall commission a review of the availability, features and costs of “open for business” solutions at times when Head Office is not open to receive enquiries. This to be combined with opportunities for remote working systems for Officers/Committees. An initial report be made available to discuss at ADM 2014.The EC shall report to ADM and consult Branches on its plans to further implement the Media and ICT strategy.”Motion 5. Cox & Shodeke “That the document be forwarded to the Executive Committee for its consideration”AGREED 5-0-0 (five members present)4. Branch Form 'C' and draft budgetThe Treasurer presented the 2014 draft budget document. It was AGREED to audit the branch's Form 'C' at the January meeting.Motion 6. Shodeke & D.Chesham “That the draft budget be accepted and the Treasurer thanked”AGREED5. EC minutes — 11th meeting – 2/11/13NOTED6. New Notice of Business (Ed Mann) 'The branch's meeting venue'It was AGREED to defer this item pending Ed's attendance.7. New Notice of Business (Rob Cox) 'Review of branch position on remitting dues to Head Office'Rob explained the reasons why he had raised this notice of business:“I suggest that the Branch reconsider a decision made in July 2013: that based on a change to Rule2 arising from Conference 2013, the Branch did not need to remit to Head Office any of the payments collected from members (dues/voluntary amounts) under Rule 2 .The obvious rationale was that as the amendment to rule had abolished dues, this obligation on the Branch thus fell. I have since reconsidered this decision, which I now consider was flawed. I don’t think the rule change was intended or effected to abolish dues, but to leave it open to members to decide the amount of dues to pay. It may be argued that the Branch hasnot acted in accordance with Conference voting decisions.The EC clearly took this view too, as subsequent to Conference it wrote to Branches to ask they continue to remit 80% of rule 2 payments, but in doing so made allowance to ensure that Branches were able to remit that 80% and no more from ‘dues’ rather than donations.I am therefore proposing the following motion":Motion 7. Cox & D.Chesham “That pending further clarification by vote of the Membership, motion 5 of the 21st Meeting of the branch held on 7th July 2013 is rescinded.”AGREED 4-0-0 (four members present)8. Future propaganda activitiesNone other than those already proposed.9. Any other businessNoneMeeting adjourned at 8.11pmCollection taken: £10.73 


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, January 12th 2014 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor) of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from December minutesi) Les Courtneyii) Contact with the Wealden Progressive Movementiii) Motions to the ECa) European elections 2014b) Discussion item for December 2013 Executive Committee concerning rejection of membership applicantsc) A Media and ICT Strategyiv) Nominations for 2014 EC sub-committeesv) Notice of Business (Ed Mann) 'The branch's meeting venue'vi) Election Communications SurveyBranch Form 'C' including auditing of sameSubmission of motions and rule amendments to Conference 2014(deadline including supporting statements is January 24th, 2014)EC minutes — 12th meeting – 7/12/13                             1st meeting – 4/1/14Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment 


    Minutes of the 27th Meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 12th January 2014The meeting started at 2.17pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Ed Mann, Jacqueline Shodeke (until 7.30pm)Apologies for absence: Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Richard Harris, Glenn Morris, Kevin Parkin1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Mann & Shodeke “That Ed Mann be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 26th Meeting dated 8th December 2013 were before the meetingMotion 2. M.Chesham & Cox “That the minutes be adopted”AGREED3. Matters arising from the previous minutesi) Les CourtneyRob read a long and interesting letter from Les. It was AGREED that Mandy would visit Les at a mutually agreed time.ii) Contact with the Wealden Progressive MovementThere was nothing to report as yet but Ed would contact them again regarding the upcoming Euroelections.AGREEDiii) Motions to the ECa) European elections 2014i) Euroelection candidatesMotion 3. D.Chesham and Mann “That the branch ask Les Courtney if he would be prepared to stand as one of the candidates in the Euroelections on the understanding he would not be required to actively participate”AGREED 3-0-3 (six members present)b) Discussion item for December 2013 Executive Committee concerning rejection of membership applicantsNOTEDc) A Media and ICT StrategyIt was AGREED that this item would be one of the branch's motions to Conference 2014iv) Nominations for 2014 EC sub-committeesThe following additional nominations were AGREED by the branchBallot Committee – Roy Beat, John Lee and Julian VeinAudio-Visual Committee – Ed Mann and Darrell WhiteheadHead Office Organiser – Jacqueline ShodekeInternet Committee – Darren Poynton, Robert Stafford and Robert WhitfieldLibrary Committee – Roy BeatSocialist Standard Production Committee (Editorial) Paddy Shannon and Darrell WhiteheadSocialist Standard Produiction Committee (Layout) Paddy Shannon, Darrell Whitehead and Neil Windlev) Notice of Business (Ed Mann) 'The branch's meeting venue'It was AGREED to defer this item to the next meetingvi) Election Communications SurveyIt was AGREED that those involved with the survey (Hannah, Jacqueline and Rob) would communicate further with each other and report back to the next meeting.4. Branch Form 'C'The Treasurer presented the Branch's Form 'C' which had been audited by Dave and Ed.Motion 4. Shodeke & D.Chesham “That the Form 'C' be adopted and the Treasurer thanked”AGREED 6-0-0 (six members present)5. Submission of motions and rule amendments to Conference 2014It was AGREED to submit the following six motions for consideration at Conference and that members of the Branch would write supporting statements.i) "A Media and ICT Strategy:-The Party must not waste opportunities to spread its message and achieve growth.To this end the EC shall be responsible for overseeing and reviewing annually a media and ICT strategy based on the following facts:1) That the media can offer opportunities for the widespread dissemination of information, to mass or discrete populations;2) Effective use of ICT has the potential to maximise the effectiveness of Party resources.Aim of this strategyTo ensure that the SPGB becomes the source of choice for the media, educators and researchers, seeking information on 'Socialism', 'Socialist Views' or a Marxian analysis of society.The first phase of implementing this strategy shall be to develop an “Open for Business” approach involving: (a) Media enquiries. A list of members willing and able to respond to media enquiries and discussions (e.g. interviews or ‘phone-ins’, etc.) should be maintained and made available to the Media Committee. Eventually, the Media Committee shall maintain a “duty roster” of media speakers. The Outreach Department shall make plans to recruit, train and support members on this list, liaising with SPGB branches (including Central), which could involve overseas WSM groups and Companion Parties. Progress shall be reported to the EC quarterly.(b) ICT Resources. The EC shall commission a review of the availability, features and costs of “open for business” solutions at times when Head Office is not open to receive enquiries. This to be combined with opportunities for remote working systems for Officers/Committees. An initial report be made available to discuss at ADM 2014.The EC shall report to ADM and consult Branches on its plans to further implement the Media and ICT strategy."ii) "A full review of committees terms of reference be brought forward to 2014"iii) "Conference is of the opinion that Autumn Delegate Meeting shall have the same authority as Conference. The EC be instructed to draft amendments to the appropriate rules and to give effect to this arrangement a Party Poll be called to adopt such amendments"iv) "Conference is of the opinion that rule amendments shall usually be subject to prior discussion at Conference/ADM allowing for urgency to be provided for. The EC be instructed to draft amendments to the appropriate rules and to give effect to this arrangement a Party Poll be called to adopt such amendments"v) "Conference instructs the EC to implement Rule 9 in full"vi) "In furtherance of the resolution of Conference 2008 this Conference resolves that the full name of the Party be included on the HO fascia"6. EC minutes – 12th meeting – 2/11/13                             1st meeting – 4/1/14NOTED7. Future propaganda activitiesNone other than those already proposed8. Any other businessNotice of Business (Rob Cox) “Revised Branch Budget”Meeting adjourned at 7.57pmCollection taken: £7.00 


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, February 9th, 2014 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor)AGENDAElection of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from January minutesi) Les Courtneyii) Contact with the Wealden Progressive Movementiii) Nominations for 2014 EC sub-committees – vacancies on Ballot Committee (1 vacancy), Education Committee (at least two vacancies) and Standing Orders Committee (1 vacancy)iv) Notice of Business (Ed Mann) 'The branch's meeting venue'v) Election Communications Surveyvi) Motions to Conference – communication from Standing Orders CommitteePreliminary Conference AgendaItems for Discussion to ConferenceTatchell debate – 5/3/14Euroelections – 22/5/14Summer School – 20-22/6/14New notice of Business (Rob Cox) “Revised Branch Budget”EC minutes –Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment


    I find the fact that you publish your minutes and agenda on this forum for all to see very refreshing and well within the spirit of open democracy.In fact here is one for the  rule book “ All branches and committees shall publish agendas and minutes of all meetings on the party’s public forums” 


    Minutes of the 28th Meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 9th February 2014The meeting started at 2.08pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Ed Mann, Jacqueline Shodeke (until 7.30pm)Apologies for absence: Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Glenn Morris, Kevin Parkin1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Shodeke & Mann “That Bruce be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 27th Meeting dated 12th January 2014 were before the meetingAGREED3. Matters arising from the previous minutesi) Les CourtneyNo further contact but it was re-iterated that Mandy would arrange to visit Les at a mutually agreed time.ii) Contact with the Weadlen Progressive MovementThere was nothing to report apart from the news that Dave had had an exchange of emails with Julian Wilson, one of the WPM's contacts.NOTEDiii) Further nominations for 2014 EC sub-committeesNONEiv) Notice of Business (Ed Mann) 'The branch's meeting venue'Some discussion ensued about the present venue and whether an alternative venue which was not a pub would suit our purposes better. The general view was that the current venue served our purposes for business meetings but that we would look out for other venues where we could hold public meetings at some stage.v) Election Communications SurveyMembers were encouraged to come up with ideas based around the phrase “What are we going to do about capitalism?”vi) Motions to Conference – communication from Standing Orders CommitteeFollowing discussion of the decision to exclude two of the branch's motions to Conference, it was AGREED that the Branch, referring to Standing Orders Committee terms of reference #8, request that the excluded matter be referred separately to the Conference in the same manner as Officers Reports, the Conference to determine whether the excluded matter or any part of it, shall be dealt with, and that the Standing Orders Committee be advised of the branch's intention to make representations in support of its position thereat.4. Preliminary Conference AgendaProposed amendment to Motion 5…“This Conference is not against the principle of members participating as a Party unit in demonstrations of a trade union or working class historical character.” West London BranchMotion 2. D.Chesham & Mann “remove 'participating as a Party unit in' and substitute 'attending'”Motion 5, if amended, would then read: “This Conference is not against the principle of members attending demonstrations of a trade union or working class historical character.”AGREED 4-1-1 (six members present)5. Items for Discussion to ConferenceEd suggested the following item for discussion and that he would write the supporting statement.“Is it time to re-think the 'hostility' clause?”It was AGREED that this item for discussion be submitted.6. Tatchell debate – 5/3/14Members were reminded about this event.7. Euroelections – 22/5/14It was announced that we now have nine out of the ten candidates required for a complete party list in the South East Region8. Summer School – 20-22/6/14The topic this year will be 'War' to coincide with the centenary of the outbreak of WW19. New notice of Business (Rob Cox) “Revised Branch Budget”Motion 3. Mann & Bruce “That the revised branch budget be accepted”AGREED 5-0-1 (six members present)10. EC minutesNONE11. Future propaganda activitiesNone other than those already proposed12. Any other businessi) Advertising in 'The Net'Rob suggested advertising in 'The Net', a magazine which is distributed to over 200,000 homes in Medway, Maidstone and Swale each month. It was AGREED that he be requested to bring some proposed costings to the next branch meeting.ii) Additional leaflets re: EuroelectionsThe question of how many extra leaflets we might want printed for distribution in areas such as Canterbury, Hythe, Aylesham and parts of Deal was raised. It was AGREED that Rob make enquiries and report back to the next branch meeting together with costings for delivery by Royal Mail in areas smaller than whole parliamentary constituencies.Meeting adjourned at 6.10pmCollection taken: £7.50 


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, March 9th, 2014 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor)AGENDAElection of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from February minutesi) Les Courtneyii) Contact with the Wealden Progressive Movementiii) Election Communications Surveyiv) Motions to Conferencev) Advertising in 'The Net' (costings)vi) Euroelections – 22/5/14 (incl. additional leaflets/costings)Tatchell debate – 5/3/14Summer School – 20-22/6/14EC minutes – 2nd meeting – 1/2/14Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment 


    Minutes of the 29th Meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 9th March 2014The meeting started at 2.06pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Ed MannApologies for absence: Mandy Bruce, Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Glenn Morris, Jacqueline Shodeke1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Shodeke & Mann “That Cox be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 28th Meeting dated 9th February 2014 were before the meeting .It was pointed out that it was Mandy and not Rob who had drawn the attention of the branch to 'The Net' magazine. (item 12 (i) refers)The minutes as amended were AGREED3. Matters arising from the previous minutesi) Les CourtneyIt was AGREED to defer this item as Mandy wasn't presentii) Contact with the Weadlen Progressive MovementNo further contactiii) Election Communications SurveyIt was AGREED to defer this itemiv) Motions to ConferenceFurther discussion took placev) Advertising in 'The Net'It was AGREED to defer this itemvi) Euroelections – 22/5/14a) Constituencies in the branch's catchment areaAfter some discussion the following was moved:Motion 2. (to the EC) D.Chesham & Mann “That the EC be requested to consider targeting the following additional constituencies in the forthcoming Euroelections which are all located in the Kent catchment area of the branch:Chatham and AylesfordSittingbourne and SheppeyFolkestone and HytheDartfordGravesham”AGREED 4-0-0 (four members present)b) Literature stalls to coincide with election campaignMaidstone, Canterbury and Dover were amongst those towns suggested for possible literature stalls between April 26th and May 22nd. The aim is to have two a week in the month before polling day. The branch hereby issues a call for volunteers so that it may have some idea what resources are available and where can be covered.It was AGREED to defer further consideration until next meeting including whether to hold any public meetings in those areas being targeted.4. EC minutes – 2nd meeting – 1/2/14NOTED5. Future propaganda activitiesSome discussion took place on possible activities for 2015 including a day or weekend school.6. Any other businessNONEMeeting adjourned at 5.03pmCollection taken: £4.33 


    Please note that the next meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch of the SPGB will be on Sunday, 13th April at The Muggleton Inn (first floor) 8 High Street, Maidstone, ME14 1HJ commencing at 2pm. Agenda to follow will be set aside for discussion with visitors. Your attention is drawn to the following which was agreed at the March meeting. Literature stalls to coincide with the Euroelection campaignMaidstone, Canterbury and Dover are amongst those towns suggested for possible literature stalls between April 26th and May 22nd. The aim is to have two a week in the month before polling day. The branch hereby issues a call for volunteers so that it may have some idea what resources are available and where can be covered.If you are able to assist please contact:  <>


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, April 13th, 2014 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor)AGENDAElection of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from minutesi) Les Courtneyii) Election Communications Surveyiii) Motions to Conferenceiv) Advertising in 'The Net'v) Euroelections – 22/5/14a) Constituencies in the branch's catchment areab) Literature stalls to coincide with election campaignConsideration of Conference 2014 final agendaAppointment of Conference delegatesQuarterly financial reportSummer School – 20-22/6/14Kent Miners' Festival – 25/8/14EC minutes – 3rd meeting – 1/3/14Future propaganda activitiesa) Possible day or weekend school in 2015Any other businessa) September meeting – suggested change of dateCollectionAdjournment 


    Minutes of the 30th Meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 13th April 2014The meeting started at 2.06pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Jacqueline ShodekeApologies for absence: Mandy Bruce, Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Ed Mann, Glenn MorrisVisitor: Dan (from 2.25 until 5.00pm)1. Election of ChairMotion 1. D.Chesham & Shodeke “That D.Chesham be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 29th Meeting dated 9th March 2014 were before the meetingAGREED3. Matters arising from the previous minutesi) Les CourtneyIt was AGREED to further defer this item as Mandy wasn't present.ii) Contact with the Weadlen Progressive MovementIt was AGREED to take no further action for the time being.At this point a visitor, by the name of Dan from Folkestone, arrived and it was AGREED to suspend standing orders. A long discussion took place and it soon became clear that he was well- informed politically and very sympathetic to our ideas. He provided an email address so that we could keep him informed about branch and party activities.iii) Motions to ConferenceA discussion took place concerning the branch's two Conference motions and one amendment to Conference motion which had been ruled out of order.iv) Advertising in 'The Net'It was AGREED to hold an online meeting to further discuss this item and make a decision.v) Euroelections – 22/5/14a) Constituencies in the branch's catchment areaIt was reported that Executive Committee had agreed to the branch's request to target a further five parliamentary constituencies all of which are in its catchment area. These are:Chatham and AylesfordSittingbourne and SheppeyFolkestone and HytheDartfordGraveshamWe subsequently heard that the Election Committee had suggested a further constituency, Hastings and Rye, which brought to 20 the total number of constituencies which will have the Party's election statement delivered using the free postal distribution service.b) Literature stalls to coincide with election campaignSubject to confirmation it was AGREED that Election/Literature stalls would be held in Maidstone on April 26th, Tonbridge on May 5th and Canterbury on May 10th. Two further stalls would likely be held on May 15th and May 20th; locations to be decided.Rob presented two leaflets he had designed, both based on the London election statement text, one of which could be used at the stalls and the other for house-to-house distribution in areas already being covered by the official election statement, expressly advertising the existence of Kent and Sussex branch. It was AGREED to adopt these leaflets and to thank him for producing them.4. Consideration of Conference 2014 final agendaThe members present discussed the items on the final agenda; its delegates to be instructed accordingly.5. Appointment of Conference delegatesIt was AGREED that the four members present be appointed delegates to Conference.6. Quarterly financial reportThe Treasurer presented the branch's quarterly financial report showing a balance in hand of £418.83. Rob was thanked for his report.7. Summer School – 20-22/6/14Members were reminded that they would need to book soon if they wished to attend.8. Kent Miners' Festival – 25/8/14The Secretary reported that he had booked a stall at this event to be held again at Eythorne near Dover.9. EC minutes – 3rd meeting – 1/3/14NOTED10. Future propaganda activitiesa) Possible day or weekend school in 2015It was AGREED that this item be deferred.11. Any other businessa) September meeting – suggested change of dateDue to an event planned at Head Office on the second Sunday in September it was AGREED that the branch meeting be moved to the third Sunday. i.e. September 21st.b) May meeting – suggested change of dateAs it was realised two members would be unable to be present at the branch's scheduled meeting in May it was AGREED that the branch meeting be moved to the third Sunday. i.e. May 18th.Meeting adjourned at 6.18pmCollection taken: £10.05 


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, May 18th, 2014 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor)Please note that this meeting is on the third Sunday in the month. In addition to the branch's usual monthly meeting it also serves as a specially summoned meeting, as required by Rule 21, to consider the recent Conference's resolutions prior to voting in the ballot.AGENDAElection of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from minutesi) Les Courtneyii) Advertising in 'The Net'iii) Literature stalls and leaflet distribution to coincide with Euroelection campaign (report)iv) Summer School – 20-22/6/14v) Kent Miners' Festival – 25/8/14Discussion on Conference proceedings prior to votingVacancy for EC member and TrusteeEC minutes – 4th meeting – 5/4/14                     5th meeting – 3/5/14New notice of business – "The Party's Image"Future propaganda activitiesa) Possible day or weekend school in 2015Any other businessCollectionAdjournment 

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