Kent and Sussex Branch

March 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement Kent and Sussex Branch

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    [The following is posted on behalf of the Minute taker] Minutes of 68th meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch Sunday, 9th July, 2017The meeting started at 2:20pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer) and Dan Fabian.1. Election of ChairMotion 1. “That D. Chesham be Chair”. AGREED.Cde Bruce agreed to take notes for the minutes. The meeting proceeded on the basis of the circulated agenda.2. Apologies for absence Marie Chesham, Hannah Dutton.3. Confirmation of agenda items (discussion period) Confirmed.4. Minutes of the 67th meeting held on 11th June 2017 were before the meeting Minutes amended to reflect the omitted voting figure (4-0-0) for item 4g (motion 3) and item 8, H. Pillott, to read H. Pilott.Motion 2. “That the amended minutes be adopted”. AGREEDa) Branch Email addressDeferred to next meeting for further discussion, pending more information.b) Membership matters – Folkestone meetings – Item 4(b)Lime Bar Cafe: R. Cox dropped off the copies of The Standard to be sold there (3 sold in first week) and reported that the meeting room is available for use for meetings and discussion groups on Monday and Tuesday evenings. He also thought that Sunday might be a good day for a social. Cox will remind A. Thomas to make a date for the meeting.c) Membership matters – Facebook meetings – Item 4(c)M. Bruce reports that A. Pruden is keen on particpating in meetings via facebook video. M. Bruce agrees to contact M. Hess via media committee to see if he would be willing to take part in this manner, plus J. Harrison and other members of the Brighton Facebook group. R. Cox agrees to find out more about the Jitsi app to see if it would be more suitable for video meeting participation.d) T-Shirt Order – Item 4(e) Cox reports that C. S. Alvarenga has received the acetate for the printed logo t shirts and is hoping to produce the first run of tshirts and bags in time for Summer School. M. Bruce agrees to price up postal bags on ebay.e) The next General Election – Item 4(g)R. Cox has submitted the motion to the EC, who have forwarded it to the election committee and has also written to the candidates. A. Pruden has accepted but is unable to take the speakers test until autumn. A. Thomas has also accepted the nomination.f) Kent Miners Festival – Monday 28th August 2017 – Item 4(h)R. Cox has sent off the booking form and cheque and has also pointed out the date discrepancy on the booking forms. Cox calls for volunteers at the event. Bruce agrees to attend and to make further enquiries regarding a new printed display board header banner.g) London Comic Convention(s) – Suggested SPGB Stall – Item 10Cox realised that the Morning Star had taken part in the July event and felt there was insufficient time to organise a stall for SPGB. Cox agrees to make further enquiries regarding the October event and also to make West London branch aware of it.05. ADM 21st – 22nd October 2017Bruce to produce text for discussion item regarding rule amendment. Deadline for discussion items: 1st September06. Executive Committee: Nominations close for two vacancies on 28th JulyD. Fabian declines nomination for EC.07. Street Stalls: Report & cover for Saturday 15th July and 19th AugustCox reports Canterbury stall went ahead on 24 June despite much wind and rain, with help of H. Dutton. Large amounts of leaflets where handed out and 3 Standards sold. Bruce will be possibly unavailable for 19 August, but able to participate at 15 July stall.08. Brighton Group, No further activity planned.09. Forms 'A' & 'F' and Branch membership transfersNo forms A or F. J. Shodeke has decided to stay in KSRB.10. EC minutes:a) Report of the Ballot Committee for Conference 2017KSRB is pleased to report that all its motions where carried by decent margins in most cases.b) June and JulyDeferred11. Future propaganda activitiesRefer to items 7 and 4f. Rob suggests advertising SPGB in areas where we have active members and branches and proposes this as a topic of future agenda under “Future Propaganda Activities” – Agreed.12. Collection June Socialist Standard £1.50; July Socialist Standard £1.50; Collection £13.00.AGENDA – Part Two: Discussion ItemsItem 1: Questionnaire – Free Text Suggestions (deferred from May meeting) Outstanding items deferredItem 2: Paper received from Cde Howard Pilott, and a response made jointly by Cde D. Chesham and Cde Cox (deferred from May meeting) Deferred to August meeting.Item 3: Party branding/name Cox moves to make this a discussion item for ADM. AGREED.It is agreed to think about wording for next meeting.Adjournment 8pm.


    [The following is posted on behalf of the Minute taker]Minutes of 72nd meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch Sunday, 12th November, 2017.The meeting commenced at 2:30pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor)Present: Mandy Bruce, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian, Shannon Kennedy.AGENDA – Part One: Business1. Election of Chair.Motion 1. Bruce/Cox "that Fabian be chair" AGREED.2. Apologies for absenceDave Chesham, Marie Chesham, Hannah Dutton, Richard Harris, Neil Kirk, Niall Murray.3. Confirmation of agenda itemsConfirmed.4. Adoption of minutes of previous meeting and email consultation about ADM delegate.Motion 2. Cox/Fabian "that the minutes be adopted and the online consultation be ratified" AGREED.5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meetinga) Folkestone Socials/SS Sales (Lime Bar Cafe).Upcoming events are discussed. 3 members are interested in attending the Lime Bar anniversary party on 18 November. Cox agrees to find out start time and circulate email to branch membership. It was suggested we put a link to the Lime Bar on the branch meeting web page. Cox reports sales of Standard at 11 copies.b) Online Meeting AttendancesCde. Kirk has suggested trying out the Google Hangout facility. It's unknown whether this has gone ahead. Kirk has also suggested (as circulated with agenda) having a fortnightly online business meeting to enable physical meetings to be more creative and less structured. Cox to compose an email to branch membership to get an idea of wider branch opinion to these ideas.c) T-Shirt & BagsFurther Orders (for Head Office). Branch awaits confirmation of EC response.d) London Film & Comic Convention July 2018 – Suggested joint StallWest London Branch has expressed support for this item and agree to share the cost. They suggest applying to central for partial funding of the pitch fee, which is likely to be minimum £275. Cox will look into insurance requirements and staffing arrangements, i.e. wristbands.e) Proposed Motion to EC (Cox)Advertising the SPGB in areas where we have active members and branches. Kennedy asks whether the advertising committee could be enlarged in order to concentrate it's activity into the suggested areas. Cox suggests using local press to carry inserts promoting the Party in key areas.Motion 3. Cox/Fabian moved to put proposal to the EC. The following motion was agreed (4-0-0): “Advertising the SPGB in areas where we have active members and branches: The EC is asked to give consideration as to whether Party advertising should have a focus on geographical areas where we have existing Branches and/or more opportunity for prospective new members to be actively engaged with other members, rather than just a ‘broad-brush’ approach, and if so whether this should involve Branches/Groups themselves rather than just the Advertising Committee.”f) Correspondence with Cde Hayward-HopkinsThere has been no responseg) Podcasts Party Propaganda Proposal (as circulated). All agree to the value of the proposal but wish to seek examples to put before the EC.6. EC Call for NominationsParty Officers and EC for 2018. Branch agrees to ask Cde. Parkin to accept nominations to EC and post of Party Trustee. Plus Cde. Chesham to EC.7. Socialist Standard ‘Radical Bookshop’ Promotion.Cox has responded to Cde. Bond that we have not supplied the Standard to the bookshop in Brighton. Cox to email members in that area to check whether it appears.8. ADM 2017 – Delegates ReportCox reports on ADM.9. Forms 'A' & 'F' and Branch membership transfersCde. Kennedy has become a member of Kent and Sussex branch. Cde. Murray has transferred to Kent and Sussex branch.10. EC minutesOctober and November. Members present read and discuss October and November minutes.11. Future propaganda activitiesNone.12. Any other businessNone.13. CollectionCollection £8.50 Standards x 3=£4.50 Russian Revolution Centenary x 2=£10.00AGENDA – Part Two: DiscussionNo items for discussion.Adjournment 5.30pm


    [The following is posted on behalf of the Minute taker]Minutes of 70th meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch Sunday, 10th September, 2017The meeting started at 2:30pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor).Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (from Item 5), Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian and Neil Kirk.AGENDA – Part One: Business1. Election of Chair -Motion 1 Cox/Bruce "that Fabian be chair" AGREED.2. Apologies for absence Marie Chesham, Hannah Dutton and Niall Murray.3. Confirmation of agenda itemsConfirmed.4. New Member Introduction & QuestionsCde Neil Kirk. Neil Kirk introduced himself as a new member of KSRB and was welcomed by all. A discussion period followed where Neil’s questions about the aims and structure of the party where answered by members present.5. Adoption of minutes of previous meetingMotion 2 Cox/Bruce "that the minutes be adopted" AGREED.6. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meetinga. Branch Email addressCde. Cox expressed some concern about going ahead with the suggestion, but will email Cde. T. Miller again regarding using this address for outgoing email.b. Folkestone Meetings/Socials: Lime Bar Cafe)In the absence of a reply from Cde. Thomas, Cde. Cox proposes to consult all the members in Folkestone area about a meeting. Bruce informs branch of forthcoming music events at Lime Bar cafe. Cde. Cox reports that only 4 copies of the Standard sold at the Lime Bar in August (as they became hidden from view). Socials are planned on either 24.9.17 or 1.10.17; Cde. Cox to find out times and invite members.c. Online Meeting Attendances, Facebook and Jitsi MeetCde. Bruce has nothing further to report regarding facebook meetings. Cde. Kirk suggests using online meetings more, perhaps to deal with business, leaving more time for open discussion at physical branch meetings. Cde. Kirk agrees to find out more about the apps available for this purpose, including Jitsi.d. T-Shirt OrderCurrent Inventory & Further Orders (for Head Office) Cde. Cox reports on remaining stock of t shirts and bags and suggests re-working the proposal to E.C. to order a batch of screen printed t shirts from AMS workwear for sale from Head Office. Agreed – Cdes. Bruce and Cox to liaise on this.e. The next General ElectionCde. Chesham reports that the Election Committee have deferred the branches request to give permission to candidates to stand in forthcoming elections to the A.D.M.f. Report: Kent Miners Festival 2017Cde. Cox reports that Cde. Parkin attended Kent Miners Festival to help set up the stall. Cde. Bruce attended later. Letter received from the organisers thanking SPGB for their support. Cde. Cox reports sales of Socialist Standard x1, Bags x1, Strike Weapon leaflet x6 and Socialism or Your money Back x4, plus a donation of £1. Many leaflets where handed out and discussions had with festival goers.g. 2018 Events(i) London Comic Convention(s) – Suggested SPGB Stall 27-29th July 2018 at Olympia. Cde. Cox suggests proposing a joint venture with West London branch and to contact West London branch in this regard. Cde. Bruce suggests finding to present Socialism in more fun/positive ways.(ii) Gay Pride (Canterbury) Cde. Cox thinks the next Gay Pride Canterbury event will take place on 9th June 2018 and has noted the date in order to find out about booking a stall at the event.h. ADM Discussion Item“Advertising SPGB in areas where we have active members and branches.” Cde. Cox apologised he omitted to submit this item; Suggested instead to draft as motion for EC – to discuss at next Branch meeting.i. Correspondence with Cde. Lewis Hayward-HopkinsCde. Cox has had no response to correspondence with Cde. Lewis. Defrerred.j. Meeting on 8th October (South London Branch)It was reported the ‘Corbyn’ meeting had been postponed but the meeting advertised on 08/10/17 (‘Socialism, what it is and how to get there’) would go ahead. Cde. Cox to email South London branch to enquire whether Cde. Fabian will have his travel expenses reimbursed (if required to attend).k. “End to Rationing” leaflet (suggestion to EC)Cde. Cox has had no reply from EC about printing extra copies.7. EC Correspondencea. Call for NominationsSocialist Standard (Layout) and Internet Committee Cde. Kirk was asked to consider accepting nomination for IC and agreed to consider. Cde. Chesham to put Cde. Kirk in touch with IC for more information. At this point Cde. Kirk apologised and left the meeting due to other commitments.b. Assistant General Secretary“At its August meeting, the Executive Committee resolved to ask Branches for their views on the proposals in Motions 1 and 2 from Conference” (report circulated). KSRB replies: 1. The EC should do what members instruct in Motion 1 i.e. “organise a consultation of the entire membership” on the points 1, 2 and 3 as listed in the motion. 2. The EC should get on with setting up the committee to carry out the terms of reference set out in Motion 2 “to look into the implications of the Party becoming a national organisation, and to report to 2018 conference”. Agreed 4-0-0.8. ADM 2017 Arrangements for Appointment of DelegatesDue to delayed October Branch meeting this matter is now urgent. Chesham and Fabian are confirmed as delegates to ADM. Agreed.9. Street StallsAugust Report & arrangements for September & October Cdes. Cox and Bruce report on a successful and rainy Canterbury stall in august. Cox has posted a report on the forum. Bruce and Cox to attend September and October stalls.10. Brighton GroupCde. Chesham reports that members of KSRB from the Brighton area and London branches will be attending the Labour Party conference and using the branches spare table for a stall near the conference venue. Cde. Chesham reports the sad news that Cde. Pruden’s mother has passed away. Margo Pruden was a former member of SPGB. The branch agrees to send a sympathy card to the Pruden family. Chesham agrees to purchase and send the card. At this point Cde Chesham apologised and left the meeting due to other commitments. Meeting continued on inquorate basis.11. Forms 'A' & 'F' and Branch membership transfersNeil Kirk has been admitted and to KSRB via membership committee. Niall Murray has applied to transfer to KSRB having relocated to Hove from Guildford.12. EC minutes August and SeptemberNoted.13. Future propaganda activitiesNone14. Any other business A ‘draft’ letter from the EC (‘A political call to arms’, September 2017), suggested for circulation to Branch members, received during the meeting, and was read and discussed at length. Response to EC: “It is agreed to defer any circulation, pending clarification of the current vacancy for the post of treasurer. Furthermore, members present question whether the fact of the unfilled vacancies actually means that the Party cannot function? And also found the tone of the letter to be unduly negative, bullying and off putting, especially for new members. Members present also contest the point that there is “no alternative option” and that there may be other options to the letter, i.e. the Party needs to be more creative about addressing the situation.” Agreed 3-0-0.15. CollectionStandards x3 =£4.50 Collection £26.50Adjournment 7.30pm

    SussexSocialist wrote:
    Perhaps this is why nobody goes to meetings? Perhaps this is why this Party is shrinking not growing? Perhaps the fact that this forum is crammed full of posts by the same few posters is an indicator that an abrasive, oddball and out-of-step attitude wins no friends and alienates the very people you are trying to reach…..I don't want my details sprawled everywhere – I have a job to maintain and a family to keep. And it annoys the hell out of me that whenever there is anything raised out of the ordinary or in contravention of the established beaucracy it is either met with indecision, outdated methodology or downright refusal.I give up. I quit. Bollocks to it.

    Since the first day that we join this movement, or the working class movement, we are taking  risks, and we are risking our lives too, the class struggle is a very serious business. I have seen many peoples that besides losing their jobs and their families, they have also lost their lives


    [The following is posted on behalf of the Minute taker]Minutes of 73rd meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch held on Sunday, 10th December, 2017.The meeting commenced at 2:20pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor)Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian.AGENDA – Part One: Business1. Election of Chair.Motion 1. Cox/Fabian "that Chesham be chair" AGREED.2. Apologies for absence.Marie Chesham, Hannah Dutton, Max Hess, Shannon Kennedy, Andy Thomas3. Confirmation of agenda items.Confirmed.4. Adoption of minutes of previous meeting as circulated.Motion 2. Cox/Fabian "that the minutes be adopted" AGREED.5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meetinga) Folkestone Socials/SS Sales (Lime Bar Cafe).Cox and Fabian attended the Lime Bar anniversary event. Cox attended the Carol Grimes event. 9 copies of the Standard have been sold (November). Cox has increased the Standard order to 25 copies.b) Online Meeting Attendances.Cox circulates copies of the 3 received responses to his branch wide email, all of which are positive. Chesham agrees to organise an online meeting test session for Thursday 14th December 11am using Google Hangouts.Motion 3. Cox/Chesham "to garner further response to Cde.Kirk's proposal from branch members, a reminder email shall be circulated by Cox to get any further responses by next branch meeting" AGREEDc) T-Shirt & Bags: Further Orders (for Head Office).No response from EC.d) London Film & Comic Convention July 2018.Cox reports on communication he has had with L.F.C.C. They have rejected SPGB's booking on the basis that they do not allow political parties to hold stalls at the event. Cox suggests re applying for a pitch for the Socialist Standard, as The Morning Star had a pitch the previous year at LFCC.Motion 4. Cox/Bruce "Cox to contact the SSPC to ask if they would apply for a pitch for the Standard" AGREED.e) Motion to EC. Advertising the SPGB in areas where we have active members and branches.It was reported that the EC has referred the proposal to the Advertising Committee.f) Correspondence with Cde Hayward-Hopkins.Motion 5. Fabian/Cox "that Cox emails Hayward-Hopkins and asks for confirmation of his intention to leave the party and that if no response is received by next meeting, to proceed with processing his form F"  CARRIED 2-1-1g) Podcasts: Party Propaganda Proposal (as circulated).Deferred, pending viewing of links circulated by email.6. EC Call for Nominations: Party Officers and EC for 2018.a) Party Officers and EC – Vacancies for 2018Cox proposes nominating Cde. Dee to EC. AGREED.b) Nominations for Sub-Committees and AppointeesBranch nominates Cde. Kirk to Internet Committee and Cde. Kilgallon to Standing Orders Committee and Central Branch Secretary. Item carried forward.7. Annual Conference 21st-22nd April 2018Motions and Amendments to Rule. Deferred.8. Branch Financial Issuesa) 2017 audit arrangementsChesham volunteers to audit branch accounts. AGREED.b) Financial ReportCox distributes copies of the November financial statement for KSRB.Members present read and discuss. Branch thanks Cox for preparing thereport.9. Forms 'A' & 'F' and Branch membership transfersThe Treasurer will contact H. Ward to confirm his intention to remain in SPGB, having had no contact since he joined in 2015.10. EC minutes: December 2017.Noted.11. Future propaganda activities.Notice of Business (Bruce): That cde. Buick's article “What Would a Real Socialist Revolution Look Like?” from October's Standard be published as a brochure for free distribution at literature stall and events etc.12. Any other businessMotion to EC.Motion 6. Cox/Fabian. “The Branch is concerned that the EC’s consultation has not carried out the instructions of Conference 2017 (Motion 1) to consult members on their views to support the “urgent review” called for by the motion, and by omitting the full text of the motion, has failed to provide members with the context of the survey, but instead has presented members with a series of random questions (with pre-set answers), few of which are related to the consultation demanded by the motion” AGREED 4-0-0.13. CollectionCollection £7.00Standards x 3=£4.50Part Two: DiscussionNo items for discussion.Adjournment 6.10pm


    [The following is posted on behalf of the Minute taker]Minutes of 74th meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch held on Sunday, 14th January, 2018.The meeting commenced at 2:20pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor)Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Shannon Kennedy, Neil Kirk.AGENDA – Part One: Business1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Chesham/Bruce "that Kirk be chair" AGREED.2. Apologies for absenceMarie Chesham, Hannah Dutton, Dan Fabian, Niall Murray, Andy Thomas.3. Confirmation of agenda itemsConfirmed.4. Adoption of minutes of previous meeting.Motion 2. Chesham/Cox "that the minutes be adopted" AGREED.5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meetinga) Folkestone Socials/SS Sales (Lime Bar Cafe)Cox reports that no members attended any events in December due to illness. Standard sales of 4 copies. Kirk shares his interest in the anti capiltalist, collective hip hop scene in South Africa with a view to encouraging support and possible future DJ sets at Lime Bar and similar venues. It is also felt that there may be a possibilty to link in with the podcast idea (item 5g). Cox and Kirk to liaise on approach to Lime Bar and Kirk agrees to make contact with the artists in South Africa.b) Online Meeting AttendancesKirk wishes to try another hangout session. Kirk agrees to organise a further test hangout session for a weekday evening. Cox passes out print outs of the final responses received to the email consultation. Members read and discuss. There is definite support for remote participation in branch meetings.c) T-Shirt & Bags: Further Orders (for Head Office).Cox still waiting for response from EC. Chesham suggests re submitting the proposal.d) London Film & Comic Convention July 2018 – Correspondence with West London Branch.Cox points out (via circulated email) that the organisers have a clause in the T&C that reserves the right to withdraw a stall at the last moment if it is deemed to political.Motion 3. Chesham/Kirk "that we do not go ahead with the booking at this event" AGREED 5-0-0.e) Motions to EC.i. Advertising the SPGB in areas where we have active members and branchesConfirmation received of EC decision to refer the proposal to the Advertising Committee; matter deferred for further information/consideration. Kirk suggests finding local venues to host film evenings. Chesham suggested to add JW of the Wealden Progressive Movement to branch meeting mail outs. Cox reports that A.Thomas has been invited to, and has given a talk about socialism at Beech Grove Academy.ii. The “EC’s consultation … Conference 2017 (Motion 1) to consult members on their views”EC has noted receipt of motion. Branch awaits receipt of official notice.f) Correspondence with Cdes Hayward-Hopkins and Ward.Cox has further contacted Hayward-Hopkins and has received confirmation of his intention to leave SPGB. In light of this Cox has prepared a form F.Motion 4. Chesham/Kennedy "that we accept Hayward-Hopkins' form F" AGREED 5-0-0.Cox has written and emailed H. Ward and had no reply, in light of this:Motion 5. Chesham/Kirk "that we lapse H. Ward due to loss of contact and accept the form F" AGREED 5-0-0.g) Podcasts: Party Propaganda Proposal (as circulated).Members have viewed examples of podcasts and Kirk agrees to draft a supporting statement for a discussion item for conference.h) Nominations: Party Officers, EC and CommitteesCox reports that all the nominations have been accepted.i) 2017 audit arrangementsCde. Kennedy volunteers to audit the financial report prepared and distributed previously by the treasurer.Motion 6. Chesham/Kennedy "that we adopt the form C financial report" AGREED 5-0-0.6. EC Call for Nominations: Party Officers and EC for 2018.a) Party Officers and EC – Vacancies for 2018 (deadline 19th January)Motion 7. Chesham/Cox "that we nominate cdes. Kennedy, Kirk, Murray and Pruden to EC" AGREED 5-0-0.Chesham agrees to draft an email explaining the commitments entailed with EC membership, for the benefit of prospective EC nominees and to send it to all branch nominees.Kirk leaves meeting 17.30. Chesham takes over as chair.b) Nominations for Sub-Committees and Appointees (deadline 2nd February)Motion 8. Chesham/Kennedy "that KSRB nominates cdes. M Culbert, A Johnstone and R Stafford to Blog committee, M. Foster to Campaigns committee, A. Thomas and M. Hess to Media committee, Robin Cox, J. Surman, A Fenn and D. Whitehead to Publications committee and Kennedy to University and College committee" AGREED 4-0-0.7. Annual Conference 21st-22nd April 2018Motions and Amendments to Rule (deadline 26th January)Cox to contact Murray regarding proposed rule change, with a view to putting forward a discussion item to conference.Motion 9. Cox/Kennedy Motion to Conference: "The EC should make determined efforts to ensure that as much as is practical, Central Branch members are organised and able to participate within the Party" AGREED 4-0-0.Cox to supply and circulate supporting statement by email in order to meet deadline.8. Notice of Business (Bruce):That Buick's article “What Would a Real Socialist Revolution Look Like?” from October's Standard be published as a brochure for free distribution at literature stall and events etc. Bruce agrees to mock up a layout for possible leaflet. If possible before February meeting.9. Forms 'A' & 'F' and Branch membership transfers(Refer to item 5.f).10. EC minutes: JanuaryNoted.11. Future propaganda activitiesChesham reports that Murray has been trying revive the discussion group at a venue in Brighton and will inform branch of further developments.12. Any other businessNone.Collection £20.50Standards x 2=£3.00AGENDA – Part Two: DiscussionNo items for discussion.Adjournment 7.30pm 


    [The following is posted on behalf of the Minute taker]Minutes of 75th meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch held on Sunday, 11th February, 2018.The meeting commenced at 2:30pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor)Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian. AGENDA – Part One: Business1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Cox/Fabian "that Chesham be chair"  AGREED 4-0-02. Apologies for absenceMarie Chesham, Hannah Dutton, Neil Kirk and Ed Mann.3. Confirmation of agenda itemsConfirmed.4. Adoption of minutes of previous meetingChesham has corrected typo on item 6b from Strafford to Stafford on forum post.Motion 2. Chesham/Cox "that the corrected minutes be adopted" AGREED.5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meetinga) Folkestone Socials/SS Sales (Lime Bar Cafe)Cox reports Standard sales of 8 copies. Cox passes round poster of forthcoming events at Lime Bar. b) Music NightCdes Cox and Kirk are liaising on an approach to the Lime Bar for a possible future Hip Hop evening. Kirk has also found a number of suitable venues for a discussion group in Canterbury. Cox agrees to liaise further with Kirk on both topics and Canterbury discussion group to be included as an item on next months agenda.c) Online Meeting Attendance (Trials)Chesham reports various problems with bandwidth. Cox has managed to take part in the last trial meeting using Google hangouts. It was agreed to organise a further trial and to invite more participants.d) T-Shirt & Bags: Further Orders (for Head Office)..Cox has followed up with cde T. Miller and has found out that although the EC has referred the item back to KSRB, it is assumed that KSRB can go ahead with the order. It is agreed to renew quotations on the printing price as it has been a while since the prices where given.e) Motions to ECi. Advertising the SPGB in areas where we have active members and branchesDeferred.ii. The “EC’s consultation … Conference 2017 (Motion 1) to consult members on their views”Cox reported on email from cde T. Miller regarding branches reservations with the consultation (noted by EC). It is agreed to have a discussion at next branch meeting on the report of the consultation.f) Nominations: EC and Committees.Cox reports that all nominations from previous meeting have been accepted.Cox to follow up nomination of Cde Hess for Media that had not got to the EC.Additional Item: EC Call for Nominations (03-02-2018):Chesham reads a list of vacancies and the following nominations were proposed:Library Committee – Roy BeatMembership Applications Committee – Paul Bennett, Richard Botterill, Howard Moss.Standing Orders Committee – Pat Deutz.Premises Committee – John Helps, Roy Beat.AGREED 4-0-0Chesham to raise Form Bs.6. Annual Conference 21st-22nd April 2018a) Arrangements for Appointment of DelegatesChesham, Cox and Fabian appointed to be delegates at conference. Cox to contact Brighton members regarding being delegates to conference.b) Amendments to preliminary agenda items and items for Discussion and Statements in supporti. Podcasts (Kirk)Cox to email Kirk regarding podcast discussion item supporting statement.Text of discussion item AGREED 4-0-0:“Should the Party, nationally and locally, be producing Podcasts?”ii. Proposed “rule change” (Murray)Text of discussion item AGREED 4-0-0:“Should the Party revise its position on activism and protesting reformist decisions made by either Government or local authorities that are harming to the working class and/or vulnerable members of society. Do we think that protesting things that are harmful to the working class is an act of reformism in itself.”Chesham agrees to amend text from Cde Murray for supporting statement. Final draft to be submitted to Murray prior to submission.iii. Conference Motion 1Motion to EC Cox/Fabian: “This Branch questions whether it is appropriate for Motion 1 to be on the Conference agenda as a motion. We suggest it would be more appropriate to be taken as an item of discussion, which would provide an opportunity for a discussion at 2018 Conference on any recommendations that are made.”AGREED 4-0-0.iv. Amendment to Conference Motion 8Moved Cox/Chesham: DELETE “Teamspeak” and INSERT “suitable electronic means, following consultation with the Internet Committee,” AGREED 4-0-0.Cox to write supporting statement.7. Notice of Business (Bruce)That Cde. Buick's article “What Would a Real Socialist Revolution Look Like?” from October's Standard be published as a brochure for free distribution at literature stall and events etc.Bruce has not yet had time to produce mockups of leaflets. Bruce further suggests the use of a recent piece from the January Standard giving the “Case against Capitalism” as a free handout and agrees to also produce mockups of this.8. Forms 'A' & 'F' and Branch membership transfersNone9. EC minutes: FebruaryCox passes out copies of February EC minutes.10. Future propaganda activitiesBruce reports on Sheppey Promenade Festival 2018 and volunteers to get further information with regard to literature stall or other involvement.11. Any other businessChesham reports that the Brighton discussion group will take resume monthly on 4th Sunday at 1pm at the Victory pub, Duke Street, Brighton. The first subject on 25 February will be “Momentum: Just Swings and Roundabouts?”.12. CollectionCollection £29.50Standards x 2=£3.00AGENDA – Part Two: DiscussionNo items for discussion.Adjournment 7.30pm 


    [The following is posted on behalf of the Minute taker]Minutes of 76th meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch held on Sunday, 11th March, 2018.The meeting commenced at 2:30pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor)Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian.AGENDA – Part One: Business1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Cox/Chesham "that Fabian be chair" AGREED 4-0-02. Apologies for absenceMarie Chesham, Hannah Dutton, Richard Harris, Ed Mann and Niall Murray3. Confirmation of agenda itemsConfirmed, plus additional email item re. podcasts.4. Adoption of minutes of previous meetingCox reported an error he made in draft minutes and the correct wording should be: Item 6.b)iv.Conference 2018 Final Agenda Items – Amendment to Motion 8. “DELETE “Teamspeak” and INSERT “suitable electronic means, following consultation with the Internet Committee”.Motion 2. Chesham/Cox "that the corrected minutes be adopted" AGREED 4-0-05. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meetinga) Folkestone Socials/SS Sales (Lime Bar Cafe)Cox reports Standard sales of 7 copies. Cox passes round poster of forthcoming events at Lime Bar. No plans agreed for attendance.b) Music NightThe Lime Bar asked for samples of the proposed hip-hop music; Cox has sent a set list as compiled by Kirk to Andi Elliott and awaits his response.c) Online Meeting AttendancesKirk has generated 2 new links to Hangouts and Jitsi and Cox has emailed them to 8 interested branch members. This has received 2 replies. Chesham suggests trying the Skype service as previous Hangout trials have not been entirely successful. Chesham agrees to contact Kirk regarding setting up a trial of Skype. Cox to forward the details in a follow up message to the 8 members.d) T-Shirt & Bags: Further Orders (for Head Office).Cox has confirmed that the original quotation of £8.50 per shirt for 20 from AMS Workwear still stands.Motion 3. Chesham/Bruce "that Branch purchases 20 t-shirts from AMS in Black/Red/Purple with white printed logo (7- med. 7- lg. 4- xl. 2- xxl, colours to be spread over the range of sizes), with a selling price of £10+p&p per item. It is agreed to order the better quality shirt at a cost price of £9.00 per shirt. Bruce agrees to supply electronic artwork or acetate to AMS. Further orders to be made to maintain stock level"  AGREEDe) Motion to EC. Advertising the SPGB in areas where we have active membersDeferred, pending response to EC from Advertising Committee.f) Conference preliminary agenda items (Item 6(b)iii)Branch's resolution of 11 February, regarding Motion 1 of the Preliminary Agenda has been noted by the EC following reports of further developments from West London Branch regarding the motion.g) Nominations: EC and CommitteesA. Thomas and M. Hess have now both accepted nomination to media committee.Motion 4. Chesham/Cox "that Alan Johnstone be nominated to Media Committee" AGREED 4-0-0.6. Annual Conference 21st-22nd April 2018a) Consideration of further appointment of delegatesN. Murray and A. Pruden have also volunteered to be delegates.Motion 5. Chesham/Fabian "that Murray and Pruden be added to list of delegates to Conference" AGREED 4-0-0.b) Arrangements for Consideration of Final Agenda and EC ReportFinal Agenda not yet available. Discussion to be held at April meeting. N. Murray and other Brighton members to be included via Facebook messenger discussion group video link. Notice to be sent by Chesham via Facebook messenger group for 3pm at 8th April branch meeting. Members also be given the option to attend online.7. Notice of Business (Bruce)a) That Cde. Buick's article “What Would a Real Socialist Revolution Look Like?” from October's Standard be published as a brochure for free distribution at literature stall and events etc. Item deferred from January meeting [mock up a layout for possible leaflet] Deferred to April with apologies from Bruce.b) "The use of a piece from the January 2018 Standard giving the 'Case against Capitalism' as a free handout”Deferred to April with apologies from Bruce.8. Discussion Groupsa) Brighton: Report of meeting 25-02-2018 from Cde MurrayMurray reports (via circulated report) of 2 members in attendance and 1 sympathiser, (although the sympathiser was sadly unable to find the members and left). Future meetings to be held on 4th Sunday of each month at the same venue.b) Canterbury: Proposal from Cde KirkMembers present discuss Kirk's proposal and Cox volunteers to ask Kirk to try and find a suitable pub or similar venue in the vicinity of Christchurch University with a view to organising future meetups.9. Forms 'A' & 'F' and Branch membership transfersNone10. EC minutes: March 2018Noted.11. Future propaganda activitiesBruce reports that she has made contact with Chris Reed regarding the Sheppey Promenade festival and has received a positive response to the question of SPGB having a stall at the paradeon Saturday 28th July. Bruce agrees to find out more and try to attend the forthcoming planning meeting.Kent Miners Festival being held on Bank Holiday Monday 27th August. Cox to book stall.12. Any other businessCox plans to upload further podcast suggestions to the party forum.13. CollectionCollection £25.00; Standards x 2=£3.00AGENDA – Part Two: DiscussionReport of the Organisational Structure of the Party CommitteeDated 20th January (i.e. on the Survey arising from Conference 2017 Motions 1 and 2).Members present discuss report.Adjournment 6.10pm 


    [The following is posted on behalf of the Minute taker]Minutes of 77th meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch held on Sunday, 8th April, 2018.The meeting commenced at 2:30pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor)Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian, Shannon Kennedy, Niall Murray (for part of meeting – via Facebook Messenger) and Ed Mann (visitor)Part One: Business1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Cox/Shannon, "that Chesham be chair" AGREED 5-0-0.2. Apologies for absenceMarie Chesham, Hannah Dutton, Richard Harris, Neil Kirk3. Confirmation of agenda itemsConfirmed.4. Adoption of minutes of previous meeting.Motion 2. Cox/Fabian "that the circulated minutes be adopted" AGREED 5-0-0.5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meetinga) Folkestone Socials/SS Sales (Lime Bar Cafe)Cox reports no Standard sales and passes round flyer of forthcoming events at Lime Bar. No plans are brought forward for attendance.b) Music NightCox has discussed the music night with Andi Elliot at Lime Bar and Andi suggested holding the event on a night when the bar is closed, with a possibility of paying the bar man directly. Cox to discuss further with cde. Kirk.c) Online Meeting AttendancesItem deferred.Niall Murray joins meeting via Facebook messenger, but leaves soon after due to problems with Wifi connection.d) T-Shirt & Bags: Further Orders (for Head Office)T Shirt order has been picked up from AMS. Cox to ask cde. S. Alvarenga to produce a sample of the bags she had previously supplied along with some costings.Cox will include existing tshirt stock from Vista Print along with new stock to Head Office.e) Motion to EC. Advertising the SPGB in areas where we have active membersDeferred until after Conference.f) Branch Nomination to Media CommitteeChesham reports that Alan Johnstone has declined branch's nomination.g) Canterbury Discussion GroupDeferred.h) Sheppey Promenade Festival 28th July 2018Deferred.6. Annual Conference 21st-22nd April 2018a) Consideration of Final AgendaDelegates will ask conference to rearrange the agenda to enable cde. Murray's discussion item being brought forward to Saturday.Branch discusses and agrees the following positions on the agenda items:-6. MOTION West London Branch – No position.AMENDMENT 1 West London Branch – OPPOSEAMENDMENT 2 West Midlands Regional Branch – FREE HAND.AMENDMENT 3 West Midlands Regional Branch – SUPPORT.AMENDMENT 4 West Midlands Regional Branch – SUPPORT.7. MOTION South Wales Branch and three amendments – OPPOSE8. MOTION Kent and Sussex Branch – SUPPORT16. MOTION South Wales Branch – OPPOSEAMENDMENT Lancaster Branch – OPPOSE17. MOTION Lancaster Branch – OPPOSE19. MOTION South Wales Branch – SUPPORT.21. MOTION Lancaster BranchAMENDMENT Kent & Sussex BranchIF AMENDED – SUPPORTUNAMENDED – OPPOSE28. MOTION Lancaster Branch – OPPOSE33. MOTION Lancaster Branch – OPPOSEb) Consideration of Officers and EC ReportNoted.7. Notice of Business (Bruce)a) That Cde. Buick's article “What Would a Real Socialist Revolution Look Like?” from October's Standard be published as a brochure for free distribution at literature stall and events etc.Item deferred from January meeting [“mock up a layout for possible leaflet”]Bruce passes out draft copies of mocked up leaflet. Cox suggests producing a larger colour brochure on A4 sheet. Bruce agrees to produce mockup. Chesham and Cox point out that the Party's Object needs to be added.b) The use of a recent piece from the January Standard giving the “Case against Capitalism” as a free handout”Bruce passes out draft copies of mocked up leaflets. Bruce agrees to change fonts as suggested and add object text.8. Discussion Groupsa) Brighton. Report of meeting 25-03-2018Murray's report is discussed, having been circulated with meeting agenda. Next meeting to be held 27.5.18 with the subject “Where do we go from here?”9. Forms 'A' & 'F' and Branch membership transfersNo Forms 'A' or 'F'10. EC minutes: AprilNot yet available.11. Future propaganda activitiesChesham to make enquiries about taking a stall at pride Canterbury on 9th June.12. Any other businessNone.13. CollectionCollection £11.00Standards x 2=£3.00Part Two: Discussion‘The plan for the adoption of socialism’ From: cde Kirk – sent: 10 February 2018Deferred to May meeting.Adjournment 6.30pm


    [The following is posted on behalf of the Minute taker]Minutes of 78th meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch held on Sunday, 13th May 2018The meeting constituted the ‘specially summoned meeting at which voting shall take place on the Final Agenda’ for Party Conference 2018, which under Rule 21 shall take place within five weeks of Conference.Commencing at 2:30pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor).Present: Dave Chesham, Rob Cox and Dan Fabian.Part One: Business1. Election of Chair.Motion 1. Cox/Chesham, “That Fabian be chair.” AGREED 3-0-0.2. Apologies for absenceMandy Bruce, Marie Chesham, Hannah Dutton, Niall Murray3. Confirmation of agenda itemsConfirmed.4. Adoption of minutes of previous meetingMotion 2. Chesham/Fabian, “That the circulated minutes be adopted.” AGREED 3-0-0.5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meeting                a) Folkestone Socials/SS Sales (Lime Bar Cafe)                  Cox reports six Standard sales in April and passes round flyer of forthcoming events at the Lime Bar.b) ‘Hip Hop’ Music NightCox reported the Lime Bar has provisionally agreed to the Branch holding the proposed event on a night when the bar is otherwise closed. Cox has emailed an update to Cde. Kirk and asked him to contact the Lime Bar to discuss arrangements and report back to Branch. Item deferred pending more information.c) Online Meeting AttendancesDeferred item: There was a short discussion on previous suggestions and experiments, and the low level of interest in holding additional on-line meetings was noted. It was agreed to encourage members to attend Branch meetings on-line where practical.d) T-Shirt & Bags (for Head Office)It was reported the T Shirts were now on sale from Head Office and Online. Cox reported he had consulted Cde. Alvarenga about the possibility of procuring screen printed bags to retail at £3 but this would not seem economic. Cox undertook to look at alternatives. It was agreed to defer consideration of a suggestion on caps until after an evaluation of shirt sales.e) Motion to EC. Advertising the SPGB in areas where we have active membersThe matter had not been discussed at Conference. There was discussion about reminding the EC that they had remitted the suggestion to the Advertising Committee, possibly for encouragement to Branches to self-initiate, and /or that our Branch take up the EC offer to fund local advertising. It was agreed to defer further consideration to the next meeting due to the low attendance.f) Canterbury Discussion GroupCde Cox reported he had sent a reminder on 7th May to Cde Kirk, for clarification of proposed discussion topics raised by the latter by email on 4th April. Matter deferred, response awaited.g) Sheppey Promenade Festival 28th July 2018Email from Cde Bruce 7th May, reporting that confirmation of pitch cost and availability has yet to be received from the organisers. Consideration deferred, pending more information.h) Canterbury Pride Festival 9th June 2018Cde Chesham reported that despite three enquiries the organisers had failed to respond regarding a stall at this event. It was agreed to issue a call for volunteers to undertake leafleting and/or to run a literature stall nearby.6. Annual Conference April 2018a) Delegates Reportb) Voting on Final AgendaAfter receiving the reports of delegates and of the proceedings circulated from Head Office members voted on the final agenda.7. Notice of Business (Bruce)a) That Cde. Buick's article “What Would a Real Socialist Revolution Look Like?” from October's Standard be published as a brochure for free distribution at literature stall and events etc. Item deferred from January meeting [“mock up a layout for possible leaflet”];Cde. Bruce sent apologies (7th May) that she had yet to adjust the previous draft to a larger colour brochure of A4 size and with the Party's object added.b) The use of a recent piece from the January Standard giving the “Case against Capitalism” as a free handout”Cde. Bruce sent apologies (7th May) that she had yet to change fonts as suggested and add object text.Both items therefore deferred.8. Forms 'A' & 'F' and Branch membership transfersNone.9. EC minutes: AprilNoted.10. Future propaganda activitiesResponse from Kent Miners Festival 2018 (20th April) to our booking of a pitch, informing us that “all of our slots… have now been filled” and returning our cheque, and promising to “keep your details on file for future events.” Noted.11. Any other business: SPINTCOM messagesa) Call for nominations. It was AGREED 3-0-0 to nominate Carla Dee to the Campaigns Committee;b) Party IT Needs. Cde Fabian agreed to attend planned meeting at Head Office (Cde Kirk has been notified);c) Socialist Standard DVD archive 1904-1972. Cde Cox to circulate details.12. CollectionCollection £11.50Standards x 1=£1.50Part Two: Discussion‘The plan for the adoption of socialism’ From: Neil Kirk Sent: 10 February 2018Deferred to June meeting due to pressure of business.Meeting closed at 6:30pm


    On the initiative of Kent & Sussex Branch official Party T-shirts are now available to order from Head Office, see below for details. On Sale Now £12 Including UK P&P*  Also available online from this link: on 100% cotton and available in black, purple or red with the official Party logo and short web address in white in sizes M / L / XL / XXL while stocks last.  £10 if collected from Head Office.To Order: Send £12 per shirt payable to The Socialist Party of Great Britain, 52 Clapham High St, London SW4 7UN (or Paypal as email address below) stating colour and size required with your name, address and phone number.*Overseas orders (and enquiries): Please email for a price first with ‘T-Shirt Order’ in the subject line to 


    Minutes of 79th meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch held on Sunday, 10th June, 2018

    The meeting commenced at 2:30pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor)

    Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian, Shannon Kennedy.

    Part One: Business1. Election of Chair

    Motion 1. Chesham/Cox, "That Kennedy be chair." AGREED 4-0-1.

    2. Apologies for absenceMarie Chesham, Hannah Dutton and Niall Murray.

    3. Confirmation of agenda itemsConfirmed.

    4. Adoption of minutes of previous meetingMotion 2. Chesham/Fabian "That the minutes be adopted." AGREED 5-0-0.

    5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meetinga) Folkestone Socials/SS Sales (Lime Bar Cafe)Cox reports Standard sales for May of 5 copies. Cox passes round poster of forthcoming events at Lime Bar.
    b) Hip Hop Music NightCox reports that Cde. Kirk is to contact the bar man at Lime Bar to discuss proposed arrangements for a Monday evening.
    c) T-Shirt & Bags: Costing of possible further order for bagsCox has not yet found time to get costings for bags. Cox discusses the possibility of placing a further order for t-shirts as some of the sizes are now out of stock. Cox will appraise current stock levels more fully upon next visit to head office.
    d) Motion to EC. “Advertising the SPGB in areas where we have active members and branches”. Deferred from May for further considerationCox suggests taking advertising in the Kent Messenger group of Papers and shares the circulation figures for the various publications. Cox agrees to get costs for a quarter page advert in the Maidstone, Dartford and Canterbury editions.
    e) Canterbury Discussion GroupDeferred to July, pending further information from Cde. Kirk.
    f) Sheppey Promenade FestivalBruce agrees to contact the organisers regarding the booking of a pitch at the event. A budget of £40. is agreed to cover the any pitch fees.
    g) Canterbury Pride 9th June – ReportBruce, Cox and Kirk attended but Kirk was unable to meet with Bruce and Cox due to problems with mobile signal which meant that they where unable to locate each other at the event. Cox reports that he and Bruce set up at the festival entrance and leafleted attendees coming to and from the event. Many leaflets where distributed.

    6. Correspondencea) Assistant Gen. Secretary and Other – Podcasts Conference Resolution Cox reports that a floor resolution has been passed with regard to the conference resolution. This has been referred back to KSRB.

    Motion 3. Bruce/Cox, "To suggest that the E.C. puts out a call to members to form a team for the production of podcasts for party propaganda. And that the draft guidance submitted to branch be collated and submitted to E.C." CARRIED 4-0-1. b)

    MembersCorrespondence has been received from Cde. Shodeke.This is discussed amongst members present.

    Motion 4. Chesham/Fabian, "That Cde. Shodeke’s points be raised with the E.C." AGREED 5-0-0.7.

    Notice of Business (Bruce)a) That Cde. Buick's article “What Would a Real Socialist Revolution Look Like?” from October's Standard be published as a brochure for free distribution at literature stall and events etc.Deferred.b) “The use of a recent piece from the January Standard giving the “Case against Capitalism” as a free handout”Deferred.

    8. Forms A & F and Branch membership transfersNone.EC Minutes: May (and June, if available)
    Minutes from May are passed round by Cox.4.30 pm. Kennedy leaves meeting.

    10. Future Propaganda ActivitiesIt is agreed to hold a literature stall in Canterbury on June 30th.Cox suggests asking Kent Miners Festival if SPGB can have a stall outside the main tent as there where no pitches available inside upon recent enquiry.

    11. Any Other BusinessBrighton Discussion GroupIt is noted that the 27th May discussion group meeting was cancelled due to lack of support.1
    2. CollectionCollection £16.50Standards June x 2=£3.00Standards May x 1=£1.50

    Part Two: Discussion“The plan for the adoption of Socialism”Cox to email Kirk as to whether he still wishes to keep the discussion item on the agenda.

    Adjournment 5.00pm

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by .
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by PartisanZ.

    [The following is posted on behalf of the Minute taker]

    Minutes of 82nd meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch held on Sunday, 9th September, 2018.

    The meeting commenced at 2:40pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor)

    Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian and Shannon Kennedy.

    AGENDA – Part One: Business

    1. Election of Chair.

    Motion 1. Cox/Kennedy, that Chesham be chair. AGREED 5-0-0

    2. Apologies for absence. Marie Chesham, Hannah Dutton and Niall Murray.

    3. Confirmation of agenda items. Confirmed.

    4. Adoption of minutes of previous meeting.

    Motion 2. Cox/Kennedy that the minutes be adopted. AGREED 5-0-0

    5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meeting.

    a) Folkestone Socials/SS Sales (Lime Bar Cafe). Cox has not had time to get to Lime Bar this month but Cde. Bond has sent 6 copies of the Standard by post. Cox will drop off further copies on way home from branch meeting.

    b) Hip Hop Music Night. Deferred.

    c) T-Shirt & Bags: Costing of possible further order for bags. Bruce passes round a quotation from a web-based supplier for printed bags at a cost of £1.67 per bag, minimum order 100 bags. It is felt that 100 is too large an amount. Bruce agrees to approach AMS to find out if they would be able to print bags and if so, get a price for 25 and 50 bags.

    d) Motion to EC. “Advertising the SPGB in areas where we have active members and branches”. Motions 3 and 4: KM group newspaper inserts.

    Cox reported the funding request has been made to the EC and but based on the revised plans agreed the cost quoted for placing inserts in the four publications would be about £300 less than expected. Chesham reports that the EC has approved the funding with a budget of £4000. It is agreed to defer further plans until the web page is back up and running. Cde. Tenner has confirmed that the specially amended insert (as requested) can be designed and it is reported it is intended to be printed along with a further batch for the “I” newspaper.

    e) Canterbury Discussion Group. Deferred.

    f) Podcasts Conference Resolution (referred back to KSRB). June Meeting:

    Motion 3 – “to suggest that the E.C. puts out a call to members to form a team for the production of podcasts for party propaganda. And that the draft guidance submitted to branch be collated and submitted to E.C.”

    Cox reads out an email from he has received from Cde. Miller confirming the EC agreed to issue a call for volunteers which is to be issued on SPINTCOM and which Cde Cox has since circulated to branch members.

    g) Correspondence from Cde. Shodeke. June Meeting: Motion 4 – “that Cde. Shodeke’s points be raised with the E.C.”

    Cox reads a message from Cde. Miller (Asst. Sec.) regarding the front of Head Office, stating that damaged window panes are to be replaced and that EC member Cde. Alvarenga volunteered to liaise with Cde Shodeke with a view to improving the window display. Bruce to produce layouts and ideas for replacement window graphics.

    h) Nomination: General Secretary. Kennedy has been appointed to the role of General Secretary.

    6. Autumn Delegate Meeting 2018 – Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st October

    Report on election of delegates. Kennedy steps down as a delegate to ADM. Chesham and Fabian accept nomination. Murray declines. Kirk to confirm nearer the time. Branch further nominates Pruden, Cox and Bruce to be delegates. AGREED 5-0-0

    7. Notice of Business (Bruce):

    a) That Cde. Buick’s article “What Would a Real Socialist Revolution Look Like?” from October’s Standard be published as a brochure for free distribution at literature stall and events etc. Deferred

    b) “The use of a recent piece from the January Standard giving the “Case against Capitalism” as a free handout” Deferred.

    8. Forms A & F and Branch membership transfers. None.

    9. E.C. Minutes: September 2018 Noted

    10. Future Propaganda Activities. Bruce proposes a trip to see a performance of “The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists” at Earlsfield in London, in October. Bruce agrees to send information to interested parties.

    11. Any Other Business. Call for Nominations to 2019 EC and Party Officers:

    Motion 3. C. Alvarenga, D. Chesham, M. Foster, S. Kennedy, N. Kirk, H. Moss, J. North and M. Tenner – EC
    S. Kennedy – General Secretary T. Miller – Assistant Secretary R. Cox – Treasurer C. Alvarenga – Assistant Treasurer A. Buick – Central Organiser AGREED 5-0-0

    12. Collection
    Collection £8.00
    Standard x2 £3.00

    Adjournment 5.00pm


    “10. Future Propaganda Activities. Bruce proposes a trip to see a performance of “The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists” at Earlsfield in London, in October. Bruce agrees to send information to interested parties.”

    Details here:

    It’s in Earlsfield on Wednesday 24, Thursday 25 and Saturday 27 October. Has the branch chosen the date yet as I am sure London members might like to come too?

    As I see it’s touring the country till next May I’ll post details under Events too in case members outside London want to see it too. Let’s hope it’s not Labour Party propaganda like the last one I saw.


    “Has the branch chosen the date yet as I am sure London members might like to come too?”

    We’ll be discussing it today. I may be wrong but think it unlikely that anyone from K&S will be able to go.

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