Kent and Sussex Branch

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    Minutes of the 51st meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 14th February 2016 The meeting started at 2.10pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Ed Mann, Jacqueline ShodekeApologies for absence: Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Shodeke & Cox “That Mann be Chair” AGREED2. Minutes of the 50th Meeting held on 10th January 2016 were before the meeting Motion 2. Cox & Shodeke “That the minutes be adopted ”AGREED3. Matters arising from previous minutesi) Brighton public meeting – 13-1-16 A very encouraging meeting in Brighton on 13 January with an excellent talk as usual given by guest speaker Brian Morris. 14 present (5 members and 9 visitors) including 4 newcomers. The women once again outnumbered the men by 8 to 6.The next meeting of the group will be on Tuesday, 8 March, again in the Pelham Room on the first floor of the Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton BN1 1YD, starting at the slightly later time of 7.45pm. There will be a group discussion, by popular demand, on 'Thoughts on Religion and Socialism' ii) Video clipsIt was AGREED to defer this item againiii) Further Items for Discussion for Conference 2016 AgendaAs a result of the branch's online deliberations the final texts of the two further Items for Discussion along with their supporting statements were finalised and AGREED.iv) Street Stalls Stalls were arranged in Canterbury for 19 March and 16 April.From 12 noon in The Parade on each day.v) Proposed Folkestone Discussion Group Rob had sent emails to local members to ascertain what support there might be for the formation of a discussion group in Folkestone. As a direct result of his action it seems likely that, in addition to Rob, three other members would favour setting up the group.It was AGREED that a notice be placed in the March Socialist Standard and on the website forum advising other people of our plans to form a group.Notices would be sent in due course by email or post to other contacts in the 'How do we respond to Corbyn?' After some discussion it was AGREED that the Secretary contact North London Branch and the Campaigns Committee to enquire whether they think there is any likelihood of securing a debate with Jeremy Corbyn. The Secretary would also contact the Momentum Facebook group with a similar objective in mind.4. Annual Branch Financial AccountsThe Treasurer presented a comprehensive set of accounts which had been audited and approved by two branch members. The accounts for 2015 showed a balance of income over expenses of £84.13 with an accumulated fund at year end of £375.52. The branch had 21 members at the close of 2015.  The Treasurer was thanked for all his hard work.5. Annual Conference 2016 – Preliminary AgendaNOTED 6. Forms 'A' & 'F'NONE 7. Branch membership transfersNONE 8. EC minutes – January meeting – 9-1-16NOTED Relevant snippets from the February meeting of the EC were provided by the EC member present.A call had been made for nominations for outstanding 2016 EC and Party Officer vacancies.Motion 3. D.Chesham & Shodeke “That Comrade Rob Cox be nominated for the remaining position of Party Auditor” AGREED 5-0-1 (six members present)9. Future propaganda activitiesNONE other than those already mentioned.10. Any other businessNONE Meeting adjourned at 5.35pm Collection taken: £9.50


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 13th March, 2016 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor) AGENDA Election of ChairApologies for absence Adoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from the minutesi) Brighton Discussion Group – public meeting on 8 March (report)ii) Video clips – deferrediii) Street Stalls – report of Folkestone on 12 March and next one in Canterbury on 19 Marchiv) Proposed Folkestone Discussion Groupv) 'How do we respond to Corbyn?'Annual Conference 25/26-3-16 – Final AgendaAppointment & instruction of delegatesEmail from Media CommitteeForms 'A' & 'F'Branch membership transfersEC minutes – February meeting – 6-2-16Summer School – Birmingham – 22/24-7-16Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment


    Minutes of the 52nd meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 13th March 2016The meeting started at 2.15pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian, Jacqueline Shodeke (until 6.15pm)Apologies for absence: Mandy Bruce, Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Ed MannVisitor: Richard Harris (until 4.00pm)1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Cox & Fabian “That D.Chesham be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 51st Meeting held on 14th February 2016 were before the meetingMotion 2. M.Chesham & Shodeke “That the minutes be adopted ”AGREED3. Matters arising from previous minutesi) Brighton public meeting – 8-3-16Only eight people showed up for this meeting (although we had 'apologies for absence' from six more, mostly due to illness). Two newcomers, one of whom turned out to be an extremely staunch defender of capitalism, quite possibly a young Tory, whose presence ensured that very little discussion took place on the advertised subject – religion.However, a frequently heated exchange ensued for some two hours during which some real progress appeared to be made in the 'enlightenment' of this individual, very ably assisted by the other 'new face' who had reached an impressive and comprehensive understanding both of the status quo and of socialism (as we see it) quite independently of involvement with any political grouping or party.   We certainly hope to see her again…Next meeting has been arranged for Tuesday, 10 May. Same venue and time.ii) Video clipsIt was AGREED to defer this item againiii) Street StallsStalls were arranged in Canterbury for 19 March and 16 April. From 12 noon in The Parade on each day.A further stall in Folkestone has been fixed for 30 April outside the Town Hall.iv) Proposed Folkestone Discussion GroupIt has not yet been possible to arrange either a venue or a date for the first meeting of the discussion group but Max and Rob are still making enquiries.v) 'How do we respond to Corbyn?'Nothing to report as yet. Contact has been made with North London Branch and the Momentum group of the Labour Party.4. Annual Conference 2016 – Final AgendaThe agenda was discussed in detail and delegates instructed. Those members appointed to represent the branch were: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham, Marie Chesham, Rob Cox, Dan Fabian, Ed Mann and Jacqueline Shodeke.5. Email from the Media CommitteeAn email from the Media Committee was read and it was AGREED that a copy be circulated to all branch members.6. Forms 'A' & 'F'NONE7. Branch membership transfersNONE8. EC minutes – February meeting – 6-2-16NOTED9. Future propaganda activitiesNONE other than those already mentioned.10. Any other businessAn amended Form 'C' was submitted by the Treasurer showing the correct number of branch members at 2015 year end.NOTEDMeeting adjourned at 6.55pmCollection taken: £11.00 


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 10th April, 2016 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn (Wetherspoon), 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor)AGENDAElection of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from the minutesi) Video clipsii) Street Stalls – report of Canterbury on 19 March and next ones in Canterbury (16 April) and Folkestone (30 April)iii) Proposed Folkestone Discussion Groupiv) 'How do we respond to Corbyn?'v) Email from Media CommitteeBallot on Conference motions – report of delegatesEU Referendum leafleting'Should the Party be more vocal about some issues?'Branch financial mattersForms 'A' & 'F'Branch membership transfersEC minutes – March meeting – 5-3-16                          April meeting – 2-4-16Brighton Discussion Group – 10-5-16Summer School – 22/24-7-16Kent Miners' Festival – 29-8-16July 2016 SS proposalFuture propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 8th May, 2016 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn (Wetherspoon), 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor) AGENDA Election of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from the minutesi) Video clipsii) Street Stalls – report of Canterbury on 16 April and and Folkestone on 30 April – Future stallsiii) Proposed Folkestone Discussion Groupiv) 'How do we respond to Corbyn?'v) 'Should the Party be more vocal about some issues?'vi) Branch financial mattersvii) Resignationsviii) Kent Miners' Festivalix) July 2016 SS proposalx) Nomination for Party Assistant SecretaryComplaint against North London BranchBranch membership transfersEC minutesBrighton Discussion Group – 10-5-16Summer School – 22/24-7-16Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment


    Minutes of the 53rd meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 10th April 2016The meeting started at 2.09pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (Secretary), Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian, Jacqueline ShodekeApologies for absence: Marie Chesham, Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Cox & D.Chesham “That Shodeke be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 52nd Meeting held on 13th March 2016 were before the meetingMotion 2. Shodeke & Cox “That the minutes be adopted ”AGREED3. Matters arising from previous minutesi) Video clipsIt was AGREED to defer this item againii) Street StallsThree comrades had to share the area with stalls from the Labour Party (campaigning on EU and the police election) and 2 of the EU out groups in Canterbury on 19 March. The Tory MP was out there, also the UKIP candidate from last year who came over to our stall for a chat after he recognised Rob.Had some very interesting discussions, and made a new contact (politics student from the Uni) who may get us a speaking invite. Several people wanted to know our views on the EU referendum .The stall was kept going for 4 hours, despite rain, wind and cold weather; sold nine Standards and a pamphlet, and handed out lots of leaflets and back issues.The next stall in Canterbury will be on 16 April.  From 12 noon in The Parade.Further stalls in Canterbury were arranged for the rest of the season. 14 May; 16 July; 20 August; 17 September and 8 October.Another stall in Folkestone has been fixed for 30 April outside the Town Hall.Rob will contact Andy to ask him to suggest dates that suit him for further Folkestone stalls.iii) Proposed Folkestone Discussion GroupRob to contact Andy regarding possible dates for a meeting.iv) 'How do we respond to Corbyn?'Contact has been made with North London Branch who recommended that K&S should approach Corbyn. No response had been received from Momentum group of the Labour Party.It was AGREED that the Secretary attempt to make contact with Corbyn via Twitter and Facebook.v) Email from Media CommitteeThis email has been circulated to all branch membersNOTED4. Ballot on Conference motions – report of delegatesMembers discussed the various motions in some detail and reached a consensus on how they would cast their votes.5. EU Referendum leafletingNOTED6. 'Should the Party be more vocal about some issues?'This item arose from our Item for Discussion to ConferenceIt was AGREED to defer this item to the next meeting7. Branch financial mattersThe Treasurer reported that the Unity Trust bank, with whom we have an account, has informed us we will be charged a current account tariff of £6 per month from June.Rob had already made extensive enquiries about alternative banking arrangements and recommended that the branch open an account with Santander.His suggestion was accepted and AGREED in principle.8. Forms 'A' & 'F'The Secretary had received two letters of resignation which were read out to the branch.It was AGREED that Rob would write a letter to one of the members concerned and Dave would write to the other member and that further consideration be deferred until the next branch meeting.9. Branch membership transfersNONE10. EC minutes – March meeting – 5-3-16                                 April meeting – 2-4-16As a result of discussion of the EC minutes and the Conference proceedings, the following two resolutions were proposed and AGREED 5-0-0 (five members present)Motions to the EC1) “Further to the statements made at Conference that there are no proper procedures to prevent incorrect payments being made, this branch is surprised that no action has been initiated by the Executive Committee to rectify the situation"2) “This branch requests clarification of Motion 8 – April 2016 EC meeting. This motion appears to authorise any Officer or any Committee to spend up to £500 of the party's funds (any number of times) without reference to anyone but themselves. If this is the case this decision goes against past practice and can only be regarded as reckless”11. Brighton Discussion Group – 10-5-16NOTED12. Summer School – 22/24-7-16NOTED13. Kent Miners' Festival – 29-8-16It was AGREED that the Secretary book a pitch for this event.14. July 2016 SS proposalIt was AGREED to defer this item until the next meeting.15. Future propaganda activitiesNONE other than those already mentioned.16. Any other businessNONEMeeting adjourned at 6.30pmCollection taken: £10.00


    Minutes of the 54th meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 8th May 2016 The meeting started at 2.20pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (Secretary) (from 3.40pm), Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian, Jacqueline ShodekeApologies for absence: Marie Chesham, Hannah Dutton1. Election of Chair Motion 1. Cox & Shodeke “That Fabian be Chair” AGREED 2. Minutes of the 53rd Meeting held on 10th April 2016 were before the meeting Motion 2. Cox & Fabian “That the minutes be adopted” AGREED 3. Matters arising from previous minutes i) Video clips It was AGREED to defer this item again, pending a report on related EC deliberations.ii) Street StallsReports were given on stalls in Canterbury on 16 April and Folkestone on 30 April. Both visitors and sales were low at both stalls, due probably to competition from other political groups at Canterbury and a torrential rain storm in Folkestone. However, significant quantities of leaflets based on the EU referendum text as agreed by the EC were distributed at both. A visitor to the Branch email address (Will from Lydd) appeared at the stall and is expected to attend a future Party meeting.It was reported that the folding table being used in East Kent has developed a structural fault but there is a possibility of a repair. Meanwhile, Dave will supply the other Branch table as a replacement. Further dates for Folkestone stalls set for 28th May and 25th June.Jacqueline apologised that she may be unable to attend meetings and events between June and October due to other commitments.iii) Proposed Folkestone Discussion GroupSunday 5 June, at 2pm has been set for the first meeting, with five local members confirmed and some others expected to attend. Venue to be the public bar area of The Guildhall Pub, 42 The Bayle, Folkestone CT20 1SQiv) 'How do we respond to Corbyn?'Item held pending Dave’s arrival to report the outcome of last month’s decision ‘that the Secretary attempt to make contact with Corbyn via Twitter and Facebook’.(Later in the meeting the Secretary reported that there had been no response to any of the invitations extended to Corbyn.)v) 'Should the Party be more vocal about some issues?' This item arose from our Item for Discussion to Conference and had been deferred from the last meeting. Unfortunately, members failed to recall the reason for deferral.It was AGREED to ask the Secretary to highlight the issue in the Branch mailing before the next meeting and ask members to bring or submit suggestions for leaflets or campaigns for further discussion.Some ideas discussed (in addition to those in the Conference item) included having publications more accessible to a larger range of people, such as cartoon and tabloid-style formats. This may include educational materials on topics such as Marxian economics (e.g. Labour Theory of Value).vi) Branch bank accountThe Treasurer reported that since last month’s decision in principle to move our account to Santander (due to the costs of remaining with Unity Trust bank), it had stated that it was unable to prevent a single signatory authorising transactions. Also, he was informed that Unity was not part of the “Switching” scheme, and therefore existing standing orders could not move automatically to any new provider.As an alternative to Santander, the Treasurer reported on a number of other Banks which appeared to meet our needs without any charges for basic transactions..Motion 3. (Bruce & Shodeke) “That a current account be opened at National Westminster Bank (Deal Branch) with the Treasurer, Secretary and Dan Fabian as signatories and further: It was resolved that a banking relationship be maintained with National Westminster Bank Plc (the Bank) in accordance with this mandate and that: The individuals identified as authorised signatories may, in accordance with the signing rules, sign cheques and give instructions for Standing Orders, Direct Debits, Electronic Payments, Banker's Drafts and other payments on the accounts even if it causes an account to be overdrawn or exceed any limit. Any authorised signatory may give other instructions or requests for information to the Bank in relation to the accounts; opening accounts with the same signing rules and authorised signatories; closing accounts; or other banking services or products. The Bank may accept instructions that do not have an original written authorised signature provided the Bank is satisfied that the instruction is genuine and subject to any other agreement the Bank may require for those instructions. The Organisation will provide to the Bank a copy of its constitution (if it has one) and any amendment to the constitution, certified as correct by the Secretary. This mandate will continue until the Organisation gives the Bank a replacement mandate. The Bank may act on the instructions of: Any two authorised signatories for unlimited amounts”AGREEDThe Treasurer pointed out that direct debit voluntary contribution payments were still being received in the name of Glenn Morris despite the fact he had transferred to Swansea Branch some months ago.  The Secretary said he would contact Glenn.vii) Resignations As there had been no response to either of the letters which had been sent to the two members who had tendered their resignations it was AGREED that the Forms ‘F’ for Leslie Courtney (resigned – loss of interest) and Edward Mann (resigned – disagreement) be forwarded to the Executive Committee.viii) Kent Miners' FestivalContrary to what had previously been understood the Secretary had now learnt that the festival is to be “rested this year” due to the development of the new Kent Mining Museum and visitor centre, which is presently being built at Betteshanger Country Park.It was AGREED that the Secretary make enquiries about any activities being arranged by the Robert Tressell Society.ix) July 2016 SS proposalAn email had been received from Darrell Whitehead seeking support to instruct the Executive Committee to produce a special issue of the Socialist Standard to celebrate the centenary of the WSPUS.The branch did not consider that the EC could be instructed and that in any case submissions would have had to be called much earlier considering the absolute deadline for articles would be the middle of June.However, it was reported that the EC had agreed, at its May meeting, that the Socialist Standard's July 2016 issue mark the WSPUS's centenary.x) Nomination for Party Assistant Secretary The Secretary had been in contact with Tristan Miller who said his personal circumstances had now changed sufficently for him to accept the branch’s outstanding nomination, if it still stood, for the position of Assistant Secretary.Motion 4. (Chesham & Shodeke) “That Tristan Miller be nominated for the Party’s Assistant Secretary” AGREED4. Complaint against North London BranchThere had been an exchange with the Secretary of North London Branch regarding a reference in its own minutes to the resignation of a Kent & Sussex member before the branch had either accepted the resignation or reported on the matter itself.NOTED 5. Forms 'A' & 'F' NONE other than those already mentioned.6. Branch membership transfers NONE7. EC minutesNONE TO HAND 8. Brighton Discussion Group – 10-5-16NOTED 9. Summer School – 22/24-7-16 It was reported that at least six members of the branch would be attending Summer School.10. Future propaganda activitiesNONE other than those already mentioned.11. Any other businessNONE Meeting adjourned at 6.40pm Collection taken: £15.00


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 12th June, 2016 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn (Wetherspoon), 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor) AGENDA Election of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from the minutesi) Video clipsii) Street Stalls – report of Folkestone on 28 May and Canterbury on 11 June – Future stallsiii) Report of Brighton Group meeting on 10 May – next meeting 12-7-16iv) Report of Folkestone Group meeting on 5 June – next meeting ?v) 'Should the Party be more vocal about some issues?'vi) Robert Tressell Society eventsForms 'A' & 'F'Branch membership transfersEC minutes – May meeting – 7-5-16                         June meeting – 4-6-16Summer School – 22/24-7-16Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessi) Party VideoCollectionAdjournment


    Minutes of the 55th meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 12th June 2016The meeting started at 2.15pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (Secretary), Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan FabianApologies for absence: Marie Chesham, Hannah Dutton, Jacqueline Shodeke1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Cox & Fabian “That Chesham be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 54th Meeting held on 8th May 2016 were before the meetingMotion 2. Bruce & Cox “That the minutes be adopted”AGREED3. Matters arising from previous minutesi) Video clipsA considerable amount of time was spent discussing this subject paying particular regard to the videos produced by Vin Maratty and the Executive Committee’s response to the publication of these on YouTube.The following motion to the EC was proposed, seconded and AGREED:Motion 3. (to the EC) "Members of the branch were interested to see the video entitled 'PartyIntroSPGBMay2016' which we understand was recently submitted to the EC for consideration and has since been published by the '' site. The branch asks whether the EC has given consideration to adopting this video as an official party publication and also whether enhancements may be possible (for instance to clarify that the opening sequences are a representation of life under capitalism rather than what some less-informed viewers may see as images of world socialism)"ii) Street StallsReports were given on stalls in Folkestone on 28 May and Canterbury on 11 JuneIn Folkestone, three comrades, augmented briefly by a fourth, spent over four hours handing out leaflets, back numbers of the Standard and chatting to passers-by. Three Standards and two pamphlets were sold.In Canterbury, comrades sold three pamphlets, one SOYMB, three Standards and gave out some back issues. Lots of the EU leaflets handed out.Had a lot of useful discussions; most people who approached us asked about our EU position and quite a few people stopped to read the EU text on the display. Most of the people we spoke to were very receptive of our ideas.One person came up to ask the price of a Standard subscription, and two (one young, one middle aged) wanted to know what we were or what socialism was, and took leaflets.One visitor bought 3 items (we got her contact details), an anarchist from Dover, who said she (and her friend with her) had hoped to get to our Folkestone meeting, but couldn’t make it. She mentioned that she and her associates look out for what the SPGB says on issues and usually are in agreement. She also mentioned the Ian Bone/SPGB debate. She bought the SOYMB – having earlier seen a copy on sale second-hand (at Burgate Books) for lot more than we were charging.iii) Report of Brighton Group meeting 10-5-16This meeting was very poorly attended with only five present. Nevertheless a useful exchange of ideas took place.The next meeting has been fixed for 12 July. Same venue and time.iv) Report of Folkestone Discussion Group 5-6-16Not too bad a start for this discussion group with seven present including one visitor. Spent four hours chatting outside the pub in the glorious sunshine. Lovely.Another meeting will be held next month – date to be arranged.v) 'Should the Party be more vocal about some issues?'Some ideas discussed (in addition to those in the Conference item) included having publications more accessible to a larger range of people, such as cartoon and tabloid-style formats.In addition there were some slogans suggested which could be used on leaflets and posters. For example: ‘Save The Planet: Abolish Capitalism’ and ‘Your Employer Is Not Your Friend’.Leaflet templates were also proposed where pre-printed slogans and other material could then have text added as and when required.The following motion to the EC was proposed, seconded and AGREED:Motion 4. (to the EC) "This branch considers that the party should have publications which are more accessible to a larger range of people, such as cartoon and tabloid-style formats. This may include educational material on topics such as Marxian economics (e.g. Labour Theory of Value)”vi) Robert Tressell SocietyThe Secretary had made enquiries about any activities being arranged by the Robert Tressell Society. Apart from a couple of weekday afternoon talks no other activities were planned for this year.4. Forms 'A' & 'F'NONE5. Branch membership transfersNONE6. EC minutes – May meeting – 7-5-16NOTED7. Future propaganda activitiesNONE other than those already mentioned.8. Any other businessRob drew the attention of members to a price discrepancy and omissions in the latest edition of the pamphlet ‘Socialist Principles Explained’.The following motion to the EC was proposed, seconded and AGREED:Motion 5. (to the EC) "This branch is concerned that the recent reprint of the pamphlet 'Socialist Principles Explained' is incorrectly priced (£1.00 as opposed to 50p as agreed by the November 2015 EC) and does not contain an up-to-date list of our companion parties and overseas contacts"Meeting adjourned at 7.00pmCollection taken: £14.00 


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 10th July, 2016 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn (Wetherspoon), 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor) AGENDA Election of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from the minutesi) Party Video – Motion to ECii) Street Stalls – Canterbury on 16 July and Folkestone on 30 Julyiii) Brighton Group meeting 12-7-16 – 'Out: real change or business as usual?'iv) Folkestone Group meeting 17-7-16v) 'Should the Party be more vocal about some issues?' – Motion to ECvi) ‘Socialist Principles Explained’ – Motion to ECQuarterly Financial ReportAutumn Delegate Meeting 15/16-10-16 – Items for DiscussionForms 'A' & 'F'Branch membership transfersEC minutes – June meeting – 4-6-16                         July meeting – 2-7-16Summer School – 22/24-7-16Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessi) Rule 17ii) Party LogoCollectionAdjournment


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 14th August, 2016 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn (Wetherspoon), 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor)AGENDAElection of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from the minutesi) Party Video – Motion to EC (deferred item)ii) Street Stalls – Reports of Canterbury – 16 July and 13 August and Folkestone on 30 Julyiii) Future Street Stalls – Canterbury – 17 September and 8 Octoberiv) Report of Brighton Group meeting – 12 July – 'Out: real change or business as usual?'v) Brighton Public meeting – 13 September – ‘Post-Capitalism; what now?’vi) Report of Folkestone Group meeting – 17 Julyvii) 'Should the Party be more vocal about some issues?' – Motion to EC (deferred item)viii) ‘Socialist Principles Explained’ – Motion to EC (deferred item)ix) Party Logo (deferred item)x) 2017 Conference date – Motion to the ECAutumn Delegate Meeting 15/16-10-16 – Items for Discussioni) Rule 17Forms 'A' & 'F'Branch membership transfersEC minutes – July meeting – 2-7-16                        August meeting – 6-8-16Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment 


    Minutes of the 56th meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 10th July 2016 The meeting started at 2.30pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (Secretary), Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian, Jacqueline ShodekeApologies for absence: Marie Chesham, Hannah DuttonVisitor: Richard Harris (until 3.30pm)1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Shodeke & Chesham “That Cox be Chair” AGREED2. Minutes of the 55th Meeting held on 12th June 2016 were before the meetingMotion 2. Bruce & Cox “That the minutes be adopted” AGREED 3. Matters arising from previous minutes i) Party videoIn response to the branch’s motion to the Executive Committee – viz: "Members of the branch were interested to see the video entitled 'PartyIntroSPGBMay2016' which we understand was recently submitted to the EC for consideration and has since been published by the '' site. The branch asks whether the EC has given consideration to adopting this video as an official party publication and also whether enhancements may be possible (for instance to clarify that the opening sequences are a representation of life under capitalism rather than what some less-informed viewers may see as images of world socialism)” the Secretary had heard from Vin Maratty who suggested a voice-over the ‘problematic’ part, as follows: “We now have the technological ability to produce enough for every man, woman and child on the planet, yet millions still suffer extreme poverty alongside extreme wealth.” This suggestion has been conveyed to the July EC.It was AGREED to discuss the matter further at the next branch meeting.ii) Street StallsThe stall in Folkestone on 25 June had to be cancelled due to bad weather.The next stall in Canterbury will be on 16 July. Because it was not possible to guarantee sufficient support for the 20 August stall in Canterbury it was AGREED to bring the date forward to 13 August.Dave to advise the SSPC of the change and also alter the calendar on the website and Meetup – Rob to prepare some slips for insertion in the current (July) Standard.iii) Brighton Group meeting 12-7-16The next meeting of this group will be on Tuesday, 12 July – same venue and time. Subject for discussion 'Out: real change or business as usual?'The Secretary stated that he would no longer be attending the group meetings in Brighton on a regular basis. He had advised the members there that if they wished to continue activity in the area they would need to organise it themselves. In addition the branch had been financing the bi-monthly meetings in Brighton from the group’s inception but would be unable to continue doing so beyond the July meeting. If the group needed funds then a grant from Head Office would have to be sought.iv) Folkestone Group meeting 17-7-16 The next meeting of this group will be on Sunday, 17 July – same venue at the later time of 3pm.v) 'Should the Party be more vocal about some issues?'Item deferred to next meeting pending a response from the Executive ‘Socialist Principles Explained’Item deferred to next meeting pending a response from the Executive Committee.4. Quarterly Financial Report The Treasurer gave a quarterly financial report. It showed a surplus for the year ended June 2016 of income over expenditure of £27.58. The accumulated fund showed a balance of £403.10.5. Autumn Delegate Meeting 15/16-10-16 – Item for DiscussionIt was AGREED to submit the following Item for Discussion:“Is Rule 17: a) relevant to the 21st century? and b) being applied correctly?” A supporting statement will be written.There will be a further opportunity to submit Items for Discussion at the branch’s August meeting. The last date for submission of items together with supporting statements to Head Office is 8 September. 6. Forms 'A' & 'F'NONE 7. Branch membership transfersNONE 8. EC minutes – June meeting – 7-5-16NOTED 9. Future propaganda activitiesNONE other than those already mentioned.10. Any other business i) Party LogoConcern was expressed about the quality of reproduction of the new Party Logo, particularly in the Socialist Standard and on some leaflets. Speculation was offered that this may be due to a formatting issue.It was AGREED to monitor the situation.On the question of formatting the party’s Assistant Secretary had requested that the Logo be made available in a number of additional formats (i.e. vector versions – SVG, EPS & PDF) which would be necessary when using them in high-quality print media, and will also help members using them on the Web scale them to the appropriate size.Mandy, who has played a pivotal role in the design and production of the Logo, said she would provide the additional formats and upload them to the Files section of Spintcom. They are to be found in the folder: Artwork – Party Emblem & Other Items.ii) 2017 Conference dateFollowing receipt of information that the EC will be reconsidering the dates for 2017 Conference at its August meeting the following motion was submitted for consideration.Motion 3. (to the EC) Chesham & Cox “That 2017 Conference be held on the weekend of 29/30 April” AGREED 5-0-0 (five members present)Meeting adjourned at 5.40pm Collection taken: £17.00


    Minutes of the 57th meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 14th August 2016 The meeting started at 2.17pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Dave Chesham (Secretary), Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan FabianApologies for absence: Mandy Bruce, Marie Chesham, Susan Chivers, Hannah Dutton, Jacqueline Shodeke1. Election of Chair Motion 1. Cox & Fabian “That Chesham be Chair” AGREED 2. Minutes of the 56th Meeting held on 10th July 2016 were before the meeting Motion 2. Fabian & Cox “That the minutes be adopted” AGREED 3. Matters arising from previous minutes i) Party video – Motion to the EC The branch had been notified of a motion carried by the July 2016 Executive Committee – viz:“The EC welcomes Cde Vin Maratty’s draft video ('PartyIntroSPGBMay2016') and notes the reported offer made via the Secretary of K&SRB to add clarification to the opening sequences. The EC looks forward to receiving an amended version for consideration of authorising for publication.”NOTEDRob then gave notice of a Motion to the EC.“This branch notes the EC is reported on grounds of quality and content to have declined to approve a proposed introductory video. However, the EC has failed since May to take steps to encourage nominations in order to re-establish an effective Audio Visual Committee, following the resignation and removal of previous appointees. Is this action due to inertia or intent?”ii) Street StallsReport of 16 July stall in Canterbury – Another good day – sold a fair bit of literature. Got a new contact and gave details of June’s Folkestone Discussion Group meeting to a few people. Had some pretty good chats. It was baking hot.Final literature tally amounted to six copies of SOYMB, five Standards and three pamphlets. One 'customer' insisted on paying five quid for a Standard.Report of 13 August stall in Canterbury – Canterbury was very quiet on this occasion, which, judging by the traffic bulletins, was due to most of the local population being on Margate beach (apart from a handful of Lib Dems who also had a stall). We still managed to sell three Standards, two books and two pamphlets.Two hundred topical leaflets were distributed and several back issues of the Standard given away, mostly the July “US” issue, which were of particular interest to several US tourists and a young man we caught wearing a Eugene Debs election badge (even though he knew little about him).Report of 30 July stall in Folkestone – Unfortunately this stall had to be cancelled due to inclement weather.iii) Future stallsTwo more stalls are scheduled for Canterbury this season – 17 September and 8 Octoberiv) Report of Brighton Group meeting – 12 JulyA really good meeting on this occasion with 10 present, including 5 new faces (2 of whom were members who had not attended previously) – engaging, insightful & most importantly, active; unanimously agreeing to carry on, but differently…v) Brighton Group meeting – 13 SeptemberA public meeting will be held in Brighton on Tuesday, 13 September. The upstairs venue room of the Victory Pub, 6 Duke St, Brighton BN1 1AH has been booked between 19.30 and 21.30. The working title is ‘Post-Capitalism: what now?’vi) Report of Folkestone Group meeting – 17 JulyThis meeting was not well supported with only two members turning up this time. It was AGREED not to arrange further meetings for the time being.vii) 'Should the Party be more vocal about some issues?' – Motion to the ECThe branch had been notified of a response by the July 2016 Executive Committee – viz:“EC members welcomed the ideas, if we can find Comrades with time to develop them. It was AGREED to submit the suggestion to the Publications Committee and ask they report back to the EC, if possible as part of their report for ADM.” NOTEDviii) ‘Socialist Principles Explained’ – Motion to the ECThe branch had been notified of a response by the July 2016 Executive Committee – viz:It was AGREED to ask the acting General Secretary to inform the Publications Committee of the re-admittance of the WSP(I) into the WSM [EC Minutes May 2014, Item 2(c) – Motion 2: Cox and Craggs “that the WSP (India) be accepted as part of the World Socialist Movement”]. Further that the EC needs to take responsibility to ensure Committees are kept informed of its decisions.”NOTEDix) Party Logo The overall appearance of the new Party Logo in the August 2016 Socialist Standard was still far from satisfactory. Mandy had provided the SSPC with alternative formats in an attempt to resolve the issue but the member responsible for the SS layout had claimed not to have been able to open the attachment sent by her. It was AGREED to continue to monitor the situation.There then followed a long discussion about future prospects for the Socialist Standard.x) 2017 Conference date – Motion to the ECRob reported that the EC had accepted the branch’s suggestion that Conference be held on the weekend of 29/30 April, 2017.NOTED4. Autumn Delegate Meeting 15/16-10-16 – Items for Discussion At the last meeting it was AGREED to submit the following Item for Discussion:“Is Rule 17: a) relevant to the 21st century? and b) being applied correctly?” A supporting statement had been written and circulated to branch members prior to the meeting. Rob suggested the inclusion of an additional paragraph and, by a majority, this was accepted.A further Item for Discussion was submitted and approved. A supporting statement had altready been written.“Audio-Visual Productions -In addition to recordings of talks and debates, which will be of interest to many but not all, is there a need to provide more audio-visual content to get our message across to workers?  If so, where should the balance lie between utilising whatever in-house capacity we have, albeit the quality may be less than perfect, as opposed to commissioning external producers (as with the 2014 election video)?  What should be the measure of quality and how much money if necessary should the Party be willing to invest in such productions?”5. Forms 'A' & 'F'NONE6. Branch membership transfersNONE 7. EC minutes – July meeting – 2-7-16NOTED8. Future propaganda activitiesNONE other than those already mentioned.9. Any other businessi) Gay Pride event in Canterbury Rob mentioned that he seen a reference to this event and asked the Secretary to make enquiries.AGREEDMeeting adjourned at 4.33pmCollection taken: £7.00


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 11th September, 2016 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn (Wetherspoon), 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor)AGENDAElection of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from the minutesi) Future Street Stalls – Canterbury – 17 September and 8 Octoberii) Brighton Public meeting – 13 September – ‘Post-Capitalism; what now?’iii) Party Logoiv) Gay Pride – Canterburyv) Notice of Motion – “This branch notes the EC is reported on grounds of quality and content to have declined to approve a proposed introductory video. However, the EC has failed since May to take steps to encourage nominations in order to re-establish an effective Audio Visual Committee, following the resignation and removal of previous appointees. Is this action due to inertia or intent?”Member's correspondenceCall for nominations for Socialist Standard layout membersCall for nominations for 2017 Party Officers and EC membersSnap General Election possibilityForms 'A' & 'F'Branch membership transfersEC minutes – August meeting – 6-8-16                         September meeting – 3-9-16Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment


    Minutes of the 58th meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 11th September 2016 The meeting started at 2.22pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan FabianApologies for absence: Mandy Bruce, Hannah Dutton1. Election of ChairMotion 1. D.Chesham & Fabian “That Cox be Chair” AGREED 2. Minutes of the 57th Meeting held on 14th August 2016 were before the meetingMotion 2. Fabian & Cox “That the minutes be adopted and the inquorate business conducted be retrospectively approved” AGREED 3. Matters arising from previous minutes i) Future Street StallsTwo more stalls are scheduled for Canterbury – 17 September and 8 OctoberThere was some discussion about the October stall as it falls on the same weekend as the branch meeting.Rob said he would contact Mandy to see if she would be able to attend both the stall and the branch or whether she would prefer to change the date of one of them.ii) Brighton Group meeting – 13 September The upstairs venue room of the Victory Pub, 6 Duke St, Brighton BN1 1AH has been booked for a public meeting between 19.30 and 21.30. Title of the meeting is ‘Post-Capitalism: what now?’A total of £84.23 had been incurred which related to the printing of handbills and postage.Motion 3. (to the EC) D.Chesham & Fabian “That the EC be requested for a grant of up to £250 to assist with future activities in Brighton.”AGREED 4-0-0 (four members present)iii) Party LogoThe issues experienced with the reproduction of the party logo in the Socialist Standard over the last couple of editions now appear to have been resolved.NOTEDiv) Gay Pride events in Canterbury & MargateThe Secretary agreed to check the appropriate website for details of future events. v) Notice of Motion “This branch notes the EC is reported on grounds of quality and content to have declined to approve a proposed introductory video. However, the EC has failed since May to take steps to encourage nominations in order to re-establish an effective Audio Visual Committee, following the resignation and removal of previous appointees. Is this action due to inertia or intent?”Rob, who had laid down this notice of motion, requested the permission of the branch to withdraw it.AGREED4. Member's correspondenceBoth the Treasurer and the Secretary had received correspondence from Jacqueline informing the branch she would no longer be able to attend branch meetings or street stalls.It was AGREED that the Secretary respond to Jacqueline. A discussion about the future of the branch then followed and a number of options were suggested. It was AGREED to return to the subject at the next meeting.5. Call for nominations for Socialist Standard layout membersThe branch had been informed by the Acting General Secretary that the two Socialist Standard layout members would not be continuing after the end of this year and that volunteers are urgently called for.The text of the statement from the two members was attached to the August EC minutes and it was AGREED that it be circulated to all branch members.6. Call for nominations for 2017 Party Officers and EC membersThe branch nominated the following members:General Secretary: Keith GrahamAssistant General Secretary: Tristan Miller Auditors: Rob Cox, Howard MossExecutive Committee members: Rob Cox, Eddie Craggs, Mike Foster, Tim Kilgallon, Colin SkellyAGREED7. Snap General Election possibilityMotion 4. (to the EC) D.Chesham & Cox “This branch requests the EC seriously investigates arranging for Party election communications to be personally addressed to electors, in some or all future elections to public office in which the Party nominates candidates. This may: 1) Guarantee delivery to all electors; 2) Increase the chance of delivery and, depending on presentation, of being read. 3) Eliminate the risk of an inaccurate estimate of required volume of leaflets being printed.”AGREED 4-0-0 (four members present)It was AGREED to return to the subject at the next meeting.8. Forms 'A' & 'F' NONE9. Branch membership transfersNONE 10. EC minutes – August meeting – 6-8-16                           September meeting – 3-9-16Motion 5. (to the EC) D. Chesham & M.Chesham “This branch deplores the action of the August EC in agreeing that the Head Office Assistant attends the premises at his discretion rather than as stipulated by this sentence in the relevant Terms of Reference clause. viz: ‘Hours: The Head Office Organiser is asked to be at Head Office for eight hours three days each week for the purpose of section one below the days to be agreed with the EC at the beginning of the year.’”AGREED 3-0-1 (four members present)11. Future propaganda activitiesNONE other than those already mentioned12. Any other businessNONEMeeting adjourned at 6.19pmCollection taken: £10.00

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