Kent and Sussex Branch

March 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement Kent and Sussex Branch

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    PS – where do the smileys come from as they don’t seem to appear on the reply toolbar……?

    SussexSocialist wrote:
    PS – where do the smileys come from as they don’t seem to appear on the reply toolbar……?

     You need to click on input format, which is below the comment box, and change it to Full HTML; if, for some reason, that’s not possible, ask Admin.


    AHA! That worked, cheers!


    Minutes of the 7th Meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The SocialistParty of Great Britain held on 6th May 2012The meeting started at 3.00pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street,Maidstone, KentPresent: Dave Chesham (Literature Secretary), Rob Cox (Treasurer), Ed Mann (Chair)Apologies: Marie Chesham, Hannah Dutton, Paul Hope, Glenn Morris, Andy Thomas,1. Emigration of branch secretary                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Motion 1. Cox & Mann “That D.Chesham be appointed branch secretary.”AGREED                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2. Minutes of the 6th Meeting dated 15th April 2012 were before the meeting                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Motion 2. D.Chesham & Mann “That the minutes be adopted”AGREED3. Matters arising from the previous meeting                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  i) Future of Branch  The branch was informed that someone in Eastbourne had joined the party and was likely to be allocated to Kent and Sussex.  The secretary would contact this member when an email and/or postal address was to hand.NOTEDii) Canterbury Stall  Rob Cox reported that he had made a reconnaissance of suitable areas in Canterbury where a literature stall may be sited and recommended that the Parade (between High Street and St.George’s Street) would be a suitable location.  It was suggested that a tentative initial date for this venture be Saturday, 19 May from 12 noon but that a final decision be made a few days before when more information concerning likely weather conditions would probably be available.AGREEDiii) Possible debate with SPEW  Ed Mann reported that he had made attempts to contact the local branch of SPEW and had left a voice­mail message but no response had been received so far.  The Secretary said he would email the SPEW member we had met in Gillingham and who had first mooted the possibility of a debate.AGREEDEd reported that he had also sent an email to the Anarchist Federation but had yet to receive a reply.NOTEDRob Cox had made enquiries at the University of Kent in Canterbury about room hire and was awaiting details of the charges.NOTED4. EC minutes – ­ none to hand5. Head Office propaganda meetingsFor your information the following meetings will take place at The Socialist Party of Great Britain’s premises at 52 Clapham High Street, London SW4 7UN over the next couple of months.Sunday 13 May, 3.00pmMARXISM, PHYSICS AND PHILOSOPHYSpeaker: Mike FosterSunday 27 May, 3.00pmBRITISH TROTSKYISM: SONS OF THE PROPHETSpeaker: Keith ScholeySunday 10 June, 3.00pmWAR: ITS CAUSE AND CURESpeaker: Gwynn ThomasSunday 24 June, 3.00pmTHE SECRETS OF THE INCAS: HOW THEY RELATE TO TODAY’SPROBLEMSSpeaker: Bill MartinPlease note the day and earlier starting time for the May and June meetings6. Summer SchoolIt was reported that four branch members and one supporter had booked for the Summer School in Birmingham this year; the theme being ‘Protest’.  A fifth branch member would be giving one of the talks.NOTED7. Workshop weekendIt was reported that Lancaster branch was organising a residential workshop for the weekend of September 7th/9th, for members only, to explore ways of using video to advance the socialist case.NOTED8. Conference report and subsequent ballotIn accordance with the requirement under rule to have a meeting prior to the ballot on Conference items for discussion and amendment to rule those present then spent a lengthy period talking about the various issues.Arising from the discussion of one such item the following motion to the EC was moved and seconded:­                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Motion 3. D.Chesham & Cox “Regardless of the outcome of the vote on Motion 6 on the Conference agenda, Kent & Sussex Regional branch urges the EC to schedule a workshop at the 2012 ADM for the purpose of exploring strategies to exploit the current dissatisfaction with capitalism.”AGREED                                                                                                                                                                                                                        9. Any other businessNotice of Business for July meeting ­”Consideration of possible items for discussion for submission to the 2012 ADM”Meeting adjourned at 5.00pm 


    AGENDA June 3rd 2012Election of ChairAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from minutes:-Future of BranchSPEW debate? and other contacts made Branch stall in Canterbury Motion(s) to the ECEC minutes (May meeting) Propaganda meetingsHO propaganda meetings (June)Summer school in Birmingham (July 6 – 8)Workshop weekend in Lancaster (September 7 – 9)Any other business



    Hi!Hopefully, a member of your Branch will be nominated for the Blog Department…YFS.,R  

    hallblithe wrote:
    Hopefully, a member of your Branch will be nominated for the Blog Department…

    Who might that be?  I understand, however, that there may be a nomination for the Campaigns Department….


    Minutes of the 8th Meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 3rd June 2012The meeting started at 3.15pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Dave Chesham (Literature Secretary & Chair), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Ed MannVisitor: Hannah DuttonApologies: Glenn Morris, DH1. Minutes of the 7th Meeting dated 6th May 2012 were before the meetingMotion 1. Cox & Mann “That the minutes be adopted.”AGREED2. Matters arising from the previous minutesi) Future of Branch There was nothing further to report at the moment.NOTED                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ii) Canterbury StallDue to the unavailability of members it had not been possible to have the literature stall in Canterbury which had been planned for Saturday, 19 May.  However, a new date of Saturday 23 June was arranged.  Those intending to go should meet at the Stour Street Car Park prior to setting up the stall in the Parade (between High Street and St.George’sStreet) close to Marks and Spencer around noon. Possible debate with SPEW and othersA further attempt had made to contact the local branch of SPEW with a view to suggesting a debate but still without success.NOTEDEd reported that he had still not received a reply to the email he had sent to the Anarchist Federation.NOTEDRob had now received details of room hire charges at the University of Kent in Canterbury.  A room to accommodate up to fifty people would cost £75 for an evening session.NOTEDA brief discussion followed about alternative venues and those organisations we could approach with whom we might hold a debate.iv) motions to the EC                                                                                                                                                                                                                       a) Party Sign (see April meeting ­ motion 4)It was agreed to monitor progress.b) Membership Applications (see April meeting ­ motion 6)Motion 2. (to the EC)  Cox & Mann “This branch thanks the EC for giving consideration to its resolution of 15 April (May EC minutes ­ item 6(b)i).  However, the branch is disappointed that the intention of the motion has not been recognised, namely that the branch consultation should take place before the new member is provided with an opportunity to consider any choice of which branch to join. This branch would like to be given the choice as to how it could best accommodate the needs of new members.”AGREED                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Motion 3. (to the EC)  Cox & D.Chesham “This branch requests the EC to ensure that copies of Forms ‘A’ accepted via the Membership Applications Department be provided to the Secretary of the allocated branch.” SUPPORTING STATEMENT”The Branch Treasurer pointed out that he is having to write to new members to ask for their date of birth and date of admission (to determine when and if they are liable to pay dues as per rule 2), and for their contact details (phone/email etc), when they have already provided this information on their Form A.  This does not give a good impression of party efficiency and is a waste of time and effort for all concerned.”AGREED3. EC minutes of the 5th meeting, 5th May 2012NOTED4. New branch standing ordersMotion 4. Cox & Mann “That consideration of the new branch standing orders be deferred until the next meeting and that all branch members be requested to submit any suggestions as to how the branch should implement them.”AGREED5. Departmental terms of reference (draft report)                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Motion 5. (to the EC)  Mann & M.Chesham  “This branch notes that a draft report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Departmental Terms of Reference has been published. The branch would like to know why the EC has not allowed branches, the units of organisation within the Party, and members without access to Spintcom, the opportunity to consider the report and make any observations, etc.”AGREED6. Head Office propaganda meetingsFor your information the following meetings will take place at The Socialist Party of Great Britain’s premises at 52 Clapham High Street, London SW4 7UN during this month.Sunday 10 June, 3.00pmWAR: ITS CAUSE AND CURESpeaker: Gwynn ThomasSunday 24 June, 3.00pmTHE SECRETS OF THE INCAS: HOW THEY RELATE TO TODAY’S PROBLEMSSpeaker: Bill MartinPlease note the day and earlier starting time for these meetings.7. Summer SchoolLast minute travel arrangements were discussed for the four branch members and one supporter who would be going to Summer School in Birmingham this year; three branch members plus one from another branch would be going by road and two others by train.NOTED8. Workshop weekendIt was reported that Lancaster branch was organising a residential workshop for the weekend of September 7th/9th, for members only, to explore ways of using video toadvance the socialist case and that there were a few places remaining.NOTED9. Any other business                                                                                                                                                                                                                           i) Vacancies on Campaigns Department Motion 6. (to the EC)  D.Chesham & M.Chesham “That Jacqueline Shodeke be nominated for one of the vacancies on the Campaigns Department.”AGREEDii) Reminder of Notice of Business for July meeting ­”Consideration of possible items for discussion for submission to the 2012 ADM”Meeting adjourned at 5.30pm***********************************************************************In line with a decision taken at an earlier meeting there then followed a regular period of discussion on various matters.  This continued beyond 7.00pm. 


    AGENDA July 1st 2012Election of ChairAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from minutes:-Branch stall in Canterbury – reportMotion(s) to the ECNew branch standing ordersDepartmental terms of reference – draft reportEC minutes (June 2nd meeting) Treasurers Quarterly Reporti) Financial Statement and Balance Sheet May 2012ii) Socialist Standard Account to June 2012 Motion of which notice has been given”Consideration of possible items for discussion for submission to the 2012 ADM” Propaganda meetingsSummer school in Birmingham (July 6 – 8)Workshop weekend in Lancaster (September 7 – 9)Any other business


    Minutes of the 9th Meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 1st July 2012The meeting started at 3.00pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Ed Mann (Chair)Apologies: DH, Hannah Dutton1. Minutes of the 8th Meeting dated 3rd June 2012 were before the meeting.Motion 1.  Cox & Mann “That the minutes be adopted”AGREED2. Matters arising from the previous minutesi) Canterbury Stall reportTwo branch members and a supporter had a good productive few hours in Canterbury on June 23rd with the literature stall.  Several affable conversations took place with local workers (including a further encounter with another SPEW member) as well as those from Israel, Argentina, France and Egypt.  Literature worth £8.50 was sold and other items given away.  It was agreed to repeat the venture on Saturday, 11th August from 12noon which was the first available date when at least two members could be present.  If support from other members was forthcoming then an additional date (in July) might be a possibility.NOTEDii) Motion to the EC (2nd June meeting)It was noted that the branch’s suggestion that the “one-­day workshop be held at Head Office as soon as is practical for the purpose of exploring strategies to exploit the current dissatisfaction with capitalism” (Conference motion agreed by the Party membership) take place over the 2012 ADM weekend, has been accepted by the EC and is to be held on Saturday, 20th October.iii) New Branch Standing OrdersNOTEDiv) Departmental Terms of Reference (draft report)It was agreed to defer consideration of this item pending receipt of further information.v) University of Kent room hireNo further action at present.3. EC minutes of the 6th meeting, 2nd June 2012NOTED4. Treasurer’s quarterly reportThe Treasurer presented the following items for consideration by the branch. i)  Financial Statement and Balance Sheet May 2012 ii) Socialist Standard Account to June 2012The branch had funds totalling £147 as at 3rd June 2012.                                                                                                                                            Motion 2.  D.Chesham & Mann “That the Treasurer be thanked”  AGREED 5. Motion of which notice has been given”Consideration of possible items for discussion for submission to the 2012 ADM”Motion 3.  Cox & Mann “Should the Party depend on legacies for its financial future or should contingency plans be made?”Motion 4.  Mann & M.Chesham “There are occasions when some members persist in using hetronormative and patriarchal language.  Surely the Party needs to recognise that this kind of behaviour is totally unacceptable.”Motion 5.  Mann & D.Chesham “The Party has a tradition of organizing debates with opponents of all political stances, no matter how challenging.  We propose therefore that the Party approach the far­ right of which the English Defence League would provide us with the most political capital.”Motion 6.  Cox & Mann “Prior to rule amendments being submitted to Conference should:a) such amendments be first tabled for discussion at ADM (allowing for provisions fordemonstrating urgency) andb) there be a ‘risk assessment’ of the proposed amendment.”                                                                                                                                                                                                               Motion 7.  Mann & D.Chesham “Should we sing ‘The Internationale’ or equally appropriate song at Party meetings?”All the above motions agreed nemine contradicente.An absent member emailed some suggestions for discussion but it was unclear if these items were intended for the EC or ADM.  It was agreed the Secretary clarify this with the member concerned.6. Any other businessi) Vacancies on Blog Department Motion 8.  Mann & M.Chesham “That DH be nominated for one of the vacancies on the Blog Department”.AGREEDii) Notice of Motion for August meetingMann & Cox “That in view of problems relating to the Socialist Standard, EC minutes and bank statements it is proposed that branch meetings should revert to the 2nd Sunday of the month.”iii) It was proposed that ‘future propaganda activities’ be a standing agenda item in future.AGREEDMeeting adjourned at 6.55pm 


    AGENDA August 5th 2012Election of ChairAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from minutes:-Branch stall in Canterbury Motion(s) to the ECDepartmental terms of reference – draft reportConsideration of possible additional items for discussion for submission to the 2012 ADM including supporting statements for those already agreed by the branch.Suggestions for discussion sent in by an absent member.EC minutes (June 30th meeting) Motion of which notice has been givenMann & Cox “That in view of problems relating to the Socialist Standard, EC minutes and bank statements it is proposed that branch meetings should revert to the 2nd Sunday of the month.” Future propaganda activities Any other business


    Minutes of the 10th Meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 5th August 2012The meeting started at 3.05pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer & Chair)Apologies: Hannah Dutton, Ed Mann1. Minutes of the 9th Meeting dated 1st July 2012 were before the meeting.Motion 1. Cox & M.Chesham “That the minutes be adopted”AGREED2. Matters arising from the previous minutesi) Canterbury StallIt had been suggested that having a stall on a weekday might be a possibility and with that mind it was agreed to hold the next one on Friday 24 August.  In addition a further Saturday was arranged for 22 September.  Whilst it was hoped that more members would be forthcoming to support this activity we were pleased to learn that a supporter and a member of Socialist Studies had expressed their willingness to assist.  Same time and place but see website for details.NOTEDii) Departmental Terms of Reference (draft report)Motion 2. (to the EC) D.Chesham & Cox”That the following observations from K&SRB concerning the Departmental Terms of Reference draft report be sent to the EC for their attention.”                                                                            a) Advertising DepartmentAdd the following clause: “Be responsible for advertising centrally organised events in conjunction with the Campaigns Department.”The suggested addition: “To devise and run at least ONE major cross­-media campaign per year in conjunction with other departments” instead be allocated to the Campaigns Department’s TOR.b) Audio/Visual DepartmentThe suggested additional clause:  “To recruit and manage a team of volunteers to read current Socialist Standard articles as podcasts for blind and partially sighted web visitors, in conjunction with the SSD” is overly ambitious given the current strength of the Party.c) Ballot CommitteeThe proposed additional clause: “To monitor which members regularly receive voting papers but have not voted in the past three ballots, and to report to the EC on efforts in conjunction with other departments to re­engage the members”  is not a sensible suggestion.  In a democratic organisation individuals should be free to decide whether or not they wish to participate in Party ballots.  It is also excessively bureaucratic and time-­consuming.d) Enquiries DepartmentRemove final proposed clause: “To post difficult or unusual enquiries for discussion on Spopen” and substitute: “To refer difficult or unusual enquiries to the Party’s voluminous website.”e) Internet DepartmentAdd as the primary term of reference: “To ensure that sufficient personnel are deployed in the important task of maintaining the Party website.”f) Media DepartmentThe proposed changes are a retrograde step and will limit the opportunities of this department to do its work and for that reason we oppose them.g) Membership Applications DepartmentThe proposed changes are excessively bureaucratic and time-­consuming and we oppose them.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CARRIED 3-­0 (Three members present)Motion 3. (to the EC) D.Chesham & Cox”The Branch notes the clear conclusion of the report that there is a case for a departmental restructure and is flabbergasted that the Committee made no such recommendations.  We also note that consideration of or even reference to eight departments or committees terms of reference have been entirely omitted from the report.”CARRIED 3­-0 (Three members present)iii) Motion for which notice had been givenMann & Cox “That in view of problems relating to the Socialist Standard, EC minutes and bank statements it is proposed that branch meetings should revert to the 2nd Sunday of the month.”It was agreed to defer consideration of this motion to the September meeting3. EC minutes of the 7th meeting, 30th June 2012NOTED4. ADM items for discussionTwo supporting statements for the items agreed at the last meeting were to hand but we are still awaiting three more.An absent member has emailed a further suggestion for an item for discussion at ADM.Motion 4.  M.Chesham & D.Chesham  “Should the EC be instructed to set­ up a committee to draw up a proper programme of advertising in periodicals or national newspapers to a) promote the Party and its message and b) increase readership of the Socialist Standard?”AGREEDThe member concerned has already supplied a supporting statement.5. Future propaganda activitiesNone at present other than the two dates for the literature stall in Canterbury.6. Any other businessAt the request of the same absent member it was agreed to send the following item to the EC for its consideration.Motion 5. (to the EC) D.Chesham & Cox “That the EC be requested to update the out­-of-­print introductory pack for new members so as to encourage participation in party activities and to outline the way party democracy operates; to be read in conjunction with the rule book and declaration of principles.” CARRIED 3-0 (Three members present)Meeting adjourned at 6.50pm 


    Good meeting Dave and sorry for not e-mailing apologies, but if they can be taken as read for each meeting unless of course I attend. The second Sunday would be a better day for me TBH…..

    SussexSocialist wrote:
    Good meeting Dave and sorry for not e-mailing apologies, but if they can be taken as read for each meeting unless of course I attend. The second Sunday would be a better day for me TBH…..

     Well, not that good with just three members showing.  However, we’ll be discussing the issue of changing to the second Sunday of the month at our next meeting.  In any event we badly need some new recruits particularly as it’s likely we’ll be losing two members very soon, one to another branch and the other detained ‘at her majesty’s pleasure’!


    AGENDA September 2nd 2012Election of ChairAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from minutes:-Branch stall in Canterbury – report and future date(s)Motion(s) to the ECEC minutes (August 4th meeting)Appointment of delegates to ADM – 21/10/12TUC Rally – 20/10/12Workshop at HO – 20/10/12Motion of which notice has been givenMann & Cox “That in view of problems relating to the Socialist Standard, EC minutes and bank statements it is proposed that branch meetings should revert to the 2nd Sunday of the month.” Future propaganda activitiesAny other business

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