Junge Welt under threat?

July 2024 Forums Events and announcements Junge Welt under threat?

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    I heard a report that the last Marxist/Socialist (not sure if this is accurate) German language daily newspaper is under threat so here is a machine translation of the news

    Dear Readers,

    the other shows the young world is threatened. Although we could, in contrast to almost all other national newspapers hold the stock of subscriptions and at the newsstand stable or even increase. Nevertheless, we have to deal with existential economic problems. There are three main reasons:

    First The costs are rising faster than revenues. First, because we in publishing and editorial staff for significantly more spending than they were a year or two. Secondly, we have doubled the money line for full-time journalists. But other factors have increased costs, so increased postal and delivery services, some considerably their fees.

    Second With legal attacks burden government agencies, individuals and political organizations of our own destiny. It's not just economic factors. Result is that our forces are tied to very modest for the defense against such attacks.

    Third The financial situation of potential and already existing subscribers will be more difficult. Therefore, we can solve our problems, not simply by a strong price adjustment. For some, today is our lowest price level, the Sozialabo to pay little or no more.

    As a result, this means that we subsidize the young world. But despite the absence of a modest salary adjustment this year is only for the period January to September 2012 to a loss of more than 100,000 euros. Presumably this will grow to about 140,000 by year-end euro. Thus the existence of the newspaper is in danger. And not just because of this lack of money to cover the actual costs. There are at least three reasons why we are in such circumstances can not just go ahead:

    First Our technical work is based on outdated. We work non-technical content management system, the online presence requires a restructuring. A change would require a renewal of hardware. But as we all available means, including donations and cooperative deposits, priority need for maintaining the daily operation, for these and other steps are necessary investment funds are not available.

    Second The employees of the publisher and editors contribute to the preservation of the newspaper not only through dedicated work, they also take out that they are paid poorly. However, it should be that for a reasonably carefree sufficient economies. This is currently not the case – and that can not permanently remain so.

    Third It is clear that financial stability and independence can only be guaranteed with a sufficiently large number of readers who subscribe to the young world. This presupposes, however, that this newspaper and their journalistic offer are known nationwide. Even if we compensate by much commitment, originality and reader support, but significant economic resources for advertising and promotion are necessary. The us are not sufficiently available.

    Our economic difficulties, we can not correct by austerity measures. Above all, because we want to reduce our non-journalistic offer but improve. There is only one way to meet all of the relevant requirements, so being able to finance: We clearly need more subscribers. Only if we subscription revenues can cover the running costs of preparing, printing and distribution of the young world, donations and cooperative funds are needed for investments.

    Thus, this paper may exist further, we turn today to all Users of the young world with a request to enter into a subscription. We want to address first those who use the Internet jW, on newsstands or buy somewhere read along – but do not have their own subscription. We also ask all subscribers to advertise in this campaign with friends and acquaintances a regular subscription or give away. At the XVIII. Rosa-Luxembourg International Conference on 12 January 2013 in Berlin, we will take stock.


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