Kent and Sussex Branch

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Kent and Sussex Branch

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  • #87492
    Vin wrote:
    How would we set about it? Without branch resolutions? etc.

    I don't see why a group of like-minded comrades couldn't approach the EC with a view to seeking approval to contest a seat, providing the basic requirements are observed.  As has already been mentioned Kent & Sussex branch is asking permission to contest two local council seats in Folkestone with up to three more elsewhere.  Here are some guidelines, which are not necessarily exhaustive, that we've given to our prospective candidates.

    Branch Election Agent wrote:
    There are three issues here:1. We need to ask the Executive Committee for permission to stand candidates, and for some financial assistance for publicity (there is no free post for local elections). The EC meets this coming Saturday (4 May) so we can request permission then.  At the EC's April meeting we need to get approval of the basic text of the election leaflet.2. We need to have a member willing to be the candidate and the agent (who can be the same person). The candidate must live or work in the particular County Council area being contested; the agent (form filler and official postal address!) could live in an adjoining area. There is more information on being a candidate below. There is some admin to do (mainly by 4th April), and ten local electors need to be asked to sign the nomination form (they do not need to be supporters). If one or more of you is interested in standing let me know and I can double-check they are OK to stand in the area.3. The Party requires candidates be able to answer questions about the Party case (e.g. to the press). Usually this means being tested by two members using a sample of pre-set questions (I can supply these), or being an accredited Party speaker.

    If you need more information on anything please approach the Election Committee:  Here is the election website which members should find helpful: 


    I know there's another thread that's been started on this, but participating in an election without a candidate doesn't open doors to the press like participating with a candidate does. And in local elections there is no extra cost to standing, just some extra administrative work (form filling and accounting).


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 12th March, 2017 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn (Wetherspoon), 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor) AGENDA Election of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from the minutesi) Membership mattersii) Further call for nominations for 2017 Party Officersiii) Further call for nominations for 2017 sub-committeesiv) T-ShirtsConference 2017 – deadline for amendments to motions and submission of further Items for Discussion incl. supporting statements is Friday, 17 Marchi) Agenda – incl. amendment to motion 6.ii) Further Items for Discussion – and supporting statement for the item agreed at February meetingCorrespondence from a memberMay 2017 Council ElectionsStreet Stalls – Canterbury & FolkestoneBrighton GroupSummer School – 21/23-7-17Forms 'A' & 'F'Branch membership transfersEC minutes – February meeting – 4-2-17                         March meeting – 4-3-17Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment


    It is with some regret that I've decided to step down as Secretary of Kent & Sussex.  I hope my successor continues to keep the wider party informed about the branch's activities.

    gnome wrote:
    It is with some regret that I've decided to step down as Secretary of Kent & Sussex.  I hope my successor continues to keep the wider party informed about the branch's activities.

    That is sad news cde. Hope you reconsider.

    northern light

    Gnome, I have, over the course of the last few years, followed the exploits of Kent and Sussex group, thanks largely to your publicastions on this forum. I have felt your disapointment at the poor returns from street stallsand grew in hope, as all of your work began to show profit. I believe Kent and Sussex was showing us the way. It was you who encouraged me to join the Party!! So I am aghast at your announcement. Please reconsider. respectfully,  joe davison

    northern light wrote:
    Gnome, I have, over the course of the last few years, followed the exploits of Kent and Sussex group, thanks largely to your publicastions on this forum. I have felt your disapointment at the poor returns from street stallsand grew in hope, as all of your work began to show profit. I believe Kent and Sussex was showing us the way. It was you who encouraged me to join the Party!! So I am aghast at your announcement. Please reconsider.respectfully,  joe davison

    Thanks for your kind words, NL (and Vin's comments) but I can't claim sole credit for anything K&S has achieved over the 5 years since its formation.  I have sound reasons for making this move and it's unlikely I'll relent.  But nobody's indispensable…..   well, almost nobody. comradely, Dave C


    Sorry to hear this news about stepping down as branch secretary.


    [The following is posted on behalf of the acting Branch Secretary]Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 9th April, 2017 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn (Wetherspoon), 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor).Note: At the March meeting, it was AGREED that for a trial period, subject to seasonal business, the Branch meeting agenda be structured with a 2 hour general business section and a 2 hour discussion section on pre-agreed topics or an open discussionAGENDA – Part One: Business01. Election of Chair02. Apologies for absence03. Confirmation of agenda items (discussion period)04. Adoption of minutes of previous meeting and Matters arising from the minutesa) Branch Secretary – Vacancy – Item 2b) Membership matters (Questionnaire & further response) – Item 4(i)c) T-Shirts (further information on procurement) – Item 4(iv)d) Correspondence from a member – Item 605. Annual Party Conference – 29th-30th April 2017a) Appointment of Delegates (two may sit)b) Consideration of Final Agenda and Reports*c) Branch meeting following Conference (Rule 21)06. May 2017 Council Elections – Kent and East Sussexa) Candidates and Agentsb) Manifesto leaflets and other campaign activity07. Street Stalls08. Brighton Group09. Forms 'A' & 'F' and Branch membership transfers10. EC minutes – April Meeting (if available)11. Future propaganda activities12. Any other business13. CollectionAGENDA – Part Two: Discussion Items (as previously agreed)Item 1: Questionnaire – Free Text Suggestions**Item 2: “Employment of staff at Head Office”Adjournment


    [The following is posted on behalf of the Minute taker]Minutes of the 64th meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional Branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 12th March 2017The meeting started at 2:30pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian and Sam Wicks.Apologies for absence: Dave Chesham, Marie Chesham, Hannah Dutton and Karl Luetchford.01. Election of ChairMotion 1. Fabian & Bruce “That Cox be Chair”. AGREED.02. Apologies for absenceCde Cox reported that Cde D. Chesham had both given apologies for absence today and stated that he intended to step down as Branch Secretary. Cde Cox also gave details of further correspondence between them, the latest being received just before the meeting, in which Cde Chesham had expressed his conclusion that Cde Cox lacked confidence in him.After some discussion, during which all members present expressed their complete confidence in Cde Chesham as Secretary, Cde Cox said he would reply to Cde Chesham to assure him that he did have his confidence, and that this was shared by the Branch.Cde Cox agreed to take notes for the minutes.03. Minutes of the 63rd meeting held on 12th February 2017 were before the meetingMotion 2. Fabian & Cox “That the minutes be adopted”. AGREED04. Matters arising from the minutesi. Membership matters – Questionnairea) Meeting format. Further to the discussion at the last meeting, there was a discussion on the views expressed in responses, which indicated members preferred having more time for general discussion, possibly with a speaker or specified subject.It was AGREED that for a trial period, subject to seasonal business, the Branch meeting agenda be structured with a 2 hour general business section and a 2 hour discussion section on pre-agreed topics or an open discussion.b) Follow-up: Free-text Suggestions. A list was available of individual suggestions made by respondents to the questionnaire, including those requiring individual replies (including on meeting issues, two in Folkestone and Cde Pruden in Brighton). Cde Cox undertook to contact the Folkestone members, and Cde Bruce to contact Cde Pruden, to discuss whether he could participate via Facebook. It was AGREED the remaining items on the list be dealt with as part of the discussion period at the April meeting and circulated with the agenda.ii. Further call for nominations for 2017 Party OfficersNo nominations.iii. Further call for nominations for 2017 sub-committeesNo nominations.Further discussion Item AGREED for April Branch meeting: “Employment of staff at Head Office”.iv. T-Shirts.Further to the offer of Cde Cox to donate a stock of new SPGB ‘flyer’ T-shirts to the Branch, he reported on investigations on current prices of buying in further supplies if required from Vista Print. Due to an increase in prices and the volumes required to obtain discounts, he suggested we may wish just to sell the remaining stock and not make further orders. It was suggested better prices may be obtained from alternative suppliers or by applying for a ‘voucher code’;Cde Bruce undertook to look into this and report back. In the meantime it was AGREED to accept the donation of eight remaining shirts, for sale via the Branch stall for £9 each or £12 including postage and packing.05. Annual Conference 2017 – Amendments to motions and further Items for Discussioni. Amendment to motion 6 (from Lancaster Branch):Motion 3. Fabian & Cox: “Amendment to motion 6:Insert after “Conference”: “every five years, or as deemed necessary by the EC”.Supporting Statement:"This Branch does not accept the case for this motion. Where is the evidence that there is any likelihood that the position may be “misused or misinterpreted”? Further, should any misuse occur, this may actually prevent any action being taken for up to a year, unless by a Party poll. However should most members feel these risks require precautions to be taken, this amendment makes the following improvements:1. Provision is made for the EC to act in an emergency;2. The expense and bureaucracy involved is very much reduced.NB “the party treasurer must notify the Commission of a change of officer within 14 days of the change taking place” using form RP4 and there is a fee of £25 (in addition to the re- registration fee).”AGREED.ii. Items for DiscussionThe following supporting statement (for the item agreed at February meeting) as submitted by Cde D. Chesham was AGREED:“At the time of writing there have been 112 posts on Spintcom this year and 8 on Spopen. Contrast those figures with a total of almost 40,000 posts in 51⁄2 years on the website forum. Spintcom currently has 127 SPGB members with Spopen a whisker behind with 126 WSM members, the end product of 16 years. The website forum now boasts a total of 618 users, although admittedly membership is not restricted to members of the SPGB/WSM. We are of the view that, while there could be improvements, the website forum is more versatile and user-friendly than the Yahoo! lists with separation of threads and division of topics into sub-forums.It makes no sense in having forums in two different places; we should be concentrating our efforts in making a success of just one. And closing down the Yahoo! Forums would of necessity involve the transfer of all the files held there to the Party’s website.”06. Correspondence from a memberThis item concerns a paper received during the previous week from Cde Howard Pilott, and a response made jointly by Cde D. Chesham and Cde Cox. It was reported a reply had since been received from Cde Pilott. After some discussion, it was AGREED to inform Cde Pilott that the Branch intended to hold a discussion on this at the Branch meeting in May.07. May 2017 County Council ElectionsIt was reported the EC had agreed to the Branch contesting two seats in Folkestone, Kent and Lewes in East Sussex, and granted a budget of £2000 for leaflet printing and distribution. We have quotes for printing and delivering 15,000 A5 double-sided leaflets in Folkestone (just under £1000), so the budget appears adequate. It was AGREED that Howard Pilott be the candidate in Lewes and to ask Anton Pruden to be agent, and the Treasurer liaise with them to allocate the available funds between the three electoral divisions.It was also reported that discussions with the candidates and possibly West London to draft a common manifesto text for submission to the EC were underway, and with a member of the AV Committee on a possible video.08. Street StallsDue to a change in circumstances it was AGREED to cancel the stall planned in Canterbury on 25th March, but to go ahead with Folkestone on 22nd April.Further dates were AGREED for Saturday: 20th May (Folkestone) and 24th June and 22nd July (Canterbury).09. Brighton GroupNo report yet received of the attendance of Comrades at the ‘joint Left Unity and United and Different event’ in Brighton on 20 February or of further meetings.10. Forms 'A' & 'F' & Branch membership transfersNone.11. EC minutes – February and March 2017It was reported the nominees put forward by the Branch for the four vacancies on the EC and last month for committee vacancies (Blog, Internet, Membership Applications, Library and Premises) were all appointed. Those for Election and Campaigns had not accepted nomination.There was a discussion on a plan by the EC to commission magazine inserts to promote the Standard.12. Future propaganda activities & Any other businessNoneMeeting adjourned at 7:05pmCollection taken: £13.50Literature sales: £3.00


    [The following is posted on behalf of the Minute taker]Minutes of the 65th meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional Branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 9th April 2017 The meeting started at 2:30pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian and Jacqueline Shodeke.Apologies for absence: Marie Chesham and Hannah Dutton.01. Election of Chair Motion 1. Fabian & Cox “That Bruce be Chair”. AGREED. Cde Cox agreed to take notes for the minutes. The meeting proceeded on the basis of the circulated agenda.02. Minutes of the 64th meeting held on 12th March 2017 were before the meeting Motion 2. Fabian & Bruce “That the minutes be adopted”. AGREED03. Matters arising from the minutesa) Item 2 – Branch Secretary Vacancy.It was AGREED to issue a call for nominations before the next meeting. Cde Cox agreed to continue to stand in until the next meeting, and Cde Bruce agreed to take minutes at the next meeting.b) Item 4(i) – Membership matters – QuestionnaireIt was reported a further response from a Folkestone member was received, indicating willingness to attend Branch meetings if held near Folkestone. There was discussion on a suggestion to convene another ‘discussion group’ meeting in May, which was not resolved but which may continue online.c) Item 4(iv) – T-ShirtsAs promised last month, Cde Bruce reported back on her investigation into alternative sources of the SPGB ‘flyer’ T-shirts, should further supplies be required or if the Branch wished to suggest that they be retailed by the Party centrally. A Medway-based supplier had quoted screen printed shirts at £8.50 each for a run of 20 or £7.50 for 50, with mono designs. As Hannah Dutton has agreed to visit the supplier for a product quality check, it was AGREED to defer further consideration for one month.d) Item 6 – Correspondence from a memberCde Cox reported he informed Cde Pilott of our intention to discuss his paper in May – reply awaited. There was some further discussion.04. Annual Conference 2017a) Appointment of Delegates*It was agreed to appoint Cdes D. Chesham, R. Cox, D. Fabian, J. Shodeke and (subject to acceptance) S. Wicks.b) Consideration of Final Agenda and ReportsAfter discussion the following positions on the agenda items (numbered) were agreed:04. Motion: Kent & Sussex Regional Branch – SUPPORT05. Motion: West London Branch – FREE HAND06. Item for Discussion: North London Branch – FREE HAND07. Item for Discussion: Lancaster Branch – OPPOSE12. Motion: North London Branch – OPPOSE13. Motion: Manchester branch – OPPOSE;1st Amendment to Motion 13 – SUPPORT;2nd Amendment to Motion 13 – ABSTAIN20. Rule 2: North London Branch – OPPOSE21. Rule 2: Kent & Sussex Regional Branch – SUPPORT23. Motion: Lancaster branch – OPPOSE;Amendment – OPPOSE24. Motion: Lancaster branch – FREE HAND25. Item for Discussion: Swansea Branch – Not recorded30. Item for Discussion: Lancaster Branch – SUPPORT31. Item for Discussion: Kent & Sussex Branch – SUPPORT35. Motion: West Midlands Regional Branch – SUPPORTc) Branch meeting following Conference (Rule 21) Pre-scheduled for Sunday 14th May.05. May 2017 County Council Electionsa) Candidates and AgentsOur three agreed candidate’s nominations were submitted and accepted for Folkestone East, Folkestone West and Lewes (where Cde Pruden is agent).b) Manifesto leaflets and other campaign activityThe EC had agreed with some amendment the two texts submitted as agreed between the Branch candidates and agents. A draft layout for the leaflets was circulated at the meeting, and Cde Cox reported on printing and distribution arrangements, which were still being finalised due to the circumstances. A high street stall with an extra election leaflet to hand out is arranged for Folkestone on 22nd April, and another may be held on 1st May. No events yet scheduled in Lewes.06. Street StallsCde Chesham undertook to publicise the stalls scheduled as agreed previously.07. Brighton GroupNo further reports of activity or meetings.08. Forms 'A' & 'F' & Branch membership transfersNone.09. EC minutesCde Cox reported that the EC’s call for volunteers to help deal with responses from the ‘Awareness of the Party’ publicity campaign had been circulated to members. It was reported there had been several volunteers already, including from a member of our Branch.10. Future propaganda activities & Any other businessEnquiries to be made about the next Kent Miners Festival. Cde Bruce to contact Cde Hess about Facebook meetings.Meeting adjourned at 5:40pm due to loss of quorum – remaining items to be deferred.Collection taken: £4.50Literature sales: £3.00*It was later established that the Branch was entitled to have three delegates sitting at Conference 2017.


    [The following is posted on behalf of the Minute taker]Minutes of 67th meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional BranchSunday, 11th June, 2017The meeting started at 2:30pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer) and Dan Fabian.Visitor: Richard Harris1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Cox & Chesham “That D. Fabian be Chair”. AGREED. Cde Bruce agreed to take notes for the minutes. The meeting proceeded on the basis of the circulated agenda.2. Apologies for absenceMarie Chesham, Hannah Dutton, Anton Pruden, Sam Wicks3. Confirmation of agenda items (discussion period)Noted for later discussion4. Minutes of the 66th meeting held on 14th May 2017 were before the meetingMotion 2. Cox & Chesham “That the minutes be adopted”. AGREEDa) Branch Secretary Vacancy and Branch Email addressNo response yet from Tristan Miller. D. Chesham to ask again. No response from branch members to email call for volunteers for post of Branch Secretary.b) Membership matters – Folkestone meetingsR. Cox emailed K. Chopping and A. Adcock regarding the Folkestone meeting and has received no response as yet and may send another email in due course. Cox has contacted Andi Elliot from the Lime Bar Cafe in Folkestone regarding selling the Standard at his cafe (further to discussion at the Folkestone street stall). It was felt that this would be a good venue for future discussion groups. Andy Thomas is a friend of the owner and also know of some SPGB voters who drink there.c) Membership matters – Facebook meetingsM. Bruce has not yet been in contact with M. Hess or had any response from A.Pruden.d) Membership matters – QuestionnaireCox has been in touch with members under item 4b and has spoken to A. Pruden regarding meetings and felt it was covered.e) T-Shirts (Motion 3)The E.C. has agreed to KSRB T-Shirt motion. Cibele Alvarenga has asked for 2 weeks notice. Cox suggested an order of colours and sizes in email and handouts. Bruce agrees to chase up T. Miller regarding the web address issue.f) T-Shirts (Web address)Bruce to provide A4 artwork to C.Alvarenga once web address issue has been resolved and possibly cut acetate for silk screen printing.g) Council Elections (Motion 4)M. Tenner is to contact A. Thomas regarding E.C. decision. E.C. decides that there was no error in applying 28.Motion 3. Chesham & Bruce "Kent and Sussex Regional Branch seeks E.C. authority to contest the constituencies of Brighton, Canterbury and Folkestone in the next General Election." AGREED 4-0-0Motion 4. Cox & Chesham "To ask Cdes A. Pruden, R.Cox and A. Thomas to accept nomination by the Branch as candidates for Brighton, Canterbury and Folkestone in the next General Election." AGREED 4-0-0h) Kent Miners Festival 28th August (Stall Booking) – Item 11R. Cox agrees to book stall for 28.8.17 and pay £5 deposit. Date to be clarified by Cox.5. Executive Committee vacanciesTwo vacancies have arisen on the EC – Nominations closing date Friday, 28 July.Motion 5. Chesham & Bruce “To nominate D. Fabian to the E.C." Fabian accepts in principal. AGREED 3-0-16. Street StallsBruce unable to attend Canterbury stall on 24th June, H. Dutton and possibly D.Chesham to attend. Cox to arrange picking up Dutton and possibly starting later than the publicised 12 noon. Cox to inform Chesham if a later time is required. Stalls to be held in Canterbury on 15 July, 19th August, 16th September and 14th October. Chesham to contact J. Shodeke regarding stall on 19th August.7. Brighton GroupNo further activity expected but hope to get it up and running again in future through election contact with A. Pruden.8. Forms 'A' & 'F' and Branch membership transfersR. Cox has prepared form F for H. Pilott.Motion 5. Chesham & Bruce “To accept H. Pilott’s form F” AGREED 4-0-0J. Shodeke has applied to transfer to central branch, KSRB awaits E.C. decision. Chesham agrees to contact Shodeke regarding attendance at branch meetings. Shodeke has contacted Cox to suggest a branch social in the future. It is agreed to try and organise this at the Lime Bar in Folkestone to coincide with one of the regular music events held there..9. EC minutesDeferred.     10. Future propaganda activitiesCox informs branch of a Morning Star stand at London Comic Con and asks if SPGB should consider taking a stand at same?11. Any other businessCox suggests a discussion item for next branch meeting of party branding/name.12. CollectionCollection taken: £8.50. Literature sales: £3.00AGENDA – Part Two: Discussion Items (as previously agreed)Item 1: Questionnaire – Free Text SuggestionsDeferred.Item 2: Employment of staff at Head OfficeChesham informs branch that 2 members and 1 ex-member are staffing Head Office and feels that the situation has now been resolved. Cox questioned whether it was worth discussing the item further for future reference? This was discussed and it was felt that such a person would have to be a member.Adjournment 6pm 


     [The following is posted on behalf of the Minute taker]Minutes of 66th meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional BranchSunday, 14th May, 2017This meeting constitutes (rule 21), the specially summoned meeting following Conference 2017.The meeting started at 2:30pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer) and Dan Fabian.1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Cox & Bruce “That D. Chesham be Chair”. AGREEDCde Bruce agreed to take notes for the minutes. The meeting proceeded on the basis of the circulated agenda.2. Apologies for absence: Marie Chesham and Hannah Dutton.3. Confirmation of agenda items (discussion period)Noted for later discussion4. Minutes of the 65th meeting held on 9th April 2017 were before the meetingMotion 2. Fabian & Chesham “That the minutes be adopted”. AGREEDa) Branch Secretary – Vacancy.No nominations have been received. D Chesham agreed to continue branch actions in an unofficial capacity. R. Cox agreed to make a call for nominations again at some point in the future. R. Cox enquired about using the branch email address for sending messages and D. Chesham volunteered to ask T. Miller if this would be possible.b) Membership matters (Questionnaire & Folkestone meetings)A. Adcock has moved to Folkestone and may be able to take part in the Folkestone Discussion Group. R. Cox discussed sending info and notifications of party activities to non members already on branch mailing lists. It was discussed that it may be a good idea to change the venue for future Folkestone Discussion Groups. It was agreed to try and organise the next discussion group meeting for 18th, or 25th June. R. Cox to contact prospective attendees in the area.c) T-Shirts (further information on procurement). Hannah Dutton had visited the Chatham printing company to inspect the printed garment samples and found that the quality was good, although there was a better quality option for an extra 50p, taking the cost to £9.50 each. R.Cox had met a party sympathiser at head office who is able to supply screen printed t shirts for £5.00 each. He had brought samples of her work which all found to be very impressive. He also showed a sample of a printed cotton bag which was felt would also be a good promotional vehicle for the party branding. M. Bruce agreed to contact T. Miller regarding a discrepancy with the web address on the t-shirts.Motion 3. Cox & Chesham “This Branch suggests that the EC commissioning of a batch of Party logo t-shirts for sale to members and supporters, would be an excellent opportunity to promote the Party. The Branch has received a quote for screen printed t-shirts at around £5 and canvas bags for £1 each (quantity of 50 bags). If the EC is agreeable the Branch is willing to arrange the order and delivery of an initial order of t-shirts (e.g. two dozen) and canvas bags [i.e. £170] for sale via Head Office at cost price plus P&P.” AGREED 4-0-0Branch thanks Hannah for her efforts in investigating t-shirt quality in Chatham5. Annual Party Conference – 29th-30th April 2017Members present filled out ballot papers.6. May 2017 Council Elections – ReportKent & Sussex Regional Branch stood three candidates in the recent County Council elections. In Folkestone, Kent our two candidates received 71 votes between them, out of 7,381 votes cast.This is a small number, but a significant increase compared to 2015, when for the parliamentary seat we received 68 of over 55,000 votes cast. Some of this will be due to the absence of Green or Leninist candidates, but this year we were also standing against Corbynist Labour candidates. In Lewes, East Sussex we stood for the first time, getting 19 votes in a much smaller area. About 22,000 Party election leaflets were distributed in the three seats, which also advertised the Socialist Standard.R. Cox reported of the problems with the election leaflet printing and distribution. Cde. Chesham thanked cde. Cox for his considerable efforts to overcome these issues to good effect; Bruce and Fabian agreed. The Treasurer announced that the election expenses have come in slightly above budget.Motion 4. Bruce & Fabian “The Branch believes the EC has wrongly interpreted Rule 28. In our view the EC has made an error in failing to authorise standing one or more candidates in Kent and Sussex region.” CARRIED 3-1-07. Street Stalls.Folkestone street stall is to go ahead on 20th May with an extra stall organised for 27th May at Canterbury. The date of the July stall was changed to Saturday 15th.8. Brighton GroupNo further activity is planned. A. Pruden has expressed a willingness to take the speakers’ test.9. Forms 'A' & 'F' and Branch membership transfersK. Luetchford has left the party. R. Cox has raised a form F and Luetchford’s resignation accepted with regret. It was reported that Central Branch member N. Murry is to move to Brighton later in the year.18.30 D. Chesham leaves meeting. M. Bruce & D. Fabian agree for R. Cox to take over chair.10. EC minutes. Noted.11. Future propaganda activities.Kent Miners Festival 28th August Betteshanger: R. Cox to make enquiries regarding booking a stall.12. Any other business.M. Bruce has yet to contact M. Hess regarding taking part in branch meetings via facebook and agrees to do so in near future.13. Collection.Collection taken: £10.50Literature sales: £3.00Part Two: Discussion Items (as previously agreed)Item 1: Questionnaire – Free Text SuggestionsR. Cox to contact members from Folkestone as suggested in Free text suggetions in questionnaire, regarding discussion group. Other free text issues deferred to June.Item 2: “Employment of staff at Head Office”Deferred to June meeting.Item 3: Paper received from Cde Howard Pilott, and a response made jointly by Cde D. Chesham and Cde Cox.Deferred to July meeting, when more information may become available.Adjournment 7pm


    [The following is posted on behalf of the Minute taker]Minutes of 71st meeting of Kent & Sussex Regional Branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on Sunday, 15th October, 2017 and Record of On-line Consultation Saturday, 21st October, 2017The meeting commenced at 2:30pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor)Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian (and visitors) S. Kennedy and E. Mann.AGENDA – Part One: Business1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Fabian'Chesham "that Cox be chair"  AGREED2. Apologies for absenceM.Chesham, H.Dutton, N.Kirk (due to attend online), N.Murray, A.Pruden3. Confirmation of agenda itemsConfirmed4. Adoption of minutes of previous meetingMotion 2. Chesham/Fabian "that the minutes be adopted"  AGREED5. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meetinga. Branch Email addressCox awaits response from T. Miller regarding using the email alias for outgoing email.b. Folkestone Meetings/Socials: Lime Bar CafeCox has had no response from Folkestone members regarding meetings and proposes leaving the matter. Cox and Fabian report that the Lime Bar was fairly packed and well attended on their recent social visit. Cox reports sales of the Standard at 11 copies in September. Cox is in discussion with SSPC regarding direct supply to the café, he's beentaking them there personally. Andi at Lime Bar has said that customers have been asking for the Standard (it was delivered later than usual this month).c. Online Meeting Attendances, Facebook and Jitsi Meet.Cox reports that Cdes. Kirk, Chesham and himself have successfully trialled the Jitsi app but have found a problem with echo. They are looking into ways of overcoming this.d. T-Shirts: Further Orders (for Head Office)Cox has been in touch with AMS workwear and has confirmed that the price of £9 per unit still stands and has advised the EC of this price. It is agreed to wait until after the E.C. accepts this to place an order.e. London Comic Convention July 2018 – Suggested joint stall with WLB.Cox waiting for West London Branch to discuss at their meeting.f. Proposed Motion to EC on subject of: “Advertising SPGB in areas where we have active members and branches”Deferredg. Correspondence with Cde Hayward-HopkinsNo further responseh. Public Meetings (South London Branch)Cox has had no confirmation about the ‘Corbyn’ meeting. Chesham reports that the previous meeting went ahead and was quite well attended.i. “End to Rationing” leaflet (suggestion to EC)Chesham reported that the E.C. agreed our suggestion to print extra (2000) copies for handing out and 101,000 have now gone into The Observer.j. Internet Committee NominationCde. Kirk has been appointed to the I.C.k. EC Consultation on proposals on Conference Motions 1 and 2No response from E.C.l. EC ‘draft’ Letter to members and Branch ResponseChesham reports that the E.C. has re-drafted the letter and has decided to send it out directly to the membership.6. EC Calls for Nominationsa. Committee on the organisational structure of the Party (deadline 3rd November)Cox reports that the E.C. Has agreed the terms of reference and makes a call for nominations to this committee. No nominations made.b. Party Officers and Executive Committee members for 2018 (deadline 17th November)Cox reads a list of current party officers. Nominations deferred to November meeting.7. ADM 21st – 22nd October 2017: Consideration of Agenda ItemsDiscussed and considered by members present.8. Street Stalls (Kent): Report on September & OctoberCox reports on September stall and the problems encountered with local Labour Party stall holders. Despite this and the odd cloudburst, numerous leaflets where handed out and sales of 2 x pamphlets and 1 x Standard. October's stall went ahead in a different location in Canterbury mainly due to congestion. There were no sales.9. Brighton Group: Report on Labour Party Conference stallsChesham reports on well staffed and attended stalls on 2 days with £44 sales and 4 contacts made.10. Forms 'A' & 'F' and Branch membership transfersNo forms A or F.11. EC minutes: October (if available).Not available.12. Future propaganda activitiesDiscussion on podcasts and suggestion that SPGB hosts a series of podcasts designed to subtly convey the socialist message. Bruce requests a report on this idea for distribution around the branch and to the wider party, on the production of podcasts.13. Any other businessNone.14. Collection & SalesCollection £10.00Standards x 3 £4.50Russian Revolution (Martov) x 2 £4.00AGENDA – Part Two: DiscussionNo items for discussion.Adjournment 5.35pmRecord of On-line Consultation Saturday, 21st October, 2017The following email was sent to all Branch members:From: Robert Cox Sent: 21 October 2017 10:45Subject: SPGB Kent & Sussex – Emergency Decision on ADM Delegate“Dan Fabian, one of our delegates cannot attend ADM this weekend due to illness. It has been proposed by Cde Chesham that I Cde Cox stand in. The meeting starts at 10:30am today so we have no realistic alternative apart from only sending one delegate. Please if you have time could you send a message if you are for or against this (or wish to abstain). We need a quorate voting majority to agree this. Please email a reply, or text or phone the number below. Please find attached PDFs of the Branch Standing Orders, #7 applies in this circumstance.”Having received by 11:02 responses of a quorum of members being in favour (either in person or by text message, a vote of 4-0-0) delegate credentials for Cde Cox were submitted. Two further members later sent emails of agreement. Members participating being Bruce, Chesham, Cox, Pruden and subsequently Adcock and Thomas.


    [The following is posted on behalf of the Minute taker]Minutes of the 69th meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional Branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 13th August 2017The meeting started at 2:30pm at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, Kent (First floor)Present: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer) and Dan Fabian.Part One: Business01. Election of ChairMotion 1. Chesham/Bruce that Cox be made chair. AGREED.02. Apologies for absenceMarie Chesham and Hannah Dutton.03. Confirmation of agenda items (discussion period)Confirmed.04. Adoption of minutes of meeting of 9th July 2017 (as circulated)Chesham has spotted an error and has changed the minutes on the forum to reflect that the minutes adopted in item 4 where for the 67th meeting, held on 11th June. Bruce agrees to amend the minutes on file. Motion 2. Chesham moves to adopt amended minutes. AGREED 4-0-0.05. Matters arising from the minutes of previous meetinga) Branch Email address.Deferred, pending the return of T. Miller from holiday.b) Membership matters – Folkestone meetings (Lime Bar Cafe)i. Sales of The Standard. Cox reports that ten copies had been sold and three returned (of 15 supplied in August). The proprietor insisted that the party should have the full cover price.ii. Meetings/Socials. Awaiting Cde Thomas to confirm availability for a meeting. Bruce agrees to compile a report of forthcoming events for future meetings using the Lime Bar Facebook page.c) Membership matters – Facebook meetingsi. Facebook video.Bruce has not found time to pursue Facebook video meeting participation following interest from A. Pruden.Chesham has received communication from J. Shodeke and it was read out.ii. Jitsi Meet app – web link: and Chesham report that the Jitsi app is freely available and would be suitable for video meeting participation.d) T-Shirt Orderi. First run of shirts and bagsThe order received was not suitable to supply to Head Office (therefore some had been sold at Summer School). Further orders deferred, pending further information from cde Alvarenga. Cox suggests putting these bags and T shirts on sale through Branch at the forthcoming Miners’ Festival etc. Agreed. Cox to compile inventory of T shirts and bags sold so far. It is agreed to sell these T shirts and bags for £3 each.Motion 3. Chesham/Bruce that Comrade Cox be reimbursed £200 for the purchase of T-shirts and bags. 3-0-1ii. Postal bags.Deferred until item 5.d)i. is resolved.e) The next General ElectionChesham/Cox report that the E.C. has not had any further progress or info from the election committee.f) Kent Miners Festival 2017Cox confirms the booking of a stall and has produced a leaflet for the event and has run off 300 copies for handing out on the day.g) London Comic Convention(s) – Suggested SPGB StallCox reports that the October event at Olympia looked to be a trade event. It was felt that it would be expensive and an unsuitable location for a party stall. Cox suggests looking into the July 2018 event.06. ADM 2017 – Discussion itemsRule amendment (Bruce): Bruce has not had time to compose the discussion item;Party branding/name (Cox): Cox has circulated wording for the discussion item regarding party branding. Cox also suggests a pared down version of the “Questions and Answers” pamphlet as a basis for an election manifesto.Fabian proposes changes to the party web page to promote socialism more positively, rather than the anti-capitalist Standard links currently in use as he feels these may be off putting for first time visitors.Fabian agrees to compose discussion item based on this view.Items AGREED subject to subsequent email consideration of wording and supporting statements (seeaddendum).07. Branch Financial ReportThe Treasurer hands out copies of the current financial report with accumulated fund at 31st July of £649.81. This was discussed in detail.Motion 4. Chesham moves to accept the report and thank the treasurer for compiling it. Carried 3-0-108. Street Stalls: July Report & Arrangements for Saturday 19th AugustCox reports that the Canterbury stall went ahead on 15th July with Bruce in attendance. 3 Standards were sold and many leaflets handed out.09. Brighton GroupNothing to report.10. Forms 'A' & 'F' and Branch membership transfers.Email from cde Hayward-Hopkins 12/07/2017. Cde communicated his desire to leave the party, partly due to living outside the U.K. Matter deferred as Cox agrees to contact him again.11. EC minutes: June and JulyNoted.12. Future propaganda activities.a) Advertising SPGB in areas where we have active members and branches (Cox); Cox to produce item for ADM based on this item and supply supporting statement. AGREED.b) Other items. Cox has been contacted about younger branch members attending a South London branch meeting at H.O. which coincides with KSRB meeting on 8th October. Fabian may be invited to speak at the meeting in which case it may be possible to re-schedule the branch meeting.13. Any other businessCox proposes using the “End of Rationing” leaflet as a handout and having more printed for that purpose. AGREED to suggest to E.C.14. CollectionCollection-£18.00 Standard sales-£3.00Part Two: Discussion Items (as previously agreed)Item 1: Questionnaire – Free Text Suggestions (outstanding items deferred from July meeting).Regarding production of a quarterly digest of branch activity, it is felt that no one has the time to produce one. A party newsletter might be a good way to encourage participation.Item 2: Paper received from Howard Pilott, and a response made jointly by cde D. Chesham and cde Cox (deferred from July meeting). Discussed.Adjournment 7.40pm 

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