Karl Marx in London: Owen Jones on Marxism

October 2024 Forums General discussion Karl Marx in London: Owen Jones on Marxism

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    No matter how small or dispersed we are we will pass the Marxist perspective to the next generation of socialists and this is someting to be optimistic about. Even if we don't see the mass internalisation of a socialist consciousness within the working class the seeds will have been planted even if it's leaving info in public places. As capitalism generates more inequalities and wealth gravitates to the capitalist class workers will start to fight back and in the process will become more politically aware.


    "followed by democratic organisation." Keep working on that. I've been looking at all the socialist/communist/anarchist groups I can find. One main thing you all have in common is differentiating yourselves from the other groups and/or bashing each other. Herding cats. This works out great for those opposed to a socialist uprising.


    admice,We set out clear and distinct reasons for why we are different to the others.If a 'mass' party formed which subcribed to and was organised along sound lines we would be bound to join them.The link below spells ot our reasons for distancing ourselves for hte others .We really are different.http://www.worldsocialism.org/spgb/how-spgb-different


    Well you are, which is one of the things I like about your group. I can trust and count on it, even if I don't agree 100% (which I don't. A market will pop up, it just has to be kept small and democratically controlled. I also think incremental reforms and unions are important. It's not that hard keeping them from having a palliative effect (unfortunately) ).  You never know, there might end up being enough for a tipping point. I doubt it too , but no one knows.


    Here's Owen Jones being an open reformist, deliberately as he knows his Marx and that Marx described "A fair day's wage for a fair day's work" as a "conservative motto":

    A statutory living wage, with immediate effect, for large businesses and the  public sector, and phased  in for small and medium  businesses over a five-year Parliament. This would save billions spent on social security each year by reducing subsidies to low-paying bosses, as well as stimulating the economy, creating jobs because of higher demand, stopping pay being undercut by cheap labour, and tackling the scandal of most of Britain’s poor being in work. An honest days’ pay for an honest days’ work would finally be enshrined in law.

    http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/owen-joness-agenda-for-hope-we-want-a-fairer-society–and-heres-how-we-can-achieve-it-9086440.htmlAt least he's not as bad as Harold Wilson who, when Labour Prime Minister in the 60s, called on workers to increase productivity by doing "a fair day's work for a fair day's pay"


    Why the minimum wage is good for capitalismhttp://www.alternet.org/economy/ron-unz-makes-case-higher-wage-then-president-obama?paging=off&current_page=1#bookmark


    Meanwhile the US Trotskyists are campaigning for a minimum wage of $15 a hour as opposed to this Republican's $12.Since the rate of exchange for the dollar is about $1 = 67p, that's a demand for a minimum wage of £10 an hour.  Which is what their counterparts in Britain are campaigning for not by negotiating with employers but to be imposed on them by government legislation.  Some hope. Campaigning for the abolition of the wages system would be more realistic.

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