Kent and Sussex Branch

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Kent and Sussex Branch

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    Minutes of the 45th meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 9th August, 2015The meeting started at 2.03pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Jacqueline ShodekeApologies for absence: Mandy Bruce, Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Dan Fabian, Glenn Morris1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Shodeke & D.Chesham “That Cox be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 44th Meeting held on 12th July 2015 were before the meetingMotion 2. M.Chesham & Shodeke “That the minutes be adopted”AGREED3. Matters arising from previous minutesi) Street StallsAnother good few hours in Canterbury on 18 July. Comrades sold £12 of literature, including 4 Standards. One new contact for the branch list.Had some useful conversations, including with someone from Swale who used to listen to our outdoor speakers in London. Another had seen the BBC website report about the party's financies and had visited the party's stalls at Tolpuddle.The next stalls would be in Canterbury on Saturday, 22 August and Saturday, 26 September.ii) Brighton Introductory Meeting – 21-7-15A mildly anti-climactic evening following the successful introductory meeting in June. Only 12 present – 7 visitors and 5 members, 4 of whom were not from the Brighton area.There was no real enthusiasm for further discussion meetings at the moment and a decision was taken not to meet in August for a variety of reasons.More work is needed to secure greater support from local members – ironically there is more interest being shown by some non-members at the prospect of organising outreach activities. The two who attended Summer School appeared genuinely elated by the end of the weekend.4. Branch financial reportThe Treasurer gave a comprehensive report of the branch's financial affairs up to the end of July 2015. The figures showed an income of £702.11 for the seven months and an expenditure of £507.56 leaving a surplus of income over expenditure of £194.55. This amount, added to the balance at year ended 31/12/14, gave current assets of £485.94.Motion 3. D.Chesham & Shodeke “That the report be adopted and the Treasurer thanked and that he be asked to contact those members who are not currently making voluntary financial contributions to ask them if they would consider so doing”AGREED5. Autumn Delegate Meeting – Items for DiscussionMembers presented a number of items which were discussed and approved for submission to the Standing Orders committee. Supportings statements would be written for the five agreed items.i) Other than providing clear terms of reference and (where stated) role descriptions, can more be done to ensure that those members who have been appointed or elected to party sub-committees or party office actually undertake their full responsibilities?ii) Which reasons, other than non-acceptance of the party's object or contravention of the declaration of principles, may be deemed action detrimental to the interests of the party?iii) How can we encourage members who join the party online via the Membership Applications Committee to become more directly involved in party activity?iv) Should Head Office be posting a printed copy of the ADM agenda and EC report to every member (in addition to every member of Central branch, as required by the terms of the 1997 Conference resolution)?v) Did the party make a mistake in abolishing dues in favour of voluntary contributions?6. Email from Election Committee re: Local Elections – 2016NOTED7. Call for nominations to Campaigns and Universities & Colleges CommitteesMotion 4. D.Chesham & Shodeke “That Eddie Craggs and Mike Foster be nominated for the Campaigns Committee”AGREED8. Email from Universities & Colleges Committee re: Fresher FairsNOTED9. Forms 'A' & 'F'NONE10. Branch Membership TransfersNONE11. EC minutes – July meeting – 4-7-15                           August meeting – 1-8-15NOTED12. Branch motions to the EC (see branch minutes for April and May)i) Party emblemNOTEDii) Video clipsIt was AGREED to defer this item to the September branch meeting.13. Kent Miners' Festival – Betteshanger Community Park – 31-8-15The Secretary had now received confirmation of our booking from the organisers. We have been allocated a space in the heritage marquee. Weather permitting we will have second stall located outside as well.14. Future propaganda activitiesNONE other than those already mentioned.15. Any other businessA member requested part reimbursement of travel costs.The request was AGREEDMeeting adjourned at 5.30pmCollection taken: £13.00 


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 11th October 2015 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor)AGENDAElection of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from the minutesi) Street Stalls – last one in Canterbury this year – 17-10-15ii) Brighton Discussion Group – public meeting – 11-11-15iii) Video clips – deferred itemiv) Voluntary contributionsInvitation from school near DoverADM – 24/25-10-15 – Consideration of Agenda and appointment of delegatesWorkshop – 25/10/15 – Consideration of subject matterInvestment Committee – Proposed terms of referenceNominations for 2016 Executive Committee and Party OfficersForms 'A' & 'F'EC minutes – October meeting – 3-10-15Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessi) Appointment of new branch SecretaryCollectionAdjournment


    Minutes of the 46th meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 13th September, 2015The meeting started at 2.07pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian, Jacqueline ShodekeApologies for absence: Mandy Bruce, Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Glenn Morris1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Shodeke & M.Chesham “That D.Chesham be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 45th Meeting held on 9th August 2015 were before the meeting Motion 2. M.Chesham & Shodeke “That the minutes be adopted but that the omission asking the Treasurer to contact those members who are not currently making voluntary financial contributions to ask them if they would consider so doing, be rectified” AGREED 3. Matters arising from previous minutesi) Street Stalls Three comrades kept the stall going for nearly six hours in Canterbury on 22 August and had several useful conversations. Sales: 4 Standards; 6 pamphlets (including 4 new ones), three books and three donations. Total £26.50. This may be a record for one stall for K&S. Plus leaflets and several back issues given away.Met a new executive committee member of the socialist students society at Christchurch University. He is a LP member but would be interested in having a speaker/debate. He was given our email address. His father (also there but met him previously) is an ex-CP member and used to speak for them at Speakers Corner – remembers SPGB, Harry Young, etc.Two quite young girls made a second visit; bought a Standard. Met a live export activist from Margate; interesting information.. Student who visited one of our election meetings bought a pamphlet. One of the last (after 5pm) visitors was an Iranian anti-Shah veteran (still with the scars!) – bought £9.50 of literature.The next stall would again be in Canterbury on Saturday, 26 September. It was AGREED to have a further one, last of the season, on Saturday, 17 October.ii) Brighton Talk – 15-9-15There'll be a talk by Howard Pilott, entitled 'The Environment and Red/Green Politics'. The meeting has been extensively advertised and members and supporters in the area alerted.iii) Video clipsIt was AGREED to defer this item to the October branch meeting.iv) Kent Miners' Festival – 31-8-15 Five members and supporters attended this event and despite a rather damp and dismal start several items of literature were sold, including four Standards plus five copies of the branch's re-print of the 'Lessons of the Miners' Strike' pamphlet. Other literature was given away and a few conversations held.4. Autumn Delegate MeetingThe ADM agenda was not yet to hand.5. Forms 'A'A new member, KL, accepted into membership by the EC at its September meeting, has been allocated to the branch. A welcoming email has already been sent to this new member.6. Branch Membership TransfersNONE7. EC minutes – September meeting – 5-9-15NOTED 8. Future propaganda activitiesNONE other than those already mentioned.9. Any other businessNONEMeeting adjourned at 5.55pm Collection taken: £16.00


     Fraternal greetings. Encouraging! Keep up the good work comrades.


    Minutes of the 47th meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 11th October, 2015The meeting started at 2.20pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Jacqueline ShodekeApologies for absence: Les Courtney, Dan Fabian, Hannah Dutton, Glenn Morris1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Cox & D.Chesham “That Shodeke be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 46th Meeting held on 13th September 2015 were before the meetingMotion 2. Cox & M.Chesham “That the minutes be adopted”AGREED3. Matters arising from previous minutesi) Street StallsThree members and a supporter ran the street stall in Canterbury on 26th September. A second supporter was unable to come at the very last moment.Not quite as much interest as the previous time, but it was a bit cold and a lot of people with time to spare were probably at the nearby food festival. However 6 Standards were sold and three books/pamphlets.There was a long conversation with a Russian visitor which lasted for about 40 minutes and she left with information about the party and back copies of the Standard. Members handed out the rest of the Corbyn leaflets they had with them.Unusually there were a couple of incidents of mild abuse. A reaction, it seemed, against Corbyn being transferred onto us rather than our views on him. Most of the Corbyn supporters we spoke to were actually agreeable with our political objectives if not our 'strategy'.One of the Standard purchasers, from Ramsgate, mentioned he had come across the Party before and commented about the membership 'exam' being a barrier to membership. He chose not to go on the mailing list, however.The final stall of the season will be on Saturday, 17th October. Same time and place.ii) Brighton Talk – 15-9-15A good talk given by Howard Pilott, entitled 'The Environment and Red/Green Politics' was well received, but a slightly disappointing turnout with only 5 members and 6 visitors.A transcript of Howard's talk can be found on the SOYMB blog:'ll be another talk at the same venue on Wednesday, 11 November at 7.30pm to which the branch's oldest member, Les Courtney, may be able to attend provided someone is able to take him from his home in Burgess Hill.As there had been a number of recent expenses connected with the Brighton meetings the branch Treasurer provided an updated financial statement.iii) Video clipsDiscussion took place on the format for any video clips. It was thought that the 'talking heads' format worked well as in the party's General Election video. Several comrades were mentioned as possible participants in such a venture but it was AGREED to contact Mike Foster first to see if he had finalised the ideas he said he had about the subject.iv) Voluntary contributionsThe Treasurer had written to 8 branch members who are not currently making voluntary contributions of any description. He had received two responses to date.It was AGREED to contact Sam Wicks once again to ask him if he would be prepared to transfer to another branch now that he is living in North West England. It was reported that Glenn Morris would be transferring to Swansea branch in the near future.4. Invitation from school near DoverOne of our branch members gave a talk at a school run by the Bruderhof group of international Christian communes at their centre near Dover on 6th October. The school is selective but advertised as being open to all applicants and is regulated by OFSTED. It has 75 pupils aged between 6 and 19. Our member wrote this of his visit:“It was an interesting day. You can read about the group on the web. Pretty much completely self-contained in terms of growing food, and they run a workshop communally and sell the furniture they produce. They don’t use money and all property is owned in common. I gave a talk to the most attentive 12-14-year olds I’ve ever met. Very successful I’d say in getting our ideas across as they are already half way there. I started with the Ranters and Diggers and John Ball and ran through Marx, Morris and explained how the Chinese ‘communists’ still use money so can't be socialists.We did come to some verbal blows over human nature and if there’s a place for religion in socialism. I was open about our hostility to organised religion, but they don’t regard themselves as ‘organised’. The teachers were interested as well, and want to come to one of our meetings with some of the kids, so I’m following up on that.”5. Autumn Delegate Meeting – 24/25-10-15Consideration of the ADM agenda took place and delegates appointed.6. Workshop – 25/10/15There was some discussion of the subject matter.7. Investment Committee – Proposed terms of referenceIt was AGREED to defer this item to the November branch meeting.8. Nominations for 2016 Executive Committee and Party Officersi) 2016 Executive CommitteeIt was AGREED that the following members be nominated for the 2016 Executive Committee:Rob Cox, Eddie Craggs, Carla Dee, Mike Foster, Vincent Jones, Vincent Maratty, Kevin Parkin, Keith Scholey, Stair, Melvin Tenner.ii) 2016 Party Officers It was AGREED that the following members be nominated for various Party positions:General Secretary – Keith Scholey Assistant Secretary – Tristan Miller Treasurer – Gwynn ThomasAssistant Treasurer – Mike Browne Auditors – Howard MossTrustees – Howard Moss9. Forms 'A'NONE10. EC minutes – October meeting – 3-10-15NOT TO HAND11. Future propaganda activitiesNONE other than those already mentioned.12. Any other businessi) The executive committee member of the socialist students society at Christchurch University who had attended our stall in Canterbury on 22 August and had shown interest in having a party speaker/debate had not replied to an email sent to him.It was AGREED that the Secretary contact him again.ii) The Secretary intimated that he would like to step down from the job.  None of those present were keen to take it over but all said they would be happy to help out in any way they could.  The Secretary agreed to continue for the time being.Meeting adjourned at 6.45pmCollection taken: £10.40


    Minutes of the 48th meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 8th November, 2015The meeting started at 2.25pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian, Jacqueline Shodeke (until 4.50pm)Apologies for absence: Mandy Bruce, Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Glenn Morris1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Shodeke & M.Chesham “That Fabian be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 47th Meeting held on 11th October 2015 were before the meetingMotion 2. Cox & M.Chesham “That the minutes be adopted”AGREED3. Matters arising from previous minutesi) Street StallsFour members and a supporter ran the street stall in Canterbury on 17th October. Despite the best efforts of the BBC to scare us off with its forecast of heavy rain most of the afternoon, we held another successful stall in Canterbury town centre for nearly five hours today.As soon as the appointed time arrived, the rain stopped for us and, apart from drizzle and occasional showers, held off. Four members and one friend kept the activity going and we had several very interesting and useful conversations with mostly sympathetic by-passers.We handed out about 600 leaflets – most of them by Karl, our newest (and youngest) Branch member, who attended his first Party activity today. Karl said he enjoyed the experience.Six copies of the current Socialist Standard and one of the new pamphlets were sold. Several more back issues were distributed and six new contacts gained for the mailing list.ii) Brighton Discussion Group meeting – 11-11-15Another good talk was given by Howard Pilott, this one entitled 'Labour and the same old story: Corbyn's empty promise'. Eleven present at the meeting with only one coming from outside the Brighton area. Interestingly and quite unusually, the women outnumbered the men by 6 to 5. Three members and eight visitors.A transcript of the talk can be read on the SOYMB blog: very on-board discussion with a real feeling of commitment to continued activity in Brighton took place.Another meeting has been arranged for Wednesday, 13 January with a talk on 'The Ecology and Socialism' to be given by guest speaker Brian Morris. Same time and place but different room.iii) Video clipsIt was AGREED to defer this item until the next meeting pending information from Mike Foster.iv) Voluntary contributionsIt was AGREED to defer this item until the next meeting.v) Investment Committee Motion 3. (to the EC) Cox & D.Chesham “Kent and Sussex branch have the following questions:-i) Should party officers be members of this committee?ii) Should it be the decsion of the Investment Committee or the Executive Committee as to where party funds are invested?iii) Will the Committee take steps to ascertain how funds are to be invested and identify the level of risk?iv) How many committee members need to be in agreement when making/recommending a particular investment or disinvestment?"AGREED 5-0-0 (five members present)4. Nominations for 2016 Executive Committee and Party Officersi) Further nominations have been called for the 2016 Executive CommitteeIt was AGREED that the following members be nominated:Christine Bennett, Paul Bennett, Jonathan Cohen, Gary Cornwell, Richard Headicar, Richard Layton, Anton Pruden, Gwynn Thomas, Nick White, Rob Worden.ii) 2016 Party OfficersIt was AGREED that the following member be nominated:Assistant Treasurer – Mike Browne5. Forms 'A' & 'F'NONE6. EC minutes – October meeting – 3-10-15NOTEDRelevant snippets from the November meeting of the EC were provided by EC members present.7. Future propaganda activitiesNONE other than those already mentioned.8. Any other businessNONEMeeting adjourned at 5.15pmCollection taken: £12.00


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 13th December 2015 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor)AGENDAElection of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from the minutesi) Brighton public meeting – 11-11-15 – reportii) Video clips – deferrediii) Voluntary contributions – deferrediv) Investment Committee – Proposed terms of reference – EC motionAnnual Conference 2016 – Motions and Amendments to RuleBrighton public meeting – 13-1-16Discussion itemsi) 'How do we produce leaflets at short notice?  (proposed motion to the EC)ii) 'How do we respond to Corbyn?'Forms 'A' & 'F'Branch membership transfer – SWEC minutes – November meeting – 7-11-15                         December meeting – 5-12-15Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment 


    Minutes of the 49th meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 13th December, 2015The meeting started at 2.15pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Jacqueline ShodekeApologies for absence: Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Dan Fabian, Ed Mann, Glenn MorrisVisitor: Robert (until 6.00pm)[Members were surprised to see Marie at the meeting who had been discharged from hospital less than two days earlier having spent almost four weeks recovering from a serious chest infection (meningococcal pneumonia). The Secretary reported that Howard had been diagnosed with a heart condition (aortic stenosis) requiring urgent surgery. Consequently he would be out of circulation for some time (no pun intended!)]1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Shodeke & Bruce “That D.Chesham be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 48th Meeting held on 8th November 2015 were before the meetingMotion 2. Cox & Shodeke “That the minutes be adopted”AGREED[Standing orders were temporarily suspended to permit a lengthy and interesting discussion with our visitor who lived near Maidstone and had first come into contact with the party when he received an election communication during the European Elections in 2014. The discussion with Robert was continued later on in the meeting]3. Matters arising from previous minutesi) Brighton public meeting – 11-11-15Eleven present at the meeting with only one coming from outside the Brighton area. Interestingly and quite unusually, the women outnumbered the men by 6 to 5. Three members and eight visitors.Anton reported that a very on-board discussion with a real feeling of commitment to on-going activity in Brighton took place.Another meeting has been fixed for Wednesday, 13 January. ii) Video clipsIt was AGREED to defer this item another monthiii) Voluntary contributionsNo further action at present was proposed on this item but the letter asking for consideration to be given to making a financial donation to the party would be sent to any new members.iv) Investment Committee – Proposed terms of reference – EC motionIt was reported that the Terms of Reference for this committee had been changed but we await the precise details when the December EC minutes become available.4. Annual Conference 2016 – Motions and Amendments to RuleTwo motions were proposed; one on the issue of 'voluntary contributions', the other on the party logo. In view of the shortage of time it was AGREED to delegate Rob and Dave to formulate the text for these two motions and write supporting statements which would then be submitted online to other branch members for their consideration. It was also AGREED that a discussion item relating to 'voluntary contributions' would be required.5. Brighton public meeting – 13-1-16Next meeting in Brighton will be on Wednesday, 13 January, again at The Brighthelm Centre, but this time in the Pelham room on the first floor – 7.30pm to 9.30pm.There'll be a talk on 'The Ecology and Socialism' by guest speaker Brian Morris.6. Branch Discussion itemsi) 'How do we produce leaflets at short notice? (proposed motion to the EC)ii) 'How do we respond to Corbyn?'It was AGREED to defer these items to the next meeting.7. Forms 'A' & 'F'NONE8. Branch membership transferThe Secretary reported that branch member Sam Wicks had transferred to Manchester branch.NOTED9. EC minutes10. Future propaganda activities11. Any other business In view of the time the remainder of the business was deferred.Meeting adjourned at 6.30pmCollection taken: £8.50


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 10th January, 2016 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor)AGENDAElection of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from the minutesi) Brighton public meeting – 13-1-16ii) Video clips – deferrediii) Investment Committee – Proposed terms of reference – EC motioniv) Motions and Item for Discussion already submitted for Conference agendaElection of Branch AuditorsAnnual Conference 2016 – Items for DiscussionNominations to 2016 sub-committeesDeferred items from previous meetingi) 'How do we produce leaflets at short notice? (proposed motion to the EC)ii) 'How do we respond to Corbyn?'Forms 'A' & 'F'Branch membership transfersEC minutes – November meeting – 7-11-15                         December meeting – 5-12-15Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment


    Addendum to the Branch minutes for 13 December 2015

    Branch minutes 13-12-15 wrote:
    4. Annual Conference 2016 – Motions and Amendments to RuleTwo motions were proposed; one on the issue of 'voluntary contributions', the other on the party logo. In view of the shortage of time it was AGREED to delegate Rob and Dave to formulate the text for these two motions and write supporting statements which would then be submitted online to other branch members for their consideration. It was also AGREED that a discussion item relating to 'voluntary contributions' would be required.

    After much online deliberation spanning the period between 14 December, 2015 and 2 January, 2016 the following two motions and one discussion item were AGREED nemine contradicente by the five participants.Motion on voluntary contributions“Conference recognises that the decision in 2013 to abolish dues in favour of voluntary contributions, while being well intentioned, was a mistake and should be reversed. Branches are encouraged to discuss the implications of this, with a view to submitting an amendment of Rule 2 to Conference 2017, to allow dues to be re-introduced.”Motion on party logo“That the original version of the currently registered election emblem (*see EC meeting 10/1/2015, motion 10 and Appendix One: Party Emblem*) with the Electoral Commission, containing the full party name, be recognised as the official party logo and henceforth be used (either in full colour, greyscale or monochrome) in the Socialist Standard, on the Party website, Meetup group and Yahoo! lists (Spintcom and Spopen) and in other suitable publications such as pamphlets, leaflets and posters.”Discussion Item on voluntary contributions“If most Party members agree that the decision to abolish dues in favour of voluntary contributions was a mistake which should be reversed, how should this happen. Should we revert straight back to the 265 word-strong Rule 2 of 2012, or do we need to take account of the situation as it is now and how much of the old Rule 2 we would welcome back.”


    Thankyou for the nomination comrades. Keep up your good work.


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 14th February, 2016 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor) AGENDAElection of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from the minutesi) Brighton – public meeting on 13 January (report) and next meeting on 8 Marchii) Video clips – deferrediii) Further Items for Discussion for Conference 2016 Agenda (report)iv) Street Stalls – next one in Canterbury on 19 Marchv) Proposed Folkestone Discussion Groupvi) 'How do we respond to Corbyn?'Annual Branch Financial AccountsAnnual Conference 2016 – Preliminary AgendaForms 'A' & 'F'Branch membership transfersEC minutes – January meeting – 9-1-16Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment


    Minutes of the 50th meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 10th January 2016 The meeting started at 2.30pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (Secretary), Rob Cox (Treasurer), Jacqueline ShodekeApologies for absence: Marie Chesham, Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Robert H1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Shodeke & D.Chesham “That Bruce be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 49th Meeting held on 13th December 2015 were before the meeting Motion 2. Shodeke & Bruce “That the minutes be adopted but that the text of the two Conference motions and the one Item for Discussion, which were the outcome of members' online discussion between 14 December, 2015 and 2 January 2016 be added.”AGREED 3. Matters arising from previous minutes i) Brighton public meeting – 13-1-16 Next meeting of the Brighton Discussion Group will be on Wednesday, 13 January, again at The Brighthelm Centre, but this time in the Pelham room on the first floor – 7.30pm to 9.30pm.There'll be a talk on 'The Ecology and Socialism' by guest speaker Brian Morris.ii) Video clipsIt was AGREED to defer this item another monthiii) Investment Committee – Proposed terms of reference – EC motionRefer to the decisions made by the January 2016 Executive Committee – most of the Branch's recommendations had been accepted.iv) Motions and Item for Discussion already submitted for Conference agendaThe texts and supporting statements for the branch's two motions and one item for discussion, which resulted from online deliberations betweeen 14-12-15 and 2-1-16, were formally adopted.4. Election of Branch AuditorsJacqueline and Dave volunteered to be the Branch auditors for the forthcoming year.AGREED 5. Annual Conference 2016 – further Items for Discussioni) “Officers [ToRs] -Is the Head Office administrative structure fit for the 21st Century? Is it time to review the Officer posts, their terms of reference agreed in 1976, and our ways of working?” ii) “Fracking and other issues -Should the Party be more vocal about some issues?; for instance: The environment (e.g. fracking, climate change); Trade Union rights.” These two Items for Discussion were AGREED and that Rob and Mandy would write the supporting statements.6. Nominations to 2016 sub-committees It was AGREED to nominate the following comrades for the respective sub-committees.Advertising – Michael Browne, Carla Dee, John Lee Archives – Keith Scholey Audio-Visual – Vincent MarattyBlog – Alan JohnstoneCampaigns – Eddie Craggs, Mike FosterHead Office Organiser – Keith Scholey Internet – Dan Fabian Library – Roy Beat Media – Rob Cox, Max Hess, Andy Thomas Premises – John Helps, Jacqueline Shodeke Publications – Mandy Bruce Socialist Standard Production Committee – Alan Johnstone University & College – Ed Mann, Darrell Whitehead7. Branch Discussion items (deferred from previous meeting)i) 'How do we produce leaflets at short notice?' (proposed motion to the EC)Motion 3. (to the EC) Cox and D.Chesham “Leaflets: It be suggested to the EC that further to the discussions at the workshop at Head Office on 25/10/15 and also to deal with the problem which has occurred on several recent occasions, where we have struggled to get a supply of a suitable good quality leaflets ready for specific events (including the march at the Tory conference in October and on climate change in November); 1. The Publications Committee be asked if they are in a position to make contingency plans to be able to produce a good quality leaflet at short notice. If not the EC should consider the matter further; 2. The Publications Committee be asked if they could make available a leaflet ‘template’ which could be easily adapted/populated with topical text and laid out so it can be easily reproduced (double-sided) using A4 paper, both in full A4 size and either cut or folded down to A5. This could be done both by providing a hard copy template which could be over-printed or have text pasted onto it, and having electronic versions which could be edited.  The latter would need to be available in software format(s) that are relatively easily accessible. If not the EC should consider the matter further; 3. The EC to draw up a list of subjects which are most likely to warrant a stock of pre-prepared leaflets and take steps to procure them." AGREED 4-0-0 (four members present)ii) 'How do we respond to Corbyn?' It was AGREED to defer this item to the next meeting.8. Forms 'A' & 'F'NONE 9. Branch membership transferThe Secretary reported that branch member Glenn Morris was in the process of transferring to Swansea branch. NOTED 10. EC minutes – November meeting – 7-11-15                              December meeting – 5-12-15NOTED 11. Future propaganda activitiesNONE other than those already mentioned.12. Any other businessi) Street StallsIt was AGREED to resume our street stalls in Canterbury with the first one on Saturday, 19 March from 12 noon.Rob will investigate the possibility of holding street stalls in Folkestone.ii) Folkestone Discussion GroupIt was AGREED to ascertain what support there might be for the formation of a discussion group in Folkestone.Meeting adjourned at 6.40pm Collection taken: £10.00


    It is very promising that your branch's discussion meeting has non-members out-numbering members. In recent years it seems to be always the other way around.Is this an effect of you collecting contact e-mail addresses from your street lit -stalls of those interested and then following up by sending out invitations to the meeting? 

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    It is very promising that your branch's discussion meeting has non-members out-numbering members. In recent years it seems to be always the other way around.Is this an effect of you collecting contact e-mail addresses from your street lit -stalls of those interested and then following up by sending out invitations to the meeting? 

    Not in the case of Brighton since we've only had two street stalls there in as many years.  There it's largely due to a) one member introducing various relatives of his extended family who in turn have told (and brought) their friends along and b) those contacts we've accumulated over a four year period (since the branch's inception in fact) from various sources including, of course, the party's activities during the Euroelections and the General Election in 2014 & 2015 and who we've steadily added to our email and postal mailing list which currently stands at 134…Next meeting in Brighton is on Tuesday, 8 March.

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