Just what we need…not

September 2024 Forums General discussion Just what we need…not

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  • #193628


    “The Committee for Revolutionary International Regroupment (CRIR) brings together revolutionary organizations of different countries to work toward founding a new socialist international.”


    Trots I guess

    Bijou Drains

    Good news that there’s another Trotskyist International, there’s just not enough of them:


    • Committee for a Workers’ International (Refounded) (CWI)
    • Coordinating Committee for the Refoundation of the Fourth International (CRFI)
    • United Secretariat of the Fourth International (USFI
    • Fourth International (ICR), also called FI (La Verité) or FI (International Secretariat)
    • International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI)
    • International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist) (ICL-FI), previously the International Spartacist Tendency
    • International Marxist Tendency (IMT), previously the Committee for a Marxist International
    • International Revolutionary Left, formed by various breakaway sections of Committee for a Workers’ International
    • International Socialist Alternative, formerly Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI)
    • International Socialist Tendency (IST (post-trotskyist))
    • Internationalist Communist Union (ICU)
    • International Workers League – Fourth International (IWL-FI)
    • International Workers’ Unity – Fourth International (IWU-FI)
    • League for the Fifth International (L5I)
    • League for the Fourth International (LFI) [split from (ICL-FI)]
      Trotskyist Fraction – Fourth International (TF-FI)
    • Workers International to Rebuild the Fourth International (WIRFI)

    Defunct or Inactive

    • Bolshevik Current for the Fourth International
    • Collective for an International Conference of the Principled Trotskyism
    • Liaison Committee of Militants for a Revolutionary Communist International (LCMRCI), 1995–2004
    • Organizing Committee of Principist Trotskyism (Fourth International)
    • Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI), 1974–2019 – split into Committee for a Workers’ International (Refounded) and International Socialist Alternative
    • Committee for the Fourth International, 1940-
    • Communist Organisation for a Fourth International, 2003–2007, currently inactive
    • Coordination Committee for the Construction of the International Workers Party (KoorKom) – dissolved into International Workers’ League in 2002
    • Fifth International of Communists
    • Fourth International (International Committee (FIIC), 1980–1981
    • Fourth International Posadist
    • Group of Opposition and Continuity of the Fourth International
    • International Centre for the Reconstruction of the Fourth International (CIRQI)
    • International Centre of Orthodox Trotskyism
    • International League for the Reconstruction of the Fourth International (ILRFI), 1973–1995
    • International Liaison Committee of Communists (ILCC)
    • International Revolutionary Marxist Tendency (TMRI), 1965–1992 – rejoined the Fourth International (post-reunification)
    • International Trotskyist Committee for the Political Regeneration of the Fourth International
    • International Trotskyist Opposition
    • International Workers’ Committee
    • International New Course
    • Leninist-Trotskyist Tendency (LTT), 1991–1997
    • Liaison Committee for the Reconstruction of the Fourth International (CERCI) 1988–1997
    • Organizing Committee for the Reconstruction of the Fourth International (CORQI), 1972–1980
    • Organizing Committee of Principist Trotskyism (Fourth International)
    • Permanent Revolution
    • Revolutionary Workers Ferment (Fomento Obrero Revolucionario, FOR)
    • Trotskyist International Liaison Committee, 1979–1984
    • Tendência Quarta Internacionalista
    • Workers’ Voice (formerly Revolutionary Trotskyist League, formerly Revolutionary Trotskyist Tendency)

    Seems like there’s more internationals than there are Trotskyists!


    Probably, It was an idea started by Hugo Chavez and Celia Hart Santamaria who was a famous Cuban Trotskyist, and one of the darlings of the Cuban government, and a friend of Tony Cliff. It is just another Trotskyist International to support state capitalism and the Cuban government.

    The Argentinian Trotskyist supported Fulgencio Batista who was overthrown in 1959 by the guerrillas, and that decision created a division among them, a historical and peculiar character of the Leninists

    Celia Hart Santamaria never had any solid argument to explain why Mercader who was Trotsky assassin was exiled in Cuba. The Trotskyists had several international meetings taking place in Cuba, despite the fact that they were expelled from Cuba

    Natala Sedova the wife of Trotsky was expelled from the Fourth International because she recognized that the Soviet Union was a state capitalist country and she was a friend of Raya Dunayevskaya who was the personal secretary of her husband, and theoretician of State Capitalism as a world phenomenon


    There are rumours in Mexico that Leon Trotsky was romantically involved with the Mexican painter  Frida Khalo who was the wife of Mexican muralist Diego Rivera, who was also a Trotskyist, she was questioned by the police after the assassination of Leon Trotsky. Until now, the best analysis about the assassination of Trotsky has been made by the Socialist Party


    I think that the list of Social Democratic Parties in Latin America is larger than the Trotskyists internationals

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