Kent and Sussex Branch
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- This topic has 269 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 8 months ago by
October 14, 2018 at 10:37 pm #152994
Inactive“It’s in Earlsfield on Wednesday 24, Thursday 25 and Saturday 27 October. Has the branch chosen the date yet as I am sure London members might like to come too?”
As I suspected none of the K&S members, or at least none who present at our meeting today, will be attending this event. There has apparently, so I’m told, been some interest shown by other members on Facebook.
November 4, 2018 at 11:56 pm #156300Anonymous
Inactive[The following is posted on behalf of the minute taker]
Minutes of 83rd meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch held on Sunday, 14th October, 2018.
The meeting commenced at 2:36pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor)
Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer) and Dan Fabian.
1. Election of Chair
Motion 1. Chesham/Cox “that Fabian be chair” AGREED 4-0-0.2. Apologies for absence
Marie Chesham, Hannah Dutton.3. Confirmation of agenda items
Confirmed with addition of forthcoming Tressell Tour to Matters Arising.4. Adoption of minutes of previous meeting
Motion 2. Chesham/Fabian “that the minutes be adopted” AGREED 4-0-0.5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meeting.
a) Folkestone Socials/SS Sales (Lime Bar Cafe)
Cox reports on Socialist Standard sales of 5 in August and 1 in September. No plans are made for any social events at Lime Bar.b) Hip Hop Music Night
Left in abeyance pending further information.c) T-Shirt & Bags
Costing of possible further order for bags. Bruce reports that AMS have given a price of £5.50 per bag for less than 50 and £4.20 for 50 or more. It was felt that it would be more economic to get 100 from the webbased supplier. Bruce to check on the Quantity Tolerance Charge and clarify what it means. Plus enquire as to cost for black bag with white print and to seek out online feedback reviews for quality. Bruce has also had a price for small run t-shirt printing from AMS of £8.34 inc. VAT for better quality shirts (black and red) and £7.96 for standard quality (purple). Cox will contact EC with Bruce’s info.d) Motion to EC “Advertising the SPGB in areas where we have active members and branches”. August Motion 3: KM Group newspaper inserts
Cox reports that the inserts are currently being printed (prior to a publication date being agreed) and volunteers to contact KMG to find out which dates are available for the inserts to go in. It is agreed to communicate with Cox by email to move the project forward prior to next branch meeting. Extra funding from EC has been agreed to meet the full printing costs.e) Canterbury Discussion Group
Left in abeyance pending further information.f) Tara Arts “The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists”
No plans are made for attendance.6. Nominations – Party Officers and EC 2019 (closing date 02/11/18):
a) Report: Nominations made 09/09/18 [Minutes Item 12]
Acceptances from: Chesham, Kirk, Alvarenga and Tenner – E.C.; Cox – Treasurer, Alvarenga – Assistant Treasurer, Buick – Central Organiser. Cox waits to hear regarding other nominations.b) Consideration of further nominations.
No further nominations.7. Correspondence
a) Cde Murray
Motion 3. Chesham/Fabian “to accept Murray’s resignation” AGREED 4-0-0b) Notice re: New Pamphlet
Cox reports that the new Anti-Zionist pamphlet has been printed and is now available for purchase.8. Reports
a) Branch Walk – Swale Estuary 16 September
Chesham reports that 4 members were in attendance. With fine weather an enjoyable walk was had and drinks in the pub at the end of the walk. Plans where discussed for further walks in spring 2019.b) Stall – Canterbury 29 September
Chesham reports on a successful stall selling 5 Standards and 5 pamphlets. Many leaflets where handed out and 2 contacts made9. Autumn Delegate Meeting 2018 – Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st October
a) Report on election of delegates
Cox reports that Pruden is unable to acceptb) Consideration of Officer and EC reports (as circulated)
Notedc) Consideration of Agenda Items (as circulated)
Discussed10. Notice of Business (Bruce)
a) That Cde. Buick’s article “What Would a Real Socialist Revolution Look Like?” from October’s Standard be published as a brochure for free distribution at literature stall and events etc. Item deferred from March meeting [Item 7a, for “mock up a layout for possible leaflet”]; Deferred with apologies.
b) “The use of a recent piece from the January Standard giving the ‘Case against Capitalism’ as a free handout” Item deferred from March meeting [Item 7b]. Deferred with apologies.
11. Forms ‘A’ & ‘F’ and Branch membership transfers
N. Murray, Form F to be submitted12. EC minutes: October 2018
Noted13. Future propaganda activities
None14. Any other business
Collection £14.00 Standards x2 £3.00
Adjournment 7.00pm
December 3, 2018 at 11:52 pm #167873Anonymous
Inactive[The following is posted on behalf of the minute taker]
Minutes of 84th meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch held on Sunday, 11th November, 2018.
The meeting commenced at 2:30pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor)
Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer) and Dan Fabian.
1. Election of Chair
Motion 1. Bruce/Fabian “that Chesham be chair” AGREED 4-0-0.2. Apologies for absence
Marie Chesham, Hannah Dutton, Shannon Kennedy & Ed Mann.3. Confirmation of agenda items
Confirmed.4. Adoption of minutes of previous meeting
Motion 2. Cox/Chesham “that the minutes be adopted” AGREED 4-0-0.5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meeting
a) Folkestone Socials/SS Sales (Lime Bar Cafe)
Cox reports Standard sales of 2 copies in October. No plans are brought forward for social attendance.b) T-Shirt & Bags
Costing of possible further order for bags. Bruce puts forward the new quotation for black bags with white printed logo, which is slightly higher than previous quote for white bags with black printing. It is felt that the black bags would look better and be more practical in use. Bruce to contact bag supplier. Cox raises concerns about packaging for bag that are to be posted out, wishing to avoid excessive creasing of the fabric. Fabian finds suitable boxes of a size suitable for large letter post. Cox agrees to email E.C. members to propose the purchase of 100 printed black bags and boxes and include costings for bags/boxes/postage.c) Motion to EC
“Advertising the SPGB in areas where we have active members and branches”. August Motion 3: KM Group newspaper inserts: Update on Insert publication. Cox reports on problems with some editions not having the insert included, along with some shop displays causing the insert to fall out. Cox has been in touch with KMG and they have offered to re distribute the insert in the Canterbury area at a reduced cost (50%). It was felt that the low response rate didn’t warrant further investment. Fabian suggested an advert instead. Cox agrees to enquire about a discounted rate for this in the new year.d) Nominations – Party Officers and EC 2019 [Update]
Cox reported on nominee acceptances. It was NOTED that a further call has been made for 3 E.C. members and 2 auditors. 6. Autumn Delegate Meeting 2018 – Report not yet available.7. Notice of Business (Bruce)
a) That Cde. Buick’s article “What Would a Real Socialist Revolution Look Like?” from October’s Standard be published as a brochure for free distribution at literature stall and events etc. Item deferred from March meeting [Item 7a, for “mock up a layout for possible leaflet”]; Deferred with apologies.b) “The use of a recent piece from the January Standard giving the ‘Case against Capitalism’ as a free handout” Item deferred from March meeting [Item 7b]. Deferred with apologies.
8. Forms ‘A’ & ‘F’ and Branch membership transfers
None9. EC minutes: November 2018
Noted10. Future propaganda activities
Motion 3. Bruce/Fabian “that the E.C. be asked to consider producing an introductory party pamphlet based on the Class War introductory pamphlet” AGREED 4-0-0.
Bruce to scan and email a pdf to Cox in order to forward the motion to the E.C. and draft supporting statement for Motion.11. Any other business
Fabian asks if the whiteboard video can be moved to the top of the new SPGB website homepage.
Motion 4. Fabian/Chesham “KSRB recommends that the whiteboard video be moved from its present position on SPGB homepage, to the top of the page” AGREED, 4-0-0. Cox to forward to EC.12.Collection
Collection £16.00 Standard x2 £3.00
Discussion Item – ‘Anarchists and Socialists’.
Discussion held.
Adjournment 7.00pm
January 15, 2019 at 5:32 am #176733Anonymous
Inactive[The following is posted on behalf of the minute taker]
Minutes of 85th meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch held on Sunday, 9th December, 2018.
The meeting commenced at 3.20pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor)
Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer) and Dan Fabian.
1. Election of Chair
Motion 1. Fabian/Chesham “that Cox be chair” AGREED 4-0-0.2. Apologies for absence
Marie Chesham, Hannah Dutton.3. Confirmation of agenda items
Confirmed. Cox proposes a discussion item for next meeting’s agenda: How we present our case (The more challenging aspects).4. Adoption of minutes of previous meeting
Motion 2. Chesham/Fabian “that the minutes be adopted” AGREED 4-0-0.5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meeting
a) Folkestone Socials/SS Sales (Lime Bar Cafe)
Cox reports Standard sales of 1 copy in November. Cox also reports the sad news of the forthcoming closure of the Lime Bar Cafe. The proprietors will be continuing as mobile events hosts in various venues and have offered to continue to sell the Standard at these events.
b) T-Shirt & Bags: Order for bags for sale from Head Office
Bruce reports that the bag order has been delivered to head office, plus 50 posting boxes to be sold at £3.50 + £1.50 p+p. Chesham volunteers to contact M. Hutton regarding the location of the bags and boxes. Chesham agrees to upload the photo from Bruce to web, plus Cox agrees to compile wording for web shop listing. Cox reports on having received favourable feedback on pricing from various EC members.c) Motion to EC
“Advertising the SPGB in areas where we have active members and branches”. August Motion 3: KM Group newspaper inserts: Update on discussion with KMG for compensation for problems with Insert distribution in Canterbury area.Cox/Chesham report on between 11-20 responses to the KM group inserts. Cox has spoken to KM group regarding converting the compensation offer to a display advert discount and received a negative response. It is agreed not to take further action due to the low response rate to the inserts that did go out. It is also agreed not to proceed with the half price offer on a further run of inserts for the same reason. Bruce proposes taking an advert in the .Net magazine which is a free business and events listings magazine delivered to houses in a number of Kent areas. Bruce agrees to bring a current issue to January branch meeting. Item to be added to agenda for further discussion pending further information. Bruce agrees to get more info from web.
d) Motion to the EC (introductory pamphlet suggestion) “That the E.C. considers producing an introductory party pamphlet based on the Class War introductory pamphlet”.
Deferred to January.e) Motion to the EC (website suggestion) “KSRB recommends that the whiteboard video be moved from its present position on SPGB homepage, to the top of the page”
Deferred to January.6. Autumn Delegate Meeting 2018 Report
Noted.7. Notice of Business (Bruce)
a) That Cde. Buick’s article “What Would a Real Socialist Revolution Look Like?” from October’s Standard be published as a brochure for free distribution at literature stall and events etc. Item deferred from March meeting.
[Item 7a, for “mock up a layout for possible leaflet”]
Deferred with apologies.b) “The use of a recent piece from the January Standard giving the “Case against Capitalism” as a free handout”
Item deferred from March meeting [Item 7b].
Deferred with apologies.8. Forms ‘A’ & ‘F’ and Branch membership transfers
None9. EC minutes: December 2018
None available10. Future propaganda activities
Bruce reports that she has been in contact with Kent Miners Festival and that they are planning this year’s event and will contact Cox or Bruce when pitches become available. Cox/Bruce agree to pursue this periodically.11. Any other business
Bruce passes round a quotation she has requested for enamel badges featuring the new SPGB logo. It is agreed that Bruce will ask for a sample of the badges and find out minimum order quantity, plus if boxes are supplied and if cost varies dependent on order volume.12. Collection
Collection £7.50
Bag x 1 £3.50
Standard x2 £3
Pankhurst pamphlet x2 £3Adjournment 6.00pm
February 10, 2019 at 7:44 am #183425Anonymous
Inactive[The following is posted on behalf of the minute taker]
Minutes of 86th meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch held on Sunday, 13th January, 2019.
The meeting commenced at 2.50pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor)
Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian and Shannon Kennedy.
1. Election of Chair
Motion 1. Chesham/Bruce “that Fabian be chair” AGREED 5-0-0.2. Apologies for absence
Hannah Dutton, Dave Humphries.3. Confirmation of agenda items
Confirmed.4. Adoption of minutes of previous meeting
Motion 2. Chesham/Kennedy “that the minutes be adopted” AGREED 5-0-0.5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meeting
a) Folkestone Socials/SS Sales (Lime Bar Cafe)
Cox has spoken to the owners of the (now closed) Lime Bar who are keen to continue selling the Standard at their events. Cde. Thomas to liaise with Andi Elliot.b) T-Shirts & Bags
Order for bags for sale from Head Office. Chesham reports that a number of bags have been purchased online. Cox agrees to approach AMS to address the pricing discrepancy on previous t shirt orders and to place an order for further T-shirt stock.c) Advertising
‘the .Net’ magazine – Report from Cde. Bruce
Bruce to get further info from web for next meeting.d) Motion to the EC (introductory pamphlet suggestion)
“That the E.C. considers producing an introductory party pamphlet based on the Class War introductory pamphlet”.
EC consideration was deferred.e) Motion to the EC (website suggestion)
“KSRB recommends that the whiteboard video be moved from its present position on SPGB homepage, to the top of the page.”
EC consideration was deferred.f) SPGB Enamel badge quotations (Bruce)
Bruce to action agreed badge enquiries as agreed in December minutes.6. Branch Financial Report 2018
Appointment of Auditors
Chesham and Kennedy volunteer to audit report. AGREED 5-0-07. Annual Party Conference 2019 (Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th April)
The deadline for motions and amendments to rule (items must be accompanied by a statement in support) is Friday 1st February 2019. Kennedy to propose a motion that he will put forward to branch members online. There was discussion on his draft wording8. Notice of Business (Bruce)
a) That Cde. Buick’s article “What Would a Real Socialist Revolution Look Like?” from October’s Standard be published as a brochure for free distribution at literature stall and events etc. Item deferred from March meeting [Item 7a, for “mock up a layout for possible leaflet”]
Deferred with apologiesb) “The use of a recent piece from the January Standard giving the “Case against Capitalism” as a free handout” Item deferred from March meeting [Item 7b].
Deferred with apologies9. Forms ‘A’ & ‘F’ and Branch membership transfers
Cox reports on correspondence with comrade Humphries who has been allocated to our branch after re-joining the SPGB (via M.A.C.).Chesham conveys the sad news of the passing of Comrade Marie Chesham. Motion 3. Fabian/Kennedy “that Cde. Chesham’s form F be accepted” AGREED 5-0-0.
10. EC minutes December 2018.
Noted.11. Future propaganda activities
Bruce proposes holding a street stall at the Wigtown Book Festival in Scotland. Bruce agrees to get further info. Bruce reports that the Beltie Bookshop in Wigtown has purchased a number of SPGB books and pamphlets for sale in their shop.* The proprietors also expressed an interest in selling The Standard. Bruce to find out about costs and terms of selling the Standard and pass on to Beltie Books.12. Any other business
Cox has received an email from a student at Christchurch University in Canterbury who suggests SPGB sends a speaker to their ‘Making Politics Matter’ meetings. Cox has contacted the college who are keen that we attend and Cde. Thomas who has agreed to speak. Confirmation of the date (March?) awaited. Cox also asked if other members may attend?
It appears the Socialist Society there may no longer be active.13. Collection
Collection £9.07
Standard x2-£3.00
Rosa Luxemburg pamphlet x2-£5
*plus £7 pamphlets from shop14. Discussion Item
How we present our case (The more challenging aspects) Cde Cox raised the issue of whether we should seek to avoid raising aspects of the Party case in circumstances where there may be insufficient opportunity to properly explain the issue to those not familiar with us, and who may therefore become confused or make incorrect assumptions about what we propose (for instance in leaflets). It was suggested this be circulated to members as a suggested item for Conference (motion or discussion item).Adjournment 6.00pm
March 6, 2019 at 6:22 pm #184151Anonymous
Inactive[The following is posted on behalf of the minute taker]
Minutes of 87th meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch held on
Sunday, 10th February, 2019.The meeting commenced at 2.30pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor)
Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian and (visitor) Ed Mann
1. Election of Chair
Motion 1. Chesham/Fabian “that Fabian be chair” AGREED 4-0-0.2. Apologies for absence
Hannah Dutton, Dave Humphries3. Confirmation of agenda items
Confirmed.4. Adoption of minutes of previous meeting
Motion 2. Chesham/Fabian “that the minutes be adopted” AGREED 4-0-0.5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meeting
a) Folkestone Socials/SS Sales (Lime Bar Cafe)
Cox still waiting to hear from Lime Bar.b) T-Shirt & Bags: Order for bags for sale from Head Office
Cox reports that AMS have addressed the previous pricing issue and have knocked the difference off the recent top up order, which has been completed and collected.c) Advertising:
‘the .Net’ magazine – Report from Cde. Bruce
Bruce discusses info she has taken from .net website and agrees to find out if KSRB qualifies for a free line advert listing.d) Motion to the EC (introductory pamphlet suggestion)
“That the E.C. considers producing an introductory party pamphlet based on the Class War introductory pamphlet”
EC consideration deferred.e) Motion to the EC (website suggestion)
“KSRB recommends that the whiteboard video be moved from its present position on SPGB homepage, to the top of the page”
EC consideration deferred.f) SPGB Enamel badge quotations (Bruce)
Bruce passes round samples she has received from Badgemaster. Bruce agrees to seek clarity from Badgemaster as to sample/proof type and to seek alternative prices.g) ‘Making Politics Matter’ – meeting at Christchurch University in Canterbury
Cox reports that it has not been possible to arrange the meeting for March due to exams. It was felt that the next best time would be October 24th, Thursday. Andy Thomas will come up with a title for the talk. It will be open to the public.6. Branch Financial & Membership Report 2018 (‘form C’):
Auditors Report and Consideration of Adoption
Cde Chesham (having been appointed auditor for 2018, together with Cde Kennedy) reported he had examined the draft ‘form C’ and the accounting records and found them in order. No report received from Cde Kennedy who was not present.
Cde Cox presented the 2018 draft report and financial statements to the meeting.Motion 3. Bruce/Cox “that Fabian be auditor” AGREED 4-0-0.
Motion 4. Chesham/Fabian (having signed the report)” that the report be adopted” AGREED 4-0-0.
7. Annual Party Conference 2019 (Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th April)
a) Discussion Items:
First consideration of submission (deadline 15th March)
Deferredb) Arrangements for appointment of Delegates (2)
Bruce, Chesham and Fabian agree to be delegates. D. Humphries, A. Pruden and J. Shodeke to be asked to be delegates.8. Call for Nominations for EC appointed Committees and Officers (see below, deadline 5th April)
Branch nominates:
Archives/Library – Beat/Hutton.
Ballot -Beat/Bond/Helps.
Campaigns – Foster/Stevens.
Head Office Organiser – Hutton.
Internet – Culbert/Fabian/Kirk/Miller.
Premises – Beat/Chesham/Helps.
Publications – Robin Cox/Fenn/Shannon/Surman.
Advertising/Enquiries – Chesham.
AGREED 4-0-0.9. Notice of Business (Bruce):
a) That Cde. Buick’s article “What Would a Real Socialist Revolution Look Like?” from October’s Standard be published as a brochure for free distribution at literature stall and events etc. Item deferred from March meeting [Item 7a, for “mock up a layout for possible leaflet”]
Deferred with apologies.b) “The use of a recent piece from the January Standard giving the ‘Case against Capitalism’ as a ‘free handout’.
Item deferred from March meeting [Item 7b].
Deferred with apologies.10. Forms ‘A’ & ‘F’ and Branch membership transfers
None.11. EC minutes: January 2019.
Noted.12. Future propaganda activities
Bruce passes round info on Wigtown Book Festival 27th Sept. to 6 Oct. 2019. Chesham agrees to attend. Bruce to contact Glasgow and Edinburgh branches regarding possible attendance.
Bruce agrees to message Kent Miners Festival regarding booking a pitch at this years event.13. Any other business
Preliminary Conference agenda is discussed.14. Collection
Collection £8.50
Standard x2-£3.00Adjournment 6.20pm
March 9, 2019 at 5:55 pm #184292vincentM
Participante) Motion to the EC (website suggestion)
“KSRB recommends that the whiteboard video be moved from its present position on SPGB homepage, to the top of the page”
EC consideration deferred.An Introduction is usually at the beginning or at the top of a page. Perhaps the branch could ask the Internet Committee why it wasn’t put there in the first place? We all know why it wasn’t
March 9, 2019 at 10:24 pm #184319Anonymous
Inactive“An Introduction is usually at the beginning or at the top of a page. Perhaps the branch could ask the Internet Committee why it wasn’t put there in the first place? We all know why it wasn’t”
If “we all know why it wasn’t” it would clearly be superfluous to ask.
March 10, 2019 at 2:01 pm #184357vincentM
ParticipantMarch 11, 2019 at 10:06 am #184387Anonymous
Inactive“Come on humour me. Why isn’t the introduction at the beginning?”
I think we’ve humoured you more than enough over the years.
March 12, 2019 at 4:57 pm #184461vincentM
ParticipantApril 2, 2019 at 10:46 pm #184913Anonymous
InactiveOur Branch is again contesting an election. Voters in the Harbour ward of Folkestone, Kent, will have their fourth opportunity in six years to vote for Socialism, when they go to the polls to re-elect the District Council on 2nd May.
Previously they have been able to vote for Socialist Party candidates for the UK and European parliaments, the last District poll in 2015 and most recently in 2017, when most of Folkestone was contested by the Party in the county council election.
In fact, the 4000+ Harbour ward electors will be able to vote twice for Socialism on 2nd May, as we are also standing for the Town Council in the same ward. Andy Thomas is our candidate for both contests. Attached is a copy of our election leaflet.
There are also posters available to display for anyone who lives in the vicinity.
How can you help? If you live nearby or can get to Folkestone then you could:
- Help deliver some of the 2,500 leaflets we have to distribute
- Join our High Street stall on Saturday 20th April from 12 noon – email the address below for details, or visit:
For more information email
April 5, 2019 at 4:13 pm #184964ALB
KeymasterOur opponents are:
Folkestone & Hythe District Council Harbour ward (2 Seats): Gurung and Wallace (Tories); Field and Keen (Labourites); Anson (LibDem) and McConnell (Green); Lawes (Foundation Party).
Folkestone Town Council Harbour ward (3 seats): Gurung, Wallace and Wallace (Tories); Field, Keen and Le Fanu (Labourites); Lawes (Foundation Party).
Notable that there are no UKIP candidates. The Foundation Party, however, has been formed by ex-Ukippers.
April 9, 2019 at 5:06 pm #185077Anonymous
Inactive[The following is posted on behalf of the minute taker]
Minutes of 88th meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch held on Sunday, 10th March, 2019.
The meeting commenced at 2.20pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor)
Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian.
1. Election of Chair
Motion 1. Fabian/Bruce “that Chesham be chair” AGREED 4-0-0.2. Apologies for absence
Hannah Dutton3. Confirmation of agenda items
Confirmed.4. Adoption of minutes of previous meeting
Motion 2. Cox/Chesham “that the minutes be adopted” AGREED 4-0-0.5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meeting
a) Folkestone Socialist Standard Sales
Cox to follow up.b) Advertising:
‘the .Net’ magazine – Report from Cde. Bruce Bruce has messaged the .net magazine and had no reply. Bruce agrees to chase up the net for a response to her enquiry as to whether KSRB can be listed free in the Clubs and Societies section.c) Motion to the EC (introductory pamphlet suggestion) “That the E.C. considers producing an introductory party pamphlet based on the Class War introductory pamphlet”.
EC waiting for report from Publications Committee.d) Motion to the EC (website suggestion)
“KSRB recommends that the whiteboard video be moved from its present position on SPGB homepage, to the top of the page.”
EC waiting for report from Internet Committee.e) SPGB Enamel badge quotations
Bruce shares the new quotation she has received from Rocket Badge Company and agrees to request samples from them.f) Nominations for EC appointed Committees and Officers (deadline 5th April) –
Report on acceptances received to date.Archives/Library – Beat/Hutton accept.
Ballot – Beat/Helps accept.
Campaigns – Foster accepts.
Head Office Organiser – M. Hutton accepts.
Internet – Culbert declines. Miller accepts.
Premises – Beat/Helps accept. Chesham declines.
Publications – Robin Cox/Fenn/Surman accept. Shannon declines. Advertising/Enquiries – Chesham accepts.g) Wigtown Book Festival 27th Sept. to 6 Oct. 2019 – Report from Cde Bruce.
Bruce to contact Glasgow and Edinburgh branches regarding stall and possible
attendance.h) Kent Miners Festival Monday 26th August 2019 – Report from Cde Cox
Cox has submitted booking form to KMF and awaits confirmation.6. Annual Party Conference 2019 (Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th April)
a) Consideration of Preliminary Agenda (as circulated) and possible amendments to motions and rule amendments
Motion 3. Chesham/Cox, amendment to Motion D: “Insert the word “the” after “not”; Delete the word “a”; replace the word “but” with “that”; delete the word “also”. So as to read: “This Conference affirms that capitalism is not the only classdivided society that is patriarchal.” CARRIED 2-1-1
Motion 4. Cox/Fabian, amendment to Motion I: “This Conference instructs the EC to establish an ad-hoc committee to look into ways of encouraging a more gender representative membership, to report to Conference 2020.” NOT CARRIED 2-2-0
Motion 5. Cox/Fabian, amendment to Motion J: “Insert before the word “That”, the words “the EC consider”; to read “That the EC consider the trade union style banner created in 2013 be displayed in Head Office ground floor front window.” AGREED 4-0-0
b) Discussion Items Consideration of submission (deadline 15th March) It was agreed to submit Cox’s discussion item: “Should the Party give more consideration to tailoring the way it presents the Party case to the selected medium, especially when it may be directed at persons not likely to have a prior understanding of our concept of socialism”.
c) Arrangements for Appointment of Delegates (up to 2 can sit at any one time) Bruce, Chesham, Fabian, Pruden and Shodeke agree to be delegates.
Motion 6. Bruce/Cox “That branch appoints the above to be delegates at Conference” AGREED 4-0-0 (Days and times to be confirmed).
Chair signs delegates’ forms.7. Correspondence
a) Pro-referendum demonstration 23 March
Fabian and Bruce agree to meet in London on the day of The Peoples’ Vote march. Bruce to contact Buick to find out where other comrades will meet up on the day.b) May local elections
Cox has contacted Folkestone members regarding the local election. A Thomas has pledged his support.
Motion 7. Bruce/Cox “That KSRB asks A Thomas and M Hess to stand for local elections in Folkestone and or be election agents. And asks for EC permission to stand in Folkestone local elections on May 2nd 2019” AGREED 4-0-0
Cox to contact A Thomas and M Hess to ask if they would be willing to stand.8. Notice of Business (Bruce):
a) That Cde. Buick’s article “What Would a Real Socialist Revolution Look Like?” from October’s Standard be published as a brochure for free distribution at literature stall and events etc.
Item deferred from March 2018 meeting [Item 7a, for “mock up a layout for possible leaflet”]
Deferred with apologies.b) “The use of a recent piece from the January Standard giving the “Case against Capitalism” as a free handout” Item deferred from March 2018 meeting [Item 7b].
Deferred with apologies.9. Forms ‘A’ & ‘F’ and Branch membership transfers
Dave Humphries has resigned his membership of SPGB.
Motion 8. Chesham/Cox “That we accept Humphries’ resignation” AGREED 4-0-0.
Chair signs Form F.10. EC minutes: February 2019.
Noted.11. Future propaganda activities
Stall proposed for Folkestone on 20th April.
Chesham and Bruce to attend. Cox to ask A Thomas if he can attend.12. Any other business
Collection £8.50
Standard x2-£3.00
Banking pamphlet x2-£3.00Adjournment 7.10pm
May 3, 2019 at 9:10 am #185921ALB
KeymasterHere is the result of the election in the ward in Folkestone and Hythe District Council that we contested. Not worked out what it is in percentage terms (difficult anyway, as electors had 2 votes). Incidentally, the result was a Labour gain (from Tory and ex-UKIP).
We also stood a candidate for Folkestone Town Council. Result not yet published.
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