brilliant spot, if the mods can change the subject title of this topic to include the details, title, location and date. Speakers for the motionRobin BlackburnLeverhulme Fellow at the University of Essex. A former editor of the New Left Review, where he has written on the collapse of Soviet Communism and the credit crunch of 2008. His most recent books include Marx and Lincoln: the Unfinished RevolutionTristram HuntHistorian, Labour MP and author of The Frock-Coated Communist: The Revolutionary Life of Friedrich EngelsSo which is it? Is Marx the voice we should be heeding? Or are his modern day apostles resuscitating a late Victorian corpse whose main contribution to human affairs has been the Soviet gulag? Whatever your view, there’s going to be a fierce battle over his legacy at the RGS on April 9th 2013. Be sure to join in.