Kent and Sussex Branch

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Kent and Sussex Branch

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    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 12th April 2015 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor) of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingGeneral Election activities – Hustings; leaflets; local advertising; media impact and street stalls.i) Brightonii) Canterburyiii) Folkestone & Hytheiv) New folding table and two table banners (ratification of online decisions)v) Party emblem on ballot papers (suggested motion options to the EC)May Day Rally – Aylesham 4-5-15Forms 'A' & 'F'Branch Membership TransfersJW's Trade Union Conference fringe meeting (May)EC minutes – March meeting 7-3-15BBC2's 'Daily Politics' show 17-4-15Summer School – 24/26-7-15Kent Miners' Festival, Betteshanger Community Park 31-8-15 (£5 refundable deposit required)Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment


    Minutes of the 39th Meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 8th February 2015The meeting started at 2.22 pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian, Jacqueline Shodeke, Sam WicksVisitor: ChrisApologies for absence: Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Glenn Morris, Anton Pruden, Andy Thomas, Julian Wilson1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Shodeke & Cox “That Wicks be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 38th Meeting dated 11th January 2015 were before the meetingMotion 2. Cox & Wicks “That the minutes be adopted”AGREED3. Matters arising from previous minutesi) The Party's Imagea) New table banner(s)It was AGREED to defer this item until the next meeting.ii) 2015 General ElectionConcern was expressed that there didn't yet appear to be any coverage of the party's election campaign on the website.Motion 3. (to the Internet Committee, with copies to the Outreach Department and the Executive Committee) Cox & Shodeke “This branch notes that there is as yet no coverage of the party's election campaign and the newly registered election emblem on the website's home page.The Internet Committee be asked to rectify this omission as a matter of urgency particularly as other parties are already in full campaign mode”AGREED 7-0-0 (seven members present)Other discussion on the election related to hustings invitations and the possibility of organising some public meetings.iii) Money Free PartyA member had asked for clarification about this organisation and if there were any similarities between its aims and the party's. A brief discussion ensued in which it was explained that the party's position was based on class analysis and materialism and not on idealism. Money would only become redundant with the ending of exchange relationships once the minority ownership of the means of production had been converted into the common property of the whole of society.iv) JW's Trade Union ConferenceJulian had informed the Secretary that his trade union conference is due to take place during the third week of May and that he would endeavour to organise a fringe meeting as had been suggested.v) Motions to the January ECa) Emblemb) Form 'F'' for PHc) Head Office repairsThe General Secretary had apprised the branch of the outcome of these motions and the actions taken.NOTED4. Preliminary Conference AgendaThe preliminary agenda was before the meeting but no amendments to any of the items were proposed.5. Items for Discussion for 2015 ConferenceTwo items for discussion were considered together with their respective supporting statements.i) “The Party's attitude and members' responsibilities regarding referenda.”ii) “What should be the key messages of The Socialist Party in its campaigning?”It was AGREED that the two items for discussion and the supporting statements, be approved and submitted to the Standing Orders Committee.6. Branch Form 'C'The Treasurer presented the annual Form 'C' financial statement and membership report for 2014. It showed a balance carried forward to 2015 of £321.99 and a branch membership of 17. The accounts had been audited by Sam Wicks and Dave Chesham as had been previously agreed.Motion 4. Shodeke & M.Chesham “That the Form 'C' be accepted and the Treasurer thanked”AGREED 7-0-0 (seven members present)7. Forms 'A' & 'F'A new member, DE, accepted into membership by the EC at its February meeting had been allocated to the branch. It was AGREED that the Secretary send a welcoming email to the new member.8. Branch Membership TransfersNONE9. EC minutes – January meeting – 10-1-15NOTED10. Future propaganda activitiesNONE11. Any other businessa) Nomination of Party Officers and sub-committeesA number of comrades were nominated for the following Party Officers and sub-committees where there were still vacancies.General Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Audio-Visual Committee, Ballot Committee, Education Committee, Internet Committee, Socialist Standard Production Committee.Meeting adjourned at 5.58pmCollection taken: £15.11


    Minutes of the 41st Meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 12th April 2015The meeting started at 2.18 pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian, Jacqueline Shodeke, Andy Thomas (until 4.25pm)Apologies for absence: Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Glenn Morris1. Election of ChairMotion 1. M.Chesham & D.Chesham “That Shodeke be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 40th Meeting dated 8th March 2015 were before the meetingMotion 2. Cox & Fabian “That the minutes be adopted”AGREED3. Matters arising from previous minutesi) General Election 2015 – Hustings; leaflets; local advertising; media impact and street stalls.a) Brighton – One street stall was held on 14th March in New Road. The balance of the signatures required for the Kemptown constituency nomination paper were also collected the same day. There are already a couple of hustings in the pipeline. It is hoped to organise further street stalls.b) Canterbury – Two street stalls took place on 21st March and 4th April. Further stalls are planned for 25th April and 2nd May. There are plans for newspaper advertising and hustings invitations have been received.c) Folkestone & Hythe – Two street stalls were held on 28th March and 11th April. A further stall is planned for 18th April. One hustings has already taken place and was attended by 60 people.ii) New table bannersIn view of the time factor an online decision was made to acquire two new table banners and also a further folding table. It was agreed to donate our existing table banner to West London branch for use by their members at street stalls in Oxford.It was AGREED to ratify these actions.4. Party emblem on ballot papersMembers heard that the party emblem agreed by the EC for use on ballot papers had been rejected by the Electoral Commission because it contained more than six words. A last minute decision to remove the banner strap line from the emblem bearing the words 'world socialism' was taken in order to overcome the objection but was clearly not a satisfactory permanent solution.Motion 3. (to the EC) Thomas & M.Chesham “In view of the problem experienced in registering an emblem with the Electoral Commission due to their belated restriction on the maximum number of permitted words to six, the EC be requested to instruct the Election Committee to register a variant (attached) of the original submitted election emblem, with "(GB)" substituted for "of Great Britain", which would then be used exclusively on ballot papers, permitting retention of the banner strap line bearing the words "World Socialism". "The Socialist Party (GB)" is one of the six variants of the party's name registered with the Electoral Commission”AGREED 7-0-0 (seven members present)5. May Day Rally – Aylesham 4-5-15It was hoped to have a stall at this event but so far it had not been possible to get in touch with the organisers. Rob would do his utmost to make contact and book a place for a stall.6. Forms 'A' & 'F'NONE7. Branch Membership TransfersThe Secretary reported that Anton Pruden had transferred to K&SRB from Central branch.NOTED8. EC minutes – March meeting – 7-3-15NOTED9. Email from the acting General Secretary regarding unfilled officer and sub-committee vacanciesMotion 4. D.Chesham & M.Chesham “That Comrades Max Hess and Rob Cox be nominated to the Media committee”CARRIED 6-0-1 (seven members present)Motion 5. (to the EC) Cox & Thomas "This branch is concerned that the EC is being unrealistic in continuing to seek nominations for the remaining officer vacancies rather than find members willing to take on specific responsibilities as per the appropriate Terms of Reference."AGREED 7-0-0 (seven members present)10. Summer School – 24/26-7-15Several members expressed an interest in attending the Summer School this year.11. Kent Miners' Festival – Betteshanger Community Park – 31-8-15The Secretary has booked a stall at this year's festival and sent a refundable deposit of £512. Future propaganda activitiesNONE other than those already mentioned.13. Any other businessNONEMeeting adjourned at 5.00pmCollection taken: £11.50 


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 10th May 2015 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor) of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from the minutesGeneral Election activities – post mortemReport of May Day Rally – Aylesham 4-5-15JW's Trade Union Conference fringe meeting (May)Forms 'A' & 'F'Branch Membership TransfersEC minutes – April meeting 11-4-15Summer School – 24/26-7-15Kent Miners' Festival, Betteshanger Community Park 31-8-15Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment 


    Minutes of the 42nd Meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 10th May 2015The meeting started at 2.20 pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan FabianApologies for absence: Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Glenn Morris, Andy Thomas1. Election of ChairMotion 1. M.Chesham & D.Chesham “That D.Chesham be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 41st Meeting dated 12th April 2015 were before the meetingMotion 2. Cox & M.Chesham “That the minutes be adopted”AGREED3. Matters arising from previous minutesi) General Election 2015 The discussion centred on the campaign in the various areas where the branch had responsibility for.Members were generally satisfied with the various activities undertaken but were of the view that the emphasis should now be to sustain and consolidate our efforts.With this in mind it was AGREED that the Secretary put out feelers to see what support there might be for the formation of a discussion group in Brighton.As far as Canterbury was concerned it was felt that it would be extremely useful to continue the street stalls which had been one of the main activities both before and during the General Election campaign. It was AGREED to hold further stalls on a monthly basis up to and including September. They would be held more frequently if sufficient support was forthcoming.There was some discussion about the different images that could be used on the display stand which accompanies the street stalls. It was AGREED to exchange ideas about this online. Enquiries would also be made about the cost of producing A1 posters.General publicity was also discussed and as a result the following motion to the EC was moved and seconded.Motion 3. (to the EC) Cox & D.Chesham "Following the alleged success of Russell Brand's 'Trews' channel, the EC is requested to investigate commissioning a series of short video clips on topical issues (featuring, for instance, comrade Shodeke) and animated features (possibly based on the 'Free Lunch' cartoons)"AGREED 5-0-0 (five members present)ii) Aylesham May Day Rally 4-5-15The stall at this event was staffed by three members and one supporter and was moderately successful.4. JW's Trade Union Conference fringe meeting (May)The Secretary heard that there had been difficulty finding a venue for the proposed fringe meeting to coincide with the PCS Conference. A supporter living in Brighton suggested the Brighthelm Community Centre as a possible location and this information had been passed on to JW.5. Forms 'A' & 'F'NONE6. Branch Membership TransfersNONE7. EC minutes – April meeting – 11-4-15NOTED8. Summer School – 24/26-7-15Several members expressed an interest in attending the Summer School this year.9. Kent Miners' Festival – Betteshanger Community Park – 31-8-15The Secretary has booked a stall at this year's festival and sent the refundable deposit of £5.00.10. Future propaganda activitiesNONE other than those already mentioned.11. Any other businessRob reported on some of the items of business discussed by the May EC which took place the day before the branch meeting. One of these was the newly formed University and College Committee.It was AGREED that this item should be placed on the branch's June agenda.We were also informed that the Autumn Delegate Meeting this year would be held on 24th & 25th October.Meeting adjourned at 6.45pmCollection taken: £15.00


    I have been thinking along the lines of Motion 3 for some time and I will hopefully raise  it at the next meeting of NERB. Cde Shodeke seems  a likely candidate, perhaps others could get involved, too.Could I suggest a new thread on  the forum to discuss this more and develop som ideas? . 


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 14th June 2015 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor) of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from the minutesStreet Stalls – next one in Canterbury – 27-6-15Brighton Meeting – 16-6-15Report on 2015 Election CampaignUniversity and College Committee – nominations requiredCall for a volunteer to prepare EC agendasBallot Committee – nominations requiredForms 'A' & 'F'Branch Membership Transfers – Max HessEC minutes – May meeting – 9-5-15Summer School – 24/26-7-15Kent Miners' Festival, Betteshanger Community Park – 31-8-15Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment 


    Minutes of the 43rd Meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 14th June 2015The meeting started at 2.28 pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Mandy Bruce, Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan FabianApologies for absence: Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Glenn Morris, Jacqueline Shodeke1. Election of ChairMotion 1. D.Chesham & Bruce “That Cox be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 42nd Meeting dated 10th May 2015 were before the meetingMotion 2. M.Chesham & Bruce “That the minutes be adopted”AGREED3. Matters arising from previous minutesi) Street StallsTwo members were present to run the stall in Canterbury on Saturday, 30 May. Five Standards and six pamphlets were sold and three more contacts added to the branch mailing list.The next stalls would be in Canterbury on Saturday, 27 June and Saturday, 18 July. It was requested and AGREED that the August stall be brought forward a week to Saturday, 22 August.There was further discussion about the material used on the display stand which accompanies the stall.ii) Brighton Introductory Meeting – 16-6-15Plans for this meeting were well advanced. A room has been booked at the Brighthelm Community Centre, North Road, Brighton BN1 1YD and a 15cms across two columns advertisement placed in the Argus (a local newspaper) for Saturday, 13 June. 41 emails and letters had been sent to those on the branch mailing list who live in the vicinity.Rob read out a letter from Les Courtney, who lives in Burgess Hill which is about 11 miles from Brighton. He conveyed his gratitude for the meeting the branch had organised in Burgess Hill last November and was pleased to hear of the Brighton activity but would be unlikely to attend the meetings due to continued ill health.It was AGREED that the Secretary send a reply to Les.4. Report on 2015 Election CampaignIt was AGREED to defer consideration of this until the July branch meeting and that the Secretary send the document as an attachment to all those members not present.5. University and College Committee – nominations requiredIt was AGREED to ask comrades Ed Mann and Sam Wicks if they would be prepared to accept nomination for this committee.6. Call for a volunteer to prepare EC agendasIt was AGREED to ask comrade Keith Scholey if he would be interested in volunteering.7. Ballot Committee – nominations requiredIt was AGREED to defer this item to the July meeting8. Forms 'A' & 'F'NONE9. Branch Membership TransfersThe Secretary reported that Max Hess had transferred to K&SRB from Central branch.NOTED10. EC minutes – May meeting – 9-5-15NOTED11. Summer School – 24/26-7-15A couple of members were still undecided as to whether they would be able to attend Summer School this year.12. Kent Miners' Festival – Betteshanger Community Park – 31-8-15The Secretary has booked a stall at this year's festival and sent the refundable deposit of £5.00.13. Future propaganda activitiesNONE other than those already mentioned.14. Any other businessRob reported on some of the items of business discussed by the June EC.Arising from one of these items the following motion was proposed:Motion 3. (to the EC) Fabian & Cox "Following the discussion at Conference 2015 and 'lessons' learned during the 2015 General Election campaign, the EC be asked to convene a workshop at ADM to discuss ideas for key messages and a 'communication' strategy for deployment by the party in future campaigning. Branches should be asked to discuss ideas ahead of ADM with a view to some definite suggestions arising from the ADM workshop being made to the EC/Outreach Department."AGREED 5-0-0 (five members present)We were reminded that the Autumn Delegate Meeting this year would be held on 24th & 25th October and that the closing date for submitting Items for Discussion, together with supporting statements, is Friday, 4 September.Meeting adjourned at 5.50pmCollection taken: £15.50


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 12th July 2015 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor)AGENDAElection of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from the minutesi) Street Stalls – next one in Canterbury – 18-7-15ii) Brighton Discussion Group – 21-7-15iii) Report on 2015 Election Campaigniv) Ballot Committee – nominations requiredBranch financial reportAutumn Delegate Meeting – Items for DiscussionForms 'A' – NH & HWBranch Membership Transfer – Keith ChoppingEC minutes – June meeting – 6-6-15Summer School – 24/26-7-15Kent Miners' Festival, Betteshanger Community Park – 31-8-15Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessi) Future of branchCollectionAdjournment 


    Minutes of the 44th meeting of the Kent & Sussex Regional branch of The Socialist Party of Great Britain held on 12th July, 2015The meeting started at 2.28 pm and was held at the Muggleton Inn, High Street, Maidstone, KentPresent: Dave Chesham (Secretary), Marie Chesham, Rob Cox (Treasurer), Dan Fabian, Ed Mann, Jacqueline ShodekeApologies for absence: Mandy Bruce, Les Courtney, Hannah Dutton, Glenn Morris1. Election of ChairMotion 1. Shodeke & Mann “That D.Chesham be Chair”AGREED2. Minutes of the 43rd Meeting held on 14th June 2015 were before the meetingMotion 2. M.Chesham & Fabian “That the minutes be adopted”AGREED3. Matters arising from previous minutesi) Street StallsThree members were present to run the stall in Canterbury on Saturday, 27 June. Another good four hours with five pamphlets and 1 current Standard sold and some back numbers given away. Four more names were added to the branch's mailing list, one of which turned out to be a son of Oliver Postgate, the writer, and great-grandson of George Lansbury, one-time leader of the Labour Party.The next stalls would be in Canterbury on Saturday, 18 July and Saturday, 22 August.There was further discussion about the material used on the display stand which accompanies the stall. It was AGREED that the maze image on the back cover of the July 2015 Socialist Standard be enlarged to A3 and used.ii) Brighton Introductory Meeting – 16-6-1522 people present (7 members and 15 visitors). At least four others who had RSVP'd did not attend. 9 new contacts have been added to the branch's mailing list which now stands at 114.With chairs arranged in a circular formation everyone present took turns to briefly introduce themselves and state the reasons why they had come to the meeting. A very informal and affable discussion period then took up the remaining time.It was fairly unanimously agreed to hold similar discussions on the third Tuesday of each month, at least for the forseeable future; the next one taking place on Tuesday, 21 July at 7.30pm with an end time of 9.30pm. The same venue and room have already been booked.Two non-members who attended have booked to go to Summer School.iii) Report on 2015 Election CampaignThere was a fair amount of discussion on the election campaign.iv) University and College Committee – nominations requiredAt the June meeting it was agreed to ask Ed Mann and Sam Wicks if they would be prepared to accept nomination for this committee. Ed had declined and no response had been received from Sam.v) Call for a volunteer to prepare EC agendasAt the June meeting it was agreed to ask Keith Scholey if he would be interested in volunteering. No response had been received from Ballot Committee – nominations requiredNOTED4. Branch financial reportIt was AGREED to defer this item to the August meeting5. Autumn Delegate Meeting – Items for DiscussionIt was AGREED to defer this item to the August meeting6. Forms 'A' & 'F'Two new members, NH & HW, accepted into membership by the EC at its May & July meetings respectively, had been allocated to the branch. Welcoming emails had already been sent to these two new members.7. Branch Membership TransfersThe Secretary reported that Keith Chopping had transferred to K&SRB from Central branch.NOTED8. EC minutes – June meeting – 6-6-15NOTED9. Summer School – 24/26-7-15Seven branch members and two supporters would be attending Summer School this year.10. Kent Miners' Festival – Betteshanger Community Park – 31-8-15The Secretary has booked a stall at this year's festival but had not received any confirmation from the organisers.11. Future propaganda activitiesNONE other than those already mentioned.12. Any other businessRob reported on some of the items of business discussed by the July EC.A lengthy discussion ensued on one issue in particular.Meeting adjourned at 6.07pmCollection taken: £9.50


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 9th August 2015 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor)AGENDAElection of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from the minutesi) Street Stalls – next one in Canterbury – 22-8-15ii) Brighton Discussion GroupBranch financial reportADM – Items for DiscussionEmail from Election Committee re: Local Elections – 2016Call for nominations to Campaigns and Universities & Colleges CommitteesEmail from Universities & Colleges Committee re: Fresher Fairs(K&S Fresher Fair dates – Sussex University (Brighton) – 16 Sept;  Christchurch University (Canterbury) – 23 Sept; Kent University 24-25 Sept)Forms 'A'EC minutes – July meeting – 4-7-15                    August meeting – 1-8-15Kent Miners' Festival, Betteshanger Community Park – 31-8-15Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment 


    Next meeting of K&SRB – Sunday, 13th September 2015 at 2.00pm at The Muggleton Inn, 8 High Street, Maidstone ME14 1HJ (first floor)AGENDAElection of ChairApologies for absenceAdoption of minutes of previous meetingMatters arising from the minutesi) Street Stalls – next one in Canterbury – 26-9-15ii) Brighton Discussion Group – public meeting – 15-9-15 (expenses so far)iii) Video clips – deferred itemiv) Report of KMF stall – 31-8-15ADMLabour Party Conference – 27/30-9-15Forms 'A' – KLEC minutes – September meeting – 5-9-15Future propaganda activitiesAny other businessCollectionAdjournment

    On another thread Ozymandias wrote:
    Global membership of WSM = 350(?)Average age of membership = 75 (?)= Atrophy…

    Not so in Kent and Sussex.  Just welcomed another new member into the branch who is just 15. Almost a third (7) of our membership (22) are under 30 while only 5 are 60 or over.  Not that we're remotely ageist !


    Macca's about 74 now! 

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